(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

maid salary and how to talk to your maid abt it

NEVER tell them that you are increasing to match mkt rate bcz then they tend to slack and think wat they do is enuf, and that you cannot do w/o them. tell them you are increasing their workload (find smthing to say... cook more meals for bb, take care of parents' laundry, must clean the fans 2x a week instead of only once, mop the floor twice once w detergent 2nd time w clean water since bb is walking/crawling, wipe the top every light switch/electric point in the hse since bb is crawling and can reach etc etc) to justify their pay increase.

rem they DO NOT think like us. dun try to apply your own motivations onto their work. make it v simple for them. i pay you more, i expect you to work more. full stop, end of discussion.

i share all these bcz i made the mistake of telling my 1st maid, her work is ok, i inc pay after one year, then all the stupid pattern and attitude start coming out.


(refusing to read posts on bags)

i would say one more thing abt maids in HK... they get higher salary and days off. but they are not live-in and they need to pay for own meals. so these 2 items - accommodation and food - already drastically reduces their take home pay compared to SG. not to mention transport leh....

i was 'trained' by first maid to be tougher now.

btw, i m v angry now at my maid.

C2 woke up at 4am last night and started to cry so loudly for so long that even with doors closed, Mr C, C1 and I all woke up. C1 even asked me "why didi cry?" groggily. so I opened the door of the other bedroom to peek in. horror of horrors, my maid is still inside. and i dunno if she was still sleeping anot. but she imm jumped up and said 'mam, you go away later he cannot sleep again, i go make milk now' and scooted off to kitchen b4 i can respond. i carried C2 bcz he was really crying piteously into the kitchen, and said some variant of 'he cry until all of us woke up, and you only come out now to make milk'

maid tried to defend herself said C2 only started to cry badly when she stood up to get out of room to make the milk.

i dismissed her back to her room, since C2 saw me, he wont let me go for the rest of the night.

how can liddat one? faced w a crying baby, any normal human would pick bb up first rite. but noooooo, my task-oriented maid went to make milk, and LEFT him CRYING. tsk tsk.

angry. dunno how to scold later....

i called agent. he said bring the maid in for a performance review and to find out what is her intent for this specific instance. mayb smtimes the intent is good (let C2 cry it out for a while, then he will settle down), but is incorrect

sigh. women have to think abt sooooo many things. my head is exploding.

Hi mummies,

Reading all the posts abt maids makes me even more decided tt I dun want a live in maid. More blood vomiting than help. Anyone can recomm a PT cleaner from agency? I think I need one soon.

Updates on slp training,

Gal slp at 10.45pm last night. No fuss. 5min conk out. But she stirred at 1am. Made milk. Slp again. N she woke up at 5am with a scream! Dunno y. I happened to go to the toilet when tt happened. Then I spent 1hr to put her to bed again. Feels real tired n got headache today when I gotta wake up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope tonight can let her slp early too. Oh... One more thing. She ended up drinking milk at 10.45pm, 1am plus, 5am n 9am!!! Practically fulfilled her milk intake for a typical whole day! Another thing I discovered: strangely enough, when she slp early at night, she tends to nap earlier in the day but nap much much longer. Easily 2.5hrs to 3hrs. Last time when she slp late at night, daytime naps not so long one. Weird. But she din wake up esp early in the morning. At most 1 hr earlier or sometimes same time as last time. So her total sleeptime has increased in hours. Hmmm....

Wow Gbh: That is good already. Yesterday my boy sleep earlier at 8.30 pm (usually his bedtime is 9 plus to 10 pm). End up he keep waking up throughout the night. Once at 2 plus am, to talk and play, second time at 6 plus am.. oh my god. i don't have any sleep at all.

Don't know what happen too?

You mean usually if she sleep later, she don't wake up so many times to feed?

My son wil wake up 3 times to feed.

Ynby: The Chanel classic bag is the 2.55 flap bag. That's the quilted bag with the double "C" clasp in front. Usually comes in lambskin (smooth leather, scratches more easily so better as a evening bag) and caviar letter (it's a type of pebbled leather, doesn't scratch so easily so you don't have to be too precious about it). Lambskin ones used to cost slightly more than the caviar ones but the prices are now at the same level.

