(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


yah. now cc train him to take his own bag. so from school bus to home, i will just let him carry loh. then he will take out himself and put at a designated place. but morning, i have to carry for him. only when the school bus is there, then he will carry his own bottle and bag. sometimes, he lazy. after he alight from bus when i fetch him. he will say mummy take bag. yu ze cannot. 'faint'


hahahhaha... same lo.. on days where he cycle to school... daddy will be the one carrying the bag.. so trolley bag oso no use. lolz.

Childfirst Preschool @ mountbatten square open house tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for those mummies who are staying in the east [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

time: 10.00am to 1.30pm

curriculum presentation is at 11am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] quick call to register. 64404466

Thanks Mummies!! Wrt playgroup and CC i think gotta tok to DH again.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... Had a sumptous Briyani buffet and Hagen Dazz Ice-cream for lunch and now I feel like slping...............

BBdust ... my hubby going to Star learners open house tmr too ...

mountbatten sq quite troublesome for me .. need go one big round and u turn haha!


hee yah dicuss with ur DH bah.. me and my DH both decided to send bbl to PG 1st before sending him to CC though he got caregiver at home.


many open houses hor tmrow, let me go and see if there are some in the north or not then i can go since tmrow no programme.


RE: Carry school bag.

Yu Ze so cute "Mummy Carry! Yu Ze cannot!" I wonder what was his fcial expression when he told u this. LOLz.


Hopefully my MIL will say she can take care half day while the next half i send YH to PG and my MIL can rest and do her chores.

RE: Open House.

BB, can let me know if there is any other open house at the NOrth side too?


hahaha.... he will 皱眉头 loh and make the carry super heavy and need a lot of strength kind of sound loh. if you tell him yu ze carry. he will say yu ze cannot, mummy take, mummy help.


eh like that might as well send to CC and bring her back earlier like what celyn said?

cause i think a CC with PG inside is the same right? also some PG will require parents to be inside de wor when they are young.


i m also scared c2 bullies others in cc.... he already does that to c1, take korkor's toys to hide them... *faint* then i kena called into principal's office :p

squirrel bhvr

guess where i found C2's pacifier this morning aft maid n i searched high and low for it? the lil squirrel hid it in my cupboard! he opened the sliding door and tossed it inside! v good at looking innocent some more when i asked him where he put the pacifier....

and he loves to throw the leapfrog fridge magnet letters into the space between the fridge and the wall.... tis comic and makes me want to tear my hair out at the same time!

cellow, hahahaha... same thing happened to me!! i went to switch off the TV power last night then when i peeped in, there's alot of those colorful plastic balls (those we use it to fill up the ball pool - i got 2 bags at home) between my TV console and wall..!! then i was like "wow! y so many balls here!!" my helper told me... "zavier!! he enjoys throwing the balls in!! if it never go in, he will try again and again!" -_-|||

I had to pick like, 8-10 balls out of that space lo. lolz.

cellow & dazz,

hahahaha..... mine more power leh. yu ze used to hide his dvd under my tv consol, under the drawers of tv consol, inside the cd player, under tv stand. hubby and i used to wonder where all his dvd go to. till finally 1 fine day we caught him red handed. now he don't do that but it becomes yu xi's turn. so i guess next time when i moved house, i will find a lot of dvd below my tv consol.

yu xi likes to throw the leapfrog fridge magnet between my fridge and chest freezer.


hope she get well soon.


i got my friends to bring back lots of thomas for me. hahahaha..... did i tell you all that day she sms to inform me that she got most of my thomas liao. but i got super big box that can't fit into her luggage but she will still bring back for me. so super paiseh loh.

Talking abt colourful balls, my daughter loves to throw balls under the bed or under the sofa. Then in the end we find the balls getting fewer and fewer, go find then saw the balls. Somemore at my granny hse, the bed is those adjacent to the wall type, so if roll in, need to take the tek goh (bamboo pole) and dig out bah. tsk tsk.

