(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

hey mummies, thanks for the info abt the anterior position. Will try to be in all 4 tonight and good to know i also sleep in the recovery position all the while.

1 question, how do u know ur bb in anterior or posterior? can feel one ah? how ah?

RE: bb birthday same as sibling

My EDD is on 6 apr which is a day b4 my birthday lor... how too bad now bb already so big or I can wait till 7 Apr then give birth then bb will be sharing the same bday as me! heheheee....

ytd was my mil's birthday, so glad that bb is clever.. hahahaaa

Btw, I will be going for induce tml morning if there is still no sign given by bb coz he is too big and gynae can see that im overly tired liao... so gynae said the latest tml need to go for induce...

heard that induce is more painful, wish me luck and a smoothest delivery la....

scare.. scare...


Hi all,does anyone know if more frequent lower back aching and more discharge over 1-2 days means that labour is imminent in the next few days or weeks?

Anyone has any experience? I couldnt really tell true from false labour


usually thats some of signs of labour coming but not all the time accurate one.. like preggie symptoms.. everyone has it differently... only few signs like water bag bursts or having the show r the more definite signs of labour impending... i also cant tell true from bhc.. in fact i dun even know if i got bhc...

general rule of thumb.. if contractions like 5 min or less apart n last abt 1 min each time n been having that for abt an hr, time to go hosp liao...

Cellow, strangely, during each scan the doc says her face is facing outwards looking at us on the screen(posterior), but i can always feel her big butt shifting left n right, like wat u said, feeling n seeing the hard lump (supposedly her butt)pop up on the surface lei..so im also wondering hw is this possible. Can the bb be so flexible tat her head can turn 180 deg frm the body??!!!

Wonderland, 2ml's 1st April nice date but its also April Fools'day! hehe...scally next time he always play pranks on others...hehehe..yah, heard induction v painful but i guess b4 u noe it, ur son wld be in yr arms liaoz...All the Best yah n Jiayou!

thanks, sg_sc! yalor yalor, invite ppl to party and there is no party.. heheheee....

yeap, im concentrating on guess how my bb looks like now.. trying not to think abt the pain first... trying very very hard now....

hi mummies

I am breastfeeding my lil one n would like to know wat food to avoid that affect milk supply. Can we eat liver? my massage lady said it affects milk ss. Wonder if its true..

yes i second danggui too. drink alot of soup.

fish papaya soup very good for naturally increasing breast milk.

some say aviod spicy food as it will alter milk taste. but seriously up to yourself.

Liver not very sure le. no comments on this - i guess slices wont harm - as long as we dont eat whole 500gms worth or more should be ok in moderation.

thanks Gbb.

re:fish papaya soup I was wondering if you already have ample milk supply would drinkin it make you more likely to get engorge instead?


its not so bad. unlike maybe feenugreek supplements -these are more mild natural helps.

which i need to re-emphasise - pumping & latching is important to prevent this in anycase. if your milk ducts are clear - you should not have this problem unless u didnt pump or latch for too long lapse periods.

tks vic ma and gbh!

My current ss is ard 100 to 120ml per session. Is this ok? I delivered 1 wk ago. Hoping to store more BM...

blue blue its very good liao. considering that u just popped recently. usually pple get this yeild only in the 3rd or 4th week.

continue pumping & latching regularly!

the aim is to store around few mths of day time supply before u stop Pumping/plan to stop. so taht it can tide over that period.

bbies usually fall sick when they stop EBM suddenly. good to have a lapse over period.

vic_ma if you do bf as in just latching why do you need to pump out and keep still?? I couldnt get my head around latching the bb on demand and EBM to keep. Need your expertise pls


i can second wat vicma said... 100-120ml is very good. ganbatte on the latching! pump is after latch only de.

side note - i got a notebook (any old one will do la) to record down bb's latch timings, left or right side, pump amts, poo and pee pattern

so a morning's log might read smthing like this

730am - 745am Left

then pumped x ML

750am - poo yellowish orange

755am - 9am sleep

9am - 920am Right

then pumped x ML

940am - pee

this is in case if bb has any big deviation from pattern, you would know from looking at past records. also make it convenient to talk to PD during the newborn development checkup.

also another practical note. to track which breast i last latched from, i used a hair tie - those rubber band type - on the last finger. so that next time, i know to latch from the other side.

some mummies i know use anything from milk bracelets (macam like those yellow lance armstrong bracelets) to clothes pegs on nursing bras. all fulfil the same purpose.


latching is the most efficient way to stimulate milk supply.

pumping after that fulfils 2 purposes

1) to trick the body into producing even more milk. this is bcz most mummies need to inc, not dec, the milk supply

2) to keep the EBM for future use... in case you fall ill or become stressed and MS dec, or when you go back to work etc etc

... of course, if latch and pump within half hour after latch leads to engorgement, then switch back solely to latch. then the storage of milk for future use... haiya later than decide la.

hey mummies,

im tired of waiting for D-Day alr.. hope when i see dr woody tmr he'll gimme gd news n say that bb's arriving soon! hehe

btw, im in my 37th week now, is it safe for me to drink a bottle of chicken's essence every night till i deliver??


unless u are planning to be a stay at home mum. that's a diff story already. pumping will be to stimulate milk more.

