(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

cramp means uterus expanding for baby, but no harm seeing gynae for your peace of mind. if there is no bleeding then should be fine. At first i was also very worried because i had 2 m/c before this and my second one also cramp like crazy but one fine morning start to bleed like have mens so no hope lor. that's why this time i saw gynae early because got cramp and staining. but now cramp better but still very light staining lor. i should be in my 7th wk.


Gestational Sac: Gestational age = 4 weeks plus (mean sac diameter in mm x days). This relies on the growth of the normal gestational sac of 1 mm per day after the 4th week of gestation. For example, a gestational sac measuring 11 mm would be approximately 5 weeks and 4 days gestational age. (4 weeks plus 11 days = 5 weeks and 4 days).

irma, zhuzhu,

the above is from one of the site posted earlier talking abt the size of gestation sac corresponding to the no. of wk pregnant. read your earlier posting, your gestation sac size and the no. of wk you said u are in doesn't seem to correspond leh.


Oh ic .... This is my 1st time after trying through a hard way though....

So I very nervous and panic lor .... luckily got u gals to help me tink in another way... Else I dunno how i can take it ....

I would tink better to have a peace of mind to see the gynae earlier lor ... although i know that if see tmr, would not be able to feel bb's heartbeat yet.... only can see the yolk sac rite? I'm just afraid that it's otherwise le....

So now in 7th week, u got experience morning sickness?

if u are around 5 wks, shouldn't be able to see the yolk sac, only the gestation sac. yolk sac prob in the 6th wk.


Oh ic ... maybe the hormone pills has side effect also .... So dunno whether your sickness is becos of what leh .... Hope u can get better and safe preg journey throughout.....

Oh only gestation sac? But can see whether got water bag or whether in the womb anot ?


all the best for your scan tomorrow. which doctor you managed to book?

Rest well and hear good news tomorrow.


I managed to book LC Cheng at Thomson... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope everything goes well for me tomorrow. Sure no mood to work in the morning one le...

dreambaby, LC is my gynea too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] enjoy your u/s tmr yah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no no no of course not, if gestation sac size correspond to your no. of wk ie 6wk, why should it be a failed pregnancy, don misunderstand. i miscalculated initially when i said said it doesn't correspond. then i took 2nd look at the table and deduce that based on your 1.57cm, u are at 6wk 2 days lor. aren't u?


I said I was either 6weeks or minus few days cos it's hard to determine when O exactly occurs or when implantation will occur

I'm just wondering why gynae wasn't concern when he din not see a yolk sac

dreamababy, not water bag la, gestation sac only. is water bag = gestation sac? yup u are right to say taht gynae will confirm that pregnancy is in the uterus and not etopic esp given that u have cramp.

in that case u are on track [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sorry i don mean to scare u just now. well since your gynae not concern then u should relax coz given his/her exp. he should know better right? yolk sac can be seen around 6 wks thereabt, how's your gynae's machine, mine is "lock kok" that's why my yolk sac not obvious when he scan last time though he say it's there. I can't see a thing, maybe a shadow....but he should know his machine best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My gynae did a tummy scan for me

He even asked me if I was worried.. I said ok

I asked him how come still empty den he say it's ok since it did grew bigger since last week

Told me to come back next week to see yolk sac and hb

Unless he knows his machine too old to see yolk sac or v-scan can show up better


u mean by having a cramp will result in etopic pregnancy??

but I tot etopic will have spotting or bleeding one ?? No ah ?

dreamababy, it's the other way around.

Don't worry, all these are possibilities. don't freak yourself up, the gynae will do all necessary check during the first scan. just remember IT IS PERFECTLY NORMAL TO HAVE CRAMP DURING EARLY PREGNANCY.


my LMP also same as urs.

Mine is 23rd June but I cud have either O accurately on CD 14 or CD 17

I'm not really sure

I tested early on the HPT but as I mentioned before now in 6th week I only see a gest sac.

yeah Dreamababy:

I also had clamps before I knew I was pregnant and after i knew I was pregnant. I am still clamping oscasionally. So no worries. Sometimes I think itis due to constipation too. Drink lots of warm water.

