(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


i meant, her 1.30pm feed.. she drink abit, cry, struggle, fight... stop.. feed.. drink abit.. cry.. struggle.. fight.. stop.. until 4.30pm then still end up with 30ml left.. started with about 140ml..

her bottlefight improved since the last time.. dunno y started again yesterday.. super draining i tell ya..


muahahahaha, isin't it an irony?? first we are worried that they don latch, now we are worried that they reject bottle and wanna latch!!



saw your pic on your milk stash!! BOy cool baby! I am getting under 700ml daily [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

However Kaitlyn is taking abt 700ml so my ss not that far off but I'm reluctant to give fm (not that I've not given b4 but i just threw away 1 big tin and 1 small tin of fm coz already over 1mth) I was trying to give total bm so the tin expired b4 i could finish it. Now I have an unopened tin which i try not to open kekeke. Feeling the pressure to meet her dd since I'm depleting my bm chilled bm in the fridge (those that were accumulated when i supplement with 1 feed of fm in the past) the frozen ones were from end mar to early april and i don think i wanna give those as they are too old liao. I have only 3 bottles of chilled ones in the fridge and THAT"S IT!!! Gosh!!!

lady, icy, miracle,

carol mentioned before that she is using the nuk teat (one that resemble the human teat) maybe u can try out to see if your bb can accept that better??


oh, but it's the same milk from 1.30pm until 4.30pm, over 3hours ah? We just discarded 70ml of BM...

Ya man, it's draining...


i'm already using NUK teats hahahahah, coz she started protesting when the teat is not even in her mouth....she seems to be able to tell that's not MOMMY NEI NEI.

I think it's the SMELL of MOMMY that drove them mad...


this goes to show that when they are hungry, they will drink muahahaha. Next time she reject, leave it, don battle with her and drain yourself. When she is hungry, she will drink! (within a day right?) I know easy said than done, being a mother, definitely will be worried when they don drink. But u know she will be fine coz she has lotsa reserves [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] only issue is hydration.


hmm but when they don't drink, it means i'm depleting my BM stock hahahaha. Coz i can't be recyling the unused BM since it was already warmed up once...

Since old folks aint around tonight, i think i gonna bochup and do CIO (let's see if my heart is made of steel). HB scared neighbours will complain though wahahhaa


selene's back with you now? haha.. so must latch eh?

aiyo, after using Dr brown's teat, ell really don't want my boobs! He will latch a while, for 3 min, then pull out. After a while, cry for more milk, when given the bottle he happily suckle. Really happily. Either my milk flow too fast, cos' when he pull out it sprayed all over his face. Now... am into exclusive pumping! Sooooo tiring. =(


yup... Selene's with me during weekends to simulate life when i go bk work...

This is the 2nd feed, i ask HB feed coz she rejected bottlefeed from me.

I only want to do latching for night feeds.


the stash look alot cos it's the bottle that take up alot of space ma. One tray store 10 bottles ( if it's 120ml bottle then lesser) so now got abt 40 bottles lor. Mal one day take 8 bottles so abt only 6 days stash extra lor.

Now everyday I try to pump at least 8 bottles to fill up the tray...if I see the trays not full I feel depressed... Talk abt fufilling quota... Hehe

I also used to give 1 feed of FM for night feed cos that time opened already & dun wan to waste, that's where the stash come from.

I also ve one tin FM standby., but that one my hubby buy one cos he scared I get too stressed from pumping & if I quit bf then mal will not starve...

Contemplating if I should regain the 1 feed fm per night to build up the stash.


just now bring mal for his 5 in 1 jab at kk. PD was advising me why not latched Mal. I told her that Mal refused to latch despite my trying and she advised me to see a LC to get him to latch.

But now I see some mummies battling with breast and bottle, make me wonder if I should try latching mal???

If latch then no need to bring barang when go out but then if he then reject bottle when I go back work then how????


u mean powder milk once open can only keep for a mth?? I also opened tin n have not consume it for 2 wk..on total bm currently

Lynn ,

wat brand u using? For similac, the tin mentioned can only keep 3 weeks after opening. That's why that time try to finish it by giving one night feed fm with rest all bm.

other brands maybe can keep longer?

miracle, ladyk, jon

I just lost the battle with Crystal. As i mentioned, no one to help, i bottle feed on my own.. just 1 try.. she threw her head back, wail 2x then went choke/breathless/angry and her whole face and the botak head went from red to redder to BLACK! Made me panic, pat her back and she let out a loud cry.

I just again, all kind of positions.. she cry and cry. Can tell it is different kind of tone.. like very angry that why mummy wasnt give her the nipple.. like I am forcing her... She is like so angry and so loud until my #1 wakes up.

Dint even take more than 5ml i think..Urghhhh!! Mil and hb not helpful at all.

ash, it is impossible to lug 100 bottles there, it is very very heavy! it will take u most of yr luggage space.. i m passing all to joyful, u see how many she can spare u.

hi mummies,

haven't been logging in cos been feeling totally exhausted... so just konked out whenever I could. This morning bottle-feeding Lucas and just dozed off!

