(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

morning shannen,

I was surprised that at 6 wks, your sac is 2cm coz the mean size at 6 wks should only be 14mm. that means your baby is growing fast. my first m/c, i was 9 wks and the scan showed onloy 6wks plus and gynae say cannot find hb, ask me to see him a wk later giving the benefit of doubt that i ovulated late. a wk later, he say can see hb but to be sure, see again in another wk's time. a wk later, hb disappeared again. so with his exp, he said pregnancy not viable and he called it a missed abortion. for your case, your sac size is not "behind time" maybe there is still hope, just hang in there, u never know.


thanks jonjosh, yup my waterbag is growing but really see nothing inside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sorry to ask silly question, if we cant see any foetus isit don even hv to ask Dr wat abt the heartbeat?

i feel like asking but tot cant even see baby where got heartbeat.

I duno shd i still be hoepful or nt.Coz Dr say either i had m/c OR the foetus is realy not growing well. On the other hand I would prefer I hv m/c, but i do fear baby not gorwing well n affect future development.

But on the other hand, i raelly hope this is juz a false alarm and the baby is still inside me, growing well but hiding somewhere.

shannen, dun worry. keep praying and all will be fine 1 week later. Perhaps it's a good idea to go for a 2nd opinion.

Hi Girls,

I am a silent reader for a long while but never really posted here because I am not sure how successful the preganancy will be yet. I am anticipating my 1st babe in March 2009 at least I thought 2 weeks ago when I was in my 6th week. From the scan there it looks like there was only 1 and imagine my surprise when I went for a follow up visit on my 8th week and doc say I would be having twins. Apparently there was only 1 sac but the 2 babes are sharing it which is actually not good.

My point is, give it 2 more weeks and go for an ultrasound scan again. makes a whole world of difference. I was staring hard at the picture of my first ultrascan and I could not make out where did the other babe hide. It could be bad angle etc.

To those who have yet to see fetal pole. Hang in there and cross your fingers. You never know where the little one is hiding in that sac!

yup if there is no foetus then it is an empty sac...so naturally no hb. i understand your concern abt if baby already not growing well then in the end even if u see foetus, u are scared that it will not be normal. no point speculating now and worry yourself sick, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. miracle can happen.

optimus, *hugs* you are a strong woman! take care pls..

shannen, empty sac is called blighted ovum.. i hope this not the case for you. hugs!

Dear ladies,

I went for my 2nd opinion at KK yesterday and the gynae has also confirmed the earlier gynae's diagnosis, still no foetal pole seen, so either a d/c or just waiting game for now...Guess there is no need for me to be in this thread anymore...however i will pray for all of you mothers-to-be to have a smooth pregnancy. I will not give up and will continue trying again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I really appreciate all the kind help, advice, encouragement all of you have given me during this difficult time...thanks & take care!

hi Fairie take good care... i was given such advices, if really no more, then get over it and nurse your health back..and try again.

Good luck and take good care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am keep my fingers crossed oso for mine.

I will continue to take duphaston n see how next week.


I also seeing Dr Woody and saw him yest.

U saw ur sac at 6weeks? I also saw mine at exactly 6weeks but also empty sac.

He told me to come back next week.

Initially he told me 2 week later changed his mind to next week

Hi Shannen,

I am seeking a 2nd opinion later, a fren's gynae at Mt Alvernia. Want to hear what he will say.

Let's pray that both of us will be fine...

zhuzhu, heard that duphaston can make one bloated. i'm on it now and i wonder whether i'm feeling ms or the side effect of the drug.

zhu zhu: Are you waiting for the 1 week to go back your gynae? I also thought I was 6 weeks, but the gynae tell me I actually only 5 weeks. He also give me duphaston. Anyway, I am going back only 14th Aug. So ...waiting and trying not to be too worried. You don't worry too much okay??

Reading thru all the threads make me realized that its so fragile during the 1st trimester. Anything can happen. Is there anyway whereby i can ensure the baby is growing day by day in me?? Very worried now. Anyone taking the chinese medicine "An Tai" at this juncture??

frankly speaking

all gynaes can't do much during the 1st trim

U just have to stay positive and believe that the baby has a strong will to live.

No point speculating how many weeks and watsoever, the forum is useful to giving each other support during this period.

after having 2 successful pregnancy, i was taking things for granted, really didn't know that mc rate is so high during the 1st trimester until my subsequent 2 m/c. now in my 7th wk but has been staining on and off since wk5 sigh....i hope by next appt next wk, i'll see and hear some good news.


I was exactly 5weeks last tue where he saw the sac, pretty small one

a week later which was yesterday saw a bigger sac but still empty


my gynae started me on duphaston 2tabs 3x instead of just 1tab cos I told him I started spotting light brown streaks these couple of days.

Since yest I've been feeling very hungry..

goodness me


when u talk abt staining it's just brown stains?

