(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

im so happy today! fed my gal the organix rice cereal twice yday n today n its getting better! seems like cannot make till too watery; my gal will "chup chup chup" her mouth n the rice cereal will drip out... the 1st time lotsa wastage n spillage... then next few feeds i made it thicker n VOILA! she took it very well and minimal spillage and she finished whole portion! i made 1 tbsp with fm n comes up to half a minibowl amt... only a bit gets onto her bib the rest all into her mouth n into her tummy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] in fact i think my gal likes it thicker bcoz when i scooped bk the bits that she chup out from the corner of her mouth (which is mixed with her saliva n hence watery), she din like it and fussed abt but when i scooped those from the bowl, she quickly leaned forward n stuffed the spoon into her mouth! like a glutton like tt!

other than the successful feeding, today i bought big toys for my gal!!! went recce my fren garage sale n i bought quite a few things:

- some lego for babies one

- an electric mini fan tt can clip on

- wooden toy for training bb motor skills

- little tikes car (i think its called the grand coupe)

- 1 big bag of lego megabloks + dora the explorer mega bloks

- 1 dino game

- 1 wooden balancing toy

- 1 cloth book

- 3 CDs for nursery rhymes n hymns...

all for $130!!! the little tikes car n megabloks are a steal!!!

n i also rec my order of my card n bag organizers!!!

toking abt retail therapy!!! yoohoo!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


anyone using the avent electric bottle cum food warmer to warm bb food? its stated tt can use other containers but any idea if i can just put the babycubes container? for mummies using baby cubes, how do you all warm up the frozen food other than microwaving?

Re: Missing the newborn days - me too. I was telling gal the same thing when we were in hubby's car.. told her how much we loved her and that we are gng to spend much quality time together.. before she grows older, gets to run around, then spend more time with frens and eventually gets married away.. a little sad but i think thats part and parcel of life. So now i can cuddle her to sleep, i will do so even if it means maxing my wrists.. then when me and hubby grow older, we will rent a dessert stall and sell cheng tng..

Re: Weaning - a new challenge for me. Duno how to cook porridge for gal. Duno how to puree. Duno whether to freeze food (esp when the freezer is packed w milk). Have to consider reducing my SS. Alot of things to consider so heng i only starting 1, 2 mths later..

i just wake up to moo moo. realise i'm not hardworking in moo moo for #2, feel so bad. better be a good girl and back to it.

siew ping,

depends on how often you are cooking for your girl. you can simply give her a bit of your food to make porridge then no need to freeze. your food i mean ingedients that you cook for yourself, not really your adult food.

wow GBH good buys! i think legos fantastic, i bought a set when my nephew was 2YO. he's now 6 and he's still playing when them!

had a great time with my LittleD over the weekend too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tiring but great fun =)

Siew Ping, there's always a first time!

Siew Ping - lolz on sell cheng tng wif ur ah lao next time...yalor, tink i will cry wen she marry..so emo hor?

GBH - wow..can feel ur excitement!! Great buys too..

Lynn/GBH - wen can we start bb on megablocks? wen they can sit up straight? My HB's colleagues got for her wen she was a mth old..nw stil sitting pretty in her room..

Chips - Tink most mommies took the opp to spend quality time wif LOs over long weekend, tats y back to work on boring Mon always a sianzX3 one...but the day will end v soon also la! ;p

Morning mummies~!

super blue monday for me. i'm soooo tired~!!!! long weekend suppose to have more rest time?? but it's exactly the opposite for me! dahz.. think that's life of a mummy... Very extremely sleepy now... argh... hope i can stay awake!! =S

goooood morning!

rushed to pump. v sleepy too.

Dazz, stay awake!!


i call it the amazing race run run here run run there feeling.

no time no time to miss C1 toddler's baby days and no time to miss C2's newborn days. but i did notice idly (when latching C2 over the weekend) that his head used to be smaller than my boob, now tis much bigger.

heng ah, else he wouldnt be able to come out of me! HAHA!

reading how all of you mummies are starting to feed the little ones cereal, made me realised, er... how old is BbZ now ah? Kept thinking that he'll turn 6mths on 2nd Oct. But when i looked at the calender and started counting, he'll turn 24 weeks this saturday!!! That means 6mths oredi rite??? lolz.. see la.. blur mummy me. So it means i can feed him his 1st mouthful of cereal this saturday liaoz lo!!!! yeah~!!!!

