(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

woofy, contractions pain to me is like menses pain with a tightening at the top of the tummy.. hope this helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

janet, not that painful leh.. just like menses cramp lor.. basically, i'll just tell myself contractions are good.. with each contraction, the labour progresses, and can see baby soon! this was what my gynae told me when i was in labour with #1.


anybody knows which department stores on sale today? feel like taking halfday off to do some last min shopping.

btw, taka baby fair still on or not ah?

taka baby fair is until this sunday. i just went there yesterday afternn, still thinking whether i shd get the ameda lactaline set there for $388 or mumsfairy bundle with the pumpin pal. anyone used their super shields and handsfree gadget and find them useful?

Maddie...mmm...ok noted...cos i dun hv menstrual cramps all along myself ...so even if pain hor...i will tink its rather pelvic aching ..hehe

orangey...correct correct ...bb drooping down into pelvic region will ache one.


But Taka maybe not much for you to buy since you may have a lot of things from #1 already right..I was there last weekend, bought only Avent nappy rash cream because 25% reduced

Orangey (jimbok)

Pyjamas - u know OCEAN Block 32 People's Park, Upper Cross Street

3rd flr( selling those showers gel, facial foam, washing powder, tissue, pads etc ) Pyjamas is @ 2nd flr the shop is beside the escalator selling towels n pyjamas u got to ask the lady u want BIG BIG size.

More choices think you go behind chinatown CK not Orchard CK - there are those market stores u walk in those small stores, theres much more variety, prices ard the same.

* there are dresses n with trousers type.

mrsm (mrsmorgan)

I understand from my friend we have to bring 3 pcs on own to wear there.

But I think I wil bring extra scare I dirty my dress then not enough to change.

lynn (lynny5051)

not sure if bb wil to look like real person when born.. hehee I heard bb wil shrink when take out from our body.. so maybe he is blowing bubble inside until the cheeks become fleshy..

sometimes I hear water sound in my stomach like people diving with a mouthful of air.

SG_SC (excited_mtb)

realise is not in their website if you want I can send you the email I received.

The sales feature big items like stroller , car seat, baby cot, baby feeding accessories safety accessories, carriers, beddinf, diaper bags, swing slide,playhouse toilet n bath accessories,


Maclaren - 2008 Quest Sports - UP 368 Now $199

Cybex Ruby UP 198 NOW $99

Peg Perego 2010 Collection 15%

COmbi - giftwith purchase

Car Seat

Priori XP Car Seat ( 9 mths- 4 yrs ) UP 498 Now $299

etc etc.... ( unable to paste too big in dimension to post in tis thread )

hi Mummies,

Wanting to share this important info:


Serious Risks Associated with Early Cord Clamping

Whenever a pulsating umbilical cord is clamped, 20-60% of the baby's total blood volume is trapped inside the placenta. A 9 pound baby manufactures only 10 ounces of blood during gestation. It will take over 6 months for the baby to replenish the volume of blood lost by early cord clamping.

In essence, newborns become involuntary blood donors. HALF their blood volume is lost when their cords are early clamped.

This decrease in necessary blood volume causes the babies to become anemic. In most cases, the anemia is not diagnosed and the infant is sent home in a weakened state, more susceptible to a host of complications, including SIDS.

Restricted umbilical cord problems associated with anemia are Autism, heart perforations, thyroid disorders, brain tumors, leukemia, hormonal imbalances and liver/kidney disease.

Male infants will suffer more than females. They have higher metabolisms that require 10% more blood. This trend is also seen in that males represent a greater proportion of children receiving special education services in schools and higher incidences of disabilities such as ADD, behavioral issues, and Autism.

Currently, 1 in 16 babies are revived after birth. For how many is this due to low blood volume, an inflicted condition? In effect, medical personnel must undo the wrong they're created. Another critical correlation is the fact that the United States ranks 29th for infant mortality in the world and practices early cord clamping as a routine procedure.

Any baby whose cord has been early clamped is weakened. Weaker babies become more susceptible to infection, especially at the site of the cut cord. There are 25 known infectious strains resistant to all antibiotics and they are primarily found in hospitals. This mix is just asking for trouble.

Another of the restricted umbilical cord problems is engorged placenta, a direct threat to the mother and future pregnancies. When the blood flow is restricted by clamping, the blood can pool in the placenta, causing it to rupture or backflow the baby's blood into the mother's. This cause lead to serious side effects, such as maternal hemorrhage and can even prohibit future pregnancies due to the blood mixing.

Maddie, I'm a RH mum. Hospital got provide hospital gowns. If you are not fussy, those will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, you can get from the nurses a checklist of things to pack.

Janet, it's not that BFg mums cannot take alcohol during confinement. The max limit is 125ml for the entire day. My problem is that if she uses 1 cup, 1. it would naturally be more than 125ml and 2. I won't have to take other confinement dishes, cos my mum won't be able to add DOM into the dishes.

While I agree that alcohol evaporates upons heating, but it's still safer to be cautious when around my MIL.


Thanks! Maybe I'll ask DH to go with me tonight to check and see how lor. Need to get one for confinement lah cause my sleepwear at home too sexy to wear at my parents place. I think my parents will shout at me cause all my neighbours are mainly males.

I want the email also!! Can send me :p


Tell your MIL that don't add alochol instead, u drink a small cup of DOM at night before you sleep? My God-ma also insisted that I have to take DOM during confinement to built up energy and body but told her Im going to do breastfeeding and so she says if really like bo pian, got pressurized to take alcohol like DOM during confinement, just take before sleep. She says then the first 4 hrs during your sleep, don't latch. Try to feed baby with the express BM. Her DIL check with Dr and Dr says its correct way.

mrg mums!

