(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


oh its the same one as the link i gave u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think its okie cause all the main characters are there and the cake itself shld have already a design. too cluttered if there are many things on the cake i find. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just an opinion


My DH said so too. If really cant find anymore then I will take this le. Thanks dearie! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if the cake itself is really plain like just fresh cream then u will need more toppers to brighten and deco it, if it already has a design then i think these toppers shld suffice le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no stand alone tigger cake topper leh, he comes with winnie the pooh can?

I like this one, so cuteee awww ~


bbdust, best if it comes with piglet because that's korkor~!! Then daddy is horse (therefore eeyore) and mummy winnie lo~!! lolz...

talk about candle, yes I saw at spotlight too.

tomorrow I be there having lunch at crystal jade wil go spotlight again to 'see carefully'

Wah lucky I booked BB Orangey's bday venue early. The management has revised their charges by at least 20% and they are charging GST and service charge now! Lucky! Lucky! Heng ah.. heng I book last yr if not pay alot more!

I helped my friend to call the cafe up and the staff asked their boss to call me instead. The boss explained that they have not been revising their price for many years and the inflation is making them breathless so bo pian has to increase menu price/party package.

Do you all have any ideas if any nice cafe out there? Helping my friend to look out for her boy's party too.. she's looking at 60 pax?

harnoh cause I have big family so add up already 30 then the rest are friends, colleagues.. Actually got more but got budget :x


oh hee, i didnt invite colleagues [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] only close friends and relatives, no space for so many many [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Celyn & Mummies

YH's one is a number 1 cake so do i need a candle also?


You Heng Heng ah!!!


Ur friend only wants cafe? How about function room?


i think still need bah. she will still need to blow the candle right? though she might not know or she has been practising?

anybody can advise if our child of their age can slp on adult pillow ( higher n harder )

myboy dun like his pillow n i bought another 1 for him bigger version he dun like n enjoy squeezing with me on my pillow.

bb dust,

his upper half body also on pillow. i adjust him n he wil adjust back. kiddy palace pillow standard kind where else got comfortable pillow.

I buy a bigger bolster for him cos he is long n his short bolster whenever he look at it he wil laugh with sound.. he only ok with bolster but not pillow.


nope nope, im not holding belated birthday party for gal... holding on the exact day (just nice sat too)... last time i nvr got qualms abt celebrating belated birthday until recently when i wanna celebrate my mum's birthday with relatives during the cny celebration but was few days later than her actual birthday n my mother din want the celebration at all bczo she said no one celebrate belated birthday one... at least not for living ppl... she said only got ppl celebrate belated birthday for the dead!!! n i was like???!!!! im not pantang bcoz im a christian but now i pay more attn and sensitivity to this now...


u in my fb list?? which one is u??? i bought the FP learning home at the mattel warehouse moving sale... but i saw it selling at OG orchard during that time too.. not sure if OG still have that bor but i think u can go n see... i think FP have another version which is similar but a farm barn house instead of normal house... i have the impression that the farm one is the newer version...

Hi orangey

Ya if 30++ I also recommend one but it's in a hotel n it's by the pool, cozy place can sit up to 70. I held my rom there


in a teenager's shoes - i think its the best they can do.

i suppose the tee shirt is the daddy's & the towel was prepared by the mum?

parting gift the daddy went around naked le.

I suppose if this ever happened to me I might also do the same man - cos so young u wont know what to do lor.

My friend shared with me her friend's story.

mensus didnt come for 5 mths.

wear tight tight clothes to TIE tum down

refuse to ack that she might be preg.

only after 5th mth - went to ABORT after my friend strongly encouraged her to TEST with a HPT then she found out she was preg ar! - she summoned some strength to go to a private hosp & had the abortion.

I nearly cried when they told me it was a baby boy. I was expecting my girl then.

even a 20+ yr old can ignore such things & only do something about it a the 11th hr. at least she went to a proper hosp to get rid of it la.

Hi Vic Ma,

It never fails to amaze me how a pregnant woman can go undetected for 9mths???? I guess in the end it sums up the sad family background of the woman who dumped her child at the hdb staircase. Nobody cares, that is why the pregnancy can go undetected for so long. Haiz...

Next time when my gal reaches puberty, I must have a good talk with her abt the bird and the bee.

I always feel v sad with such stories. I recalled an exclassmate who withdrew from our 'o' levels coz she was pregnant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Now I have a little girl I do look at her and think of how and what to say when it's time to educate her and what kind of relationship will we have if such things *touch wood infinite times* happen, will she share with me her problems or run from her family...

*pondering mood*

Regarding pillow n bolster

My girl is a free spirit leh she doesn't like bolster nor pillow nor any kind of soft toy to hug but prefer to zz with lots of space around her to move around hercot.

She machamp like clock like that, place her at 12 o'clock position can move to 6 o'clock position then 9oclock position all in a span of 1 1/2 hr

It will bw nice for her to have a fave toy, bolster to self soothe, no?

morning mummies

pillows & bolster:

my girl will hug her bolster and sleep side way. or use her bolster to cover her face to sleep. she don't sleep on pillow. after she sleeps all these are not important cos she will turning everywhere and anywhere in the cot into funny positions.


My girl same like celyn, hug n suck bolster, no pillow. But I still put nappy cloth when I can cos her head can sweat a lot. Problem she throw away her bolster cannot find back in her sleep sometimes she wake up n cry, need to throw her back n she can go back to sleep.

Prob won't have time to login anymore today. See you all tomorrow!!

i got a set of winnie the pooh n friends toppers (christmas theme) to rent out, which i got them from japan last year.. anyone needs?? i can rent to you for the cake, but must return me after the celebration..

my sister also got me a few winnie the pooh n friends toppers from US, so i got the japan one as extra..


U know previously I was expressing bm at work.

It has made some of my office coll unhappy and they backstabbed me during the staff survey.

Say something like doing personal stuff for 2h.


That ball-less prick didn't put my name lah..

Think everyone must be thinking who doing personal tings for 2h???

Cud be those staff doing checking shares as well but this person wrote one person. And asked the managers to STOP this.. faint

I think if targeted at me must be the bfding issue last end of the year...

mutherfarker beta become a woman.. FML