Chanel released a new version in 2005 with the mademoisselle turnlock. That usually comes only in distressed leather.

Chanel releases it in seasonal colours in every collection (like green, purple) and in some different materials like jersey and patent. But they will always have the black and cream leather ones. Every Valentines' day, they also release the "cruise" editions which comes in colours like baby blue and comes with a bag chain full of charms. Quite cutesy but not as classy as the classic one.

Some pictures below [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The Classic flap is never on sale and the price keeps going up every year. Which makes it a good classic buy. Or so I tell my hubby. Grin.


Last time when she slp at 12mn or later, she will have full feed 210ml as her last feed. Then slp all the way till next morning 9am plus then stirred a bit then milk feed again then slp till 11/12 noon. Now I try to put her to bed after her 10pm shower then only give her 150ml bcoz her dinner at 8pm so dun wanna overfeed her. So I guess by 1am she might be hungry n need a booster feed. Last night the 5am one i think maybe she had nightmare or what I dunno. So gave her another feed to let her slp easier but ended up she still rolled n flipped n eyes big big till 6am. Sigh. Now I'm trying to put her to nap. Hopes she slp till at least 5pm. Gotta do some baking for tmr lesson.

Ming, heehee.. i've yet to learn how to appreciate a Chanel though my dearie cousin has recently fall madly in love with it. Her husband-to-be just got her that 2.55 in, erm.. i think Paris and he swears not to buy here any locally corz he says the price difference is madness. As he gets to travel often, he will buy it overseas. Sadly, that offer is only for my cousin. Want to ask him to help me buy soooo difficult. haha.


*ostrich cellow sticks head in sand*

i m happy with my braun buffel. although it does need some reconditioning.

Gbh: hmm is it because your gal sleep earlier on at night they wake up more?? haha cause my son sleep about 1 and 1/2 hr ealry and kept waking up last night. And today he sleep very little not even an hour nap???

Aren't they tired??

Hi Cellow,

Do reward urself with a branded bag, it is really a good buy in Europe. You won't regret it!

Oh, ehhh.... my 2 cents worth on your maid's incident. If I were in the same situation, I will also just rush out to make milk instead of pacifying my gal?!! Ehh... maybe I will just abit angry her reaction time is abit slow (since u, Mr C and C1 are all awakened by the cries!), that is all.

Hi mommies,

I have ever saw a mommy's bag being 'vandalised' by children's stickers and the mommy still proudly carry it around. Your take on it? The bag is a leather handbag design, not a casual tote bag leh. It is a definite no-no to me. I love my child but .......

Hi mrsm,

Yes, I called Alice from GRE and went down to interview 2 fresh myanmar maids already already but cannot bring myself to accept the low standard of english. Alice will help me find someone with a better standard. Thank you and Ming for the good recommendation.

Hi Ming,

So far I have asked a few maid agencies and the price range for fresh phil maid is around $420-$450/mth, I have not came across any agency that quoted me $500/mth yet, thus you better reconsider carefully.

Hi Dazz,

Aiyoh, cannot cham siong with your hb har? He looks after C1 and u chiong to kowloon or HK island for few hours to shop? Such a pity to give up the chance to buy a branded bag at the discount!


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then even a hermes birkin bag is not enuf for all the sarcifices I made for C1 and C2, similar to the sarcifices that we mothers all have made moment by moment, day by day.

dazz, rurucat,

dunno la. i dun think... okok i know for sure that a bag wont make me happier than i already am. despite my day to day vents, rants, angst and complaints.


C2 naps on the avg 1h in the afternoon and maybe 1/2h in the morning. drives me crazy on weekends. as i hv no ME time at all. i m secretly glad for workdays. at least i can control when i want my breaks.


hahah true but nvm lah just buy something once a while to reward urself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] like i told my DH if he does not want to go nz with us, i will go with bbl as a reward for myself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee not as if u are always buying things loh.

rurucat, i don't dare to roam around myself leh!! i'm worried i get lost! >.< And i can only understand cantonese like 60-70% and i can't speak.. scared scared lo.

cellow, haha... the "angel" and "devil" in you still fighting.. heehee.. You don't have to get something really expensive leh.. Not like we're really toking about getting yourself a birkin~! hee.. maybe just another leather bag, to pamper yourself. Like i say, get the classic that will never go out of fashion while can be for everyday use. To me, the LV speedy is one good example. But really your decision la.. haha.

update: colleague B really gave the bosses a "black friday present". He tendered today, gonna be on reservist for the next 3 weeks, come back work one more week then bye bye liaoz. That's what i really call, PLANNING. lolz..