I have a coll's wife who delivered a healthy baby girl

She keeps staining red all the time yet still ok!

mine is very light brown stain. not continuous stain but "suka suka" flow a little out a few times a day. but if i happen to strain too much like walk, bend, squat, do some light hswk then more will come so scared already, don't dare to do anything. ya i also heard that some pple can stain throughout but turn out ok. i read that 25-40% of pregnancy will stain and half of these will go on to miscarry. however if scan shows that everything growing, hb present and fetal pole detacted, then the % of miscarriage will reduce from 50% to just 5%. that's why i'm so so so worried abt my next scan which MUST show hb and fetal pole....scared scared!!

jonjosh and zhuzhu

If staining, even brown, better to see gynae. my first preg had staining from 6 weeks to 8 weeks. Took duphaston during that few weeks.

This time round, to play safe, I started off with 1 tab x 3 times. Cos this time I have cramps almost all the time...light pulling effect.

Hi 1727, I'm taking Chinese an tai medicine currently. But I think it's better not to just take wat others take cos everybodies' body is diff. If u wan to eat Chinese an tai medicine, it's better to see a licenced Chinese doc for prescription. I did tat too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think it was unnecessary lah

But gynae say take more den more lor

The brown staining reli very little one so I dun think it was anything serious

I know for very serious spotting doc can give those suppositories to direct insert it there


dun worry too much

I had pink spotting during my #1 and I rushed to tmc hospital only to be given duphaston

I think I too kc during my 1st pregnancy

My fren can spot red and go see her gynae the next day

As I mentioned earlier, there's nothing much gynae can do for us during the 1st trim.

We only look forward

i am on duphaston 1 tab but 2x daily.i juz started today, so no feelg yet.. but keep feeling tired, duno it's coz of the medicine or juz becoz of my low morale [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Btw i continue to take the prenatal vit and folic acid ...ook hor, i mean w duphaston.

zhuzhu, i might hv seen u ytr oso... i waited until 820pm lidat for my turn.

Yup saw the sac at 6th week, ytr was 8th wk.. u gg back next week, when? i schedule to go his afternoon clinic next thurs, he even gv me the MC chit liao..

I juz told my boss juz nw.. tat I will be on MC next thurs.

sighz sometime i feel ignorant is a blessing too .. for my #1, i see gynae oni at 3.5mths +, everytin is good n well .this time round i see early, then receive this kind of panic.

juz hope everytin is good n fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shannen, how come your gynae so good.. Appt with him and he gave u MC?? I still got to take from my annual leave.

I told him I have my own FA, he prob had the wrong idea

I was rushing to bring my dd to my mum's place so I also forgot abt it

1727, if i'm not wrong iron tablets is only given after 3 mths of ur pregnancy ba...hee...

but even thought doc gave me the folic acid n multi-vit i seldom take coz am quite scare to take tablets...will vomit everytime i take [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi all,

I have been reading all the posts from this tread.. I am new here. Just register only. I am kinda worried too.

On sunday, i went to buy the pregnancy kit from guardian and tested positive with one line not very dark.

So i went to see a gynae yesterday cos i have been having discharge and have 1 day of menses last week.

initially gynae saes judging from the last menses period, i shd be abt 5 weeks. BUt when she did the ultrascan she sae it is so small and look like 3 weeks. She mentioned to me that it could be pregnant or could be juz a normal blood clot. she asked me to go back 10 days later to do a scan again. anyone experiencing such thing b4?

pinky, do monitor if u experience sharp abd pain n got redish spotting better go see gynea. these are the questions Dr Adrian asked me when he see my condition lidat, i think he suspect i might hv m/c n i duno..but no leh i don hv these enounters.. everytime for me was so fine n quiet.

1727, ya i was quite surprised too when Dr Adrian asked me to go on Thurs coz normally i go on Tues evening de, then he gv me the MC chit himself. But he told me if I wana choose a evening fine for him too .. i think coz noon clinic less crowded, hence he suggested tat, coz he might do more test for me rather like usual oni ultrascan.

No particular sharp pain.. But i got discharge and is a bit of brownish. ytr my gynae was explaining to me how miscarriage is like.. i was wondering why did she explain to me.

pinky, if u tested positive, then must be pregnant. how can u get blood clot and have pregnancy hormone in urine? one day mens may be the implantation bleeding, it occur when your fertilised egg is attaching itself to the wall of yout uterus causing that part of the uterus to bleed a little. cramp is normal also in early pregnancy coz uterus is expanding. my cramp was bad till 6 wk pregnant. is your cycle regular? how long after you miss period did u test?

zhu zhu do u always feel hungry? i eat already, the whole stomach still feel empty. sometimes don't feel like eating but feel very empty inside, want to puke. hate brushing teeth.

I tested 2 weeks after i miss my menses. Cycle so far quite regular.. only missed once last yr... I dun feel nothing wrong.. juz that been no appetite and also mouth quite bitter.. and keep having stomach pain and go toilet.. today went 3 times alr.

hmmm, no idea why there is stomach problem. don't think stomach problem is related to pregnany leh. why don u call up to ask gynae?

Pinky, u keep going toilet while i'm having constipation.

zhu zhu, beside fatigue & no appetite, i'm having sore boobs too..

