(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Hi mummies,

How's everyone? Nowadays I dun even got time to come in n read posts... Sigh... miss chatting in here. Plus now my laptop spoilt. Using a spare one n phone to surf net.


I use bb California shampoo cum body wash for my gal. I shampoo her head daily. can don't wash head daily meh? I mean they get all sweaty leh. In fact I shower my gal twice a day. Afternoon n night.

Thanxs for your concerns. PD also advised renting neb to us after seeing him cry so loud. Think pd is guilty as last night got many people. Somebody told us last wk it will take 1 week to recover. We should have brought him to clinic after 3-4 days when his phlegm is bad. Poor judgement resulting in son suffering...sigh.. will learn as we move...

vic ma ...okie =)

1sttimepapa....use neb bah..it will help yr boy in terms of comfort level n he can sleep a bit more peacefully ...yr pd is like low eq lor ...i tink if my pd speaks to me like that, i will rebut back at her statements man.


we all learn thru experience. the doc in KK told me that it will peak at 5-7 days then after that he will be better, so its not 1 week will recover might take longer.


yah lor. the article says not to wash daily. how not to wash daily? Active C1 will come back with smelly hair.

can give me the link of ur art vest?

thanks bbdust.


i also bathe the 2 monkeys twice a day leh. they are always so sweaty. yesterday evening, drive out to shop n save and came back with 2 smelly head again. their head is wet like just come out of bath loh.

1stimepapa, yes.. the kid cry, our heart pain. But sometimes, to "toughen" our heart and let them receive treatment, is the correct thing to do.

When they cry, they suck in more air so will take in the neb medicine better. Goes in all the way to the lungs and that's what it's suppose to be! Who wants their child to cry? No parents wants that, but must weigh the consequences. (don't kill me too pls... =X)

bbdust~!! *wave wave* i have i have.. wait ah.. i go find contact.

Xiang, i too, wash my boys hair daily. Cannot tahan if dun wash.. they perspire very easily... cou cou leh..

pampers sales at guardian:

just now walk pass and saw that pampers active having sale.

2 for $37.65

M size is 68/pack = 28 cents

L size is 60/pack = 31 cents

can go stock up which i'm going to do. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hope ur boy recovers fast... i know how it feels to have an unwell baby... my gal just recovered from roseala recently n i was super stressed out by her neediness and crankiness


hahahahha! i din know will have ppl interested in my aprons... i wanna to make some to sell in my online shop but then later after workng out the costs bor hua bcoz the aprons will be very costly (bcoz nice fabrics costly) n dont think SG mummies will spend so much on aprons leh... but if i got time n can find nice low cost fabrics, i might add that in in the future...

which aprons are you looking at? the baby one (with front n back cover) or the kids one (shaped like adult ones)? kids ones can be found at Art Friend but limited designs lah... baby ones i dunno where can buy leh.. i got the idea of the bb aprons design from a gift that my fren passed me...


i din post any aprons for sale on my store leh... but if u r in my FB, u can go to my gal's 1st birthday party album n see the pic of the denim aprons i sew for door gifts...

which article says cant wash bb head daily?


eh the one u made for bbgbh? is it the baby one? i want one for my boy leh. me any design also okie lah i will pay for it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i saw it in the physical ST papers, recently. But cannot find it online.. on the free ST edition.

but, if u search online, it's advisable not to wash bb hair daily.

apron, i will go to ur fb to see.. I'm looking for art vest.

bbdust, no problemo.. we all love dancing around coconut trees~! lolz.

hhmm.. personally,i also cannot tahan not shampooing my hair daily... =X


hahahhaa [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


eh i will wash my boy's hair everyday too xcept when he is sick.


Do your PD do suction for your boy?

I agree with dazz, when bb cry, it open up their lung and the neb medicine work better. Heartpain for 1- 2days nia, he recover faster.

mummies, is there a restaurant in orchard (preferably near to Taka) that serves nice food and is child-frenly ah?

I washed bedsheet today and it's been drying out... but now, it's an uninvited guest at my neighbour's unit (2 floors down)... and they are not home.

orangey, where's nandos? orchard have? i'm only aware of the outlet at bugis. lolz

Xiang, stupid me.. it took me 3 reads to understand your sentence. wahahhaha


If you want to do suction go to KKH, they will do for your baby if your PD not willing to do for you cause I know some PD doesn't really like to do suction.


