(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

oh ya, for the 27th gathering, was thinking if u mommies are keen to try something fun.. hee.. like wearing all yellow.. or polka dots on that day or something.. or wearing hats or caps.. heh..


haha.. i also dun hv enuff space for flat surface.. gotta squeeze here and there. on one hand i wanna stock up, on the other, i dun want her to drink milk thats too old..


same idea here - don want Selene to drink too old milk reason being our BM changes in texture, nutritional components as our LO grows and somewhat "customised" to our LO's needs.... so i will still prefer to keep maximum 1 month old...


if u r driving, i can take the car and follow behind u. but in that case i don't think dyl is gg.


pengz..today, dyl must watch tvee and drink. he gave my mum a hard time. yest happily drank 1 litre..today he drank abt 600+ml only. if he cont like that tmr i can start freezing ebm again.


when baby latches, i notice yield is usually uneven for each side. cos she drinks different amount from each side. it will become similar again after 1 or 2 more pump session. try cross cradle. dyl fits into carters rompers just fine, i guess the long shape is more suitable for boys. in fact i wished it was longer!


there is this slim standing freezer selling at courts. mitsubishi. but it is exp. $600-$800.

i can clear out one more compartment once my HB and I finish all the convenience food wahahaha.... then i probably bring another batch of milkbags to my mum place...! TADA - got space again :p

that's what i am doing. storing my fbm in my mil's freezer...that only contains ice and more ice.

when baby latches, it seems to tell our breasts how much to produce. although my usual ss of 900+ml dropped this week when i started work, it still almost meets his requirements. because for some reason, he started drinking less than a litre too.

17 May - Pumped 880ml - Drank 865ml

18 May - Pumped 890ml - Drank 870ml + 1 latch

19 May - Pumped 750ml - Drank 930ml + 3 latches

20 May - Pumped 785ml - Drank 720ml + 1 latch


at least you can store in ur MIL's freezer.

my MIL's freezer is FULL of her groceries - fish, chicken... i don want to mix EBM with her stuff and get contaminated or smelly.

that's why they said SS = DD

think they moment they suckle, it sends a "message" to the brain and they just produce milk accordingly.

When i latched Selene on&off over the weekends, Mon & Tue pumping amount reduced coz her milk intake tends to be lower at my plc as compared to my mum plc and i was pumping slightly higher than her daily intake - so it seems like the brain "moderated" my supply too!!! grrrrr

oh yes, i noticed that too. isn't it amazing!

if i m not going back to work, i wouldn't be freezing to start with. so far i find freeze 1,2 packs a day prior to starting work helps. cos you will def need to use 1,2 packs a day for the first few days. i used 2 packets this week liao.

I'm still wondering if I'll ever use my mar fbm.

Ladies, do take care of yourselves. It sure is v disheartening tt the ss I've painstakingly est has dropped by abt 60% after my viral fever saga last sat. Plus blocked duct. Win Liao! Sigh.. Back to square one..


what i do is clearing the oldest batch fbm 1-2 packets each day and at the same time freezing the excess ebm. this way our stock will always kept in recent dates. my girl still get to drink 70% fresh chilled ebm. i am currently clearing mid april batches. braless doesn't help to unblock yours?


the 4 digit yield only one off case la. The rest mostly 800+ lor. 900+ is I ve to squeeze till nipple also feel like dropping lor.


yr stash got one month old milk? Then must be alot ma. Based on yesterday 20 may, mal is drinking from my 13 may stash leh. Me using FIFO mtd so that why I say I only got 6 days extra ss lor.


oh my oldest milkbag is 1st week of May.. dont have one month old milk yet. not bad la your yield, it's not ez to meet your BB's demand using a single pump leh! gotta spend alot time to empty boobs! give yourself a pat on the shoulders!

I went gynae for pap smear and shun bian consulted him on contraceptive. Given that i was still BF'ing, he advised against oral contraceptive and the 3 monthly injection as they're hormone based. There is another one which insert a device into the woman's body and protection up to 3 yrs but he said some experienced side effects so i'm not considering it.

