(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


u try the crying out method? maybe can try again, it may work this time. since enzo can fall asleep almost immed, he may be half asleep or feeling tired, maybe cry a bit then sleep on his own?



you must b v v tired with all the waking up at nite! i remembered once rei was 1 mth n hubby on biz trip, I woke up 12am, 2am, 5am, 6am...i almost died n brust into tears and let him cried at 7am till he slept...perhaps, u should try serendipity's 36 move liao...or else yr health will suffer long term...sleep deprive is no joke...

the enfalac how many ml? can i get it from you tom? when will it b a good time to drop by? need to chill? thks lady!

rei fussed n could not sleep on his own in the afternoon...now slinging him n he is sleeping well inside while i type...

went to work for meeting today... found the nursing room :)dunno why...i feel happy to be back at work..feel more in control at workplace i guess...


fever no joke... hope u r better now, bm ss will come back lah when u r better. yr body knows to produce more when yr body is in better shape


we can always try the mrt route.. or u can consider baby bjorn type of sling. or we master opening and closing stroller with one hand and carry bb with the other


sign...guess am not the motherly kind lah...feel happy when social interaction going on at work for me... come back see rei also happier n miss him makes my heart grow fonder of him! ;p

Rei is having nitemare now in my sling...his face like having a scare n "yi yi ah ah" in his sleep...of dear..shoould i wake him up or let him be... btw, timy, am having shoulder n backache from slinging too...too long no gd lah


muahha it's easier if i hold vera while u close n vice versa. can't they make strollers more idiot proof?!


i m relief to be back at work cos i was getting bored at home. but seeing a sleeping baby when i leave for work and when i return home..sucks.


yar sling 3hr no joke. I also came home at 3plus, wah, my back felt sore. Then still gotta struggle with that bottle and wailing girl, take 1hr to complete 110mls. Wah lau. AFter that, put her to sleep and I pump.

Afgh, I am gonna say this again, I detest pumping!!! and oh, just now after her bottle feed, emma sat thru watching me pump for 25mins. She stared at the milk and my boob like she was so amazed and then got excited and seemed to wonder why is mummy not latching me but sucumbing me to the horrible bottle, and made a manja pout. It took the whole 25minutes b4 she finally burst out crying in protest to say she wants to be latched. Haiyoh.

Seren, miracle,

but ur FBM stocks are really alot!!! Wow, how in the world am I gonna build up that kind of supply if I am only gonna pump 3 times a day and it's channeled to her bottle feed. Hmmm.... unless I wake up at 3am to pump, omg, I dun want to do that.


I had a friend who had a colicky and super terror baby but she also settled magically at 3.5mths coming 4mths and they could sleep thru peacefully thereafter. I know u probably heard everyone say it, but hang in there, I think 3.5 - 4mths magic will happen.


aiyo. just store 1 pack a day. not too hard isnt it? anyway which sling did u get? i cant seem to find it in the webby. so many to choose from.


dun say u r not motherly. we all have our needs, and it makes u love rei more, thats good!

i think can let bb sleep thru? since he is in the sling u can comfort him anytime


i 2nd that!! Hate pumping but i stupidly increase my pumping from 3 times to 5 times today!!all because i can't produce 700ml a day to meet her intake of 100ml per feed 7 times!! and i bay gum wan give FM.

Sometimes i feel like strangling myself, mind n heart cannot agree haha....


haha! i will try e stroller thingy this weekend n see if i can manage


yah i think we can't use the sling when bb gets bigger! will be bad for the back. haha ur emma so cute! watch mummy pump..

ladyk, i'm eyeing tt too... hee hee...

1727, m officially back at work in mid July but have to go back for any meetings in June cos I broke my leave in June. Senseless if i continue my leave into the school holidays. Mikkel will be looked after my my FIL one certain days and aunt the rest of the days w my maid.

tash, it is 60ml per bottle.. I will be passing some to Joyful tml during Avent talk.. maybe i pass to her and u see how many u want to take from her.. No need to warm it...

Sigh.. maybe i shld try the cry it out again... i suspect he doesnt know how to put himself to sleep...

Timy/ Serend,

Just now when i'm back home. I use both hand also find it difficult to closed my pram..

But i think Practice make prefect. JiaYou.

Thinking to join for the airport but worry that cannot handle my boy..


