(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

how do i know whether is it late? how do we calculate? i just called clinic, doc is not on shift right now...nurse told me to call tomorrow morning as it's better to check with doctor directly...


jonjosh, I have spotting but still take crowded train standing up to work leh! 30 minutes ride one way. I'ts okay to drive, I guess. unless it is really continuous spotting, it should be okay.

cactus but according to a site that i use regularly, my ovulation period is supposedly to be 10 june, that's why we tried during this timing also...so when you say i might ovulate on 16 june, does that mean i did not ovulate on 10? *confused*

by 8 weeks, a small minority still cannot detect heartbeat, but all should be able to see fetal pole and yolk sac.

I think fairie should call the clinic to find out the measurement of the sac to be sure.. cos all this is just arithmatic.

jon, 8 weeks referring to the growth of my sac? according to LMP, i should be 9w3d... guess not much hope le...nvm thanks everyone for clearing my doubts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fairie, I think the website you used uses LMP and your cycle length to calculate your ovulation date?

I worked backwards to get 16 June. Cos you said you may have ovulated late. I am trying to calculation the latest possible ovulation date for a pregnancy this time round. Since sperm can survive for max of 7 days, I added 7 days to the date you and your husband tried. Which is 16 June. I'm working on the assumption that you ovulated very very late.. the latest possible when the sperm may still be alive.

You said you guess you may be a late ovulator. So you should not be taking the LMP date anymore. Rather, check whether it is possible to be pregnant from the date you last tried with your BD.. on the assumption you also ovulated late.

cactus, yah..i only can see yolk sac but not fetal pole...i was very surprised when i saw the u/s scan pics which were uploaded here yesterday as they were very clear...mine is all shadowed and blur...and yesterday's picture even focused on the sac and bb, mine i can only see the sac very far away...sigh... hubby was also surprised when i showed him the two pics to compare...

fairie 8 wks not based on LMP but the O date. eg based on LMP I am 6wks 3dys but scan shows my sac is 6wks so that means i O 3 days late. but it is possib;e to ovulate much later like cactus. actually i wonder if you are sensitive to your ovulation. Sometimes I just know I'm ovulating without using any kit. Base on instint i suppose, sometimes discharge, discomfort, cramp etc...

Thanks so much cactus for helping me to calculate...i really appreciate it...guess i will get a much clearer picture after doc has told me the size of my sac...

Fairie, sorry, I don't think I made it clear. Can I share with you my experience? and why my doctor thinks I have hope?

my LMP was 1 June. I'm a 30 day cycle. So I should ovulate about day 15 or so. My husband and I tried on 19 June. That should be post-my normally expected ovulation date.

Positive pregnancy test results normally comes after 15 days from ovulation. I tested positive only on 8 July. Work 15 days backwards, I possibly ovulated on 24 June. If I ovulated earlier, I would have tested positive earlier (15 days after ovulation) but I didn't. In fact, I tested negative twice on 4 and 6 July.

Now, 24 June IS NOT 16 June. But, there is still a possibility I am pregnant now as a result of ovulating late, on 24 June. Cos my husband and I tried on 19 June. Sperm lives for 7 days. 19 + 7 days is 25 June.

In addition, when I went for the scan on 23 July, I was told I was 5 weeks pregnant. Work backwards 5 weeks, the date is 25 June. Which means according to the scan, I ovulated on 25 June.

That's the reason my doctor is optimistic for me... cos he did not rely on LMP date. He just look at the date of my pregnancy from the scan.

fairie, your u/s through V or tummy? only V can have that clear pic at very early stage. my scan pic is exactly same as miracle tiga because we share the same gynea thus same machine too.

fairie, the shadows, etc on the scan picture is poor resolution on your doctor's machine lah. don't worry a thing about it! I know because my doctor's scanner is poor quality. haha! he had to send me to ultrasound suite on that very same day and the result was so much clearer (but still empty sac at that time lah!).

lovinglife has a point. fairie, was your scan through tummy area? if so, you must have needed to drink alot ALOT of water at least half hour before the scan leh! if not, not clear hor.

fairie no.1 the sensitivity of the gynae's machine plays a big part. Mine can hardly see the yolk sac though he say it's there. no. 2 usually gynae will measure the gestation sac first then zoomed in to the yolk sac. so prob your pic is the zoom out gestation sac only. Were u asking questions while the gynae did the scan like ask him to explain to you what you are seeing on the screen or u "guai guai" let him scan and keep quiet?

must ask as many questions and clarify while u see gynae coz the next time u see him is 2-4 wks. I'd rather be considered a kiasu mother than to live with doubts till the following visit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jonjosh, I'm very kiasu too. I read up before my appointment to know what I ought to expect.. and why things may not turn out the way I expect it to... :p

haha yesterday before gynae measured the sac i told him the sac should be 13mm right? then he told me yes. He must be thinking a yaya papaya, know little bit talk so loud. But I tell u ha sometimes ignorance is really bliss. Donno so much also good else very stress. AGREE? esp what the internet say, sometimes things get blown out of proportion.

