(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


vera 'gek gek'.. outside like angel. at home, her pattern all come out! airport outing not sure yet.. waiting for mom to confirm if i meeting her.

LadyK and Timy, at least both ur gals princess outside...mine is chili padi outside leh...pengz!

Timy, ya ya! I forgot...my mum also said to feed in pram when outside if Lac really want to lie down. But the book as TV, really funny! But good idea!

Btw, I just chanced upon an article.

It says its more effective if colic drops are given direct via a syringe than mixing in the bottle.

Any views?

I always mix it with the bottle..realised, for the first dose, he will burp and fart quite alot, the after doses


hope your son get well soon. how come rayne has cough? ell has it too.. but after feeding. What makes you bring rayne to the hosp ?


eh... I'm not sure whether to drive, still thinking coz I also abit kancheong.


I only use ridwind over dentinox becoz of the dosage, no other reason.

re: Medela bottles

is it good? Has anyone tried the medela wideneck bottles? I just tried my pigeon wideneck bottle again and Emma took 140mls with little protest!!! And I use FM somemore. Now I'm thinking whether to buy the medela wideneck bottle for easier use can express direct and let her drink, or should I just stick to Pigeon wideneck? Previously I was using NUK, I am not sure if she is drinking better becoz her bottle reject training has been enforced for 2 days now or is it really the bottle makes a difference. But I personally prefer the Pigeon wideneck over NUK coz no leakage and seems to have less air.

Lady... Sorry me blur...Keke

btw heard that last time u used a 24mm shield. I ordered one from last TLL spree but find it unsuitable. U want I just pass to u lor.

Cos last time the soft fit distorted so I desperate and buy a pair of the 24mm but too big. Btw, I also ve one extra from the pair cos I only use one as mine is a single pump. the other one is totally new and unused. I dun think I will use unless my boobs and nipple suddenly grow bigger overnight.

If u dun mind and is interested, can take from me. I keep at home no use plus see already more heart pain.

The one from TLL spree have not arrive yet.


think its better to give the colic drops direct,

i feed ridwind direct

my boy also has a bit of cough after feeding

not sure if its due to the thrush he has?

any idea how long it takes for thrush to go away?i went to PD who gave me nystatin but the thrush still ard after 1wk

oops!, MicSarSam, mixed u up w another mummy. me near clementi side but m trying my luck w the MRT train. heh.. hope i survive..

Cef, hehehe...ya lor, kancheong leh!

Oh, Emma prefer Pigeon wideneck? We just got the Pigeon wideneck at PIL's hse. Apparently, PIL said Lac drinks very slow using that and they used needle to poke the hole bigger. Gosh, abit pissed... now thinking of getting more Avent bottles.


Ell doesn't like it direct. He spits it out. Ha.. maybe I shld go get Ridwind since its only 0.5ml..

ell has got white stuff on his lower gums, it seems like teeth is coming, but i bet not. So is that thrush?

yeah ridwind easier to feed cos less vol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

not sure, my boy's thrush is on his tongue, n its v hard to scrape off, even w the tongue cleaning cloth


so means you need 21mm like seren

ok I take from you, thanks alot! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Tried bf in sling on train before?

Hmm I'm using Nuk wide neck; serve me well ever since Selene was born. No leakages n very mild wind - we gave tummy massage or gripe water, haven't touch colic drops yet.

Ordered sophie the giraffe too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Airport gathering - 27 May

Pls indicate time beside your name



1. Jonjosh (noon)

2. poohgirl

3. BabyL (noon)

4. Cher Li (noon)

5. serendipity

6. icy (noon)

7. Jules (noon)

8. Wish

9. ladyk (noon)

10. tiga

11. jenny

12. strawberryz

13. cef

14. Ryne

15. queque (noon)

16. bebechan

17. torayme

18. lovinglife (noon)

19. MicSarCam

20. MicSarCam's fren

Wow! such a big group meeting up. Need to make reservation at Swenson? Hmm..if i can settle my boy, prob i'll join for a while too. No promise yet

BTW mommies, are u all letting your babies sleeping on pillows? I realised the back of Nicholas' head is rather flat leh..duno if its becos i'm still using nappy to let him sleep on.

I've 7 disposable NUK teats given by the nurses at TMC. Any mummies want? I can bring along to the airport.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4007192.jpg]

1727, my baby still sleeps on muslin(nappy) cloth as pillow but she only sleeps on either left or right side so end up her head is a bit pointy at the back. sigh.

ladyk, i've nursed on the Mrt stn platform but nvr on train. wouldn't want to try tt. heh... the pupsik sling does not provide gd coverage so if i feed, i need to take out my nursing shawl.


me 21mm also try already still like no good fit. So have to use soft fit lor.