I order the swimming tub le. hopefully my boy will loves it.



u r ok just now.. why u worry cannot handle him? can lah..

swim tub

if ur boy is ok with bathing, then he shd love the swimtub. can kick n kick, as if in womb like that.

thanks elise! I will get from joyful since she stays in SK. Rei is taking 140ml per feed, so 6 feeds per day..so it's about 14 bottles per day! i will need about 100 for 1 week supply. is it too heavy for u n joyful to lug? wah! that's a lot to lug overseas...but then, its more convenient to feed outside with that then tryingto find clean warm water to mix formula when overseas...safer too..


hee hee! rei is sleeping soundly now...gues he passed the nitemare liao...upper backache now...arrgg...


just saw yr yahoo msg...could not make it today for lunch as gotta attend work meeting lunch time.. how's lunch today? must b so fun with bb around!

Sk mum,

how about lunch or breakfast mon or tues? we can have afternoon tea too :)


belle not 6.8kg lah.. hah.. she is 6.4kg today.. will be 11 weeks tmr..

seren, ya.. we try to bottlefeed her when she's sleeping.. works mostly but very tiring for us cuz we will be squatting by her rocker while feeding her.. her bottlefighting started yesterday.. gonna wait till she's more hungry before feeding her later..

nightmare.. zz...


recently i was pumping halfway, rei was looking at me n started wailing till i have to stop pumping for 1 side and used my chin trying to hold on the other side and carried him up n latched him on the other side! alamak! the scene is so comical till i wanted to laugh myself too... :-D


how r u going to bring the bottles over to korea? i dun think they allow hand luggage for fluid. then u gonna check in?

i m going with lunch or breakfast. compasspoint i suppose? or somewhere else?


haha she already double her birthweight and even b4 3rd mth!! we are talking abt 6mth to double leh kekeke....no worries la, she really has lotsa reserves :p


going to check in the bottles..actually i thot they r quite ok with baby stuff like milk on airplane now? going to call SQ to check later better, or else kena throw away so wasted!

maybe we can do a NE line trip this time! hee hee! lets b more adventurous. how about clarke quay Central? dunno got nursing room or not thou? if not, use a nursing cover?


Mal also never nap long during day time. At most also one hr. And it's worst esp during lunch period of 11am to 2pm cos when he is awake, he wan to be carry, if not he will cry. Due to that, most of the time, I can't eat lunch. But sometimes, I get so tired of his fussing that I just leave him to cry. I just make sure he is fed, diaper changed, switch on aircon and cover him properly and left him to cry. Most of the time it take 15min for him to cry and then fall asleep. Sometimes 25 to 30 min.

At night, mal sleep but is not without all the ee ee ehh ehh. Being light sleeper, I woke up with his ehh ehh lor. That's why I can do midnight pumping

I hope this is a passing phase which I keep telling myslf also

Jules, hope u are feeling better now...take care ya!

Tiga, mine was in the past liao...now I see so many mummies super pro in bf and with so many milk bags, i so envy....

Elise, think Lac starts to flip liao. I think a few wks ago, I saw her doing once and no more. Today I put her lying on her sides and she flipped herself to tummy down. After that, she dont know how to flip back and she cried. Tried a few times and she kept flipping her own till she tired and dont wanna do anymore.

Hugz...hope Enzo will sleep more soon. U must be very tired having so little sleep. These few days when Lac didnt sleep much in noon, I already gone berserk and tired. End up having migraine and dizziness since yesterday...so can understand how u feel when sleep deprived..

Cef, jonjosh..

I hate pumping too. Sometimes, even though I woke up at midnight, I m so tired that I want to give up bf. But then awhile later I drag myself up to pump. I doing exclusive pumping only so in my mind is if I dun pump, then Mal have to take FM, plus I hate the idea of giving up so just continue to pump.

Urghhh... It's really a love hate relation.

Jenny, I received the milk tea. Thanks thanks. Hope it up my ss.

RE: Giving Breastmilk

I am also in one of those bad mood today, feel like giving in to FM cos as days go by the battle with bottle will be harder and harder and yet I havent done anything abt it yet.

re bottle rejection

faint man! Was feeding Selene halfway until she suddenly decided to push the teat out and wanna latch on instead!!! I refused to because it means will waste the FBM, i kept pushing bottle into her - she put on a very strong struggle.

I got HB to carry her and try feed her while i hide in kitchen. Worse still! She wailed even louder, as if she can't find her mommy. So i carried her back but she continued to cry. To prove my point to HB, i shoved my boobs into her mouth, she stopped wailing and started suckling until drunken state...

