(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


maybe still not allocate to you yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] soon u will be bz bz as a bumble bee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Chips,

Did anyone reply u abt the fruit/veg juice issue? What I would recommend is that you go to isetan B1 and find the U-like demonstration counter and ask to see their fruit/meat/grain blender. U can use this blender to blend fruit/veg juice for your ah-boy. Try to give him the pureed fruit/veg also, not just pure juice.

i am not sure what vegetables u can mix with fruits as most veg have to be steamed 1st, as baby cannot eat raw vegetables just yet. Perhaps u steam veg like spinach, carrot, pumpkin, corn, then blend with apple/pear juice?

No direct experience with this as my gal takes her veg with her porridge and her fruits separately. So just my idea only.

charismama: i'm fine with the sat timing too.. cos my girl usually wakes up around that time too.. sun timing will be very tricky..

dazz: ya, take that honey, very good one.. NTUC should have..

orangey: u not in the design field liao ah?? don't worry, there's always 1st time one.. if u accepted this job, i believe u have already in some way prepared urself for the new challenges.. jia you!!

Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 10:39 am:       

Mummies, I have checked with Kindermusik. If we have 12 babies, we can arrange a private class.

For trial they have classes on every sat and sun. sat class is 5.30pm, Sun class is 2pm

I prefer sat timing as my boy nap around 2pm

Interested in Kindermuzik trial Class?

1) Wendees

2) juye

3) charismama - 5.30pm sat

4) maddie

5) bb dust

6) Orangey

7) gbh

when is the trial?

Hi Mommies,

I am thinking of introducing breakfast to my gal as she is increasing her milk intake even when I up her 2x porridge intake. Any idea of what to give for breakfast?

Some food items that I found are:

1. bread

2. puff rice cereal (may I know where to buy them? The normal one found in supermarket for breakfast cereal is abit salty).

3. Cheese

My gal doesn't like baby yoghurt very much. Any idea is welcome. Thanks!


I didnt bought the Ulike, search my house storeroom and realise got a similar made in taiwan just like the Ulike.. so I didnt buy and thinking of taking it out to use.. but my mum told me to use the 1 my bro bought in korea.

My friend have the ulike, just told her to bring her receipe along..

Anybody know how to make brownies, last wkend my ingredients all gone in dustbin. follow accordingly to receipe duno y the whole mixture so sandy.

ruru: my girl also take oat milk cereal with fruits every morning.. then porridge for lunch and dinner.. what is puff rice cereal? i know friscrem has rice cereal..

chips: for baking, the best person to ask is orangey..

for kindermusik only at Tanglin cos that is where their studio is.

Rest are integrated into some of the schools.

My girl's school also have kindermusik but not enrolled for . She attending the Phonics class. Don't wanna stress her out.

She will be attending the pre-school ballet every Sunday... omg I sound so ks auntie.. sigh

why does my boss always let me be the middleman when he does all the mean things?? makes me feel so bad.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i also ok with sat 530. shall we set a date for the trial class? this month prob too soon, march and april a lot of ppl going to have bday party hor?


good idea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just set a date then we can all mark down.. but but charis said must 20 then can private class hor, if not then we just go ahead loh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have found where to place my boy when he turn 3.. so happy .. whahaa..... with transport by distance ard $100/mth

Fees: $970 for 3 mths

Duration : 8.45-11.45 or 11.45-2.45

class size appro 14pax 2 teachers in a class.

is this the usual range for nusery ?


wah ur friend suffering or u suspect? i not sure leh but i guess the symptoms shld be similar to depression bah.. like harbouring negative thoughts/feeling blue or keeps crying, cannot eat sleep well, feeling irritated all the time?

bbdust: charis mentioned 12 babies not 20 babies.. if 20 babies, think the whole apr 10 forum babies for to attend leh.. hahaha.. so we are short of 5 more babies.. think end apr will be good..


sorry sorry dont know why my mind keeps thinking 20 babies haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we went to the zoo last week it was fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbdust, my friend, who is 4 months pregnant, ask me leh.. she say she cant control her emotions and always cry. She wonder if she's suffering from pre-natal depression and she ask me what kind of doc should she go to. Gynae can help?


Hahaha i was never in the design field for the recent 4 years of employment. Been in the Order managment/Customer Care area now. Same role but different industry. Hope its a new and good start lah cause..

1.) company is so near my hse! I take bus at 8am.. reach office at 815am (including walking in to office)

2.) No OT at the moment cause new setup team so can knock off work at 530am zun zun

3.) Pay is higher but then they dont have AWS here so not much incremental lah but if minus off the expenses still better cause food and transport cheaper le. Last time in raffles plc my food expenses alone can kill :S


I also cry alot during pregnancy even for little ants matters. Its the hormones so my gynae asked me to take chocolate (he joked lah) but I realised it helps and I drank soft drink think cause sugar supposedly can make someone happy :p


its common to be weepy during preggie times one leh.. think ur fren also like tt... its normal but just to be safe, ask her to tell her gynae next appt so tt gynae can assess n if got prob will refer her to a psychiatrist..

re hb prob,

last evening hb came bk being nice to me... tok as per norm.. like machiam nothing happened... then he also ask if im interested to have a stay at mbs! i asked him if he is trying to 补回 the v day celebration??? he quickly exclaimed no and said actually before tt he alrdy had this idea... *roll eyes*... hahaha... im happy tt now all is 雨过天晴.. n i hope tt it will stay tt way...


sometimes don't divulge the hubby lah.. just pretend happily if he feels sorry cos end of the day their pride still v impt to them

gbh, you should be happy lah. Mbs leh? Should spend good quality couple time together. Make yourself happy and let him make you happy.

I'm now trying to strike a balance for my me-time, couple-time and time-w-friends. Very hard lor.


no lah.. he wasnt upset... more of embarrassed...


ehh.. couple time??? hmm... i think its more of family times... shld be bringing lil B along too... both hb n me think will be something amiss if gal is not there with us...

orangey: oh, dunno why i kept thinking u are in the design field.. ur new company at SK ah?? SK got office buildings mah??

bbdust: is it?? does baby need entrance fee? i'm so looking forward to the zoo trip.. should be going lar, i told my hubby the other time when we pass by the zoo..

gbh: good lor.. now everything is ok already.. enjoy ur stay at MBS.. my hb also mentioned going to MBS, but till now no news yet..

i also same as u leh.. if go anywhere w/o my girl, i don't feel good one.. so everytime i must bring my girl along..

dazz: ya, preggie is like that one.. i preggie also cry alot.. if ur fren is really worried, go see her gynae and her gynae will advise her what to do..


bb no need, 20 bucks per entry for adults but if u take the one with the tram its 25 bucks if i remember correctly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we had fun haha the splash show starts at 10.30am and the kids animal show is at 11am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then elephant show in the afternoon think 2.30pm


sigh... i dun even know when can go mbs... hb going reservist in couple more weeks n next few weekends all got something on... i think by the time we go can celebrate labour day liao... hahaha....


fren told me foc entry to zoo n bird park on birthday... u can go either on ur or hb birthday if nearing now... can celebrate birthday, have family time n same time saves $$... kills 3 birds with a stone...


u staying near zoo??? my fren tt time stay in cck n join zoo member n suka suka just go to zoo... like sometimes just go for 2 hrs... like machiam taking a walk in the park... says its worth it n i think they have lotsa good times n memories with their boys in zoo...



not us lah cause i dont think we will frequent the zoo that often within a year hee its pretty ex leh, eh i think got to wait till bbm is 3 then apply cause now bb enter for free only from 3-12 years need to pay children's fee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

