(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

yes i agree got inherit 1..

I asked my mum why bb stil dun wan to come out.. she say my siblings & I all late by almost 2 wks n all our weight is ard 4kg or more.



bb only in air-con at night

Now i not sure if it's due to the super heaty red date tea i had last few days that caused his dry throat!

v headache one sia.. It's not freq just that occasional cough.

my cl says its normal leh


guess if u want, can monitor for a few more days then see how loh...since you are not drinking the super heaty red date tea alreayd right.

Janet, means yr threshold for pain quite high lei..can lun till 7cm. But yah, really dilate v fast lei in ur case. Is good mah, bb can faster come out safely n mommy no need endure long painful labour.

yahlor, i hear oredi i stressed...but of coz if its real labour contractions, then it'll jus get worse n worse as time passes...most times i jus sleep it off wif the wanna poo feeling...

ZZ, prob bb jus trying to clear his throat/respiratory pipe of any milk residue. Prob monitor for couple more days since he's feeding n sleeping well. If dun improve then seek medical advise.


nanny did give bb 2-3 times water per day lor.

Now he on fully ebm except 1 time fm at night.

Last 3 days alredi drinking reduced dosage of heaty tea..

This cough thing happened abt 2 days ago.

Thanks lovebbk. I was almost panicking that don't have 'respectable' pyjamas for hospital. Will ask the nurses what to pack.

Re the age spots I also discovered have quite a lot on neck n notice that increased on breasts as well. Am very sad to hear that it won't go away. Was hoping that it would.


water after a feed more important than 2-3 times a day cos it helps to wash the milk off the gums preventing gum ulcers as well as nappy rash.

(gum ulcers cos linked to digestive system can result in nasty pee pee rash - my friend learnt that the hard way - bb end up SUPER cranky)

more of like u imagine us drink milk & dont wash mouth - intensify the effect for the bb - probably some minor discomfort for him lor. + u reduced tea should be improving in few days.

aftnn mummies,

was tossing n turning in bed frm 2am right up to 5am.. couldnt slp n had more bhc also.. now im having terrible backache right dwn to my legs! kept telling bb faster cme out, mummy tired alr! =/

re: stroller n carrier

ive decided to wait till bb's born then go try out with bb then buy so gonna give e fairs a miss.. will probably just go straight to baby hyperstore..

re: pain relief during labour

any experienced mummies used pethidine (e jab in e thigh)? did it help?

Zz, not sure abt coughing babies. I know abt runny nose but I guess if breathing ok n no whezing shd be ok. When is yr next pd checkup? Maybe can call up to ask n see or bring fwd the appt.


the degree of pain release is first: gas, second: jab in thigh and third: epi.

but i think jab in thigh also has side effect, but cant remember what, hence that time, i only stop at gas, didnt go for jab in thigh

Maddie, i also very sad wen i heard tat..prob these age spots r the so called "laorenban" in preggy terms.

mrsm, u might wanna try out Baby Avenue at Balestier too as Celia posted above. Read some good reviews abt the place...good prices esp for strollers like Maclaren n Quinny.


thks.. im nt gonna use e gas cuz i hate e feeling of drowsiness.. it'll only make me panic even more! haha! but i wanna try to avoid epi so im only left with e thigh jab.. hmm


yup ive been there before.. but baby hyperstore more variety so thought just go there only.. during preg keep going to so many places selling bb stuff tired alr.. so this time just go to one place! hehehe

I just realised that I'm not piling much weight comparing to previously. I hope that's okay and hope baby continues to pile loads of weight.


I also lesser weight gain for #2 than #1. Gynea said because now your body knows how much weight to gain is enough...dont know real or not.

hi mummies,

finally have time to login [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

here's my birth story :

22 Mar 2010

11.30am : start CTG

12.30pm : Gynea check 2cm dilated & insert the induce tablet.

13.30pm : Lunch & gynea schedule 4pm back to clinc for CTG.

15.30pm : Gynea ask to admit cos based on the CTG monitoring I may already dilated 4cm.

16.00pm : admitted in delivery suite

16.20pm : administered with enema. poo poo

17.00pm : Nurse came and confirm 4cm dilated.

18.30pm : Gynea broke waterbag & using a stick to let the flow out faster. Because BB head still very high, put on drop to induce dilation.

19.30pm : contractions started at 5min interval

20.45pm : 3min interval

21.05pm : Nurse in-charge ask me do I feel like poo. I replied "no" than another nurse coming & check I'm 7cm dilation. Then she asked me" do u feel like pushing" replied" yes, because is very pain when u insert your fingers in.” After that she called the gynea to come.

