(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

hi hi

it's been a long time since i posted.

want to ask if anyone had been to korea with babies? for 8 days.

easy to buy disposable diapers and baby clothes?

any packing list to share?

Hi xiang,

I am travelling tmr with my gal to perth and busy packing now... if u dun mind i can fwd u my things to bring list [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi pnut

ok!!! thanks.. first time travelling with 2 children... haiz.. need to bring 2 luggages already

pls PM me..

Hi xiang,

i dun think i can attach doc to PM. u wanna PM me your email instead?

it's my first time we'll b travelling with my bb too... scared and excited at the same time :p


Need help on breast infection. I can't imagine coming to 1 year stil got this. I got it 3x plugged ducts previously. Now again n m stil tbf. But this round I saw 1 of e ducts got bait yellow discharge n gp gave me antibiotics . Shld I take? Cos previous 3 cases I didn't take at all just take fever med. Wil take antibotics decrease milk supply? Thanks

Hi mummies,

Anyone knows where I can print a birthday banner? I don't have the design so the co must provide the design template as well. Appreciate any help in advance.

Kite: i have taken antibiotics twice for mastitis. don't think that's the same as plugged ducts. however it there is yellow discharge, then i would take. it doesn't affect milk supply. though it will pass thru to baby.

charismama: prefer 9 april. thanks!

hi mommies, i'm late to say this but thanks for organising the party - was very fun and enjoyed seeing all the babies and mummies. SGSC, i smiled at you ley - haha, guess u didnt know it was me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] next time - chat with you again.


I need u gals to comment on one of my comment on my fb wall. Want my other coll to see this and sort of feedback to tat asshole in opic or perhaps build a hatelist on him being so ass. Thanks


Not sure mine is matitis or blocked ducts. But do u encounter yellow discharge on 1 duct? Cos me first time encounter as previously dun hv. So stil thinking whether take anot. I give myself 1 more day. Sigh Thoth 1 year bfging Shld be season Liao, stil genna. Faint

Cottagefry - aiyoh..big bro A still verify wif u y he need call mi JIEJIE instead of auntie ah? sooooo sad...boohoo..even kids also noe.

Dazz/Lynn - so its a case of so near yet so far huh? yah, till next gathering else there's always the group pict we took...got chance got chance...

Lynn- so i guess i din smile back or was i bz eating? hehhe...paisei...i must be overwhelmed by the bbs n crowd!

Straw-drinking - mimi can suck frm straw. i jus put the mag mag straw into her mouth n at first she tot she needed to take a big mouthful then she started gnawing abit then she suck suck abit see got water comeout, happy, then suck suck another bit, water come out again, excited then she carried on sucking. Voila! but i tried giving her milk tat way then she noes n reject aft few sucks,haha..if only then we dun have to spoon-feed her the leftover milk everytime liaoz..

Today tried the doidy cup too..again she open her mouth big big n suck in air b4 water reaches her lips, then water dripping away, also dunno hw much she realli took in, but she seems happy. I tink kids tis age realli inquisitive n luvs to explore new things...


i have the following(400grams) to exchange to enfapro

1)nan 2 pro (expire 30/4/2012)

2)simlac 2 (expire 09/05/2012)

3)dumex mamil stage 2(expire 17/08/2012)

if interested,please pm me


Any1 hv Malay massage lady to recommend to solve blocked ducts.


When is e bday party? If not rush u can order online overseas spree fron bday direct or city party. Cheaper than in sg n more variety.

Mroning mummies!!

*Yawn with mouth open* Yesterday didn't sleep well cause abit insomnia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

both my boys got runny nose... TodZ kept waking up asking for tissue... *zombie mode* -_-|||

btw, i realised got one more mummy holding 1st bday bash on 2nd apr ah... wendees! like that ah... 4 parties on the same day! wahhaahha


Yours also 2nd Apr? Means my sister must chiong? Cause I'm also holding BB Orangey's bday on the 2nd Apr!


Ur comment on breakfast early in Ofc reminds me of last time when I was working n was in Ofc early. I like the freshness of waking up early n knowing tt I have a good start of the day!

Hi kite,

Malay Jamu lady for breast engorgement problem -

Mdm Rokiah. Please call her assistant Mdm Ida at 81770605 for an appt.

Thanks for the advice on banner printing from overseas, don't think in time as party is on 3rd april.