Thank you for the info. Am planning to get one for myself. who knows next time can pass to my gals. hee hee.

Chanel bag

What is the price in Sg n in Paris?

cellow, i click on ming's link or nt also wont make a difference cuz my heart pain if i spend so much on a bag but there are so many similar replicas ard! then when u carry ppl will look at u then ur bag then u again then will think aiya this one sure fake one la.. !!!?!@?!!

so annoying when ppl do that right?!! so my limit is just kate spade.. sianzz

ruru, my sil's maid also like that.. smetimes cant undstand what she sayin cuz of her accent.. worse, my sil hubby ang moh! but nw i think improve alr la.. mine learns very fast n she'll read e conversation bk b4 going to bed so eng improved quite a lot.. hope u'll get a better one soon!

My experience with LV.

My fren help me to get a LV bag from Europe but i dun like it as the design i wan is not available so she bought another one. So, i bring the receipt n bag to LV in SG to change to another design. After using it for a few times, there is some peeling at the handle so i brought it back to LV in SG and they request to see the receipt. after inspecting the receipt, n they say they will change the handle for me for free as it is "bought" in SG and use for a few times. The manager also sugg to me to come back a few mths later to change the handles as they only change it free for me once. :) wow so good service. Glad tat i change to another design if not then its not consider buy in SG so won't change the handles free for me liao. the Mgr say it will around $200 to change the handles. Conclusion: if u bought it in Europe, pls bring back to chg in Sg so that they will provide further free service to you in SG as it will be consider pur in SG.

Actually, i also dunno y there is peeling at the handle as i dun wear ring n i only use it less than 5 times then.


speaking of which, i have some issues with the LV handle too as the zip "eat" into the handle and sort of denting the handle.as mine was brought in europe, they did not provide free service despite being able to produce authentic receipt from LV Paris. angry leh. what's the difference between bought in europe and bought in sg? same mah why do they have so many standards? anyway in the end after talking for a long long time to them, they agree to change for us without charging but the services sucks.


maybe i bring the thing back to exchange is like a stock return for the Europe and its consider sales for their store in Sg ba. I actually top up and get 2 bag instead of one. For exchange, there are a few things you need to take note n need to take a bit of risk. Which model is yours?

Hi Dazz,

Don't scared don't scared, HK v ez to move around one lah. U won't get lost and most Hongkongers are able to understand pu tong hua (chinese), not to worry too much. If not, u take taxi but super ex lor!!!

ruru, if i take the super ex cab then defeat the purpose of me travelling out to get the bag right? lolz.. i'll see how, but thanks for the encouragement really. haha..

bbdust, Colleague B is the one who helped. alamak.. i just received call from HR's SVP, asking me to help "psycho" him to stay. haiz.

Hi mrsm,

Alice e-mailed me 2 more biodatas and said these 2 maids' english standard are slightly better, will go and interview them tomorrow afternoon. One of them is a uni grad somemore!! Wish me luck!!!

Hi Cellow,

Wah, i know what will make me happier. A guilt-free coupon book worth of naps that I can tear out and hand over to my HB as and when I feel near breaking point. Hahahhaha....

dazz..take the mtr ...im planning to do it ..if dh wants to go ard with his family then i will go satisfy my bag craving myself :p ...too bad dh has gt one v stubborn wife who is bent on checking out the bags ard town :p

just wondering what do you all do with your pump after you have stop breastfeeding?

