(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Change already but still comes back in a while... Am quite worried that #2 comes too early. Now I am only in week 35. We are hoping that #2 share same birthday as #1 - 20 April.

rest more in bed... that will help to "delay" the arrival of BB... dont move abt too much... im now in midst of 38th week.. though i think my BB on the smaller side n i want her to grow more n be bigger at birth, i alrdy wishing she can come soon... one thing is 1st time being a mummy.. cant wait to hold BB in my arms so very eager to meet my BB... second thing is that recently really not getting enough rest bcoz of heartburn... so a bit impatient n buah tahan the discomfort liao... like now, actually i wanna go rest n lay down one but i know once i lay down sure feels the burn again... plus i think my BB is moving n groving inside now.. dunno whats she doing also.. but not comfy lor...

s***! my BHC are like 10mins apart... Will monitor first. Anyway, near dawn already... Means closer to gynae appt... See how it goes from here.

gbh, do you have heartburn even from drinking water?

relax n take deep breaths... i think 10 min apart still shld be ok... u dun walk abt alrdy... ya dawn soon so wait and see a while

i drink water to soothe the burning sensation of heartburn but i think if i drink too much, i will feel very bloated n will make me feel like puking.. so i try to take small mouthfuls at a go.. usually when i drink water, i like to drink one full glass or more... now cant really do that.. will feel terrible after that...

Haha... snuggling in bed now...

I used to have heartburns from just drinking water. You know, I sleep in a/c room, so sometimes the throat will be parched. After drinking some water, I would end up with heartburns and cannot sleep for the rest of the night...

hey i just googled online... a few sites say that if ur contractions are like 5 min apart n lasting abt 1 min each time n been having that for an hour, then it's time for u to go hosp alrdy... so urs, 10 min apart still got time, even if its real contractions... anyway might be bhc...

now i alrdy feeling the burn lor... im sitting up straight in the chair at the com still feel the burn... plus my BB groving inside... what did u do last time to relieve ur heartburn? mine can be so bad that i can be awaken by the burning sensation many times at night during sleep leh...

Mine should be BHC cos though regular, I still don't have the feeling that 'this is it!' It's still about 10mins apart, 1-2mins long. Baby is moving quite a bit!

My last labour started with pelvic pains before spreading to the back. Then followed by waterbag break.

Initial contractions will sometimes feel like severe menstrual cramps. That was how my first labour started and I was thought it was BHC.

Good thing (and bad thing) water bag broke, so confirm I had contractions and was going into labour. But hor, contractions after waterbag break is a lot worse than just severe menstrual cramps. Cannot straighten when seated or walking. Kept shouting at hubby to slow down when driving, though there's no one on AYE/ECP at 5am. Hahaha!

But remember that there's no textbook answer when it comes to pregnancy and labour! Everyone of us will go through labour differently.

I dare not walk out of my room, cos my mum is staying with us for the time being and I don't want to worry her... But I am hungry!!!

Thanks ming. Hope so too.

Gbh yr eyes ok already ah. I have floaters too but that was way before preg n only have a couple. Doesn't affect me.

Ranting, I also have quite strong bhc that is very often at night. But read it is worse at night. And prob even more noticed by ppl who cannot sleep. Haf a good gynae visit tomorrow!

i hope if im giving birth, my HB is not sleeping.. its real diff to wake him up.. i hope my BB is the guai guai n good girl type.. will give me time to reach hosp one... n min pain...hahaha...


wah u also havent sleep yet ah? ya.. i realised now that floaters common in short sighted pple... i told a couple frens of mine what i saw n they told me they saw that before too but they din know what izzit... i just freaked out when i first had the exp of seeing dots swimming aorund abt couple weeks bk.. that time i tot i got high blood pressure n causing vision prob or what but end up its not.. anyway good to go get eyes chk n have peace of mind... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah cannot sleep as usual. A bit worse today cos gg in to induce later. Funny how pregnancy makes us notice more about our bodies n freak out abt it.