Than the nurse in-charge came in ask question me" Y just now I ask u & u say don't feel like pushing" I like "??" After that both nurses quarrel outside my delivery ward. So unprofessional & we can hear very clearly on their conversation. HB say may be they have target to achieve.. hahaha make me laugh with pain. Very drame leh.

21.30pm : Gynea arrive & check confirm 8cm dilation & ask the nurse monitor the progress

22.00pm : Very strong contraction with interval every 1mins & feeling like poo. So call the nurse to inform gynea. Start pushing w/o gynea because is very painful, when gynea came in with 3 pushes our bb arrives with 3.5kg & 54cm length w/o epi.


u got drink water yourself? someone suggest maybe you also eating too much ginger.

But for all u know he just salivating & cos bbs lie down all the time so cough abit - handsome boy trying to get your attention keke.

just monitor & see.

haha..Yiwen, tats an interesting birth story u have n natural w/o epi somemore. So powderful! u make it sound so easy too...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Rest well n COngrats!!

Mrsm, yah, totally understd, jus like wen we were hunting for home furnishing n lights then...been practically ard whole spore...v v tiring. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Orangey, isnt tat good. U not gaining but bb gain. I put on another 2 kg in 2 weeks! Jiak lak, but bb stil avg nia, gynae say i must cont eating, wont ask mi diet...tink aft birth i will have hard time shedding those weigth off liaoz...

So how? Got take HL anot? hahah

because 1st have epi & cannot feel anything & not even know how to push. So #2 I decided no epi & HB have strong support. But during the pushing my drip needle on left hand was accidentally drop out. The blood was dropping bit by bit until i realize how come my hand has blood.


Tomorrow then get to see gynae. Kekeke.. I already asked my DH to file a reminder in his phone to remind me to ask for HL! Wahahakkaka..

Re: weight gain. I hope baby gain lots of weight lah! Kekeke..


I also aiming for Natural w/o Epi. Wonder if I can take it :S

Orangey, hahah. ;p so i guess ur work more or less all handed over liaoz? My gynae was asking mi so many times if i need MC 2day...was tempted, but felt bad lei, stil got unfinished biz..so i had to say NO.......[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh dear, hw come needle can drop n noone noticed. scary lei...

Resourceful Mommies,

Any recommendation on where can i get simple and reasonably priced wardrobes besides Ikea? Would prefer if there's a range of variety to choose from. Wanna put bb clothes one...


sgsc if u have car IFC has some shops who are quite reasonably priced i feel. similar designs to ikea but abit cheaper or slightly better quality - same price as ikea.

but that was a while back la.


I bought a new set of drawers to put #1 and #2 clothes. I got it from teh neighbour furniture shop...they have quite cheap and reasonable looking furniture.


yup epi means epidural..


i bought e plastic drawers frm toyogo warehse.. will just use that for e time being till i move to my own place..

Vic ma, where's IFC? Issit at Sungei Kadut or IMM?

Janet, mrsm - was thinking of using drawers too, but HB hiao, say wanna give our gal her own wardrobe, so next time bigger stil can use for her dresses...

mummies, went for my 38week check up, going to be 39 week next week liao.. baby is 3.4kg at 38 week.. if still not coming out naturally, maybe induce in next visit liao as probably baby will be 3.6kg by then..

SGSC i went the Sungei Kadut one. i dunno about IMM de le.

toyogo also not bad if u dont mind its more temp. but can also last few yrs. my #1 just shifted out of her toyogo boxes last yr. got her an ikea drawer system & now a proper kids wardrobe. not #2 will take over the ikea drawers. Toyogo drawers more for easy access to cloth diapers in the day time play area.

hey jasda, ur bb about the same as mine as, mine 3.3kg at 38w...

next tues i will be 39w too. thinking if not coming out also wanna induce.. hahahahaa

Hmm..yalor, torn betwn the 2 options. Toyogo or wardrobe. Actually we saw one ikea wardrobe, quite nice n simple. but being IKEA, im quite surprised they dun sell separate extra plywood or hang bar...so if get tat have to get carpenter fix...mahuan also.

okie, tks mommies for sharing..shall go search ard tis weekend.

My Dr told mi my bb can grow till 4kg max for natural..haha..but she dun encourage la.

Ok, ciaoing oredi. Good weekend mommies!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


congrats! another mummy to assure me that labour without epi can be done! Im aiming for without epidural too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



congrats.. I'm hoping to deliver without epi too.. Your bb is very tall, 54cm and has a gd weight..