So the best option for me is barriers, example condoms but its only effective when used correctly. The thing is, we not very good with condoms and I don't know my fertile period since my menses haven't return... would a ovulating kit help? That's why we haven't BD until now... wahahahaha..

sighs just pumped at 230am n woken up by stinging feel at my boobs ard 6am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

no choice, wake up to pump n go back sleep once i'm done.....


why u ve 1st week of may milk? if like that means u ve at least 2 weeks of FBM? me blur liao...

well, this is wat mal milk stash at the moment... only 6 days full feed but the bottles take up all the space



hmmm it means my oldest milk bag is dated like 3rd May but i don't freeze ALL the pump on 3rd May, say maybe 2-3 pumps on 3rd May but it will not be sufficient for my girl's one day intake and need to combine with 4th May stock.

Remember... Selene drinks at least 1000ml a day =.=

Actually i never count how many bags and different bags are different volume hahaha, conservatively i'd say around 10 days bah.

Your milk stash quite organised. Mine is milkbags in ziplog - and i'm running outta flat surface to freeze [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]



Enzo is seeing a PD at Bukit Timah right? Is he also administering vac jab for Enzo?

How you find him? Can pass me his contact?

After Selene's traumatic experience with that lousy GP, i'm thinking of switching to a PD instead... firstly i can ask more questions and secondly... hopefully they're more trained in handling young babies.


if u interested in upright freezer, check out the tecno website.

Www.tecno.com.sg. The chest freezer looks cool. Cost abt $400 plus to $500 depend on capacity

thanks for the comment. Ve to put them properly cos if not ve to dig out the oldest bottles from inside is so difficult.

Ok, understand how u still ve early may milk stash. Me blur

ladyk & winnie,

cool!!! here's mine. total abt 30 bags + bottles




haha i can see u r running outta flat surfaces to freeze BM too!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yah man ladyk!! hehe.. we sama sama. left small corner for laying flat milkbags. i realised we organising them same way (the seren's method), accumulate bags in container then transfer to ziplock hehe.. did you indicate dates in your ziplock? i did. easier to search. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha supposed to label outside the ziplog but no time... later i go dig out n label... like you said easier to find n no need remember which stack is oldest..


yah better label. so you know which ziplog to use first. everytime when i open freezer, i got to do it fast otherwise when the beep beep sound i feel very stressful LOL

wahh...you all have really good supply. So happy to see all your milk stash actually. hehe...

I only put like 4 bottles of milk in the fridge and my MIL said to my baby..."so many milk, heat up to drink during daytime lor..."

My strategy is to let baby drink FM in the day then night I give ebm when I am back. Save trouble for my MIL. Haiz...she dunno I yong xin liang ku. Also so I can cut out 1 feed by 1 feed slowly...


SO funny seeing mommies posted the pictures of your freezers with stacks of BM!! LOL! I am telling my hubby mayb Rei should go to one of these aunties' house to have a "feast" since so much supply, n he will never have such good feasting at his own place since mum is not producing enough to even ever store in freezer! LOL! ;-)


Good News! My flight confirmed and I am going to Korea next wed! Though, I will miss the mega meetup at airport!


you kena fever? hope you r fine now n ducts r clear!


Hope Rayne can go home today! You take care too!


Swim trunk like very cold leh, scare Rei will "ha choo" when in water too long. LOL. Zara bb? hmm, will go take a look! :)


Is your enfalac still available? I would like to get some from you. Is easy to bring abroad too. Need to heat up to use?

Airport gathering - 27 May

Pls indicate time beside your name



1. Jonjosh (noon)

2. poohgirl

3. BabyL (noon)

4. Cher Li (noon)

5. serendipity

6. icy (noon)

7. Jules (noon)

8. Wish

9. ladyk (noon)

10. tiga

11. jenny

12. strawberryz

13. cef

14. Ryne

15. queque

16. bebechan

17. torayme (noon, gotta get back to work)

18. lovinglife (noon)

19. MicSarCam

20. MicSarCam's fren


congrats!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have fun in KR!!!


re: how much milk are ur babies drinking per feed?