Let me try to catch up on some of the discussions here..

airport gathering

I'll try to make it for noon too. Will try to pack and get ready everything the night b4.. if not, next morning need to bring my girl to childcare and take care of Lucas... scared end up late. Anyone wants to share cab, let me know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm staying near Hougang central.


thot bb should double birth weight at 3mths, not 6mths? Lucas doubled at week 10, at 5.9kg. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm using Nuk silicone teats. I find that how tight you screw the teats on will also affect milk flow. If too tight, Lucas can't get the milk and he'll get frustrated. So I'll loosen enough such that when Lucas drinks, you can see bubbles at the top of the bottle. For those who hv problems bottle-feeding and don't know why, this may be a reason.

sleeping position,

Lucas sleeps best on his tummy. Same for my #1. Do mummies here let bbs sleep like this? Of course, I watch over him. Most of the day, I place him on his tummy on the playmat in the living room and he can sleep v well. Esp if he has gas or tummyache. Beats having to carry him upright all the time.

Mar bb montage

someone asked if I can add photos in.... sorry, i can't locate that post, so can't recall who. The montage is pretty squeezy already, so I prefer not to modify it but to do a new one with new theme. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If mummies here are keen, do suggest a theme. Was thinking either 'tummy time' showing our bbs on their tummies and heads up, or 'bumbo babes' showing our bbs in bumbo seats. But don't think all of us hv bumbos. I've a lime green bumbo.

i know Miracle has! The fb pics of Mirabelle in her bumbo are so cute! If you gals haven't seen, must go see. Her expressions are so adorable!

ryne, i m also letting enzo sleep on his tummy.. he sleeps very well in that position... if only i can do it at night... PD say if no choice, can let him sleep like that at night w firm mattress n nothing beside.. but i m waiting for him to flip himself before i let him sleep on tummy... but usually 6+am i will flip him n he will sleep till 8+

Ryne, I have tummy pix! Bumbo pix have but its not mine, hahaha! I took at it Giant to let Lac try try the seat... its a gd idea to have a theme pix! Hehehe...


ya, our bbs feel more secure on their tummies. I'm actually now waiting for Lucas to wake up for his feed, that's why got time to log in. His last feed was 6.15pm, then he fussed at 8.15pm. Thot he was hungry, went to heat up EBM. End up he's tummyache. I held him upright for a while, he let go gas. Then I let him sleep on tummy, and he's still asleep after 2.5hrs!!


haha good idea! Those who don't hv bumbo, just bring your bbs to the shops to 'try try' and snap a pic! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My bumbo belonged to my girl. Her 'bah-bah' thighs would get stuck on the bumbo and we needed 2 persons to get her out of the bumbo - 1 to carry her, 1 to yank the bumbo fr under her!! haha...

Montage #2 theme,

maybe 'tummy time' is easier cos not everyone has bumbos. Another suggestion is to celebrate our bbs turning 3mths with a '3 months' theme. I can arrange bbs in order of birth, so we know who are the kor-kors and jie-jies in our thread. But pics to be taken around 3mths of age. Need to hv sufficient mummies interested to make the montage interesting. Let me know if anyone keen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


same, i lost battle to Selene, i never seen her crying so badly before. i got HB to feed while i pump in the room - MEN HAS NO PATIENCE. He screamed at Baby Selene which made her cried louder. After 30 minutes of struggle with her, i let her latched on. I didn't have the heart to let her cry it out because she was already traumatised earlier in the week by that stupid jab....

Sighs, i'm so weak! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i never had problems with NUK teats until recently. I started latching her and quite abit this week because of her trauma... sigh.. big mistake i guess.


When did u last try latching Mal? I also tried again recently got it right... pros n cons la. Just as i starting to get latching correct, i got bottle rejection problems. I'm taking out the bottle EBM and transfer to freezer - i think i'm latching this weekend liao.


you are right on the nuk btls - too tight it will effect the milk flow. Tot I was thinking too much into it wen feeding Ayden, I'm not alone!!

A new montage? Tummy time?? Hmmm.. I don't plan to get a bumbo seat as it's such a short period of time I think it will be utilized... Ayden is above his age for size and the thighs surely won't fit the bumbo seat :p.Heheee maybe like BabyL mentioned, try fr dept store then take a quick pic ;)

sure hope Ayden makes the next montage ;) thank you ahead for organizing ;)


My first time seeing Crystal crying so badly too.. not those want to sleep or fuss kind.. Is those very angry kind. Ask my hb to feed, he tell me he DONT KNOW. Father of 2 can tell me he DONT KNOW.

Actually when she latch also quite cute, especially on my right side, she will detach herself and talk non-stop and keep smiling at me sometimes even with some cute smiley sound.. aiyo melt my heart. Sometimes I tell her to stop talking and have her milk, she seemed to understand and latch herself back.

