(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

oh oh...i find that he's really those chop chop type worz....when he ask me any qns i also dunno wat to ask him sia...haha...

btw..i heard that 1st birth will normally be earlier then the EDD...is it true?


I teach u,

u write down watever u wanna ask him on a paper.

Show him, he will be more than happy to tell u.

He dun talk much cos he has alot of patients and also he dun like to talk too much to stress the mummies..

It's hard to tell when edd will strike.

I had scheduled c-section.

zhuzhu: aft my LMp on 23 May..my supposed next period is 21 June..i did my first home test on 3 July.. i made appt w gynae on 7 July. maybe i ovulate late? not sure.. still not quite knowledgeable in counting the days.. -_-

cactus: sorry..the spelling shd be Metoclopramide, to be taken 3 times a day. but i cant afford to take it coz the side effect is nausea/ vomitting.i consume it only at night with the Utrogestan..

zhuzhu: yalor..following LMP,supposed to be in my 9th week..but according to the scan on 250709,i was only 6w1d..Wat you think?

best thing, my gynae first sentence to me aft the scan.. "it might be an unhealthy pregnancy".. i was like "what??"

then, aft i asked him, "whats gonna happen if this is an unhealthy pregnancy?".. he then said, "don't worry, when you come next 2 weeks (this 030809),we'll see how it goes." ZZzz....

well..morning sickness as in, nausea & want to puke.. but no vomitting thus far.. feel very tired easily..weird2 taste on the taste bud..not forgetting cravings..

hubby also said, my body like radiator when seated next to me or when my body touches his..

thanks for ur assurance Cactus_79.. i am juz a little worried about my spotting thou.. it's on/off since 17 July despite injection and medicine from gynae. anyone in this situation or hv been thru this? pls share! desperately need info.. = I

Hi Baby G, I was spotting,then bleeding then bleeding with some blood clots, and it finally went down to spotting again over the weekend. Mine was over a week plus, and Gynae gave 5 days MC. The bedrest helps, and I took DIY Chicken Essence which also helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BUT, today Gynae was concerned cos still no heartbeat. She mentioned the progress could have slowed down due to the bleeding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ZHUZHU!!! I can't believe another August mum is here too ahhahah everyone is being evasive 'trying lah see how' or 'dunno yet lah'... good to see you!

Went to doc today, have a little thing 1.42cm... no heartbeat yet and I have no idea how old it is!

oh and i've been feeling tired all month and having backaches, so tested positive on first try yesterday night when i was bored, and dropped by gynae today to see if i was dreaming things up. apparently not...

Hi All

I tested postive sometime back but didn't dare to post here until I see the bb's heartbeat yesterday. Currently about 8 weeks pregnant now.

This is my 2nd pregnancy and is quite different from my 1st one. This time constant nausea, weird taste in the mouth and get hungry easily.

Hope all of us reach the 14th week smoothly!

Catus, can help me add in the table? Tks!

age: 32

edd: 11 march

baby #2

gynae: Dr SF Loh

hosp: KKH

location: Tiong Bahru

Hi Irma

It is very likely you ovulated late, that's why the size doesn't correspond with the no. of weeks.

Meanwhile stay positive and wait for the next scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I was just staring hard at ur msn nick yesterday...

Congrats to u too!

Ur bb maybe further den mine cos I have not seen the yolk sac yet

I wasn't one of the evasive one leh..

I did announce I wanna try ttc-ing

Before I was thinking btw my work and my ttc-ing..


my MS is getting worst.. i am living in hunger all the time. when i hungry, i vomit. after food, i vomit too. first thing in the AM, vomit. last thing before bed, vomit. i am very very down.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tks catus!

The ms very suffering for me.. din really vomit but all stuck on my chest....

morning everyone...ms getting worst. don't feel like eating, see food feel like puking. last night one bite of some mince meat patty, yucks just couldn't stomach it!! must spit it out immediately. cactus- staining again, so worried....very little la but still worried [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] donno can last the 2 wks before seeing gynae.

lovinglife, try to cheer up lah! I'm thinking of food constantly these days! but when I eat the food, only eat a bit...

chocpockie, same here... it's so much worse this time around compared with my #1. I supsect it is old age!

Jonjosh, what colour ah? is it on and off or continuous?

me, too. starting from yest, it became very unbearable, but for me it seems only in the early morning till about 9am and start again at 9pm..

hi chocpockie.. yeah, i certainly2 hope so that i ovulate late.. yeah.. 4 more days to the scan seems like forever.. hehe..

cactus hard to stay +ve coz i don't really have alot of support lor.

this 3rd one is 7 yrs gap from my 2nd one. no one expected me to be pregnant again.

now that i am, pple around me asking me to think twice. that's quite demoralizing when the pregnancy is not exactly a easy one.

plus i still got to take care of my 2 who are now in the schooling phase. u know how it is with extra lessons tuitions etc and i don't have maid, my husband travels very often. in fact he just left this morning again.....sighhh how to rest?

jonjosh, it sounds really tough, but you need to stay positive okay... now that you are pregnant, you just need to hold on to that unborn child. the fact that you are on this thread means that you care about him/her. So don't let the negative thoughts get into you.

actually, 2 schooling kids can be challenging, cos of school work, stress. It's not easy, but you just have to make the best out of what you have now. Are you able to get help from siblings/in-laws/parents? Or a friendly neighbour?


dun bother abt wat the rest says.