Coz I only recently started bottle feeding, I'm not sure how much milk Emma should be taking. When latching, she can go for 20-30mins usually. Now that I'm bottle feeding her, I'm making her drink at least 120 - 160mls. Is that about the amounts ur babies are drinking? Or should it be even more? I can't tell when she's full coz she still struggles with the bottle, so I just keep pushing her to take more and and more. Just wanted to make sure I'm not forcing her to take more than she should be taking. This morning I managed to push 160mls thru bottle, big achievement for her coz she absolutely hates the bottle! But I do at some point wonder if I'm over pushing her and if 160mls is too much.

re: Freezing EBM

is it really bad to freeze EBM? I've starting stocking up also, preparing for july. Coz I only want to pump 3 times a day max at work. WHen I come home I want to latch still. I only have about 4 days extra stock coz only start pumping like 3 days ago.


Airport gathering - 27 May

Pls indicate time beside your name



1. Jonjosh (noon)

2. poohgirl

3. BabyL (noon)

4. Cher Li (noon)

5. serendipity

6. icy (noon)

7. Jules (noon)

8. Wish

9. ladyk (noon)

10. tiga

11. jenny

12. strawberryz

13. cef (noon onwards is okay)

14. Ryne

15. queque

16. bebechan

17. torayme (noon, gotta get back to work)

18. lovinglife (noon)

19. MicSarCam

20. MicSarCam's fren


alamak, your MIL doesn't know the goodness of BM issit.. 4 bottles where got alot... aiyoh actually i realised family n caregiver support is v impt. If caregiver finds it ma huan to warm BM for baby, then its v demoralising.


best is fresh from boobs, followed by chilled BM which last abt 48hrs, then frozen BM. There are articles saying that freezing BM destroys bulk of the leukocytes (aka white cells, that helps to fights infections)


average feed will be Emma Weight in KG x 150ml divided by the number of feed per day

Example: Selene is 6.3kg and has 10 feeds a day

So per feed average is 6.3 x 150ml = 945ml divided by 10 = ard 95ml

ladyk, yes still can feed when sick. panadol's safe for bf mommies. when see doc, must tell him/her u are nursing so tt he/she will prescribe bf-safe med for you.

Tash, i started off w a terrible headache tt lasted din go away. my #1 too had headache and fever. so went to GP on sunday and realised tt i too had a fever. I recovered only on Tue to find tt my ss dipped sooooo much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] asked LC and ML - both said when sick, ss sure drop.

lovinglife, ya braless din help. The problem is i dun give FBM unless i ran out of chilled EBM. when mikkel stopped supplementing w EBM after latching, i found myself even more packs of FBM. I can like freeze 6packs a day. no space in freezer plus flat surface to freeze. i asked my hb for solution but he was more awed w the quantity stashed intside. i scared i end up throwing my mar FBM.

cef, does she throw up after the 160ml feed? If not then maybe thats her intake. Heidi's still stuck at 120ml...for weeks liao!


thanks for answering my qn, very useful info! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes, then 150mls is abt right for Emma coz she's has a total of 6 feeds in a day.


Does that mean so far u pump and immediately bottle feed everyday? Wow, that's very tiring, that means must pump feed, then pump again prepare for nxt feed. I'm only doing this 3 times a day so far just to bottle train and I already feel so xian so I thought I could pump surplus first then no need to keep pumping like crazy. But seems like no way out, I should keep pumping the day b4 for the nxt day's feed yar?

cef, for me FBM is for emergencies. most of the time my bb will drink chilled ebm which i've expressed at work the previous day. then slowly mondays will b fbm day as i din pump during the weekends, only latching biz on sat n sun


no leh, she didn't throw up. Actually last few days when I bottle train, she started at 120mls, but I suspected her intake was more when she latches coz she only feeds 6 times a day, so I kept pushing the bottle, then it went up to 140mls, then today she took 160mls. I think I will leave it around 140-150mls coz I really can't tell with her when it's enough when I'm using the bottle, coz every 5mins she will push the bottle out, coz she doesn't like it. Then I push it back in and this continues till she finishes the bottle. :p I got a heart of steel. no lah, it's for her good, I cannot bear the thought of her going hungry in infantcare when I'm back at work. Don't think anyone there would have patience to bottle feed her for 40mins, so she better learn it now b4 I go back to work.