I got one question, hope mummies here can help me. Any difference between baby and the normal pumpkin?? Which is better?

ha? dazz, got baby pumpkin and normal pumpkin meh? you mean in terms of size ah....

the nuritional value shd be the same ah

cellow, lolz.. haha.. ya, in terms of size, baby pumpkin is many times smaller than the normal ones. I think it's from japan. TodZ eats it with his porridge. Am thinking of using it to puree for BbZ. Then i suddenly thought of how is it different from the normal ones?? My MIL was the one who bought it to make porridge. I just followed suit lo. =S

me here. on hl at home. trying to upload video in fb but can't. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


me no iphone. using laptop. after uploading #1's first solid meal then can't upload #2's. sigh.....

trying out on office pc now.


hhahahah..... no work is really pai mia. me so so bored at home. thinking what to eat for lunch. what time to go change dressings? where to go lunch?

Hey dazz & Mummies,

CAn I just confirm that our next gathering is @ Ming's place in Dec for X'mas party? If yes then I will abort the idea of holding it @ Bukit Batok Civil Service Club.

er... blur blur me got a question to ask.

How do you keep track of bb's age? By weeks or by mth?? is 24wks = 6mths??

hi piglet~!

sorry ah.. that day no chance to chat with you. anyway, thanks again!! with regards to the xmas party, need Ming to confirm if it'll be at her place though. I think the location is more or less confirmed, just the date.

Ming, how? Your place? Onz? =D

Dazz,staying at hm to rot...the poxes start to dry up liao...waiting for it to drop & new skins to come out... I miss my lil boy like mad...keep looking at his pics...

Hi Mummies, am in! Took morning off! so shiok super long long weekend. Anyway my gal woke up every hour and want to talk so super sleepy also.

Dazz: i follow 6 months lor, mine born 31 Mar, so 30 Sept will be 6 months.

Lynn: market went up? aiya, make $$ can already la. if want to count retrospectively, all of us no need work liao!

hi all,

seems like alot of people starting to feed ur bb.. i've already started to add veg into my girl's rice cereal, cos she doesn't want to eat her plain rice cereal now.. after i added broccoli, she's happily eating again..

as i normally add bm into her rice cereal, the rice cereal will becomes very watery, so alot of mess to clean after each feed.. is there any ways to make the rice cereal thicker when using bm??

lynn: aiyah.. buy shares is like that de la.. Look to the future, don't look back~! =D

Maddie, initially i also thought calculate like that. But i think HJ counts by weeks? Think Zz also count by month, seeing her post in FB. Aiyah... then how.. should i give BbZ his cereal this saturday???

Juye, anything de lo. Just try. Ultimately, she's going to eat all de~! haha.

Juye, btw, pumpkin and carrot don't need to give too often. If not, will make bb "orangey". I think you know la, hor?

Dazz: up to u lor, see if he is ready to eat yet... head steady, look interested in food, etc. also how impatient u r to get started (i think major factor). cos by now, most bb can eat liao. last time ppl wean at 4 months, now we wait til 6 months cos of the recommendations. for me, lazy so i will wait. tho a bit more excited liao.

anyway u not first time mommy, shd have done this before?

Maddie - haha..yah, kan cheong to see bb's reaction. But i liek u, lazy n not sure hw n wat to start..so will wait it out.

So to start weaning bb, main criteria is head steady n can sit upright? Then mine sure supa not ready.

re: weaning, i plan to start weaning on the later date i.e. not count by weeks (which i've lost count on btw) but by date.

plan to start with avocado puree! i think must do a test drive first. must also check out avocado recipes since Baby D prob cant finish it. maybe can make avocado kiwi dip - heheh...


maddie: lolz.. not 1st time mummy but 1st time preparing puree lo. lolz.. my TodZ very poor thing de lo. porridge porridge porridge all the way. If not it's just Nestle cereal. That time still living under IL's roof so didn't use the kitchen much. Now i got my own kitchen, i can do anything i want~! Plus the fact that i got a helper now, easier. lolz. Most importantly, i forgot when i started feeding TodZ his 1st feed. =S i asked hubby he also cannot remember. lolz.

