(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

hi mummies, i was pretty upset for the past 2 days after hearing my mil's comment.

She told my husband and i why want to have 3rd one when the 2nd is still quite young. She actually told me to go for ligation after i delivered my 3rd one!!!! i was so hurt and super upset. My hubby asked y? she said cos too many pressures. He asked what pressures. She said she dun know!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm short of telling her that I cannot and will not go for ligation, esp for religion reasons.


I know my admin is dying to ask me if I'm preggers cos I submitted mc twice last week and this week from a O&B clinic

she's have not asked yet.. kekekeke

zhu zhu.. u woke up so early?? 6 plus am!?

I had Mcdonald for dinner yesterday and was totally bloated. The feeling is terrible. I'm not going to stuff myself again.

Frankly, i can't tell when i'm hungry also. Last time, stomach will growl.. now only feel nausea.. then trial & error, eat a bit or try to puke to see if can resolve the problem

I duno whether is it becos i am still in the early weeks... i suddenly dun feel like i am preggy at all.. no cramps, no sleepiness... Is it normal?


just damn bloody ignore ur mil

pardon my lang

It's ur uterus not hers

Ask her to f-off

Just yest I was AL at home

I so regret answering the phone cos my mil din work and she dropped by evening when my dh was at work

talk and nag and nag

say when and when I shld have #2... blah blah..

have a boy lah.. wat lah

I dun care, girl boy not ur biz lor!


I wake up early make bf den go to work mah


some women have no MS one..

dun worry so much

women are so ironic

have ms worry

no ms oso worry

i have been facing alot of pressure with this pregnancy.

#1 it's unplanned and the gap with my 2nd is 7ys (at the pt of delivery)

#2 difficult pregnancy and with 2 m/c before this

#3 no help at home coz i can't stand maid, sack one last yr. housework piling need lots of rest now. children's school work demands....2nd one P1 next yr haven't even started preparing him.

#4 husband half the time not in s'pore, stationed of all country, in CHINA. (u gals should know what is the concern here)

#5 everyone around me is not too supportive abt this pregnancy saying that my 2 already so big already and i'm also more or less "seng nang" why want another one to start all over again.

#6 no emotional support from hubby , he is numb abt this since he said this is the third and he has other things to worry abt.....how sickening.

quarrel with him over the phone, maybe too worked up so stain badly lor last night.

glad I have this thread for me to vent out and interact, else i sure can't go on.

Hi Mummies

Just join this very active thread, am expecting my 2nd which due date est. March'2010.

hi jon, ever tried using part-time housekeepers to clean ur apartment? they dun hang around long enuff to iritate us like maids and they'll just clean and scram..

lovinglife, nice to see your scan. really looks like mine, hiding on the top right hand corner of the sac. heh, i wonder why there? and not left or down etc

jon, miracle has a gd pt. part time helpers may help to at least ease a little of your housework.

know what you are facing esp when you have to deal with this all alone. i'm in a way luckier cos my hubby is supportive and i've got a very good maid who has helped me alot. hence this pregnancy has by far been pretty relaxed, minus the ms.

it becomes worse when preg ladies have very terrible mood swings. Do you have any close friends who can support you along? of course, the mummies here will definitely be yr listening ear and root for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for my mil, my hubby said just ignore. when baby comes out, they'll be happy and will sayang him/her. then he told me they said the same thing when i had no. 2! now they keep playing with my girl and 'ignored' my boy. haha... just lucky that my mil din tell me to abort, not like some of my colleagues/frens who shared that even their own mothers told them to abort cos sure cannot cope! alamak!!!

hi lovinglife.

saw the pix.. congrats to you.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sigh.. now im thinking whether i shd go for my appt this coming tue or shall just change the appt till next week...

im too scared to know the results if this pregnancy is not viable & have to evac.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thanks for your inputs. no matter what i'll have to be strong and hang on there. called gynae, he said it's ok as long as staining is not red and there is no pain. he said i must have been moving around....sigh how not to move around leh? say tomorrow, gotta wake up so early and get children ready for school. one must reach at 7.15 while the other 8.15am (national day celebration) tonight i guess i have to skip their tuitions. i really feel sorry for them coz they are very neglected during these few weeks.


when is your LMP ah ?? Mine is 22 Jun and 40 days cycle.... O on 24 Jul.

Gynae says the gest sac is 5.4mm and checked and ensure that bb is in the womb lor ... tats about it leh for the 1st scan.. cos only 5 weeks 2 days.

dreamababy: ah.. ic

zhuzhu: yeah, i know.. but mine.. aiya.. dunno la, maybe really indeed its not viable. aft my 030809 scan, my edd in apr 2010..

sigh.. seriously no feeling of happiness.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


1st u can' tell when u ovulated nor when can u tell u had implantation

so why sighing

Our thread is starting to feel gloomy


maybe your cycle is not the same as mine leh... cos my cycle is longer... so maybe urs is different lor .... or the week you are in is different from mine leh...

yeah.. both ovulate & implant dunno when..

but you know, the growth is slow..

not sure if i've added all my 3 scans measurement.