Maddie, did you just wake up? Yar, BHC more common in the night... But mine's been going on for about an hour.

gbh, my hubby just stirred and saw me awake. I told him about the regular BHC and his only comment was 'uh-oh!' then went back to sleep.

How I woke my hubby the last time was I told him that it could be contractions and I'll be monitoring it. When the water bag broke, I hit him hard enough to make him stir and coupled with a shout,' Water bag broke liao! Get up!' he really jumped out of bed...

Don't worry about not getting to hospital in time, especially since you are having your first baby. They tend to take longer to come out. That said, still must monitor cos my nephew came out in 4hrs from 1st contraction. But hor, chances still quite low lar... Most firstborns will take at least 6 hours to come out and most births take place in the wee hours.

Maddie, jiayou! Try and get some rest! You will need all the strength for later!

gbh, I also wear glasses and have seen floaters all the time, just did not know they are called floaters... Thought I have microscopic eyes and can see bacterias! Hahaha!

Been drifting in and out of sleep n of course the hourly toilet visits. Finally got up to stone for a while.

Mine also comes for quite long duration at night. Was convinced near labour already this week but cervix not even dilated.

Maddie, another way for you to rest more is that after birth, refrain from informing your family and friends first. Get some sleep and after you feel more refresh then you inform.

Baby feeds on reserves on the first day, so you can take the chance to rest more. Don't worry about offending visitors, you are the boss and you have the right to reject people and get your well-deserved rest.

rantingbaby, maddie

glad to know that im normal... tot i was going blind when the GP i first saw told me that floaters could be a sign of retinas detaching! scared the wits out of me!

i dunno if im getting any bhc but i doubt so bcoz i nvr feel anything that my gynae described.. he said will have a downward force n hardening of the tummy and the tummy will shrink... hardening.. yes.. i do feel that at times but the direction is random.. so i think its BB moving... n dun really see tummy shrinking leh... pls do not be overdue...

i'm still wide awake... but im feeling tired..


r u excited to be induced later? i feel excited for u that u going to see ur BB later! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i cant wait to see mine!

I have been wide awake n tired most of tonite. Thanks for advice ranting, think I'm gg to do just that. Already so tired I can't even think of entertainin more than imm family n best friends. Will see how it goes n maybe be dao like gbh. :)

am excited but think more scared than anything else. Let u all know how it went later

ok going to lie in bed for another hour or so. Gnite

My gynae v cute! After she delivered #1, she went to church and saw my mum and announced the birth news to her. In the end, I did not really get to rest on day 1.

My gynae is a family friend, so she watched me grow up one.


dun be scared... it's Mother Nature for women to give birth! think abt ur BB in ur arms! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have a good rest now so that u will feel more energised later for ur big day! good luck n all the best! keep us updated! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


today hit record time liao.. din sleep a single wink whole night... im going to try lull myself to sleep... or at least close my eyes... going to on Doraemon cartoons as a lullaby... if u still around, gd morning! n u also try to get some rest...

same here! Going to rest... Got migraine headache already! You rest well too and good morning to you!!!

Good Morning!

I'm still feeling tired despite sleeping so early and waking up only once to pee. On my way to work but feel like just curling up in bed to sleep. Gynae checkup this evening, can't wait to see bb's progress.


you get to see your bb today! Congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mt A so crowded?! Hopefully when it is time for us it won't be so bad.

Thanks mummies.

I'm better now after taking anti vomitting medicine.

Vic ma,

dun worry abt bb weigh. At 1st I was too. N bb weight just estimation. Cos I thot bb wil come out less than 2.5kg, end up gain 500g in a wk from 2.3 to 2.8kg.


wish u hv a smooth delivery.


Hee we r at same flr. Mine single bedded.


glad you're better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so can try latching already?