Boobs so small no wonder capacity also small [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thanks everyone for your concern. rayne is better now.

yes he is also the one who got thrush. think the thrush gone, after applying the oral gel twice. now in kk, i didnt even let him apply, cos forgot to bring to hospital. anyway doctor say nothing much about his thrush.

he seems to be sleeping very well here loh...but i think jialat loh...nite time he is going to be awake and i got to carry him around...

i dont think the nurse will help me carry him walk around while i sleep. but they do help me to feed him with ebm, change diaper and bath. i just leave it to them. very lazy...but got lots of other things to take care...

anyway, tonite is crucial..if his cough dont worsen, he should be able to discharge tmr. but frankly speaking i haven hear him cough at all after admitted to hospital...funny loh. maybe they let him breathe in some medicine ...dont know what's that call.

actually i didnt want to send him to hospital...i wanted to bring him to pd again next morning but hubby say better bring to kk now than the private PD. so thats y we went. i think kk doctors wants to keep him here cos he's very young. in case it the cough really worsen and becomes asthma etc... since my hubby has asthma


so sad to hear the rayne is in the hospital. But glad that he is doing well in the hospital. No coughing is good!

queque and 1727,

jenny likes the NUK disposable teats. she uses them.. i use them too, but i'm not going to the airport hehe..


oh i see, you must be dead worried abt Rayne, hope he gets well very soon! I think the medicine that Rayne breathe in is to help with his breathing - something like inhaler for asthmatic cases.


yah jonjosh is right - boob size doesn't matter and it has no relation to BM yield and storage capacity. No offense to jonjosh's boobs ah!

I still believe DD = SS; though i can pump alot but my girl also drink alot so not that much excess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ah, let me go find what barang barang i can give away and post here to see any mommies interested.


oh dear, sorry to hear rayne is in hospital. Will keep u prayers. Hope he discharges really soon. Must be very heart pained for u and hubby. Take care.


haha, I know boobs size nothing to do wif yield and capacity. Just trying to cheer myself up only... Hehe

actually my ss not that bad already, one day ve abt 800+ to 900+ lor but mal also feed quite alot so everyday excess only 100 or so. No latch so expressed out all feed out lor. Now got abt 6 days of FBM extra lor.

Anyway, today I got 1040ml.... Yeah... Finally got 4 digit yield...

On ya, I also got some nuk disposable teats given by friends. It's now at my mum place. If I going over my mum side next week, will take it back and bring for airport gathering for those who want it. Think I got 3 or 4 piece

Items to give away during 27th May Airport outing

1. 2 boxes x 2pcs of Tollyjoy feeding nipple (Anti Wind) size S, M and L (2 boxes of each size and 1 box has 2 pcs) - I bought it during Penang trip last Oct, its unopened. I'm using NUK wide base nipple for my girl and don't intend to change.

2. 3pcs of Huggies disposable diapers (NB size)

3. Bobohouse Baby Carrier Blue Colour (from 6mos to 18mos, up to 12 to 14kg) - It's a free gift but i already got another carrier...

Mommies interested, pls let me know, i will bring it to the Airport outing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh ya, I got one question abt milk bag. Now that I freeze the milk in bags cos I run out of bottles. How long does it take to thaw the milk in the chiller???

Cos I freeze more than one feed in a bag so can't heat the bag at one go to feed. Must thaw out first then pour out wat is needed to feed.

Sorry mountain tortise mummy here cos I only use glass bottle so far. I pump in glass bottle, freeze just nice one feed of 100 and 120 and just warm up, put teat and feed direct. No need to wash so many bottles also. Think I got abt 40 odd bottles in the fridge... Hehe... So in theory I ve 40 plus milk bottles


6 days of FBM is not bad liao!!!

If i add my milk stash at my place and my mum place - the FBM stock can probably last 8-10 days based on total FBM.


2 methods

1. place milkbag under running tap for 10 minutes to thaw, pour out to feed and remaining keep in fridge for 24hrs

2. if you thaw in chiller, it should take around than 12hrs to be liquid state again (but different fridge different time la), try to rotate your bottles- upside down, sideways (basically to thaw the ice in the middle of the bottles). If thaw in chiller, milk can store up to 48hrs.


Ladyk. Me aim for 2 weeks of stock.... Hahaha

i wonder how pple can do TBF and yet ve one month extra supply?

