(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

jonjosh, i hate brushing teeth too. this is the time i will merlion. *yucks!!!* our ms is sama sama bad leh. let's hang on together ok!


i am curious to know for those who has MS, what you normally eat for your breakfast, lunch & dinner? meal time seem so misery to me because i have to decide what to eat.. think of the food itself already made me sick.

i noticed my urine has become cloudy colour and it has a strong smell.. don't know izit because i took a lot of medication??

haha...i share the same feelin too...brushin time is the onli time when i really puke...other then that is juz burpin n nauses [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

serlina, you are better than me. i puke all the time, sometimes just 1-2 mouth if i am lucky. but brushing teeth MS is non-stop type. will puke till stomach is empty.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lovinglife, maybe u are rite... it could be the sac... initially she told me i am 5 weeks.. then later sae maybe 3. haha. maybe i shd wait till 10 days later, do another scan to see hw is it.

I am still having discharge on and off.. =(

lovinglife, hee...every mornin when i puke..i always puke till my gall juice also vomit out...so irritating...so i normally dun eat much...mayb juz a little i dun eat le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pinky, are you on duphaston? in the mean time, don't walk too much. try to bed rest if possible.

serlina, i don't eat much too but that's make me always hungry.. sien.. when hungry, MS will strike. really don't know what to do..

Hahaha..just when i thought i'm the only one who brushes teeth until puke..

Lovinglife, now i'm doing fine with breads & cakes. Any other stuff i eat, i'll just stop at 3 mouthfuls and gaveup. I know its not very nutritious but better than not eating anything.

Yes yes.. my pee got a strong stench too.. but didnt notice the color though.

lovinglife...guess the best way to help MS is to try to keep urself full..by eating or grabbin small bites...so we wun feel too bloated or empty ba..heee....


some pple will puke out the juice for first trimester. After tat, shd be fine. maybe there r somethings which u will hv appetite?

How many weeks for u now?

Anyone has cramps feelings? I hv pulling effects on the left hand side of my tummy..near ovary areas...


Same as u, I would have that cramp feeling at my left side area once a while. Sometimes the pain is quite sharp.

sorry i know it sound crude, anyone experience black stool? i had it today, gave me a shock. did some research, besides the bad possibilities, too much iron and folic acid can cause that too. I wasn't given iron supplement but because of the staining gynae ask me to take folic 3 x a day, wonder if that is the cause....so worried.


me now in my 11th week according to my gynae...but to my own calculation shld be only 10weeks ba...hee...

good evening ladies.

was wondering. im looking at the scan pix with the yolk sac.. comparing with the ones in the net which is round.

mine is like 1 white dot at the top & 1 white dot at the bottom..



why ur FA take so much one? 1x daily is enuf

I guess ur black stools are due to the iron in your vits.

I even seen green stool hor


is it because the scan only pick up the top and bottom of the sac? My one is also like that just that there are faint line connectng the top and bottom. So I can imagine a circle or oral.

hi redqueen..

right on! its only the top & bottom thing.. cant see the whole round or whatever shape it is..


ya ya..i totally agree with u..it's really very amazin...the feeling is really wonderful...when i went for my recent scan i was totally amazed by how much he/she hv grow..in 2 weeks time fr 1.69cm to 4.3cm...haha...

btw how many weeks are u at now? but sometime it's really a little disheartening when I heard of mummy got m/c...by readin their post really made me feel like cryin n heartache...seems to be able to feel for them..


I just tested positive so should be 4 to 5 weeks now. Amazing is indeed the word. God's gift to us. Dun be dishearten. I feel sad too when I hear about m/c. But like wat zhuzhu mentioned before, 1st trimester..just stay positive. I think this is what we can do now.

blueblue...i'm recently really stress-up at work...really feel like resignin...but it seems like there's tons of thing to consider before i can actually hand-up my letter....hai~~

Oh no..dun be chong dong. Think of the 4 months maternity leave....not worth resigning now. Sometimes when preg, our emotion also easily upset. One thing I learnt from my first preg, stay happy and postive. Ur bb will be happier in the womb and when they grow up, u can tell they are happier.

sigh, this evening my lower left abdoman was painful, like a crampy feeling. then just now i check, suddenly brown staining, like when first discover mens come like that, so disheartened. tot my previous mild staining issue has improved. infact whole of today only 3 miserable drops of light brown stains. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] will go c gynae tomorrow. What a way to end my day.

but sometimes it juz real hard to cope with my ms+tiredness together with my work stress...really confused and stress now.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I hope u think thru seriously before u decide to resign

If u do, be prepared to be jobless for at least the next 1year

In this time of economic weather, unless ur dh is doing extremely well. I can't think why u want to resign

Alot of benefits goes to working mothers


u r right

let's all be +ve!

