(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

hi orangey, yes. generally speaking, if the policyholder purchased the hospitalisation plan before her pregnancy, she will be covered. this is also provided she is currently accepted with no specific exclusion on her health.

for ladies who have purchased plans from insurer(s) who cover female related illness, there is an optional cover which protects against pregnancy complications and certain NICU/new born conditions. likewise, this plan have to be purchased before pregnancy.

hope the above clarifies.



we are seeing the same gynae, benjamin tham. yah yah, some babies are naughty and are too comfy inside thus don't want to come out loh. dr tham mention to me before he also got a mummy who was 2cm dilated and delivered only 2 weeks later.


I hv popped today Pls. Help update. Csect epi n I m surprised bb's weigh is 2.8kg cos last wk 36 wks ONI 2.3kg.

Btw e epi is making me vomit since late noon til now. Was told epi's side effect. Anyone experienced it? Now resting at tmc. Due to weakness n vomit, didn't bf bb today, ask nurse spoonfeed. Tmr wil then bf.

hi mummies,

i was at mt a this morn at 4am cos frm 3-3.30am, tummy felt really tight n hard n i couldnt feel bb move! i was really worried so decided not to risk it n just get myself checked.. labour ward n observation ward full house! they had to squeeze in an extra bed for me..

was monitored for abt an hr.. bb's heartbeat was slow at first then suddenly went faster but thank God everythin stabilised.. nurse said ive got a cheeky bb!

oh n i hate e dilation check!! experienced for e first time.. nt dilated at all so i could go hm.. will be seeing gynae on thurs.. looks like bb's still comfortable in me.. hmm


thanks. Btw ask u. 1 to 2 days delay of bfging.... Will cause no more colostrum? Hopefully my vomit will fast fast go away.


Sorry to hear about your mom. I know how you feel cos I had a scare not long ago. Pray for the best. Take care...


take care too. Rest a lot.

Premature baby bill:

I am very shock it adds up to so much! How to pay har, like that.. by instalment? But mommy and bb's health most important..


I finally decided to sign with stemcord. Cos they are cheaper :p.


Orangey, baby so developed liao, will not be affected one. Fingers form in late 1st tri or early 2nd tri mah. Dun worry lar!

Hospital bag:

Mommies, I think I need home moving service for my hospital bag liaoz! so sian.. I think I may use luggage bag liao..ARHHHHHHHHH

Kite, congrats! take care. C-sect with epi..means u were awake during the surgery? You are so brave.

I am starting to feel very scared of the labour!!


don't know leh cos i latch on immediately after baby is born while we are still in delivery suite. i guess should still have lah. i thought with epi, you can still bf? you very weak now is it? rest well hoh.


I am not sure if private hospital allows installments if bill size is huge but for Gov hospitals like KKH, NUH, SGH they allow installments when your bill size is huge and they also allow you to exceed your medisave so your cash involve won't be too much.

I've a friend who need to go for emergency C-sect at KKH and she has to stay 1 more night at the hospital, plus her baby needs to stay in the hosptial for 2 more nights so the total cost adds up alot cause I think she was suppose to go for nature induce and after inducing for many hrs still not dilated and she took extra epi so her whole bill came up to 10K but cash involved, she only paid 3K plus cause of the Exceed withdrawal of medisave.


If u cant bf, u can express it out by pumping. At least you can send message to your brain that you are bf-ing and so milk ducts are simulated.

rantingbaby: Thanxs for link for hospital bag list.

Are u all bringing breastpump into hospital? Heard 1st few days not much milk. Must we bring? How to sterilise breastpump. Ours is Mandela mini electric pump given by friend.

Where do we get cheap n good naper liner?


Don't worry, all our babies will be very healthy and chubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How come your hospital bag so heavy? U got those wheeling kind of small luggage bag? I think it's easier says in case need to go hospital and DH not at home still can wheel.

Just to share what I'm bringing:

- ROM Cert

- Admission Letter

- Bank Statement


- Cordlife Kit

- 6 Maternity Pads

- 10 Disposable Panties

- 1 Nursing bra

- 1 set of Baby Receiving Towel

- 1 set of Baby Rompers

- 1 set of Baby booties and mittens

- 1 set of DH's clothes

- 1 set toiletries for DH

Won't be bringing a set of clothes cause I intend to wear what I wore to Hospital back home.


no need to bring pump, just latch baby during the stay. if really bring, can get nurse to sterilise for you but you need to have a container to keep the parts after being sterilise and before next use.

nappy liners, search the want to sell thread for good offers.


I also dunnoe leh..I am using a free bag from credit card sign up last time for now, but like very full leh.

so far I packed:

3 PJ

1 pack of maternity pad (cos not individually pack so more hygenic to br everth?)

10 disposable panties

pencil case and notebook

Hubby's clothes

Face Towel

the bag almost full liao.. and that pack of pads in a seperate bag liao.. I feel I cannot pack like that leh.. contraction liao still carry so many things meh...think will try luggage bag with wheels tomorrow and see how.


Hmm you can get a clean Ziplock and keep the maternity pads. I asked the nurse she says its fine so long the Zip lock is new one lah, don't reuse. Why u need 3 PJ? Think 2 PJ should be enough ba?

KKH provide gowns and they give u new one everyday so no need to pack save losa space!

Thanxs celynlee how to go 'the want to sell thread for good offers'

Any recommendation for good geomancer for choosing bb name and what is the cost?

ok 1st round of mother's milk tea is here shipped 20th reached today 30th.

