(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


my chicken croissant drop on me ~!!! AAAAHHHHH..... stained my top!! sobz.. now i smell like chicken mayo. argh.


zz: why like that one?? so what did ur boss says??

dazz: i got normal ones, but i'm using them for my girl's cake.. unless u can wait till after her bday celebration, but that will be too late for ur boy's cake order right??

piglet: sure, just let me know lor.. by then i should have the normal ones too..


Hee hee. Will check with u next yr! I already plan for her her theme next year! LOLz. Unless she dun like Winnie The Pooh & Friends!

any mummies went for lasik before? Last night, i asked my hubby, choose between a bag and lasik, which one? He IMMEDIATELY tell me lasik. i ask him why? he say, "because i don't want you to buy another bag". -_-||||

Morning all!

ZZ: Sorry to hear about the office politics. If the allegations are really made against you, you should defend yourself and have a talk with your boss. Good luck!

Shopping: I must be subconsciously stressed out. Went to Taka yesterday to kill time while waiitng to meet a friend for dinner. And ended up buying so many things. My hubby was rolling his eyes when he saw me last night. Think I should leave all my cards at home for the next few months.


Your workplace has no rights to stop you from expressing your milk esp they are from the garment. Garment is promoting bfging nationwide and so if they really backstab because you are bfg, thats like double standard. Should write to ST to highlight or you can actually write a feedback to MOM and HPB to tell them? In Tw, their MOM set rules that mummies are free to express their milk during working time. If the boss stops the mum from doing it, it is against the staff policies and they can lodge a complaint to MOM. I believe Sg MOM should have similar policies. Nono.. Must have so I can shoot back at my ex-colleague who tell me she lugi cause I get to express milk and "slack" while she has to continue to work. To her, express milk means eat snake. TMD.

ZZ ..similar thing happened to me when i got back to work fm maternity leave...a bXxXx who always wana compete n compare with me ( even till now ) pertually took time to note dwn what time i 'MIA' from my desk to pump & 'tipped' my direct supervisor ( its a male )....TMD ..things got to a point when my sup did my qtrly performance appraisal & raised this issue ..BTH lor..some pple r juz like that .. I did not have to spare much effort in explaining to my bosses but from then onwards, eveytime i go pump, i told tt bxXxx that Im going to MIA until she shut her mouth up...n she got told off in front of the team for being kaypo...hehe..SONG man.

Esp in your work environment ( i tink u mentioned b4 its predomonantly male ), some guys get jealous n act so bloody childish that they also forgot their mums also breastfed them using FBM! ..Cheer up...dun let such jerks spoil the weekend =)

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ha i also think my co dun really pro bf-ing but no one say yet but if they shoot me i will retort u also go for ciggy breaks what *boo*


My friend went b4 what u wanna know? One done at shinagawa the other one lasik centre i think

bbdust, i'm considering going to Doc Julien Theng at ECC. Recently, my colleague went and gave thumbs up. Previously, got 2 friends also went to him and highly recommended me to go. HHmm.. i duno why but scared scared leh... eyes leh... what are the risks involved ah?


I am not sure wor. I thk got licensing issue ba.

The homebaker I got she did designs for the cupcakes and they are simply lovely! But have not really see one she did for cakes yet. If you want I can ask for you. ;)


Hee my fren also damnnnnn scared but after she did it she told me not scary de, guess its normal to feel scared [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm i think the technology for lasik has improved a lot le so the risks shld be quite minimal bah but just be prepared that after op, u will tear, got to keep putting medicated eye drops to lub n prevent infection, will have shadow esp night time but it will last for abt a week (depends on ur degree - higher degree take longer to 'heal') then u be better. The doc us more worried i guess abt infection [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh n dazz, if ur degrew is higher u wont be able to obtain perfect eyesight will only be corrected till u wont need specs. My fren one eye higher power than the other so nw she one eye perfect the other eye not, but she no nees to wear specs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've only got astig... no short-sighted or long. But my astig quite bad. HHmm.. maybe i go for assessment see how 1st. =)


Feel for you! Don't understand why these people react like this? If its their wife, I'm sure they're okay with it. Its like "my wife is my wife.. you're not my wife so you cannot" that applies to kids.

"My kid is my kid.. your kid not my kid so your kid is spoilt but mine is not" Ptfffff..

dazz ..go for the assessment 1st...cos if yr cornea is too thin, its also a no-go as the correction will not be able to improve things substantially.


the 1 at paragon should b good, my bro, her gf n many others ( my friends ) went for it.. all hav good feedbacks.