My fellow mummies from my #1 told me they also din see a heartbeat or yolk sac till they were 8weeks!

There are so many possibilities like late implantation and late ovulation

I reli buay tahan my hunger pangs leh.. faints


brown stains are basically ok mah

so more only 3 drops?

I think it's quite norm leh

Brown stains are dried old blood leh

I'm sure ur cramp wasn't something so painful that u crouch over right?

zhuzhu & blueblue..

guess u all r right..am thinkin really hard n reconsiderin again n again about my resignation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

3 drops of light brown ones the entire day until just now. suddenly one patch og brown stain similar to first day of mens(starting that time) so i'm freaking out now arrrrrh!!


hope everything is well, did you use the gynae hotline or something? Maybe get a faster answer?

ladies, Are you all completely off coffee?? I cannot do without coffee. So I am cheating by trying de-caf and also drinking super diluted instant coffee.


I can't too!

I reduce to 1 cup per day which includes all caffeinated drinks like coke, etc etc

Thus I only take 1 cup per day of morning kopi tat's it


really better think thru and talk to ur dh

a person's loss of income is a huge impact to the family with a little one coming along!

Not to mention the housing loan contribution will also be reduced by half


it's one patch and tat's it right?

U do so much research online they always say very painful cramps with fresh bright red dc is worrying

Don't get urself so worked up, cud be nothing

Hi gals... .

Just to update u all....

I have went for my 1st scan appointment yesterday afternoon and everything was well..... **heng**... now hope to look forward to the next 2 weeks scan...

As of yesterday, i'm only in week 5 and 2 days only.... cos the sac is 5.4 mm.... And my gynae estimated my EDD to be 05/04/10 leh....

Hi all MTB,

Sorry to interrupt, I just gave birth this May & I have 1 tin unopened 900g of Similac Mum at $14 & 1 BNIB NeurogainPB at $28 to let go. Interested, kindly email me at [email protected]

thks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u taking duphaston right?

It makes u feel bloated and a bit nausea?

I can't tell wats mrg sickness if it's caused by the duphaston leh


finally managed to take copy of my u/s for 1st visit.



heartbeat @ 127bpm


zhu zhu i'm on duphaston 3 x a day. as of now, not much staining. i really don't know what happen last night. maybe won't go see gynae since he will be unlikely to give me a jab, i still have duphaston. At most he will scan but i doubt with his "lockkok" machine, can detact hb yet now (7wk) going to cost me 200+, think i'll adopt a wait and see attitude.

u really can't tell zhu zhu. that's why earlier i was also worried, wondering what is the real cause of my discomfort. I wonder when will staining stop.

hey lovinglife, tat is good news for you. that is heart beat already and your scen is some time back!

zhu zhu I also on duphaston 1 tab 2x daily. I only have very slight nausea at night. I think duphaston increase the hormones to help but it depends on how our body reacts to hormone. I also cannot tell much.

u know u ladies talk so much abt empty sac and stuff?

My fellow mummies remembers that they saw empty sac at week 8 and only something at week 10!

I dun rem any for my #1 so I can't comment much

zhuzhu, i think duphaston don't give much MS symptoms. my MS is real bad but my intake of duphaston is only 1 tab 2x/day. i rem my 1st pregnancy, MS was as bad too but i wasn't in duphaston. i believe it's how your body react to the hCG hormones. i do have excessive saliva too.

redqueen, thanks! i hope all the subsequent scans are good news too. i am 8 weeks today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



so u saw the twinkle little heartbeat!

So exciting leh..

I bloated alot alot after food..

sibeh jialut

mrg time I feel nausea dun know is it becos I haven't take breakfast or wat leh

I tot it might be due to the duphsaton


Hi everyone, finally have time to sit thru and read backlogged posts. wow... nice to see new faces here but at the same time sad to read abt some unsuccessful ones. this period is indeed trying. hence am very grateful that all of my 3 pregnancies have been smooth-sailing so far. really treasure my babies.

Talking abt MS, it's making me miserable. this is the worst one that i've had. just last tue, got craving for laksa and bee hoon goreng. haha... of cos i can only eat less than half. after eating laksa, my hubby packed a packet of bee hoon goreng. went home, puked out the laksa and ate my bee hoon goreng. haha.. gross right. went straight to sleep to avoid another merlion session. sorry hope din gross anyone out.

1727, we thot ching ting also liang. qing tang mah.. haha.. of cos, chin chow confirmed very cooling. so now stick to apple juice. i can stomach fruits better.

