(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Vic ma - itchy for #3? ;)

Re sleep, we've tried the method suggested by

Ming, Celyn and Maddie. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i just saw a post on a long time ttc friend. knew her while i was trying for #2 in this form - she just poppsed 2 days back!

SO HAPPY FOR HER. its tears of JOY!

Hi Mummies!!!,

Congratz Ming!!! E must be very happy that she got a companion soon!

Vic Vic,

Itchy for #3??? GO AHEAD & ADD ON! ^^

piglet: Trying for no. 2? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vicma: Time to go for no. 3 lah. Grin.

Chlosper: How did C take to his sleep training?

Ming: congrats!! Yup be prepared for frequent awakenings from now til delivery and beyond. Now that didi is 6 months things are much better. Else they will take turns to wake up!

Chlosper: how did it go?

Want to ask ppl who have potty trained. When you start going diaper less how did you keep them off the sofa and bed? Then for afternoon nap wear diaper?

TodM is having friday off school. Anyone keen for playdate fri morning?

Vic Vic,

I itch but gotta 'seduce' dh first!


I m going to try! Daddy must be very happy to hv another princess! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Maddie. E doesn't wear diapers at home except during sleeping time. She can hold her pee for about 3 or 4 hours now though we keep reminding and asking her every hour whether she wants to use the potty.

Sometimes she asks to use the potty when we are out so I just bought the travel potty from Fisherprice. May try bringing it out this weekend.

Playdate on Friday: I can't this Friday, not on leave yet. I am in from Sept onwards [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the child must be ready & there must be someone who will CONSISTENTLY tell them to go potty sit say every 1-2 hrs.

only you can tell if she is ready.


morning mummies

mummies with older kids, how to be sure that they are ready to be diaper free at night?

yu ze had dry diaper for a week+ or he will wake up in the night, come to me and say diaper wet want to take out. don't want diaper, want underwear. some days, he will just simply remove diaper on his own, go pee then wear underwear and climb up my bed. do you all think its safe for me to let him go diaper free for night?

Ming, maddie - first night was breeze. He slept through with nary a whimper. At least i didn't hear anything via the monitor. However he told helper that he cried a little but since no one was around, he went back to sleep.

I should have known my boy better. He's such a one act wonder. Do it once to let me know he can do it and back to his old ways.

He made some noise around 11+ but stopped within 1 min. And I thought to myself probably that's the crying he's mentioned. At 2am, he cried! And it took me 1 hour to get him back to sleep. Consolidation was I've managed to withhold the latch on. It was tough!

Let's see how it'll turn out tonight.

Celyn - no experience in diaper less nights. Half thinking that if he's able to relieve himself on his own, and already dry diapers for a week, it does sound like he knows what to do. One week is probably not a fluke result. If worried, can observe a few more days.

Maddie - wish I can join you this Friday. I'm free but the toddler is not. Toddler has class in the morning till 11am. Have fun with toddM!

Vic ma & piglet - still itchy? Then just do it! I'm sure the hubbys will be quite happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The staccato trial class has been rescheduled. The teacher for today's class is sick. At least they informed me early (yesterday) and tried to find an alternative. Just got confirmation that it'll be sat 1030 class.

Chlosper: It has only been 2 nights. Keep going. Give it 5 mins or so before you go into his room when he fusses. Sometimes they are simply transitioning between sleep cycles and when we go into the room, they end up waking up fully instead of simply drifting off to sleep.

I am convinced now that E is waking up due to separation anxiety. The air con in her room broke down so she slept in our room (on her own mattress) for almost a month. After the air con was fixed, she moved back to her room but as we were away in Langkawi, the grandparents took turns to sleep with her in her room. I think she has gotten used to sleeping with someone in her room and that is why she wakes up and cries when she sees that there is nobody else in her room. We will just have to retrain her again.

Anyone heading to the toys sale at Boon Lay Safra? The mummies in my no. 2's thread got some good buys yesterday. Things like Jumperoos marked down from 229 to 129. Guess the toys there are mostly too young for our tods.

talking abouut itch

i bot this sample 7 caps reseratrol healthy origins brand from iherb - potent antioxidant - anti aging too. wine extract.

oh my - on a every other day basis on this 300mg concentration - my whole body was Itchy myseriously & i was wondering why - bot dove body shampoo & QVS body lotion. used 1 day - stopped the supplement for 2 days. all went abck to normal!


i am sure deemed itch for 1 child only parents is entitled to be higher. mine's just a whimp. cannot afford the time. I do wish but i am 38 this yr. kind of a health hazard already.

Ming - it's just that night one was textbook perfect. We'll continue as this is best for all of us. And I resisted the idea of him shifting back to my room although he kept saying mummy's room!

Re E - she knows it. That's probably the reason she's crying for someone to keep her company. C was starting to sleep through with helper until we went overseas. The nightmare started when we came back. Initially we thought he'll sleep through again. But... So now it's sleeping alone!

Jumperoo - reminds me of the time we went to some sale and bought it together with some other stuff. It was cheap (think 129 too). But it became a white elephant coz C refused to use it.

Vic ma - seems like we are on the wrong side of the coin. But consolation is we have kids before. So the risks are not as high as first time older mothers. So far, the oldest new mum I've heard of is 46. Amazing. And she looks so good!

Ice cream maker - wouldn't that tempt the 2 even more? And not to be a damper, but it'll soon be a white elephant.

Hi Maddie,

I ask my gal to sit and play on the floor or playmat while toilet-training her. It is v tough the 1st few days as she literally pees everywhere!

According to Gina Ford, let your child continues to wear diapers during the day nap until he or she has better bladder control (can Ren3).