This batch is for joelle and 1st few from 2ndbatch. I repacked into ziplocks to flat pack them so that they will go into letter box since most popped and popping lechey to go pick up from the post office hor.

Give me 2 days to post out and i will post who is getting for this batch tomorrow.

Hopefully 2nd batch will be in within another 5 days say by next monday. And i can mail out by middle of next week.

maddie no problem we were helping each other to get the disc too! Glad it reached u safe.


i massaged in 2nd mth. My gynae said after 3 mths i was like go back to work liao le last time ml only 3mths. But i asked my massage lady she said 2nd mth can do la. Its not like they press on the wound mah.

Infact if u wait any longer u might need more sessions for same or lesser effects cos wait too long the fats harden liao lor.

I am using aunt rose this time. Not going back to my old one. Too ex and she very busy lor

1sttimepapa: I used Master Jing Zi Long to pick the c-sect date. I know he can pick baby names too 'cos when we were there, an auntie was there to pick names for her grandson. I think he charges $188 upwards. Call 6741 7377 to enquire.

Orangey / KDD: I think we may need more maternity pads 'cos the flow may be pretty heavy for the first few days? I am being kiasu and bringing the whole packet.

ashley u can pm me or email me at [email protected] sorry i am not emailing u cos using hp abit restricted in use.

Today i went for my checkup week 36 my bb is 2.2-2.3kg. Since lat visit 3 weeks back i put on 2.5kg. Bb was 1.7kg. Hb is starting to realise hmm this bb small le.

Vicma: Thanks for sharing. Didn't see your post before my last post.

Guess it depends on how quickly the wound heals. Feeling a bit scared just thinking of the wound but bo pian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re: breast pump

i wont be bringing mine to hosp cos mt a dont encourage cos need to sterilise n all.. if really need to pump then can rent e hosp-grade type for $20..

Congrats to kite n Celia n anyone else i may have missed out.

Am going in tomorrow to induce. Have been up since 4+am n am damn tired but can't seem to sleep. hope can rest well tonite since it is last nite that can be so free.

ya i will update tomorrow abt tea status good to hv all addresses 1st so that i can prep the envelopes and mailing labels 1st.

vic, dont worry.. it's just an estimate.. who knws ur bb is actually way heavier than that! my cousin's bb was ard 2.7kg during e scan then if im nt wrg ard a week ltr she gave birth, bb 3.6kg! =)

re: maternity pads

im bringing 2 packs with me, 1 poise brand, 1 whisper overnite.. hehe!


Correct hor, we got the same gynac. Haha.. sometime he will try to joke with us to make things less "tense" for 1st time mummy like me.

Hi kite


hope u r feeling better.. Rest more ok.


my gynae's estimate was quite close one. I not concerned cos 1.5 kg more i hit the 100kg mark not very funny.

Her previous estimate 1day before my waterbag broke was 3.8-4kg. My girl was 3.97kg at birth. My sil and i share the same gynae and says she quite famous for her estimates.

Someone i know who just popped her gynae's estimate was 600gm lighter than actual wt. But my gynae was very kind she said estimates will hv 25% difference its still acceptable. but my gynae is a senior consultant la.


The dilation test, I also don't like.


It was first done by the nurse and she was saying something that I couldn't make up what she was saying (properly I was tired and felt a bit pain here n there).

They also asked me whether want to go into the delivery room for laughing gas and injection first to minimise the pain. I asked "can't I have the epi straight??". The whole situation like very confusing to me.

Anyway, in the end, they told me to wait for the gynac (already 6plus then) to re-check and assess. By then, my contractions "kind of" gone and gynac advise me to go home to rest and wait.


wow ur girl was of a very gd weight! i thought subsequent babies shld be ard same weight too..

hmm i wonder if dr woody's estimate accurate or nt.. skali my bb much smaller cos my tummy doesnt seem big to me..


e nurse kept telling me sorry while she was checking.. i was thinking wah dilation check alr i cant take it, deliver sure need epi alr! lol


i think can refer to zhuzhu's girl's wt something like 4.6kg and her boy just delivered i forgot around 1kg less?

U think maybe boys more active? So come out smaller?

Maddie: Good luck for tmw! All will be well I am sure.

Vic Ma: This is major surgery for me 'cos I have not even taken out my wisdom teeth before this. But I am sure it will all be worth it when I carry my baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies,

i slept thru out today... wow.. really lotsa posts to follow... this morning i went to see eye specialist reg the silver dots i see recently when i vomitted jialat jialat.. just to be on the safe side... apparently the dots r known as floaters n doc said its common in shortsighted pple... but given me 6 weeks review to go bk again to make sure my condition is stable n nothing serious...

the chk up left my eyes teary n painful bcoz the doc used her hands to pry open my eyes n shone extremely glaring torchlight into them to see... tot i was going blind with that super bright light shining into my eyes! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]... so painful.. plus they gave me eyedrops to dilate my pupils for the chk up.. after the doc appt, i see blur blur stuff.. supposed to wear off after few hrs... so came home n then slept whole day off till just now dinner time.. then HB rushed me for dinner.. wanna post earlier... no time till now


congrats to u! glad that BB is now ok n latching well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


congratulations! Ya.. I heard that one side effect of epi is vomiting…

Been having frequent BHC in my lower abs... Good thing it's gynae check later, can just ask gynae to check.

But I have been up every hour since I fell asleep at 1am... I woke at 2 am and now at 3am... So went to note down questions that I want to ask gynae later.

Trying to go back to sleep.


Gbh, no lar... At home now, later got gynae appt at hospital. But lower ab pressure and loud snoring from hubby is keeping me awake.