haiz, that's hard work. pumping.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ok, I will learn to adjust. Now then I realise how much hard work u mummies have been putting in. ARgh, i really detest pumping!!!!

cef, I so tempted to put Heidi in infantcare too. Hahaha...my MIL very weird lor. I have to like chase her for updates to find out what time Heidi feeds and etc. While she auto update my SIL abt Heidi! FOR WHAT??? U dun tell the mother, u go tell the aunt who probably doesn't give a shit that Heidi shits...complaint to my hubby but he just keep quiet and go to sleep...haiz...

I think it is probably time to up Heidi's intake...

yah...pumping is hardwork. All the washing, sterilising...I am so concerned that my colleagues seated outside the 'nursing' room can hear me pumping also. Paiseh.


no problem.

Since yr supply is good, you definitely can use yday pumps in office for next day bottle feeds at the caregiver place. Better spare one feed at caregiver in case they spill. I'm sure you don't wan being fed with other fluids. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh ya since it's for feed within 48hrs, don't freeze. Keep it chiller n transport via cooler bag- that's provided there's space at the caregiver chiller (not FREEZER)

ladyK, after seeing what you type, then I wouldn't freeze the milk I pump in office liao. I will just chill them and then bring home with the cooler bag. Although I am cutting down to 2 feeds of EBM for Heidi liao...maybe 2 feeds of EBM can maintain for a few more months.


I know what u mean. I also strongly did not want my MIL to take care of Emma, coz alot of ways may differ. I know it's quite silly, but I rather her be closer to a stranger than attached to my MIL. But then,there's pros and cons, with MIL at least u know Heidi is loved and really loved by ur MIL so no matter how her ways differ, she will try her best to take care of Heidi in the best way she knows how. Haiz, at the end of the day, I think the Lord teaches our children.

Workwise, I will go back to work, but am in search of new jobs already. I dun think my office is conducive for a working mum and I really want something more flexi for myself. So though I go back to work, I want to ultimately be able to pick her up early or bring her back at 3/4pm. That's my eventual plan, so now sourcing for new jobs already.

U see how, Heidi may not want to up her intake, I think when the time comes she will look hungry and u'll know she needs more milk. How many feeds is she taking per day? If she takes more feeds, I guess then her intake per feed is okay at 120mls?


yes pls keep in chiller if intended for feeding within 48hrs. If supply is good, you can afford to freeze right after you have sufficient feed for next 24hrs. Then when not enough. Don't freeze but chill - so that you try to offer the freshest bm. Hope you know what I'm saying. But best is latch!!

Cef, yes Abba loves our babies even more cos they are from us~ His righteous ones. hehehe...

Heidi only taking 6 feeds per day. She's a bit bah bah so we let her be also. I already instructed my MIL to monitor her intake. Might increase liao.

wow haven't been following the forum for quite a while, too many archive to read liao.


yeah u ve overcome all odds to bf. perserverance yields success ya.. :p


While i was bathing my gal this morning, i had a stupid qn in mind. Have any1 thought what to do if your babies were to swallow any bathing water accidentially when we are bathing them? How to make them ''throw out'' the soapy water??

Anyone keen in getting a BN Lucky Baby Car Seat (still in packaging)? Suitable for Newborn till 18kg.

PM me if interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4010251.jpg]



i hav a spare fridge to sell . sorry my picture is too big n i dunno how to resize it.

it is bought 2 years ago. onli use for 1 year. still in good working condition

brand Euroace 2 door fridge

size 160x58x58

good for those tat want a spare fridge for breast milk storge but do not 1 2 spend too much for a new fridge

. pl enmail mi [email protected] for detail. thanks alot. first come 1st serve. delivery can be arranged

