(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Maddie, yeah... wish i'm still in bed~! lolz.

Orangey, i saw from the party supplies link that she mentioned la.. but i'm not sure if that party is the same as the one your sister is invited. hee. =X

bbdust... noti.. always remind woofy of coconuts! lolz


Hi Juye and BBdust,

So far I have e-mailed kidzpartystore.com 3times for the past week, and they have not replied. Not sure closed down already or too busy to answer enquires.

bbdust, oh! you also deal with coconuts?? me too!! lolz.. next time we can all dance around the coconut trees lo! wahhahaha

Ruru, hhhmmm... i just placed my order with them. i hope they took in my order because i made payment! ooppppsssiiiieeee

bbdust: from their website - Self collection is available at Da Silva Lane (near Kovan Mrt, upp Serangoon Rd).

ruru: they really took pretty long to reply.. think my last enquires took them like 1-2 wks... hehehe..

dazz: i'm going to order from them once i've received my girl's photos.. my friend ordered from them before, everything is ok.. don't worry!!

juye, i ordered a balloon bouquet, plates, cups, hanging decos and goody bags lo. Less than $100. lolz.. but the delivery charge is a killer! $15~! *gulpz*

woofy~! hahhahaa... very very hard to lluuurrvvvee them leh!! me too! haha

bbdust, actually.. it's up to individual ba.. for me is, i thought it'll be nice for the kids to receive something. We don't have many guest who are kids.. probably less than 10? so just prepare for the kids should be ok ba.. =)

nice and cool weather in KL too.

chiong into office by 710am this morning to 1/ avoid jam 2/eat breakfast.... my room rate doesnt include breakfast. they want to charge me RM60+++ for breakfast... no way jose 3/ clear emails. yucks.


i must say i luuuuurve the food at chennai though. pple to work with.... dunno.... different culture bah.... just have to wait for them to talk themselves out to 'hear' their opinion b4 getting a word in. hehe.

report from home

C2 slept ok without me. i wonder if he misses his mummy.....


i want to make leh but DH dont want. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] or maybe i just make a big bakset of treats for everyone.

Hi BBdust,

Yes, I got went to the spree you recommended, but never see the banner leh. Where har? Sorry, abit gong leh. Hee...

Hi Dazz and Juye,

So you both waited very long for the kidzpartyshop reply har? Orrrhhh, I thought they closed liao leh. Hee....

bbdust... er... this kind of thing hor, i don't consult my hubby de leh.. it's like, i'm buying, i'm preparing, and it's not for you leh.. so what have he got to object? very bad hor.. =X but then, for my hubby, he wont object de la.. why ur hubby dun want ah? mafan ah? he hor... lolz.. really one of a kind. hahahha...

oh ya.. my hubby was telling me he was struggling with the satays that day, it was really hard because turned cold. Then he saw ur hubby took a plate of satays in front of you and he *sweatz*. Wanted to tell you all "very hard".. but you guys already eating it so he "zip". Till he saw your hubby struggling with him too.. then the 2 of them laugh. hahahaha...


to have goodie bags or not its up to individual bah. i don't prepare goodie bags for the kids too. i find goodie bag a waste of $$$. things inside the goodie bag might not be what the kids or the parents wants the kids to have. so it might just end up in dustbin. so i don't prepare at all except for celebration in cc. no choice cos everyone is giving so i got to give. but all goodie bag that my boy bring back, all goes into the dustbin last time. cos sweets, he don't know how to eat. then i will keep them in the fridge till we forget and utimately in the dustbin cos not sure keep for how long liao.

this year, i donate his goodie bags to my colleague's sweet box.


which is what my DH said too abt the goodie bag and he said he will feel paiseh if the things he give are in other people's opinion lousy and cheap so he rather not give.

hmm i think i shall prepare a basket of treats bah.


she just emailed me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she will send out my banner today woot woot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah i agree too. i ever have this conversation with my close friend over a water bottle. to me water bottle is a water bottle, no need super ex one cos we change very frequent due to the straw. so a cheapo one like $1 or $2 is good enough to be pack in a goodie bag + other stuff. but to her, cannot. water bottle must buy good one so cannot pack inside goodie bag. so its very subjective loh. same goes to whether our milk bottle should be bpa free or not loh.


okie okie, so well i guess i shall not give goodie bags bah wait quarrel again over such a small issue [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbdust, replied. =)

wow.. u all ordered banner ah... hahahah.. i didn't. House not big enough to hang. whahahaha.


i going to paste on the wall lah hahah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my hse wall also very small de but shld be able to paste bah

celyn, oh ya.. you reminded me!!

mummies who received the toddler's goody bag.. are your animal cups ok? Mine spoil de leh... the straw got hole. Am i the only lucky one? hahahahha


i don't know if the straw is ok cos my boy already pull the straw out liao. then he will put back and use the cup to feed his car water like how we pump petrol at petrol station. so that will be his toy and not sippy cup.

celyn.. hahahaha... ya lo.. think mine will become a toy too.

bbdust, oh! i bought the magmag on sunday and last night, i see the boy sucking water liaoz leh! lolz.. but he will bite more than suck la.. but got slight progress. wahahahha...