PS~~~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think its at Level 3! PS reminds me of Daiso..

I literally can buy the whole Daiso down!

my fren's sis got a myanmar maid and they are letting her go next month. My fren asked if i'm interested and gave me her (the maid's) HP number for me to call and "interview" her.

What should i ask huh?

My fren told me she's asking for S$400 and off day every month. *gulp* But she's a qualified nurse actually and good in childcare. hhmmm...

aiyoh dazz.... pai sei... super pai sei... wasted 2 secs of ur time..

anyway, i left them a note.. hope my bamboo will stay at their house when they are home.


No leh.. me not entirely shopping queen.

I'm window-shopping queen. See and think and think and think and end up no buy :x


interview her and see loh but then interview i find its pretty meaningless de haha cause everything they also say yes yes, can can.

think its better u speak to ur fren's sis and asked her why she is letting her go. hmm for me i wont go for transfer maid hee. most likely previous owner dont like then transfer out.

bbdust, i did ask my fren, her sister hired the maid to help her out during confinement (she din hire confinement lady). And now that she feels that she's ready to handle the baby alone, she's letting the maid go. And they hired the maid direct from Myamar. Apparantly, the cousin of this maid, is working for my fren's cousin. (complicated hor? lolz). So when the maid came over, she din take any loan. My fren's sis only paid for air tickets and got an agency to help out with her permit etc, then she came over liaoz. So now if she comes to me, her monthly pay will be full sum, unlike maids that we newly hire, will have to deduct the loan amount.

My current maid going off in November leh.. so it's either i face the headache now or later. Aiyah.. I hate this... h.a.i.z

sigh... now then my gal nap... when will she outgrow her whiny behaviour? btw wanna ask u all mummies, anyone bb got this habit of shrugging the shoulders? i realised since yday that bbg shrugs her left shoulder quite a few times a day leh.. y huh?


oic. did they say the reason y cant wash bb hair daily? even when not using shampoo, just water also cannot? art vest similar to aprons, isnt it? i only did the bb ones different... got back n front cover... just pull the thing over head n wear, no strings to tie... something like a float vest design...


yes. the one that bbg wore was the bb size one.. ok. since yours is a boy i dun think u want printed fabric too... usually those very girly/sweet... i see if i still got the denim fabric bor... that fabric cheaper too... i try to make one cute but boyish one... maybe i add a felt pic (like bbg carrot) on the front? any pic u prefer? i think i can make this at $15 for u.. frenship price.. just count in cost price will do... hee... but if u find it nice, must help me promote my shop to ur frens hor... i will be adding new items to my shop soon... now waiting for matetials to arrive... i will be handmaking some stuff again... LOL!

toking abt maids... u all just reminded me... anyone can recomm confinement lady from agency one? my SIL due in July n she asked me to ask my mummy frens for recomm.... she dun have relatives here bcoz not local... so very limited help too after bb is born... sigh...

Wilton Cake Deco Course 1

Dates: 23 Apr, 7, 14, 21 May (all Sat)

Time: 3pm

Venue: Artistiq Sugarcraft Centre

4 of us mummies alrdy formed n signed up for this class. anyone else wanna join us? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


then hor u shld go talk to the maid see if u like her? the feel must be right lah.


no leh my boy dont shrug his shoulders hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee whatever felt pic is okie lah car/train/carrot haha something boy can already and easy for u to make. dont want to use up much of ur time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the denim material is okie cause dirty easy cannot be seen.

hee okie will promote ur shop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i think the art vest hor is good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] okie with 15 bucks. take ur time lah okie no hurry de, i will transfer u the $ after its done okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ok! no prob. i will try to make it for u asap but currently bz with other stuff plus got baking class every sat till late may so might take a while, if u see nice art vest outside n wanna buy, pls go ahead first, dont wait for me, at most i can always sell it away if i made liao but u not getting from me... just let me know if u bought liao... btw any pic u like on the front? i try to see if i can make bor?

