(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Hi, mummies

Anyone going nex tonight can update here?

I heard from my cousin there's isetan and got 20%!

But I'm interested in allerhand diaper backpack, can see see look look for me if got then I can CHIONG down to buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vic ma,

The teething pendants close liao huh? Still can order? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes. Sometimes she nap at 9pm for 1/2 hr. Depending if she got nap long or enuff at the 5pm nap. Now she is napping. I think bcoz she too tired out liao. Last time she slp at 3am I think? Btw I got reply u re the teething penchants... I want one more- turquoise. Can ?


I can imagine ur tiredness at work Somemore at work gotta be alert. I'm sahm alrdy so burnt out... But at least I can "bluff" my gal n eat snake... No need use brains one... Boss cannot bluff.... Now gal napping I also wanna nap!

vicma - its the same one if u stil have my order frm last time. 180 capsule one...nordic natural. Then cant remmeber other details liaoz...whahha..else, 2 9 i go find nvm.

btw, tink not going Nex 2 9 liaoz...HB jus update say everything haven open yet. Nothing to eat or shop yet. NTUC open 29th. Guess only Isetan open n a few small shops.

Gbh - wah! u stay so near ur mama...hehehe..will it be too close for comfort? i have a fren bought a flat beside guy's parent house, then super no privacy kind i feel..sometimes midnite haven sleep the mum will call n ask, "eh, y so late still dun sleep??!!!" *faintz*...


not sure if it helps -usually we dont let baby nap too long after 6pm or not at all.

especially when they fuss to sleep at night.

my niece was also like that - i believe cos she smart she knows daddy & mummy around so she excited to play!

But have to try ways to chop chop let them nap less during the day so that they can sleep more thru the night.

else u very tired lor - disturbs your hb's sleep too right?


Is it because BB is napping at 9pm and that is why she is not sleepy at night? Hmm let her have her last nap at 5pm so that by 9-10pm she is tired and sleepy?

vic ma, yah, thinking to stock up liao.. cos mine finishing soon, i think this is the one we discussed before that has balanced dha and epa.


last night bb syz woke up 5 times between 10.30 to 5pm. Broken sleep. Tues night and Wed night also broken sleep but not so bad cos I took urgent leave on Wed & Thurs to look after her. At least during the day can shut down my brains for a while when I latch her or when she sleeps semi upright position on my chest/shoulder (think cos unwell don't want to lie down in the cot on her own).


I don't know whether to enrol bb syz in childcare near my place, my mom's place or my workplace. Headache... if have no.2 and my parents willing to look after for the fist 18 months then it might be better to enrol bb syz near my mom's place so that mornings will not be crazier. And in case anything happen at school one of them can go pick her up. Or if I work late, hb work late at least easier for my parents to pick her up. Also don't know if by then I will work in another part of Singapore.

Must recee and chop place now right?


Your mom stays so near you can she help look after her for a couple of hours so that you can catch up on your zzzzzzzzzzzzz?


oh mine, ur girl also same same as mine hor can jie bai leh why they wake up so many times ah? but mine after the past few days episodes of waking up 15 mins to 1 hour now is back to normal liao.. wake up 1,2 times then zz till morning.

i think workplace no lah coz if u MC or on leave hor stil got to go all the way to workplace leh so sianx..

i have not chop place yet cause still looking around but hor i know our area got new ones coming up and I think a lot of parents will go chop place de


I do it by sitting on the sofa with my legs slightly open and let her sit on me. My hands have to hug her so she won't fall down. Put her left leg on my left thigh and right leg on my right thigh. Open up her diaper and pull it down a bit, still holding the diaper with your hand while waiting for her to pee. If she is pooing, pull the diaper further down so it won't touch her butt and the poo will drop inside the diaper. After job done, remove the diaper and bring her for a wash and change diaper. This can prevent her from peeing/pooing while changing diaper. Now my gal will wait for me to open her diaper before pooing. I intend to let her sit on potty soon but provided she can sit on it patiently and not running away.


she started this pattern on tues think cos she is not feeling well. hopefully she feels better tonight and let me rest.


cut out the christmas shopping for the adults? think we exchg gifts that dun mean more to the gifter than the receiver also. only buy for the children, then can shop online also.

when you are a mum, must think of ways to make life easier.

Mr GBH blur blur also abt the laundry la. when bb naps, you also go nap, dun come online already


oh dear, hope she sleeps betta tonight.

my view on the workplace vs own place vs mum's place... (assuming they are all faraway fm each other) put at mum's place easier. at least if anything happens at school, your parents can handle. if not, you have to take leave.


no la, i passed by expo during lunch. bcz of the sitex show going on at the same time, the car park already super crowded.


muzzle for kids? HAHAH

on the whole, they are easier to take care of when they speak.

wise words fm colleague

i ws lamenting my lack of sleep to a colleague, and also bouncing off the idea of changing coy. she told me there is NEVER a good time to change coy w children. now is actually a good time bcz well... the effort we put into them now is linear, the more effort we make to spend time with and play w the babies, the faster they learn. later on when they enter pri sch, mummy spends more time does not automatically translate into improved kid.

so. i resolve to enjoy this moment of toddlerhood n babyhood.