I wonder to latch or bottle feed her for the rest of the weekend... I seldom latch her, so i'm surprised that she got "addicted" so soon.


the playtex liner need to be secured by rubber band one leh. If like that how to store lying flat and will it leak or not? Also use rubberband means not airtight???? Will get contaiminated???


the cry it out method didn't work.. my hb tried the other night and end up, ell cried till hungry and asked for milk, after milk he went to sleep. tho tired, but i think it's not a gd idea le but of cos' depends on individual la.. also, while crying they take in more wind, and more wind leads to tummy ache/etc more discomfort and they cry more.

am starting to figure out why Ell keeps crying when put down to sleep, or wake up crying after 5-10 min, He is tired but he looks like he is looking for a comfortable position, and if not, he rubs his face and then cry. First, it could be reflux, cos reflux is uncomfortable and when put down on their backs, they feel pain/discomfort, etc. Cos' ell showed some signs of reflux, so now I try to burp him more, and keep him upright longer. Second, i think he is trying to find a comfortable position. Donno la, esp evening he is actually sleeping already but suddenly move himself, then decides to cry. I will pick him up and walk, cos standing still he still cry. After a while, I put him back to his crib. It might take 2-3 times for me to do that before he finally Zzz..

Like many said, it's a passing phase. they will outgrow it.. =)

I am also trying to be patient and understand him more.

Perhaps, you can pass to your hb or mom or mil to take care while you do other things, keeps your mind away at least. Then, come back rejuvenate again to take in all those fussiness. =p

lol.. ladyk.. now u can understand our 'pain' for bottle fighting..

i refuse to give in.. altho everyone asks me why dun i just latch.. wats gonna happen to all my fbm!? haa...

i'm covered with 'battle scars' now..

winnie, ya.. i just realise that playtex doesnt have the ziplock function.. not any cheaper than boots ones.. i will go ahead with boots ones. korean brand not as cheap. 0.28 cents.. boots ones.. 0.1875 cents each.. ($30 for 4 boxes of 40 bags)

dragged from 4.30pm until now, belle's drinking fine now! wah.. heng ah... prepared 100ml for her, now she's drinking so fast.. grrr...

ladyk, think must 'starve' them abit before they will succumb to bottle

ladyk, after selene has tasted fresh BM from you, and the closeness she experience when latching, she will def prefer to latch.. dun need long to be 'addicted'.. heh

babies very smart one..


she seem fine when i saw yr hubby giving her the bottle. i guess this is a battle of willpower. i find that mothers have the hardest time feeding their babies the bottle since we have that "smell".


i am so sick of pumping. yest i pumped 6am,12pm,6pm,11pm. i missed my 10+am pump then did a quick one at 12pm before lunch. when i was about to go for lunch, who knows i was called for a last minute meeting and lunch only at 2pm for like 15 mins. then the 6pm pump, i had to excuse myself halfway from a meeting. i really feel like hurling my pump across the room cos i was rushing for another 7pm meeting. end up hand expressing cos the damn pump is so inefficient.


hahaha so u let Belle cry it out?

Selene cried so badly that HB went to get earplugs.

yup i dont like Playtex coz no ziplog, you need to get those fasteners, very ma huan.

Boots quite cheap but i saw the seller saying got problem at BKK so she stopped taking orders.

ladyk, miracle

Think I will have a tough time, cos Crystal never drink from bottle for than 10x since birth.

Wonder what will happen if 1 day I just fall sick and no more ss.


u using freestyle pump right? Inefficient?

Tell me about willpower. This is the first time i kena bottle battle... i don't know if i should be regretting latching her on again. Latching is beautiful but their "addiction"....

Sian man, once i latch her this whole weekend, my milk SS will be moderated downwards again... and i got to work very hard to get back my normal pumping amounts... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


oh haha this weekend not going MIL place... tradeoff is next weekend we're staying over for two nights. I'm going to shower Selene when MIL is cooking or bathing - not going to let her have the chance to comment!

icy, they will drink when they are truly hungry.. and have no other choice..

seren.. what pump are u using to pump in the office?? gosh.. its really tough to be a working mom.. i dread the day i have to go back to work.

ladyk, no leh, din let belle cry it out.. she wasnt crying badly when we fed her at 8pm.. more like eh eh eh.. but we know she hungry liao. 1.30pm feed drag till 4.30pm.. then eat again at 8pm, thats like missing a feed already..

boots milk bag:



i hope Selene is intelligent enough to differentiate the feeding methods - bottle feeding at my mum place and latching is only available at my place during weekends, subject to "availability" hahahahahaha



when the 1.30pm feed drag till 4.30pm... did Belle cry? You have been training her awhile right?

I think Selene knows that she's back home and i'm like available 24/7 for latching; she aint so cranky when i visit her at my mum place on and off throughout the week. I'll latch her at my mum place on and off too but she doesn't struggle with bottle feeds over there.