Wats important is u wan this bb and it's a life.

U shld know from the ttc thread that pple try very hard to hv a child

just have to ride along, will eventually get a maid if pregnancy stabalises at 14 wk. pple can only render help when they can but i also pai-say to keep asking pple. i do what i can, anything can use $ to solve i will do it. like i started tingkat so i don't have to cook....but food sucks. but at my stage anything sucks la haha. i get my grandma's maid to come once a wk to help me clean the hs.

you're welcome, Josephyn!

jonjosh, yah.. if you are afford it, it's better to use $ to solve problems. Last time, my dad offered to drive my #1 around when it is time for him to start enrichment classes.. but then, if my current pregnancy pulls through, will have headache... cos my bb will be 2 years old, and the #1 will be 4 years old. if my dad drive my #1 around, my bb will be left alone at home with the maid cos I'm a FTWM. I can't bear the thought loh... cos 2 year old kid may not be old enough to complain about maid if maid ill treats him/her. so I told my dad maybe I will get part time driver.. in the morning, send my hb and I to work, then #1 to classes, then in late morning, pick #1 up from classes, before leaving the car at my hb's office for him to drive back at 530pm. Like that, my dad can still remain at home to supervise the maid caring for #2. It's definately going to be additional expense, but will save me headache.

Cactus, pls go ahead and put EDD as TBA.. gynae didn't say anything yet. thanks. your #1 born in July08? i thought your nick looks familiar [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zhuzhu, i have been working part time coz my son kept falling sick since i put him in infant care. when he had false measles and was sick the whole month of May, i thought enough is enough and hired a helper instead of bringing him back to the infant care. now when i have to go office, i drop them off with my mum. when she's not free, i'll work from home... but it's very unproductive and the driving around is very tiring.

jonjosh, #3 can be a blessing... my youngest bro was unplanned. but now he's married and stays with my parents. his son brought a lot of fun & joy to the family. don't worry.. everything will work out eventually. you said it yourself, if money can solve the problem, then it's really not a big problem.

mommies, i was told to be a happy mommy during my 1st pregnancy and i will have a happy baby. true enough, my #1 smiles and laughs a lot. so to all mommies here.. hang in there and like cactus said, be positive and we will all have happy babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Steph, my #1 was born in June 08. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] was your #1 born in July ?

helo...been away for few days cos totally feeling nausea for dunno how long and dont feel like logging on. Read all your replies on the difference between costs of different hospitals. Thank you guys so much..now feel more enlightened on those stuffs.

Aniwae i envy those who feel happy and smile alot knowing they are pregnant. I am too but truthfully, being a first time mom to be, I dont feel I really has embraced my pregnancy changes. was told by my gynae that more often than not,for 1st child, one shouldnt really put on any weight or buldge yet within the first three months. Yet each time I weigh and see myself, I saw the bump getting harder to hide and weight three kg heavier already. It was a little depressing cos I guess I have yet to embrace my pregnant self....

Izit normal to pun on that much weight within a span of two mth pregnancy? Being used to slim makes me fear putting on weight..any way to help me overcome these thought...I wana be a happy mom...

i totally agree with u cactus, NEVER EVER leave a maid at home unsupervised. I sacked mine last yr coz she was a nightmare!! I worked part time and both my sons go to school. When I spot check one day wow her underwear also throw into my washing machine together with our clothes! That's why I rather do everything myself. Now to think of employing a maid again, I very reluctant....

hi all working mummies,

want to check if i was being retrench now. anyway to ask company be compensating my maternity bennfits or they can dun pay a single cents?

The HR personnel already knew abt my preganancy but i was inform by my manager that i will be on the list, so what shall i do now?


An employer would be required to pay a female employee’s maternity benefits if she is (i) retrenched within the last 3 months of pregnancy; or (ii) dismissed without sufficient cause within 6 months before the birth of her child.

Do you know when will the retrenchment be? Is your coy frequently having retrenchment lately? Or is this the first round? Can negotiate with HR or not?

And how in the world did your HR person get to know about your pregnancy!?

Irma- I’m like u. my LMP was on 25 may but gynae said I am only in 5 weeks plus so I shd tink I O late too.

Cactus- my no. 1 was born 2mths earlier thn urs. hee

First time posting. Just joined the forum. I am expecting my third child EDD mar 09. Went for a scan about 2 weeks back, and my next appt is in 12 days time. But the thing is I don't feel "pregnant". No nausea, no morning sickness. Just feeling fat :p

kellie- u r makin me worried too. i only told my immediate sup abt my preg n who noes the whole company noes abt it now!!!

zhuzhu- u hvg tat dc? alot?


BLue_Y, I remember putting on fats around my waist at about week 8. Then I could not wear my normal pants anymore at about week 10. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't worry about getting fat ok. You will definately lose it after delivering.

Hi Josephine! Welcome to this thread! Wow! 3 kids! most of us here are expecting our 1st or 2nd. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jonjosh, I am quite a possessive mother. Up till now, I still insist on preparing my son's milk myself and his meals also. I don't let the maid prepare food for him. On a couple of occassions, even when supervised, she made careless mistakes. mistakes with housework, i can accept. but with a baby/child, very hard to accept... esp when I never rush her to do the work. pure carelessness cannot. that's why must always have someone supervising. Also, if my maid needs to use the toilet, or shower during the day, how to look after a toddler? difficult. easier to have a grandparent/relative around during the day to help out/supervise.