Goodie bags: I don't intend to put any candy in Baby E's bags since like what Celyn said, most parents will not let their kids have the candy. Am going for thinks like stickers and activity books instead. Think the kids may enjoy that more. Oh and I think giving away bubble blowing kits are fun too - but got to look for the non-toxic ones.

bbdust & ruru: so both of u ordered from the spee ah?? i find her banner too cartoon liao.. i'm going to use the banner for very long like for her 2nd, 3rd till maybe 7th or 8th birthday, so wanted something that is not very cartoon.. and my wordings only Happy Birthday (My girl's name) then i just get a normal number stickers to paste onto the banner.. hehehe..

as for goodie bags.. i'm thinking abt that too.. i wouldn't have lots of kids too.. mainly my nieces n nephews.. so thinking whether to get goodie bags for them.. but i will be doing cupcakes for all my guests..

idiot leh.. my boss already approved my leave on 25 mar, as i need that day to bake all my cupcakes before my girl's celebration on 26 mar.. now he said want to have our retreat on 25 mar and ask me to cancel my leave.. no way mah.. i will prepare everything for them but will not attend the retreat.. i don't care..


practice a few more times he will get the idea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i didnt order those big banner, just sesame street one hee after that i can keep or sell [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


quit already ya. heck care your boss la... 25 mar is reserved for baking cupcakes. bbA is more impt than retreat - OF COURSE.

Hi mommies,

What animal cups??? Hmmm.... Oh btw, can I ask how the committee manage to get so many items in the goodies bag??? I am so amazed.

Ruru, hahaha.. we ourselves are amazed by the goodies that day. Initially was thinking probably the bag will look abit "pathetic" because of its sparse contents. The towel is ordered and paid for. Magazine sponsored by SPH and diapers by Goon.com. The tidbits cup kindly sponsored by Juye, biscuits by Wendees i think and wet tissues by me. this + that + this.. suddenly, the goody bag became presentable! lolz.

Re: Banner

Actually I was thinking of printing a poster banner that I can keep and its not expensive ard $50 for the printing. Design wise you have to do it for youself and then save it onto CD/USB then pass it to the store to print onto the long poster banner for you. Its really nice cause I did that for my wedding and use it for guests to sign on it. Its still like new except that the sides are abit flimsy cause I always anyhow throw :x I mean.. not throw but when I clean my hse I chuck to one corner then when done put back again :p

It looks like this:


by the way how does the cupcake taste ?

didnt get to try it, accidentally drop on the floor when I reach home, lucky alrdy captured a pic of it.


Sweetest moment cupcakes are nice. I ordered the cupcake tree for my boy's First month party. Yours drop, mine become tongbaleh when I open up the box! I still waiting eagerly to eat then open the box I wanna cry cause my cake crushed!

hahaha.. orangey!! My cupcake got the same fate as yours!! lolz.. but in the end still get to eat the cake without the cream la.. anyway, i will not eat the cream too.. sinful siah. hahahah

orangey, dazz, chips,

mine too. yu ze took his there and then. left over for hubby to eat. yu xi's one crushed when reach home. anyway, hubby say very sweet. he don't like.


Mine think squashed by hub's da pigu cause he stuffed the cake box in his camera bag. He can still tell me wont topple end up leh! Heng I sleepy otherwise I think I would have diao him lol~


Your wedding banner looks v nice.. Too bad, i'm very bad at designing things.. My arts and crafts always fail.. haha


I ordered my balloons and banner from the link you provide too.. She is fast in responding..

ruru, i got reply from Kidzpartystore that my order is confirmed. And this morning i also dropped them an enquiry and i got the reply too.. hhmm.. did you send to the correct email?


Juye: Are you planning to put icing on your cupcakes? If so, you need to bake them ideally two days before your function and then ice them the day before as I learnt in class that the cakes have to be completely cool before you pipe on the icing. That's why bakeries actually bake the birthday cakes a number of days in advance before they pipe on the designs. Good luck with the cake decorating!