I am now training my gal to use the toilet bowl but there is resistance as she is used to the potty. She still uses diapers while in childcare as she don't want to use the toilet bowl. Hmm... So maybe my gal is only partially toilet-trained???

Hi Maddie,

It is best not to venture far while toilet-training for the 1st few days and prepare LOTS of goodies to entice your gal to sit on the potty. I repack the snacks such as chips/biscuits/chocolates/cereal into smaller ziplock bags and placed them in transparent container and placed it beside the potty and let her chooses 1 when she sits down (that is for the 1st 1-2 days). Subsequently I only reward her when she does 1 successful pee then 3 then never give liao. Now training her to use toilet-bowl, the goodies container is in use again.

Chlosper: they will push limits!! Even now my gal will occ bug to sleep in mummy room but will always sleep in her own room. After our Sydney trip we had a few more night awakenings but we persisted back to routine. Cos in Sydney all 4 of us were on the king bed.

Ruru: oh dear. We dont have that much time cos after sch only 2-3 hours to bedtime. Then on weekends we usually go out. There is never a suitable time lor.

Hi Maddie,

I started training on a Monday when my gal came back from cc. Started training from 5.45pm to 7.30pm for 5 days and then sat and sun. By Monday she already knows how to pee/poo in the potty herself. It will be a very intensive week and sometimes u wonder if it is working while u mop up yet another puddle of urine, but suddenly the child will get it. Good luck!!!


its why i am wating to buy the cheap ice cream maker instead of a S$150 - 200 pc -more painful white elephant.

my girl loves ice cream - i have been making fruit puree popsicles for her since she could eat ice cream! my ice cream Mould is Always in the freezer! out only for its quarterly wash.

Chlosper - tot you will be interested in this.

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Vic ma - I see. Less than $50. Can, specially if there's storage space. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for the link in open trolley. Will take a look. Itchy fingers wanted to get some books. But no discount on book depository. Acmamall doesn't have them. Kinokuniya is too ex.

Thanks Vic ma, looks like i have to try only on the weekends.

BTW mommies, at what age must we wean our toddler from milk bottle? I brought my daughter to see dr the other day and dr chided me that say 20mths old still using bottle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i drank milk from the bottle till i was 8 yrs old! who cares! milk is still important i understand so we dont want to touch sacred bottle increase they stop drinking milk altogether.

you will be surprised kids will wean themselves off after a while. the sucking action pacifies them & soothes them to sleep why not keep it that way?

I am for milk bottle - unless your dentist sees it as a problem with BUCK teeth - i think pacifiers are more problematic than bottles lor.

my girl's 5 & she stil gets her bottle once a night keke! special treatment. might only wean off end of the year.

Hihi mommies!! Jus dropping by to say I've popped 2 days back n jus back home today. The CL frm PEM seems conscientious n responsible.. Very thankful.. Everything is gd n meimei is much smaller than jiejie then but my weight gain is stil same, 20kg!!!! Arghh.. M gonna ensure I'm dilligent in milking tis time!

Oh n I saw good news too.. Congrats Ming8110!! So happy for u.. Todd E must be very excited. I Tink the bb give jiejie present action is a very gd n effective move! Must do tat wen bb is out k! Mimi took to meimei very well surprisingly! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



30-45 mins pumps every 2-3 hrs for a start if you can make it!!

Jia you!! you always have the internet w you remember -chat with us!

Sgsc - congratulations!

Vic ma - thanks! Got stuff in my cart now. And high five on the bottles still 8yo! Me too! I stopped only in p1! Somehow i just can't take milk Except in my bottle.

Maylene - there's no right or wrong. Assess your child. Is he drinking other liquids via other means? Sometimes it's just the comfort he gets from the bottle. My son asks me for my milk too. Although I try not to latch on these days. To him, it's something familiar and comforting/soothing.

Oh yeah. Wanted to say, bottles and pacificers are not the only causes for bad teeth (alignment part). Sometimes it's in the genes too. We took my son for a dental visit recently and he will have to wear braces in future. Apparently it's in the genes. The teeth follow a pre determined path. And it's from the father's side.

those who want a box Iherb to their place pm me thanks.

there is some shipping promotion till next tues - but tue i am going to be quite busy - orders have to be in by sunday night best.

Haha vicma - u damn funny lei..pop pimple! Whahahha..

Tks mommies for the wishes! Experiencing the sore breasts n engorgement all over again...arrgghh... But for meimei, I will persist! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So besides Ming, who else is next?

Piglet- jiayou jiayou!! Pls rape ur hb everyday hor!!! Hehehe

All other mommies, enjoy the weekend!


great u r still young popping pimples..


ya, Ming expecting another..

So happy for all how nice to have many children.

I would like to ask children at their age suitable for brown rice ? Yesterday my son shit so many times not lao is normal kind.. more than 8 times n his ass n balls red until he can't move, sit, slp.. no one can get near him..super painful.

today slightly better but still red.

Recently he drinks a lot, before bed time I increase his feed to 240ml but he asked for more I gave him another 180ml still not another n made him another 150ml.. Almost half a litre before bed. Don't giv him he go n take water, bottle and milk powder.. I told him no more need to buy, he go n chk himself..


hardly come here liao.. saw the few good news..

SG_SC: Congrats on the arrival of ur 2nd princess!!

Ming: Congrats on the arrival of ur 2nd princess soon too..

Piglet: Jia you!! i'm waiting for ur good news too..

As for myself, hubby decided to stop at one.. he told me straight.. unless accident happened, else dun think i will have any good news yet.. sob sob..