Glass bottle easy cos I store in just nice feed of 100 for day and 120 for night feed. So just warm up whole bottle in warmer.

Only thing is milk bag dunno wat to do.

Thanks for the advice.


no problem. i also store more than 1 feed per pump in a single bag.

What i do is, i thaw about 3 bags at a time at night. Next morning, they will be thaw, then i transfer the milk from bags to bottles (based on per feed amount). I will use different bottles or label for thawed milk. Then i can monitor the consumption of thawed milk and will not mix them up with the fresh EBM... then i will know when to take another batch from freeze to thaw again.

This also save time when baby want to feed and will not garang gabok/ miscue and spill when we're transferring milk from bag to bottle in a panic state.

Just another note, the milk fats tend to stick onto the side of the milkbags, so try to rub against the side such that as much fats get back into the milk, the fats are the ones that keep baby full.

Hey mummies,

I have a chest feezer for sale. Used to store breastmilk only and still under warranty..


Product Name : Chest Freezer

Model No : TCF - 148

Net Capacity : 100L

Outer Dimension (mm): 558 (Width) x 485 (Depth) x 837 (Height)

Performance : -18C

Net Weight : 28KG

\b(Freezer Bought On End Feb 10.

Condition As Good As Brand New

Still Under Warranty

Selling At S$200 Only

Save Nearly 1/3 From Orignal Price

Self Collect @ Sengkang

If interested, pls e-mail to [email protected]}

Wow chest freezer =.=""

My HB asked me some weeks ago whether to invest in a chest freezer or not.... where got space to put!

The kitchens in the new flats are already so small.

Sigh but my side by side fridge also got limited space. I don have enuff flat surface to freeze my milk bags flat...


kok your head.. minus sign in front... minus 18C


This is the one... you see... where got space???


Capacity of 100L is unimaginable...

Even if Selene takes 1L a day... its like 100 days... which is more than 2 months (exceeded what TMC recommends)

I think i will be happy if there is a freezer up to 30 to 50L hahahaha... though i don't even know if i can store that much! hahahahaha...

yes..its deep freezing..i have 2...one of which, the breastmilk inside is finished..so selling one away first...i am a Jan mom...let me know if int...can store milk for 6-9 months

jenny, hope rayne gets well soon!

winnie, ur ss is good ah! more than mine lo.. belle's consumption not so much now.. thats why can slowly stock up..

ladyk, selene wearing what size carters rompers now ar? belle wearing 6 month.. haha.. think their weight around the same right? last checkup was 6.3kg at 10weeks 2 days.. carters rompers shape very strange.. very skinny and long.. dun really like actually


personally, i find it quite hard to "retrieve" the milkbags/ bottles from the bottom of the freezer if i wanna do first in first out method... bottles will be stacking all over the place... organising the freezer alone will take up so much time!

sometimes when i go marketing and housekeep my stuff in fridge/ freezer is already so sian!


YAH all long and skinny... Selene is also wearing 6 months but when i opened the 9 months it fits her also... just the length slightly long but comfortable lor. I don't know how the angmoh babies fit in leh...!

Oh yah, if you went to the Carters warehouse sales and bought those sundress/ loose pcs.. you better dig out and see if Belle still can wear.

I kena 1-2 pcs being 12 months and Selene cannot "button" up hahahaha!!! There's something wrong with their sizing...

ladyk, i'm facing the same prob as u!

when i lay the milk bags to freeze flat, the oldest ones will end up right at the bottom.. so what i do is when the stack of milk bags reach the top of my drawer, i will take the whole stack up, flip it around and then the oldest ones are on top, easy to take.. but sometimes they will still fall over the place, especially if i separated the bags. if i leave it in entire stack (like pancakes!) they will actually stay in one place, cuz the shapes all conform to each other and freeze in that pattern.. then the stupid fridge will start beeping to warn me that i've left it open too long and my ah lao will start yelling 'oi, what are u doing!?"... grrrr... #&*@@#.. "packing my stash lah!" i will yell back :p

carters sizing really got problem.. those 0-3 months now.. belle is struggling to wear them.. :p i've already zipped up and vacuum pack her newborn clothings.. very soon will pack up her 3 months old ones..



oh i used seren method, i pack 7 to 8 pack into a ziplog bag and arrange nicely according to chronological order. the problem i have now is... i dont have enough flat surface to freeze my bags! Coz i pump 3 hours interval now, the previous batch aint frozen yet and i got new ones going into freezer.. so squeezing here n there to make space for new bags..

0-3 months rompers, Selene outgrown them after full month. HAHAHAHA.... she doesn't have newborn clothings even.