7 july: 9.41mm

25 july: 10.01mm

3 aug: 12.35mm (with yolk sac of 3.37mm, no definite foetus can be seen)

7 to 25, the gap is 18days..only grew that much.

25 to 3 aug, abt 2.34mm (when the growth shd be 1mm/day)


I think u will have an April baby!

Cos going by an accurate cycle and stuff, my edd is end March leh

so urs will be April!

hi all, me MIA for a while, nw back =P

feelin terrible these days. got the wana puke but cant puke feelin n stomach v bloated. hungry but look at the food, cant eat much =( i wonder when wil this end! hope these r signs tat bb is growin well. goin to see gynae nxt fri. cant wait!!

dreamababy, LC's scan machine is quite advance. EDD won't be out too much from the printed scan paper. does he gives you one for momento?

zhuzhu: yeah, i think i shd, shdn't i..

& maybe i may not be in this thread.. got to go to apr liao..

irma, don't scare yourself first. just take each day at a time and wait patiently for next scan as per scheduled..

ting, those are preg symptoms and means your body is producing more and more hCG [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

irma, it doesn't matter which thread you are in. as long as baby is healthy, right? you can stay here with us if you want, why not? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah lor ... tink my EDD shd be beginning apr leh..


yes lor .. he gave me a copy of it .... stating the measurement of the sac and the EDD and in week what lor... His ultrasound scan is a japanese branch leh... haha... so should be quite accurate hor ...

dreamababy, LC doesn't measure bb weight during scans de so don't be surprise if you don't get bb measurement esp almost all other gyneas perform measurement on bb weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


how come like tat? ??

whats his rationale for not measuring bb's weight ?

Then what he measure by ?

dreamababy, he uses his hand and measuring tape to measure LOL. no u/s from 2nd trim onwards, be prepared hehee... you will be going for OSCARS as it is compulsory under his practises. lastly, trust his profession and you will under his good hands, don't worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oooo ic ... wa... by using his hand, he also knows? But if he's also using the measuring tape, then he should be able to disclose the bb measurement mah ... and bb's weight hor ... tot it's the difference betwn our last weight to the next weight scan....?

What is OSCARS about har ??

lovinglife, LC Cheng doesnt use u/s from 2nd tri onwards?? oh.. how disappointing.. i was hoping to document the entire process using the u/s.. how does he then tell if the bb is doing fine? does he use the doppler to check for heartbeat?

he will touch touch your belly and use measuring tape to measure bb size (from naval all the way down to mei mei), the measurement must match with no. of weeks you are in. no weighing on bb's weight. so make your own guess lor hehe..

oscar is mainly to test DS. cactus did explained very clearly before. you may want to do a quick browse on her posts. it has to be done between 11-13 weeks.

tiga, yes, he uses doppler to check heartbeat. and use hands + measuring tape.. LOL.. i flipped back my 1st preg album, u/s pic only till 1st trim [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the rest were my belly pic. i took pic every 2 weeks apart. quite amazing to see how belly grows!

oh.. i guess he does it the old-fashioned way then.. actually too much u/s also no good, although its not proven to be harmful.. but i would love to see how it grows inside.. can he do a scan upon request? if no u/s, in other words, the consultation becomes cheaper? :p right now his scan is like 80+ alone already

tiga & dreamababy, when all the mtb starts to input their bb's weight on their every visit, we can only lau nua and guessing away.

on another topic, i wonder why this Motherhood portal doesnt take the effort to upgrade the system. its so boring and static.. no picture for avatar etc.. it also does not automatically bring the latest posted thread right on top.. its so messy and dull..

lovinglife, actually no u/s also good.. hubby and i dont intend to find out bb's sex.. wanna leave it a surprise till the end.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

checkup this sat.. *nervous man*

tiga, you will get to sign his package during your 11-13weeks (oscar review appt). package price is abt $1,250 include consultation. delivery another $1k+. he is not cheap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i don't think he will scan for you upon request. we can only wait for detailed scan (5 mths) and 3D scan ard 32wks (can't rem exactly how many wkes in) to see baby.

Hmm.. lovinglife & tiga, your doc really does it the old fashion way. What if the belly doesnt grew? or maybe all along i got big tummy?

Anyway, i guess in 1st trimester, the weight is not impt. Its just a peanut size..


tiga, if you don wish to find out bb's gender, better tell sonographer earlier when you having scan with them. i am having my next visit next tue, also nervous leh.. we will cross over 1st trim, jiayou!