But if you plan to go back to work. You wil need to pump at work as well. that's also if u plan to breast feed long.

you can alternatively just latch & dont pump when u go back to work. its entirely up to you.

but if you go back to work & dont pump & just latch wen u are at home - your supply will drop according. no hard & fast rule on how u plan to do it.

I pump cos i go back to work & during the day my girl still needs milk while i am away at work. the tedious thing of first in first out store frozen milk needs to be followed cos

the milk matures as your child grows. So a mummy who has a 5 mth old baby - the milk she produces is suitable for a 5 mth old - not a new born for eg.

so to MAX the benefits of the milk stored for the baby - it should be consumed earlier. Also if we keep out 2nd mth milk till 9th mth - given that overtime - your freezers are not fantastic the milk is deemed bad liao. so you still must practise 1st in 1st out.

why so troublesome.

Breast milk is the best milk for baby. while u latch you give the latest current milk - while freezing & thawing takes are of the time you are not with your bb. (working mothers) or sahm also needs a break & grandmothers & fathers will be "dying" to feed the little ones! so its a good break for mothers anyway.

& total breast feeding is what some pple like to have. cos of the benefits of breast milk


less sickly child (CC leave reserved for vaccinations & bringing baby out to play instead of staying at home to look after a sick child)

smarter child

less PS problems since bm is supposed to be best food


helps mum lose weight

etc etc

sometimes its hard to demo the goodness of breast milk wo bringing in formula milk - the alternative.

Formula as the name suggests - is a lab concoction. its not even real milk - its derivative as newborns cannot digest cows' milk yet.

with Dogs. i think most of us who might have looked after one sometime ago or currently will know what's dog's best food. its suitability of the food what kills them what is good for them etc. Pet shop food vs supermarket food i think most know one is just starch with flavourings & salt & the other is expensive - nutritious food for the dog.

same goes with babies. Since cow's milk or whatever natural is not suitable - formulas are made into powder for ease of making milk for a growing child - copying & modifying the best milk - breast milk & of course the main ingredient be it cow, goat, soy or oat milk being using as the base.

as formula is not best milk/food. it has its problems of hard stools, loose stools, suitability problems, etc.

why is breast feeding FUNNY.

thanks to the age of industralisation - pple touted that formula was the way to go. breast milk is passe (old fashioned) & women were needed in the work force & the ART of advertising - enchanted everyone to believe that formula was BEST FOOD for baby.

but as diseases & illnesses advanced with technology. We are back to square one & slap on the face -shits breast milk is still the best. ( but we already have 2-3 generations of brain washed mothers and grandmothers & mother (monster) in laws to deal with.

bf is new age -actually no. its OLD age & its still one of the more cool stuffs around.


I fart a lot but lucky no sound n smell.

Did u get the binder to support ur wound,

I got frm the nurse, doc say got to wear easier when we laugh or sneeze.

I think maybe u cn request for ginger tea frm ur doc when he/she visit u,

Im leaving tomorrow..

Hw abt 1 day we all mit up together, ur bb 1 day younger thn mine.. Hee supposingly we r apr mummies now become march mummies...

although some will say if you are hard working sure got milk. scared no milk buy pump or not.

there are a small % of ladies who really cannot sustain milk production or might be advised against long term breast feeding their children.

its fine too as we should not take it so seriously i cannot be a cow so i am a bad mother -NONSENSE HOR.

the day you decided to give birth to this child u are carrying or carried. You are already a great mother le. NO doubt.no need to guilt play if you cannot bf.

dont want to bf is diff story hor. those who dont believe in bfing - just skip my posts hor thanks.


good le means u getting rid alot of wind liao -its what confinement is for rid body winds!

actually it was my gynae who asked me to buy the binder - she told me & my hb to go to the pharmacy to get one.

vic_ma yes it does help! Similarly I had trouble making sense to my mum abt BPA bottles n why I dont think bf bb need water initially etc. Lots of views of how things work as times changed.

the binder 59 dollars downstairs i duno hospital goin to charge me hw much,

By the way, bb wil b dress properly by the hospital no nd to giv them the little clothings we prepared.

I alrdy transport a lot of my belongings n gifts home so tat tomorrow wil b easier.


i support ur views on BF!!!! my own mother, i havent even given birth or start BFing, she alrdy saying things like "how can just TBF??? what if BB starve how? must supplement with FM one!"... i alrdy so pek cek trying to tell her that BM is the best n i havent even started yet.. not like i got some med condition then i cannot BF then that's a totally different story liao.. then that one i cannot control bobian then feed FM lor...

sometimes it's dealing with family members that takes the toll n gives us the stress more than the actual BFing or taking care of BB that gives us the stress... n the irony is whose BB is that? it's our BBs... whose breasts r that? it's our own breasts... who is doing the BFing? It's us mummies...

the binder 59 dollars downstairs i duno hospital goin to charge me hw much,

By the way, bb wil b dress properly by the hospital no nd to giv them the little clothings we prepared.