Monday think i treat my 2 cousins to lunch. They help to make the cookie pops for gal's bade party that is in 2 days time. So excited. Now thinking shld lunch in the east or go town. Headache. Believe it or not, i duno how to use the mcclaren's stroller. Alweis is hubby operate one. think need to take crash course to learn on sunday because i super duper lan with the mechanical stuff. So plan is to feed porridge to gal during lunch as well, can tahan until around 5pm. then need to heat up milk. Head big lah, how to heat up milk.. need to find a coffee joint or sth.. aiyoh..


maclaren is very easy to operate de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] to heat up milk, bring hot water and a small metal tin loh. that is what i always so last time. if not go resturant get them give u hot water and a bowl then heat up.

maddie, oh no... rash really come ah.. boh bianz.. also a sign she's recovering.. get well soon BbM~!!

Celyn, lolz.. wow.. ur fren very very nice~! Must give her a big treat when she's back lo. hahaha..

cellow, my answer is still, BRANDED BAGS~!! WOOOOHOOO~!! lolz.


yah yah. i can't wait for her to come back. but hoh, i also must find place to hide them from yu ze leh. take out slowly for him to play. :p


yah loh. so paiseh loh. didn't expect to have such a big box cos see pic like small leh. hahaha... i told her i buy her lunch when she come back liao.

celyn, just now din managed to go JP for lunch so din find out about "tang-mu-si"... if you got updates, let me know pls. hee. thanks ya!! =D


hahaha.... yah. bringing back from office to hide at home before he reach home.


ok ok. will update if i got any news from my friend. i also get her to find out for me. :p

Maddie - yah, when rashes come after a fever, as long as the rashes dont itchy and is the mild type, then i think it is okay de.

Celyn - i can imagine all the toys stacked in ur storeroom. hehz hehz.


haha if home no place then got to hide under ur office table, i cannot imagine how many barang she is bringing back for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Celyn, if you realised your place no space hor, i lend you my storeroom k.. you can store all the thomas in my storeroom~! lolz~!! =P

siew ping,

cannot hide in storeroom. yu ze will ask us to open the door to examine the store room one. i used to hide his toys there now cannot liao. he knows where to find new toys.


the problem is we are in 2 different office. hahaha.... so i must hide them under the table of my staff in another office. now that she tell me got 1 big box, i also cannot imagine how 'big' are the rest liao.

Hi mummies!!!!

Back from club med bintan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *scurrying off to rush laundry*

*cry* bbdust, see la... u always say my place good... now celyn say my place too far.. wahahahha..

celyn, ok la.. i volunteer to go pick up those thomas for you.. dun charge you logistics k.. then place it at my place. =P whahahahah...


not me lah. can't remember who also. :p


huh!!!!! i think the owner of the flat siao liao. if there are buyer, that buyer must be super desperate or the house got super good 'hong zui'.


crazy crazy loh really... OMG!!! telok blangah ah.. eh let me go see see haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah loh i told the agent i am in shock, she said actually there are some owners who really ask 100K COV.. anyway best is hor my DH saw a listing yesterday a HDB flat selling at 1 million tell me crazy or what? i dont believe it.

bbdust, come telok blangah! be our neighbour! haha

hdb flat for 1mill, who will buy? my neighbour daughter just bought a landed at bedok at 2million nia, crazy!

bbdust, siao la.. this kind of seller are not sincere. Wana test market only. Pui them!! chey! agree with Maddie, come telok blangah la~! hee

aiyah.. then i must rephrase my question. My fren is looking for a good part time cleaner who can go to AMK.. any recommendations please?!?

Maddie, my gang lang? like that lo.. not the 1st time she spoil things in my house le... now she takes good care of BbZ so i sua sua with her.. lun until November then i agrigato and sayonara to her lo~!! lolz


charismama and maddie

alamak telok blangah no MRT leh. yah with 1 million i can get a condo leh or even landed at some ulu kumpung place. crazy owner.


hahahha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really cannot make it leh these people amazing.