I wonder how is fairie's checkup today...


MY LMP on 22/06 and O on Day25/26 i tink .. so 6 wks also only can see a gest sac.... ??

I tested HPT only after missed period....


Thanks.... I am only afraid the frequent cramping may not be good lor ... Just hope that everything gonna be fine... I drank alot of water also .. and my stomach still v bloated le.....

Hi Ladies,

I am having similar problem but its more agonising.

My last mense was 5 June 2009, but cos my hubby & I were trying for baby since March 2008, we decided to get ovulation kits for it... as my mense is usually irregular.

On 18 July 2009, I was tested +ve (for the 1st time), after I bought 2 pregnancy home kits to test. We were so happy about this gd news.

I went for my first gynae chk-up on 20 July 2009, n gynae claimed that I am 7 wks pregnant at that time and gynae could see a sac (black dot). I did not tell my gynae when is my ovulation date (i.e. 22 June 2009). Then a few days after my 1st chk-up, I had spotting. I was so worried that day that i rushed to see my gynae that afternoon, the gynae did a scan, and said that sac is still in womb.. n it has grown.. so not to worry. My gynae gave me hormone pills that is to strengthen the womb. So a few hrs later, the spotting stopped.

A few days later, I discovered blood on my panty liner (2 drips). Fresh blood! I was shocked and I cried... i called my gynae (emergency hotline, cos it was at 7pm), he asked me to increase the frequency of the hormone pills to 3 times a day, instead of 2 times. And if it doesnt stop go and see him the next morning. So I took the pills accordingly, it did not stop totally. It turned into very light pink colour, i will see it when i clean it. Hence, the next morning, my hubby n i went to visit my gynae.

He did a transvaginal scan for me this time.. the sac is still there.. grown a little.. but the scarier part is he said he did not see a yolk / foetal pole. He said that he thinks that my pregnancy fails, and foetus fail to grow which he said by then all these should be seen, unless he is wrong with my date or i ovulated late. So I told him, I actually used the ovulation kit and ovulated on 22 June... so I ovulated late. Then he said, oh, then I could be only 5 wks pregnant now. But he still think that even 5 wks pregnant, he should see all these developing in my sac.. but he still can't see. My heart sunk when I heard this. We asked how sure he is, he said it is 80 to 90% as by then, he should see the foetus or even hear the heartbeat!

My hubby and I were really sad to hear that...

He recommended me to take 2 blood tests for comparison, to see if the hormone level doubles. If the hormone level doubles, the pregnancy is progressing, if it drops... i will have a miscarriage soon.

I took the 1st blood test on last tuesday, 28 July and another on my last chk-up on 30 July. The initial hormone level was 16,000+ and the latter was 18,000+. It did not double! And on 30 July, he also asked me to go for a thorough ultra-sound scan, the results shown, no yolk /foetal pole / heartbeat can been seen in the sac.

I was very devastated when my gynae told us that most likely my pregnancy fails and he recommended that i go for D&C to suck it out. My hubby and I told him we decided to wait for a week if miracle happens...

So we are currently waiting... but I am scared... though i need to prepare for the worst now. the waiting time is agonising..

my next chk-up is this thursday, 6 August 2009.

I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Any one of you had came across any1 has similar case like me?


I would advise not to travel. traveling during first tri doesnt work out for me. Maybe also overseas, more stressful and all.

Hi icy

Yeah I think I better not travel. Need to tell boss le..my first preg also have spotting. So I am kinda of worried too.

Hi wendy

Can understand ur feelings. Dun think too much first. I wish your results will be good. Maybe like wat melody said, seek 2nd opinion.

hi all...

juz a little update...i'll be going for my down syndrome test on the 20th Aug. but was told by dr adrian it's cheaper to pay 2 tests (down syndrome+detail scan) as a package together....

btw my lastest updated EDD given by my gynae is 22nd feb...hee....dunno if it'll be change again....suppose to be in my 10th week but dunno why fr the scan he say is 11th week le...


