(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

first day of my last mense? U mean the start of this mense cycle izzit ?

1st day of this mense cycle started on 22 Jun. So now counted as how many weeks if i have a 40 days-cycle?

Hi Lynn, for me, the DIY Chicken Essence helps to boost the hcg level, which in turn helps to strengthen my health, also leading to bb's development [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi sagittarius.. mine EDD is ard 8 March... you still dunno the EDD is it?

dreamababy: i think it is more accurate to check w your gynae when they measure the size they will be able to estimate the EDD.. most ppl advise going during the 7th - 8th week...

Hi Lynn (ironic cos that's my actual name..),

When I was delivering #1, mid-wife asked me whether I drank chicken essence... i asked why, she said that chicken essence actually increase blood circulation by THINNING your walls, which leads to complications in childbirth, so maybe you want to check around if it's ok to take it at all? I'm not sure... I took birdsnest religiously and turned out I had a peh-peh baby so I guess THAT works!

I hate 'morning sickness'. It occurs ANYTIME of the day!! And worse since I'm on biz trip in Philippines now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

miracle, eh I'm also interested in the B-buckles! I don't think I'm going to be able to tahan wearing maternity clothes for 8 months... still haven't slim down after #1 larh so sad...

hi ladies..

juz a little updates on my appt this evening..

did my scan today..my little darling is really growin fast..it's now 4.3cm compared to my 1st scan 2 weeks ago which is only 1.69cm

but one thing which puzzles me is that..when i did my 1st scan..my gynae told me is 8weeks but today he told me it's already 11 weeks..how did this happen???????? and my EDD had actually change...WEIRD?????

any mummies out there know why???

gd late evening ladies...

hadnt been feeling well lately. guess the last two weeks has been the worse period of my pregnancy so far. I couldnt even cook a simple dish without feeling very tired afterwards. The worse feeling happened yesterday when I saw 'stars' and broke out in cold sweat while cooking. Hubby was napping and I had to lie down on the kitchen floor and wait till I felt better.

I do hope this ms will get better.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aniwae on the topic of Oscars, my gynae seeked my opinion if I wanted to opt for it. It doesnt give the exact results and only says whether you're 90% safe healthy baby or you might be at risk of 1:300(which is high) of having fetal abnormalities.

Anyone has made the decision to go for it?

Hi Blue_y,

yeah I also feel the same thing, last week was a complete disaster at work... couldn't function, write emails addressed to wrong people, today even check into wrong hotel... aiyoh I tell you I am complete bimbohead this last week!

Hi Serlina,

EDD is approximation only, as baby grows the EDD gets more or less on the right track [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sorry for late reply.....the pregnancy calculator is a good tool if u want to track how many wks u are pregnant base on your input on LMP, mens cycle plus it will also calculate for u your EDD. however we can't gurantee that our ovulation is on the dot so after a couple of scan, your gynae will advise u on your new EDD and confirm with u how many wks u r pregnant. ie base on the size of your gestation sac, yolk sac etc.

As to when you want to see the gynae, it all depends on individual. for ladies who experience little/no discomfort and no spotting problem, they may see the gynae at 7-8wks because that's when u should expect to see fetal pole and heartbeat. any earlier, u will only see the sac. however some ladies would want to go early to make sure that everything is fine and to start taking folic acid which the gynae will prescribe. u can get folic acid from the pharmacy so it is advisable to start taking once u know u r pregnant. I know that some ladies take it when they are planning for a baby.


thanks for your reply. At least can gimme a more definite thing on what to do next.....

If keep on feeling crampy, would it pose a problem? I would feel crampy especially at night from after dinner and also in the middle of the night... .This has made me woke up because of the cramp..... Is this normal ah ??

I called up to make the appointment and the nurse say to fix the appointment on the 17 aug... which is about 2.5 weeks from my menses due date leh.... So wont be too late hor ??

Do you feel anything during the 1st few weeks, other than the crampy feeling? Oh btw, not everybody will feel the nausea one rite?? Now other than my bloatedness especially at night...., nothing else i can feel leh... the kind of feeling i dunno how to describe.... Or am I thinking too much???

And when onwards cannot wear high-heeled shoes ah ??

morning everyone,

dreamababy, it is normal to feel cramp because your uterus is getting ready to expand. however if it is very painful or has bleeding or spotting together with cramp, go see gynae immdediately.

2.5 wks from your mens due date prob means u will be be abt 6wks? u mentioned ur cycle is 40dys so maybe earlier.

high-heel shoes ah, if u can still balance la haha, it's a strain for your body so try not to wear them. besides pregnant lady can get quite clumsy. when i was pregnant with my #1 always fall. so avoid the risk lor....

Hi Jon

the cramp is not very painful lor... just uncomfy if keep on cramping.....

I will take note ....

Oh izzit? So means now only 4 wks? and by the time my first scan is 6 wks? Um... then tink it's norm to get it scan on 6th week lor...

Oh.... then i will have to get new pair of flatted shoes liao.... but cos i'm tinking so early wear, ppl will find it weird lor .. thinking why am I wearing flatted shoes.... cos i dont wanna let ppl know so soon leh... hee....