I alrdy transport a lot of my belongings n gifts home so tat tomorrow wil b easier.


it takes alot of patience to educate that generation de lor.

sometimes easier to explain dungeons & dragons to them haha!

maybe because i am much older its easier for me to explain such things to my parents -its just a given that i did my homework la. & for my MIL i really have to thank my SIL for paving the way.

my MIL still has her own ideas but since its OUR children she tries to listen to our ways lor. But she is not main nb caregiver its more of educating my maid who has already taken care of my 2 sil's children who were TBFed as well.

we are still luck in a sense - some ladies deal with hb & MIL opposition - that is really like Killer. already bf is hard - with no support but OPPOSITION some more - no wonder alot of ladies just give up after a while.


ya i agree... if HB also not on our side its really a killer... gd thing i edu my HB thru out preg on preg n childcare stuff... so he just listens... n i always quote other ppl advice to borrow more support... hahaha... so i keep telling him that when BB comes, sure got lotsa obj to a lot of things we going to do... BF is sure one of them... then we must stand united n tog! hahaha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vic ma

Good to hear so much info on breastfeeding from u. BF is really good for our baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I trying to pump every 3 hrs now since at home resting...latch in day time. I got 1 question, dunno should I start freezing my BM now. and if freeze, how much now in a bottle?

today i managed to go to a sinseh shop to buy red date + dried longan.The salesperson also asked me to buy a packet of herbs to throw in with the rest when i am boiling my drink.Cost me $25 and he said to add 6 bowls of water and can only reuse about 10 times....Expensive!

usally we freeze what the bottle can take so that it will max the bottle (leave 1 cm for ice expansion hor or the glass might crack)

some mummies like to freeze in current demand amounts or forecasted amounts.

but for 1st mth usually we pump today to feed tomorrow or later as usually the supply is not large enough to warrant storage yet.

label the frozen ebm so that you can practise 1st in 1st out. i just use a perm marker & scribble the date on & when i reuse I strike off the old date.


yes me got wear binder. Btw ur bb got urine anot? Since I bf start today w ONI colostrum, My bb poo only never urine much. Urs leh?

Late night mummies - really powerful siah, can tahan until so late.. i try to fall asleep but what really wakes me up is the pain in my stomach. Like gastric like that.. duno why.

Re: SGH hospital tour - i saw the A class in SGH. Quite disappointed. No fridge, add hubby's bed needs S$30 a nite, plus i think is CRT TV.. aiyah, made worse after i saw XLH's facebook on A bedder at KKH. So nice~

i just drank chicken's essence for e first time in my life n OMG.. feel like throwing up alr.. MIL wants me to drink a bottle once a day till i deliver n during confinemt too! urghh!! =S


There,s a board wif the baby indicating their feeding poo n urine. I chk my boy got lei.

U knw why maybe becos i let him drunk plain water to clear his mouth after breastfeeding or formula hhaaa..

U slpt alrdy wan cme out corridor. me in so bad shape ugly until i dare nt see the mirror.

1. After sterilising milk bottle, do we need a covered box to store all milk bottle?

2. After pumping breastmilk into milk bottle, where do u guys keep the milk bottle? in fridge?

Apologised for asking all these.

Need to support my wife as she is still busy working under 'Psycho' Boss.

Wife send all prioritised tasks to him for approval but he refuse to acknowldged so as to indirectly tell her all are important and she must finish before her ML. So unreasonable...

I pity her when she still need to work so late with her condition now (38th week).

Actually told her that if she is stressed n want to cry, she should release n cry...I guess by supportng all in prepration for new bb will help to reduce some stress from her..

1sttimepapa: I am a 1st time mum too so just sharing info from my girlfriends. Sterilised bottles should be kept in a clean covered container until you need to use them. I think if you leave them in the steriliser, they stay sterilised for up to 6 hours or something like that (depending on the model of your steriliser). I have bought a big lock and lock container to put the sterilised bottles. I have sterilised the container with a steriliing tablet as well to make sure the container is clean and I plan to do this periodically (like once a week).

As for expressed milk, we have just bought a bar fridge to store the milk. It should be ok to keep the milk with the rest of the family's food in the regular fridge but we decided to get a separate fridge anyway. Hope this helps.

I am sure the other mummies will have good suggestions to make too.


after sterilising bottles, leave the bottles inside the steriliser until u need to use them... as far as i know, theres like a time frame that u need to use them... cannot like i sterilise now then i use 2 days later... must use within a certain number of hrs... if not u gotta re-sterilise again b4 use...

after pumping the milk into teh bottles yes put in fridge or freezer depending if u keeping for imme later use or to store for much much later use...


I haven't even sterlize my milk bottles yet. Think must ask my mum to sterlize liao since I'm going to have my confinement done at mom's place. I bet she's going to nag me for being last min!!!