Is it still usable after you store it for sometime?

ruru, wah uni grad ah?? when u intview right, ask her ques to try to see if she big-headed or not cuz sometimes too educated also giv attitude one! gd luck ya!!

listening to 98.7 muttons on e move and tryin so hard nt to LOL!!


but my pump drop a few time leh.. my boy pull it down .. i'm still using it and it works fine though.. haha. (but it looks ait worn out)


i kept mine for 2 years and it's still usable. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ha ha. If it is still working then shld b ok. If u r worry tat machine will have prob if not use for a long time. Then i suggest u switch it on once every few mths.

she had temp 38.4 at 3am but settled with panadol. this morning all woke up at 630am, think a while, she was ok and cheerful so we packed our bags, gave her panadol and braved the 4.5h drive up. quite good, she slept 2.5h, munched her biscuits and play with toys half hour then zoned out listening to nursery rhymes the rest of the way. still more tired than usual but giving panadol every 6h and she is ok so far =)

Thank you everyone ;)

Maddie: Glad that BbM is well again and you had gone for your trip. Take care and have fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ynby: Chanel increasing prices again. On 1 June I think. This is not public knowledge but Chanel does offer a small selection of their bags for a discount. These are not your classic flap bags but more of their seasonal styles after the current season ends. The manager at the Taka outlet showed me the selection once - hidden behind the counter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Price difference between Singapore and Paris is ALOT. The one I bought from Paris last December cost S$4,200 after all the VAT refund etc. The same one costs S$5,500 in Singapore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cellow: Check our Selfridges and Harrods in London when you are there in June. They have REAL summer sales there. I bought a loewe amazon during one of the Harrods sales - at HALF PRICE. Similar to the one below:-


But for Loewe, cheapest to buy in Spain since that is where they are made.

See what a bag addict I am? That's why I have to work - to fuel my hobby. Grin

Hello mommies,

May I know if u all hav intro eggs to your babies' diet?

So far I hav not let my gal hav any egg... Except that she took abit of her BD cake :p

Since she's over 1yo and going to have MMR jab.. I'm thinking of introducing eggs into her diet. Any idea should I start off with yolk first or can let her try egg white as well as long as it's fully cooked?

Have been using barrier cream mustella on son for long time. Think barrier cream is not effective for his backside rash. What rash cream is gd? Pureen, desitine...


Desitin is good enough. The blue packaging version. I always buy the blue one upon mummies frens recommendation. Nvr tried the purple one before. I usually dun apply rash cream routinely though I know of mummies applying rash cream routinely after bath as a prevention but personally I prefer less chemicals used on my baby. Last time when I was super hardworking, I will wipe bb backside with damp cotton with EVERY diaper change (pee or poo) N will always pat dry before putting on a new diaper. If poo, will wipe with wet wipes then damp cotton pads (to remove wet wipes chemical residue) then pat dry. Hardly any rash at all. Now Im lazier so din even wipe with wet wipes at times when it's only pee. So sometimes a bit rash then will apply desitin after cleaning with damp cotton pads. U might wanna try my hardworking way of cleaning the butt for the time being since ur boy having bad rash now. In fact there was a period when my gal was still light n small enough for me to manage, I rinse her butt at the sink with each diaper change. Much cleaner n more comfy for bb butt too.

1sttimepapa: We use desitin too. It's good. Try and wash baby's bum with warm water, pat dry and air the bottom. That should help with the diaper rash.

Hi mummies,

Just woke up. Cham. Feeling ill in the stomach n alert. Can't get bk to slp. Slp training is considered a success so far with bbB but complete flop for my own. Sigh. How do I get myself to slp thru the night? Today, somemore, i din nap at all. Aiyoh. Last night same thing. Ended up I wanna slp by 5am

but bbB woke up at 5am n stayed awake till 6am!!! In the end I was so slp deprived.

Oh btw, I din nap with gal tog ended up she napped only an hr. Much lesser than her past 2 days of 2-3 hrs. I think slping by her side makes a diff. Maybe tt explains y last time despite she slping late, she napped lesser too in the day bcoz I din napped with her. It is only recently when I started the slp training I napped with her. Conclusion: I need a dummy me! If not also end up I dun have extra free time if each time I gotta slp tog with her... Maybe I shld put a worn tshirt of mine to give her that mummy "smell"???!How? Any suggestion?



Avoid stimulating activity when it's the routine nap time?

But these Bb very clever, they know u around want to stay awake to be with you.

I m dying from pain in the arse literally!! My piles on red alert. Could not sleep a wink.


Any advise on patent leather? Mine - sweated n was sticky from I think 2 yrs didn't take out to use n didn't check or air often enough. But my simple brand $200 leather normal finish one's stored the same way was fine!!!!