Celyn, did manage to go back to sleep. But have to wake again cos gynae appt at 10.15am.

kite, when u discharging? Whahaaa ur bb latch well? Actually i learn no milk no worry cos beginning is like tat as long bb latch well let him stimulate n milk wil cme eventually

wah, all the sleepless in singapore mummies on forum at night.....


good to hear that the anti vomitting medicine worked.


bb got reserves for 3-5 days one de. yes latch latch latch and the milk will come in eventually.


i also feel like curling up and going back to sleep. C1 woke from 3am to 430am, maid was patting him back to sleep, but he made little eh eh eh noises throughout that kept me awake.


jiayou for later!


i like him cos he is very friendly, cheerful and only provide necessary info to us. i enjoy all my visits so far. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi calling for mummy Kel you ordered 2 boxes of milk tea - i dont think i have received any email from your please do so as next batch you will be up

i need your address as well

[email protected]

Mother's milk tea April mummies sp ree update

Batch 1 to be sent out within 2 days

Joelle - 6 boxes

Jasda - 1 box

Syz - 3 boxes (emailed for bal)

Jing jing - 3 boxes (emailed u for address & bal)

Batch 2 if the time line is the same as receipt of batch 1 could be by end of this week.

participants i will slowly email you if there is any outstanding. if you didnt hear from me & you are listed here - means i got all your information liao.

elmoo - 2 boxes

Orangey - 3boxes

SGSC - 2 boxes

kel - 2 boxes

Janet -1 boxes

New (dia) - 2 boxes

Ynby80 - 4 boxes

For those who MIA for few days despite My reminders, if fully paid I will reserve for you. if not yet paid deposit at all, I will send out to next on the list 1st. Hope I you understand thanks. (cos i also going to pop want to off load & send out everything asap too)

Hi Vic ma

thanks for ur efforts to do all these. I will pm my address n email address to u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sy, Celia,

yes just manage to latch him tis morning, wil latch him every 3 hrs. I hvnt started to get down walk after csect, wil try after lunch. Hopefully won't b tt pain. I wil discharge on fri b4 noon.

morn mummies.

Hope all's going well with the mummies who r popping sson.

Congrats to those who have popped these past few days.

After my checkup last fri, gynae decided to induce me into labour as amiotic fluid was too low for confort.

26/3- Gynae ordered to indice on 27/3

27/3 - Upon admission..discovered cervice aldy dilated 2 cm. Advised to rest for the nite instead of inserting postin gel as planned.


715am - CTG monitoring

745am - water bag burst by gynae..as expected..not much fluid..dilate 3cm aldy

1130am - dilate 4cm..v slow progress so induce drug increased dosage.

1330pm - asked fr epi cos pain too much to bear ..dllated 5cm

1600 - dilated 6-7cm ) gynae est del time is here )

1830 - dilated 8-9cm

1900 - bb hb was ok but nt much movement...gynae offered 2 options...wait 1 hr more or emer c-sec.

Gynae examined me n indicated that though almost fully dilated, bb is still not moving downwards ..ie at station -1 ...tried pushing to encourage bb to move down fast but still no result...decided to fo c-sec immediately ...at this pt , i almost wana burst out crying aldy but worry dh will also break down....

2005 - Pushed alone into OT cos emer csec so dh cannot be with me, prep done within 10 mins ..bb out at 2047pm...i duno where i got the courage to do this alone ...the surgeon showed me my lil bb ...n told me this " bb is a big boy..healthy "...i cried while im being stitched up. ...after stitching done, my gynae who did the op came to talk to me ..." its a blessing that i opted for c-sec immed...bb's position was facing up...no matter how i had pushed, bb was in wrong position to be born naturally" ...i aldy had no emotions...cos epi side effects.

2200 - Sent back to my ward to rest.

30/3 - Discharged with BB Ethan!!!


congrats. Most importantly bb is safely out. Btw how come csect epi can't let hubby go in? By right can u know. My hubby went in leh.


do u do nite feeding or ask nurse feed?


well done! are you at home now? rest well... jiayou on the bfeedg.

posterior bbs are difficult to push out indeed.

kite...cos mine is emergency case ..unlike elective c-sec ...all i had for support were the medical team who kept nudging me to stay awake ..cos my bp was v v slow ...