My bro more than 5 yrs liao.. eyesight stil very good.. his previously quite chim also

yes piglet, ask for me n pm me.

I wil like some cupcakes too with related design with doraemon as well.. cake with butter cream

Hi Dazz,

U want me to bring the 2 skirts to you tomorrow? I e-mailed you but you never replied. Hee... Oh, and the Giant stickers, I have 9 pieces.

dazz: someone we knew went for lasik before.. my best fren ah.. u check with her lor..

piglet: sure, no problem.. check with me next yr lor.. for next yr onwards, i will just leave it to my girl to decide for her birthday theme..

zz: stupid people.. my boss is not pro-family one.. he doesn't have kids.. so when we took childcare leave or child sick leave, he gets very annoyed.. so i can't imagine if i need to take time off to go express milk, that's why i decided to stop pumping milk before i came back to work..

chips: go Pine gardens lar.. they can customised the cake u want.. i'm doing my girl's one from them too..

ming: u mentioned u going to bake the cupcakes n cake for ur girl's bday.. wow.. what a great way to celebrate ur girl's bday.. i'm tempted to do so too, but my skills not so good, so better don't take the risk.. but i'm going to bake cupcakes instead.. i'm going to bake 60 pcs, dunno whether i'm up to the mark anot.. so scared..


I received ur sms and had reply u ..

later i going 2nd interview but dun really like the place. duno how.. dun take jia sai, take liao qi cham..

chips, no thank you for the paragon one... heard enough bad reviews abt it. lolz.. you're one of the rare person to tell me it's good~! anyway, thanks.

Juye, oh is it~!! You mean the handsome green? lolz.. dunno if you'll get what i mean. whahahahha... ok ok.. i'll go check with her. hee

Ruru, huh? You didn't receive my reply? Ooppss!! i did reply! Alamak.. so sorry.. yes yes, please bring the skirts tomoro. i will pass you the $$ then too. thanks ah!! sorry.


Birthday Bash

Date: 05 March 2011 (SAT)

Time: 2.00PM

Venue: Melville Park Simei St. 1 (function room)

Please kindly note that we will adopt a "no shoes, socks only" policy inside the function room so that the floor can be kept relatively clean to let our lil ones crawl around. Hence, all mummies n guests, please kindly rem to bring along or wear your socks.

For mummies who can volunteer to bring playmats, please kindly continue to do so so that we have a padded area too.

there will also be a Best Dressed Gal/ Boy contest for both genders. Please rem to come with your lil ones dressed up nicely!

Can I just say that I just had a very nice time pumping in mothers room at forum shopping galleria. Got power plug, sofa, curtain n lush wallpaper. :)

Maddie, hahahah... shiok huh... din wanna come out is it? =P

Okie... i booked my appt liaoz... next month. Assessment in the morning and if everything ok, surgery in the afternoon. wow.. like very fast ah... =X

Ruru, ok ok.. i also chicken got very long liaoz.. initially suppose to be hubby do 1st... but... he ask me to do 1st instead. lolz.

Kindermuzik trial on 7 May 2011 or 14 May 2011 (5.30pm class)

12 babies to form a private class, any mummies interested?

1) Wendees

2) juye

3) charismama - 5.30pm sat

4) maddie

5) bb dust

6) Orangey

7) gbh

8) sgsc (Ok wif any timing but 23rd apr cannot coz celebrating mimi's bday)

9) woofmeow ( mar 26 (sat ) & mar 27 ( sun) cannot cos celebrating ah boi's bday ).

10) Dazz [standby mode only. If got other mummies interested, pls take over. =)]

11). Ming 8110 (can only do 12th march)

12) cottagefry

13) syzygy6

14) kite - sat 5.30pm

15) kdd

Kindermuzik trial on 7 May 2011 or 14 May 2011 (5.30pm class)

12 babies to form a private class, any mummies interested?

1) Wendees

2) juye - 7th May, 5.30pm

3) charismama - 5.30pm sat

4) maddie

5) bb dust

6) Orangey

7) gbh

8) sgsc (Ok wif any timing but 23rd apr cannot coz celebrating mimi's bday)

9) woofmeow ( mar 26 (sat ) & mar 27 ( sun) cannot cos celebrating ah boi's bday ).

10) Dazz [standby mode only. If got other mummies interested, pls take over. =)]

11). Ming 8110 (can only do 12th march)

12) cottagefry

13) syzygy6

14) kite - sat 5.30pm

15) kdd