Ryne, 3 mths will be easier though...Lac just turned 3 mths yesterday! I can start taking pixs now!

Carol, true....its used for short period of time only. Plus, some bb may not like sitting on it. My nephew totally rejected and end up SIL got to sell away. Now Lac's thighs also bah bah, not sure will stuck very soon anot. Hehehe..

BTW, what size of diapers are ur baby wearing now.

I took out the M size Drypers diapers samples and it seemed like the mamy poko S size.. too small for my ger thighs! Now wondering if my ger backside too big or i fasten the diaper too tight.


From their cries actually can tell. If u pat the tummy, it sounds hollow like lots of air.

Just Apply Ruyi oil on tummy and feet and if they stop crying, means tummyache. :p

I'm keen on the montage but my baby just turn 8 weeks only. Still got 1 mth to go!

OMG i din noe opened FM must be dicarded after 1mth. Mine is only used for 5 feed max. So got to throw away $40+ dollars. Heartpain!!


if you notice you'd find baby's forehead is colder then usual. Just put your lips against baby's forehead - colder then your lips - might just be a tummy ache.

Ayden breaks into cold sweat over his head and back of his neck is cold too when he gets one of his usual tummyaches.

Btw, I dunno how true but i use this method to detech on all my four kids - hasn't fail me and I know when it's not tummy ache cry.... Ayden just wails to latch, trying his luck ;p

hi mummies

really appreciate all the care and concern for rayne. thanks....he's back home today! now back to his yaolan sleeping...finally... really tiring taking care of him in the hospital alone...usually at home got mil to help...but in hospital can get nurse to help see see look look...but still better to take care myself.

anyway, it's great to be back home! so many things to do....my no 1 must have missed me...almost 5 days never see me...cos wed came back home from my parents' place and ended up i got to stay in hospital with rayne.

so today he busy sticking to me...make me play toys with him as usual...read books together...so lovely....it's such a wonderful and fulfiling period...

luckily rayne has recovered and i am also looking forward to bring my no 1 to prawn fishing this sunday! long time havent done any prawn fishing....but really hope my no 1 likes it....hopefully not running abt...

thanks calafare

it's interesting...i will use ur method to try....never done it before...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Timy, cef

how abt PS? Mon or tues? We can take mrt together[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oki, I will get fm joyful , thks babe!

hi winnie,

hope the milk tea helps increase ur ss. this time round, it doesnt work for me. i treat it as a beverage instead. but i quite like drinking the cereals nowadays...cos it realy improves the quality of my milk. for my friend, it helps in her ss

hi icy,

my hubby also like this one...ask him to feed rayne, he dont want...say he dont know...

excuses! haha....but i can see he not very familiar in carrying rayne lah...

moreover rayne so small sized....

anyway, i always get my hubby to accompany no 1 instead while i busy with rayne.

hi ladyk

i missed latching too! i manage to latch my no 1 from 4th month onwards till 15 mths...the feeling is really good! cant describe, but it's so lovely...

as for rayne, ever since he rejected a few times, i've been a bit reluctant to try let him latch....although missed the feeling but i scare of bottle feed rejection. my no 1 has this problem for quite a while...

and it also means that i must always be there....i like the feeling of mummy is no 1....haha...but i scare of time commitment...

now i am quite comfortable as whenever my no 1 is not ard, my mil can take care of rayne fully. then i'll be quite free that few days to do my stuff, go shopping etc.

RE: mothercare receipts

yesterday at kkh, there's quite a no of sale items, so bought quite a few things...since i already spend a far bit, thinking if anyone has mothercare receipts and doesnt want, can pass to me. i see if i can get a discount card. thanks in advance


oops! Sorry didn't see the pm earlier! Will SMS u to confirm details. Are u bringing Rayne? I'm bringing Lucas and stroller, so can't take bus. Ok to share cab? ;)

hi mimmies, wat brand bottle washing soap u using? how many bottles have u used?

i have used 2 pureen so far, baby 10 wks old...friend commnted i used too much....how many bottles have u used?

ladyk, so u used 2 bottles already? then me not using alot what...i scared i used to much and baby concume too much soap...thou' it's suppose to be safe....so far which brand u prefer?

hi ryne

it's alright. i'll be bringg rayne. dont know if want to bring stroller or not....ok, we can share cab. u sms me ok.


tollyjoy and pigeon same size as pureen hor? i just want to make sure i not overused...and how big your baby?

icy, Jenny,

HB told me he shouted across the room coz he pek chek that she kept crying n only wanna my boobs. I just dont understand why he vent on Selene, she's just 2 months old n just recovered from Monday's jab. I seriously stopping at #1 given his poor performance n my troublesome MIL...


wow u all use a lot....or i use too little...hahaha

i use 1 tollyjoy bottle, haven even finsihed using. have used since my no 1. so almost half a year. i bought the pigeon promo pack on standby....think should last me a year at least.