Actually i'm still tinking which gynae to go to leh ... U have any recommendation for good gynae at NUH ?

some mommies here go to NUH but sorry i can't help u on this coz I am not going there so didn't research on that. lookinbg at the earlier posting, u prob can find what u r looking for....or is anyone there who can help on this?


oh.... it's ok.... hope can gather some feedback...

i already book for TMC.... But just thinking whether if have good gynae at NUH, may consider that lor ....

saggitarius - I am going for my Oscars end of the month. Hope everything will be fine.

hello all.. am gg for my 2nd gynea visit this evening, so nervous now.. so i mentioned b4,tonite, it's either good news or bad news... I shd be 8th weeks now if I am .. *cross my fingers*

I experience cramps as well like those menustral cramps.. i quite nervous when i feel tat way, then everytime i will run to toilet n check.. and phew.. no blood..hee i scare my period will juz come .. i be dissappointed if so [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i still wear as per normal coz no one know or suspect i am preggy.. coz i always hv a budge infront of me.. fat fat.. haa

my hb even touch n say, don think this one belongs to the baby leh, then ask me wat's it.. haa i smile coyly n asked him, hw do u expect me to answer u!! haa it's FATS la... :p

so funny

jon01josh03 - gyane told me that we can do it between weeks 11-13. The nurse told me it will take 45 mins if baby is in right position, otherwise possibly 2-3 hours. I am not sure about the triple blood test, i am also doing a blood test on that day but not sure if it is the triple blood test.

The Oscars package at TMC also include a detailed scan at 5th month.

If i am not wrong, Oscars is to test for down sydronme and detailed scan is to check all organs of the baby to ensure that it is fine.

hmm so many kind of test really confusing. my gynae didn't mention abt this test only ask me to do amnio fluid test at 17 wks.

jon01josh03 - Amino test is more accurate as far as i know but carry a very very very small risk of miscarriage from what gynae told me.

Usually i heard amino is perform when oscars results are not favorable. But there are some gynae that advice to do amino straight as they do not want the mummys to worry about the Oscars.


is it really normal to experience menstrual like cramps??

I'm thinking of bringing forward the 1st scan leh .... Just called Thomson and want to have the scan and they arrange for me tomorrow afternoon which is the earliest slot already.....

I am abit scared now leh....

hi ladies, went for my checkup yesterday. no good.

can see the yolk sac, there's no foetus and the size is no good,measures only 12.35mm, & im back to 5w2d) ??? really confuse abt this whole thing.

gynae giving 1 more week, if cant see the foetus, will have to do evacuation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

today went for my 2nd visit.

Still only see gestational sac only bigger at 1.57cm using tummy scan.

Gynae say it's bigger and next week shld see hb..

So disappointing! I tot today can see yolk sac!

congrats yeah.. now just waiting for the hb to be heard for you.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for me, i'll have to wait for this week. next week go see gynae, if not foetus, no hb, have to evacuate.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I hv no yolk sac yet but gynae is not concerned at all. he says the sac has grown bigger since last week.

I'm wondering if a v-scan and tummy scan makes alot of diff

anyway, i've always wondered. the embryos/ foetus grow how big in each day..

aft yesterday's scan.. my GS is 1.235cm at 5w2d..


slow growth.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi dreamababy, I'm with NUH currently seeing Dr Anupriya. Nice and patient lady doctor. Highly recommend her if you are looking for gynae doctor. you can call the emerald clinic.


thanks for the recommendation.

i am worried now leh since i still experience cramp before my 1st scan.... Could it pose a problem ah ?

samuelboy, thanks. At least i know i'm not alone in hair-loss during pregnancy. Hopefully it will end by first trimester.


how many weeks are you? why not call up and make a scan appt earlier?


I dunno how many weeks I am leh.. My LMP is 21/06/09.... And a 40 days cycle....

U know how to determine ah ?

Would it be anything wrong if keep on feeling cramp?

Yah I managed to call the clinic just a moment ago to fix tmr's afternoon appointment instead liao .. but now till tomorrow, i am worried lor .. dunno how ... this is my 1st scan somemore.... What will I be expecting?

dreamababy, relax no pt worrying.

i had cramp also and it's quite painful. (1 wk before my mens is due and then after i discovered i'm pregnant) Then got spotting....went to see gynae after i missed period for a wk. My first scan was when i was abt 5wks. gynae did a v-check and said that there was some brown stain inside but good thing is not red. my tummy U/S scan show only a 7mm gestation sac and nothing else. He gave me hormone pills and i saw him 6days later. my gestation sac grew to 12mm and he could see the yolk sac. i'm supposed to see him again next wed when he say must see hb and fetal pole.

u don't worry, cramp is normal as long as there is no heavy bleeding. my cramp got better in abt a wk time after seeing him. It is normal to get cramp in the early stage. so relax ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I experienced the same timing of the cramp.... On my DPO 12, was a sharp cramp which feel like mense cramp lor .. I thought no hope liao as usual. Then only when I missed my menses and still felt the cramp, I tested because my Basal temp went up on that morning... which is the 1st time i had such a high basal temp ever since I started taking temps.

U mean as long as no spotting or bleeding, my bb will be ok? I just sms my hubby to tell him that i'm worried leh cos keep on cramping.... but somemore the cramp like mense cramp but of cos not those painful ones... it's just light ones.... sometimes can be in the middle of the night when i'm sleeping also ... but also have cramp throughout the whole day lor ...

Tats why started to panic and called the gynae's clinic and wanted a scan asap to know what's happening at least rather than to keep myself in suspense for 2 weeks for the scan which the nurse arranged for me lor.. I told the nurse that i'm worried and got cramps... And the nurse was nice enough to slot me in for tomorrow's afternoon scan which she told me the earliest slot is next wed.....

Do u feel nausea or any morning sickness that u experience? Now u in which wk?