(no matter that after his cold in early nov, C2 is waking up like every 2 hours to latch. a bit siao when consider that i have to work the nx day)


thanks for your adv on cc location.

i read your wise words para and confused... so there is never a good time to change co when we have kids but now is a good time to change cos the more time we spend with bbs/tods the more they learn? but if change co we might end up having to spend more time in the initial period at new workplace? (sorry i am suffering from mushy brains today)


I wanted to go expo just now. At 2plus, the q for carpark was so long. Think it's bcos of Sitex too. Ended up not going.


tat sound scary. think i will not go today. my mum also encourage me go on sunday. hopefully by then e crowd will b lesser

Vicvic, Celynlee & SGSC

U all stay along the NEL station?

Me too waiting for the NEX opening


my boy wake from from nap with swollen eye in cc. i didn't fetch him from cc when they called. let him come back from school bus, his big eye become small eye liao. sigh.... only eye lid is swollen, wonder what's wrong. somemore we are leaving for tokyo next thurs, now then got this. later going to bring him see doc again and worse is hubby going to wedding dinner. he doesn't look like he is going to inform his friend that he can't turn up cos his son is 'not well'. so i'm going to bring 2 babies to gp myself later.

Hi. On course whole day yesterday n on leave today no time to login.

Went expo at 1030 am the car park oredi half full sitex ppl waiting for it to open. When I left around 12 it was super packed. Think tonight n this weekend worse.

Got nepia L size at $14 per pack free two pc.

Heinz booth n hipp booth bought some food for bb.

hey mummies...back fm parenthood fair..with...nothing much =)

Spotted these few offers

1) 2 pack huggies ( all sizes ) for $26 n foc i pack bb wipes

2) nepia/goon $14 per pack ( tink std price? )

3) heinz food jars - cheaper by a dollor +/- nia .. ( lotsa of pple bought )

4) some booths selling bb clothing..quite cheap like $6 for 2 pc or something

5) Avent milk teats $5 for a pack of 2 ( all sizes) - i bought some to stk up cos im changing milk teats to the 4 hole type aka faster flow.

6) Got pigeon booth but din really look see

oh n if mummies plan to go, pls go early!!! ..the parking is so terrible ..we ended up parking behind the hall 4a n walked all the way...sitex is super duper crowded as well n a giant flea mark which i din go is also on.


i m pretty confused myself - heh.

i guess wat the colleague was trying to say is, there is never a good and perfect time to change jobs while being a mum. each stage has its own challenges. so change now _if_ the opportunity comes.


between those option, i will choose cc near mum's place since she is willing to take care.


i don't really stay near nel line but nearby. the 3 nearest station to me will ang mo kio, serangoon and hougang.


i never allow them to nap after 5pm. if still napping, i will go and disturb them and wake them up. i rather have a grouchy baby from 5pm to their actual sleep time then having a baby not sleeping at night.

Scanning thru posts...


Having my mum stay nearby was something we planned tt time when I got married. Good thing bcoz she can bring me lunch or I can go bk for dinner whenever she cooks. Plus sometimes when need help in bbsitting I can just walk over or vice versa n minimal time spent in travellibg. My mother very auto one. She said if any weekend we no need her to bbsit, we just tell her then she won't come over. Now she usually comes over on Friday night n help to bbsit while hb n I do chores. Then usually sat morning she goes home or sometimes when we go out, we will ask her if she wanna join us go out whole day as a family lor.


My mum can't help me bbsit during weekday bcoz she bbsitting another bb... Can't cope with 2 babies esp both now walking n crawling around...


Wah.. U make it sound very easy leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but my monkey won't stay still to let me do tt one... Wait she pee on me... Also she dun have fixed time for pooing so I also dunno when she pooing.. I can only "estimate" bcoz usually she will poo when after few feeds n during the feed.

Vic ma,

You order for me huh?

I want a pink cupcake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Need to transfer how much to you?

I've got 2 tickets to "The Arabian Nights" musical on 28th Nov Sunday @ 11am. Suitable for parent bringing their kid 5 years and above.. any parents wan please contact me asap so that we can arrange for ticket collection tomorrow at Toa Payoh or Bugis..

Eva - u also staying near us? Im at Serangoon! Next time we can organise meetup at Nex liao hehehe...

Celynlee - on no..dunno y i can suddenly picture u one hand holding #1, the other carrying ur gal horizontally walking towards the clinic lei. hmm..maybe poisonous insect bite or insect pee? i lazy mommy la, maybe wil wait aft 2 or 3 days neva get better then will bring see dr. meantime wil jus monitorrrrrrrrrrr

I was also at expo earlier...tot close at 9.30pm. We only reached at 8.45 then they say 9pm close. Stressed! faster jus scan thru all the booths...really nothing much. In fact the layout exactly same as few mths back. Managed to buy a swimming costume for mimi $20 got sale...many pple grabbing. ;p

Gbh - Then tats a blessing. Most impt is parents noe hw to be auto then everybody also happy!

"morning" mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Not zz yet ah? Wah my dh still not home went drinking with frens Ai [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


helo mummies, going to sleep soon

lucky i didnt go expo today. if not much thing then may not go


me stay @ Punggol. =) can meet up but recently my weekend oso fully book till Jan. learn sewing now