Remember how I mentioned that day abt my bb's dry poo.

It so happens that I found out my CL mistook the nanzao for black dates and hv been adding almost 20 of them to the tea!!

No wonder bb's poo dry.. plus my lips were pretty pain..

That was abt 5 days.. I din reli like the sweetness so on the 3rd 4th day I started adding water to the tea so sort of dilute the tea..

bb's poo texture improved yest liaoz..

wat a drama leh

hi ashleybb...

same as mine case, tonite i seein gyn too.. really hope tt my bb will be like yrs, got gain some nice weight.. gained 100g i also happy.

Orangey (jimbok)

What is your email add that you wan me to send to

New (dia)

NO, from Spring & Maternity


Orangey, according to my mum, can add DOM but usually they only add about 1 or 2 teaspoons for BFg mums.



hopefully no side effects to bb leh.. his poo normalised yest liaoz... sweats

I heard him cough a few times lah.. not v frequent.

I guess this is the infant cough and sneeze symptoms bah



lovebkk, janet,

u 2 had natural without epi last time? how was it? i plan not to have epi bcoz im scared of the needle but then i also scared i bua dong the pain n will be like stuck in the situation... is labour pain manageable one? what other pain relief u 2 used last time?


i was given gas but it made me nauseous so i gave that up. pain was real bad and by the time i cannot tahan the pain, my gynae told me that it's too late for epi. i would hv delivered b4 the epi arrives.

so i managed thro the whole delivery without anything. and hearing the encouraging words fm the gynae, nurses and hb helped. with every contractions/push, one of them will sure tell me that they can see the bb's hair/head or that i'm doing well etc and everything will end soon. that was how i managed lah.

janet, u leh?


wah... i hope i can dong like u.. nvr exp labour pains b4 so a quite scared... i asked around all my frens, most had epi so hardly anyone who can tell me what labour pain is like... how long did u take to give birth? from the time u think pain is unbearable to actual birth?

morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u've got mail [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my labour for #1 was quite fast. i reached hospital at 2plus, gave birth at 6plus. think the time pain became unbearable to actual birth prob ard 1 hr bah.

Good Aftn mommies!!

Jus back frm gynae appt. BB weighs 2.5kg at 35wk+. Expected abt 3.2kg at birth. But i gained 2kg in 2 wks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] tink gonna put on at least 20kg by 40 wks.

But gd news is Dr dun expect early labour till at least 2 wks later...she said now can only say its 3/5 engaged. Wen its 2/5 or 1/5 means show time liaoz...

Also asked her abt the pee n waterbag burst thingy..if stand up water will still flow out, not really so much as in the bb head acting as cork theory. Then she say y i tink so much...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so malu...but if the bag breaks, we have 24 hrs to deliver, but must reach hospital within 2 hrs.

n those freq nite tummy aches tat we get esp at nite whilst sleeping, is our tummy practising contractions. Usually by morn will go off liaoz. n She said contractions usually happens at nite somehow..

Yes, n she finally did a Steph B test for mi...hehehe...was quite happy she raised it else im gonna ask her today also.

Jas03, Gbh, asked her abt the moles too..she calls them the age spots n quite common in preg. Sad thing is it wont go off aft preg...some appear on body, some like ur case Jas03, on the neck, n some on face.but its harmless so no need cream, prob if really wan, can jus laser it off next time. Mine's appeared on my breasts too , just realised yday...

LoveBKK, so u're next liao n BB has good weight ;)

XLH, i also also press n tilt my tummy LRLR, so hopefully bb responds. Tat tiem during U/S, i wanna see bb reaction on screen wen i do tat, then Dr see oredi like heartpain, ask mi stop. hahhahaha...she say "ok...enuf enuf..." but my lazy gal still sleeping all the time. LOL

Celia, tks for posting the info. I'll prob drop by 2ml. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my boy is hving that occasional cough but i checked his breathing normal no wheezing, sleep normal, feed normal..

Is it common in nbs?


Best to bring your bb to see a doctor. I googled and found this:

Coughing: If your newborn is coughing, you probably need to take him/her to the doctor. Although it's normal for newborns to sneeze quite often, a cough is another story indeed. Few newborns cough repeatedly, so it's best to be on the safe side and take the baby to the doctor within 24 hours of noticing the continued cough.

But they did mention that occasional coughing is fine but best to approach a doctor for advise.


I also very much like LoveBBK. At first already stated I wanted epi. but because the midwife didnt check me regularly, so by the time, I cannot tahan, asked Hubby to go and ask them to check the dilation, already too late. 7cm dilated already. So just delivered without epi. I used gas only. But I know mine was very painful even at 1.5cm dilation. I went to delivery ward at 1.5cm dilation, 12+am. baby delivered at 2.30am.

For #2, is thinking also to go by gas only...save money haha...hopefully delivery will be even faster for #2.


I also experience the night contraction now...


wow! 2 hrs plus n u went from 1.5cm to 10cm! did u do anything special during ur preg like walk a lot or what? thats a very very fast delivery leh! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no special thing lah...but i did walk alot last time. walk from house to mrt, then mrt back to house, 1 day 2 times. work mah

But i think also because Heredity. my mum and sis all delivered very fast...u ask your mum see she fast or not...

actually, i read some where that too fast also not good..body not prepared yet.


maybe u shld call the PD up n ask.. just to be on the safe side.. anyway theres a cough going around.. hazy weather also causing a lot of pple to be coughing.. could be due to sensitivity to that too...

