(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Ming, huh! So that means cupcakes with iceing should be consumed immediately and preferably not to be kept for too long as it is baked 1-2 days earlier? Thanks for sharing that! >.<


Dazz: Actually most cakes that are store-bought are baked a few days in advance. A typical schedule could go like this.

Say you need the cake on Saturday. The cake is first baked and frozen on Monday. The cake is removed from the freezer and thawed overnight on Wednesday. On Thursday, the cake is sliced (in the middle) and filled with the filling of choice. On Thursday night, we coat the cake with a thin layer of icing known as crumb coating and then chill the whole cake. On Friday, the cake is iced with another thicker layer of icing and then decorated with piped flowers etc before the cake is served on Saturday.

It is possible that some vendors bake their cakes the day before and decorate them the day of the function but I think that is only workable for smaller quantities. My class teacher was reminding me to bake the cup cakes at least 2 or 3 days before I need them and then chill them before I decorate them. But because the cakes are for self-consumption, I won't bake them more than 2 days before the function.

am feeling bored... (no mood to work) so was scrolling through the WTS thread.. actually saw this mommy, bought a 6pcs play yard the same day she sold it and earned $10? wow.. like that also can o.. lolz.

ming: oh dear, i thought one day should be sufficient to do all the cupcakes + icing.. ai ya.. ok, i know I will bake all cupcakes on Thur night.. then start icing on Fri afternoon.. should have enough time hor??

i always decor my cake on the same day leh.. but mine only normal cream.. no fanciful designs..

orangey: i also don't want creative/design juice.. so cannot do designing myself.. best if got default template then i just change the wordings.. hehehehe..

dazz: i also no mood to work, but got 2 slides to do.. haiz.. somemore got to re-do one into a new format.. idiot.. don't tell me earlier.. totally new format.. cannot just copy n paste lor.. sian leh.. see until my eyes very tired liao..

looking through the links.. suddenly.. i'm inspired.. think i better go home, get ready my camera, and take pictures of all the stuffs i can sell. lolz.. must clear old to buy new~!!

Ruru.. lolz~! I'm looking for a preloved set to buy lo~! hahahaha... you also want ah... WTS got a few i saw.. =)


wah i recently then can post leh hehe but i think some people can post quite fast wor i wonder why? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbdust, huh! you recently then can post? Then wo bu shi yao deng jiu jiu~!! dahz... then how to sell my items leh... alamak. why so unfrenly de. =(

then just now... i saw a preloved play yard that i'm interested in... cant even leave a comment to ask questions. haiz.

one year then can post at WTS..

I'm thinking whether to get the playyard too leh.. my MIL also asking the same question.. but we are thinking whether my girl will stay in the play area anot.. hmmm..

juye, that's my worries too. Wendees told me the same thing at the bash that day. She say her baby also dun wanna stay inside after a few times corz they know they're being "confined". smart leh... lolz.

elmoo.. lolz.. sell me? boh lang ai buy lo... whahaha... lelong + top up also no buyers i think. lolz

think i better don't buy lar.. wait becomes white elephant.. i will stick to letting my girl play in her playpen instead..


remember seeing someone asking if anyone wil like to have part time helper.

My fren is keen can pm contact, she stay at yishun.

Cellow - Im sure C2 misses boi but he chooses to be a good boi now in mommy's absence coz he's trying to avoid the same meltdown btwn daddy n korkor ;p

Orangey, Dazz, Celynlee, Chips - My cupcake also gone. I held it wif my life coz wanted to take a pic of it later but the moment i passed to HB to hold n he started playing the balancing act wif diaper bag, bumbo seat, porridge jug n the cupcake box. Cupcake kena disfigured too, cream all smashed. N i haven even taken any pic of it yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

RE: cupcake..

i tried... n i dun like the taste... mayb i ate the cream [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Are you feeling better? I have taken antibiotics 3 times for breast infection. Supply doesn't drop cos of the antibiotics. It drops for the side with the infection because the infection makes it difficult to express. No prob with supply if I latch. Another thing, if the antibiotics has no effect by day 2 then it might be a case of needing another type of antibiotic. The antibiotic first prescribed to me had no effect. PM me if you need the meds names/doctor.

Just because we have been bfg for so long doesn't mean we won't be susceptible to infection. Lack of rest / low immunity / being bitten by our darling bb could lead to infection.

Thanks to the organizing committee for a wonderful party! You all must have put in a lot of thought, time and effort to get things running so smoothly that day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks mommies for voting for bb syz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My cupcake reached home intact. Had it yesterday evening after dinner. Didn't like the cream. Too much cream. The cake was nice though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Syz - yah the cream v oily coz the smashed up cream kena the box n the box was oily, can see it become "opaque"...

Today on leave then aftn went Nex jalan, went to buy box of popcorn frm Shaw n i asked them to top lots n lots of butter oil on top! *gulpz* prob tat explains my size...

morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kena woken up by my boobs at 610am. even though i went to sleep only near midnight after pumping, washing and sterilising. the good thing is i m going home tmr evening.... *yawn* ate mac's dinner w my team at 9pm, worked till 10+pm in office, back to hotel to crash.

but cannot crash yet, bcz got to pump.

nvm nvm. mummies will do anything for our children, tis just a matter of how tired we are after all that. literally pengsan fm exhaustion.


hope your infection has gone away after taking the antiobiotics. did you take them in the end? agree w syz that lack of rest / low immunity would be a contributing factor.


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you know just the right thing to say to make me feel better. awwwww.

Mr C reports that the boys are both behaving well in my absence. w C1, guess it also helps that we reinstated some of his Elmo DVD watching privileges after making a big fuss out of smthing he did well on Sun. sigh. this mummy has to be the bridge between the son and daddy.

Morn mommies!

Orangey - haha..u dunnno the "story" behind y Tod A called me JIEJIE....heheheheh..he was literally FORCED to say so...u can see his very puzzled look while saying so...whahhah...tink oredi stil wanna laugh now. whoa, but u r realli power lei! sooooooooooo slim now, almost couldnt recognise u. i had to blink few times n look at ur HB n bb before confirm is u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cellow - so is tat the father-daughter bond; mother-son thingy? somehow i believe tat is so true to a certain extent. yah, everyday i also feel like pengsan every single moment. It's a tough life we lead as working mothers.

morn mummies!


Toi much cream for me but my boi licked ( abit nia ) till shiok shiok..maybe cos its sweet bah.

SG_SC...i just inquried abt a similar banner from the same thread..guess quite ok bah...0.6M(H) x 2M (L) with photo for $35.

Morning all.

I just checked the weather in Tokyo and it's a ridiculous 1 to 9 degrees celsius at the moment! Gulp. I don't do well when it's too cold. Am hoping that by some miracle the temperature would have increased to the mid 10s by the time we are there next week. Any mummies need anything from Japan, can pm me. Small items I should be able to help bring back.

Cellow: how does C2 sleep without you latching?? good that he is ok hor.

Ming: think 5-9 is still ok, is the 1-4 that need to stay indoors... bring more warm clothes lo. enjoy yr trip!

Ming..have a good time with yr DH ...nice weather to cuddle n keep warm :p ...oh rem to bring scarfs to keep yr necks warm yeah.


morning mummies...

Ming, enjoy ur trip [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