Perhaps if u are worried then delay the appt by 1 week? at least it can be more accurate for the test?

My Oscar will be on the 24 aug. I will be just nice 11 weeks+

icy...but on the 20th aug...my fetus will be around 12th - 13th week le worz...so shld i still delay it futher?

This will be my last posting in this thread.

My spotting started on 23/7 and never stopped. Pinkish, light brown, dark brown, light brown. I've been going in like once every week since 6 week, and have been put on hormone pills.

Today I have pink staining so I went to gynae again. Today, the fetal heartbeat can no longer be detected - both abdominal scan and even transvaginal scan (Good grief! It was a braddy huge dildo! I thought it's only the size of a lightstick! The only good thing that came out of it is that I got a super clear picture of the fetal pole at 1.8cm, 8+wk for remembrance - think the heart stop beating mid to end last week). Next Tues, I'll be doing the evac (D&C). Looks like it's time again to reset and restart.... I guess I did not give my details to cactus to update into her table so that she doesn't have to waste her effort to remove it in the end. :p

I tried very hard not to cry as I make my way home by train. Now, though I wish to cry it out cos I think that will make me feel better, but I have difficulty doing so. I try to force myself to cry, but it's not working either. Oh dear...

Before I depart from this thread, I'd like to wish only the very best to all mommies and babies here from the bottom of my heart. I'm sure all of you will hang on in this thread till March 2010! Cheers and many many blessings!

PS: Gynae give me 1 week MC, which I presume is for me to stay home to grieve and cry. So kind of him, but I'd be going back to work anyway. Life goes on. And I haven't break the news to my HB and mom yet. *sigh* So hate to disappoint them....

Hi Melody & Blue Blue,

Yes, I will be seeking a second opinion tomorrow. Have fixed an appointment with my fren's gynae tomorrow to see what he said.


opps, i think i am confuse by ur post. Then u should go ahead bah. :D


Hugs. I understand, I been there. Just want to tell you, don't give up. I suffer a few m/c before having my boy.

The gynae give u 1 week of MC to rest properly, if u can do some form of mini confinement. It helps to make your body stronger and prepare for the next one.

op, so sorry to hear that...well these things happen sometimes, it happened to me twice....anyway u sound pretty strong. Hope u can get out of it soon and start all over when u are ready....cheers, jia you!!!!

Optimus.. take care of yourself.. It's good to remain optimistic! Try again and I am sure we will meet in other MTBs thread!

morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Wendy I think i am having similar case as you.

I went for scan, my first gynae check up during my 6th week, see nothing , but a sac measuring 2cm. Gynae told me might be early, hence come back 2 weeks later which was ytr.

Ytr I was dropped the bomb. I was still very hopeful tat I will see my baby last nite, but to my disappointment, none! i stared very hard at the monitor, like 1st time, i saw nothing, Dr Adrian was like searching high n low, finally saw the sac, measuring at 5cm+ but it is EMPTY. He cant find anything. He finally tell me. He think either I hv m/c, or the foetus is growing very unhealthily.

He asked whether we wanna see a blood test or scheduled for visit again 1 week later. I took the latter option.

If next wk, still scan nothing, he will do a blood test for me. He gave me some hormone pills to strengthen my womb.

I was pretty upset. Coz all the while i been pretty healthy n my menses always regular, I NEVER expect thing lidat to happen to me. I spoken to a close fren, she told me somtime it's not the womnan, it also the quality of the sperm.

Anyway did any research, wat likely to happen for such cases?

to be frank, i am nt hopeful anymore. I try to stay calm and see wat happen next week.

Might be leaving this thread soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

take care ladies and take care too for ladies like myself.

oh dear Optimus, take good care too .. and jiayew again aft u nurse back your health .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Btw ladies, do u think I shd go for 2nd opinion in this case?

on the other hand i really wish my baby is hiding, juz tat Dr Adrian din catch it.