I think there are quite reliable sources of information online, like baby center. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but we should take most forums with a pinch of salt.

hi lovinglife,

where are u seeing Dr Cheng? I'm actually seeing him at the Thomson Fertility Centre and not his normal clinic cuz I actually went there to seek help! after my 2nd m/c, we tried for more than a year w/o any success and i thought somewhere somehow my tubes must be blocked. feeling very disheartened, i decided to visit TFC to find out whats wrong. I visited him on the day my period was supposed to come, so dead sure it would cuz i tested negative. who'd knows.. there was a tiny thing growing already... so Dr Cheng just ask me to continue seeing him there until things are more stable. each visit costs me 200+.. i'm also taking duphaston, progynova and cardiprin and lotsa folic acid. although its very ex, my hubby said its ok, since the clinic sort of brought us 'luck' and he said it would be money will spent.

fairie, please keep your hopes up and think positive. i know its easier said than done, but having positive imageries help. i would get so uptight and share my worries with hubby, who would then chide me for stressing out, (makes me feel like punching him) but i try to visualise that being worried, will trigger negative hormones and its not good for bb. so, think happy thoughts. keep visualising the sac growing, visualising the fetal pole blinking away... at least that was what i did.. hope it helps.

im quite confused... but jus to share with u wat happen to mine, hope can help.

my LMP is 19th may Im a cycle of 35 days. my O must be from 9th to 12th june. before and after dat week we didnt have sex.

I had my 1st scan on the 8th July, which I should be 6 weeks. the scan only show a sac, so doc say im only 5 weeks, cos might be O late. which is not possible, cos O late den we wont have this baby, cos we didnt have sex after dat.

2 weeks later I went back for another scan, doc saw fetal pole and heart beat, den he said im 2mths already.

I think we shouldnt take the measurement from ang mo website right? cos their baby should be bigger den ours. so sac measurement and fetal pole measurement should be different from asian.


I think better not read so much

Too much info not very good also

My gynae don't tell me alot alot of stuff

Most times he is very +ve

miracle tiga, i am seeing him at TFC too. soon he will transfer us to downstairs when we are about 11-12 weeks. i am with him since yr 2007. hey i also under same medication as you leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chloe, may not be true. the fetal measurements are the same. Cos I checked with my doctor on one table that I came across online. He said the same. Also, when I was preggie with my #1, I used the fetal pole/CRL measuerments on Babycentuer website.. all the way until my boy was born. It was accurate. and my boy was born at 50th percentile.

lovinglife, is that the usual norm? to see patients in first trimester at TFC first then transfer us down when we're stable? or is it becuz we m/c before?

i assume that most couples who were there was to seek help for fertility issues. dont really see pregnant mommies around..

for ur first child, was it natural or c-sec? are his skills good? i still dont know him that well. just think that he's quite fatherly and professional. my previous gynae used to be adelina wong. nothing wrong with her, just that i went to him cuz i wasnt getting pregnant after so darn long!

miracle tiga, TFC is fertility centre. case will be sensitive if a pregnant lady is walking ard in the clinic while others are trying hard.. nurses there will auto transfer us to downstairs once we are almost crossing our 1st trim. downstairs clinic is more equip and better for us pregnant moms. you will hv to do urine test & weigh for every visit at downstairs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] LC is very pro natural. he won't encourage induce or c-sec for unnecessary. my #1 born at 4.05kg via natural. his stitching skill is great! talk abt adelina wong, i couldn't help but to say she is lousy and unprofessional.

lovinglife, then how come u are seeing him at TFC and not downstairs right from the start? yeah, thats what i thought too, it really hurts to see preg mommies around after my m/cs and during the period of ttc.

wow, thats great to hear, that we're both in good hands. can u share why u do not like adelina wong??

miracle tiga, i was under his monitoring after the m/c. thus seeing him at TFC right from the beginning. when i was spotted but LC was away, i was referred to her by the nurse at downstairs clinic. during the u/s, she asked me if i can see heartbeat? and keep saying heartbeat should hv exist already by now (i was 12 weeks).. she kept asking me can you see?? can you? my world crashed when i first looked at the screen, i know my bb has gone.. after the m/c confirmed from scan centre 1 hour later, went back to her for review, she asked do you want d&c now? she sounds so $$$ hadap. well, of cause i rejected her and told her straight i prefer male gynea.

oh dear.. she sure sounded cold and business like. maybe cuz u were not originally her patient? but even so.. she should be more gentle with you. as her patient, she was rather sympathetic towards me for the past 2 m/cs.. and spent some time counselling me.

anyway, lets let the bad memories go..

hopefully we can both 'migrate' to the clinic downstairs soon without a glitch. our EDD are pretty close too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yup.. my #1 is a Cancerian. and #2 will be a Pisces.. everyone ard me is hoping for a girl.. coz too many Mickey mouses ard.. hehe..

cactus, my doc did not tell me how many weeks i'm supposed to be when she looked at my scan..so i also don't know..when i ovulated...but i guess your calculation for mine should be around there..

lovinglife and cactus, mine is v-scan leh...and yet still v blur and shadowy...think like what cactus say, the machine v old liao heee...hopefully go to KK will be clearer...

jon, i guai guai listen never talk at all...she did not zoom in at all...that's why when she said can see yolk sac, i can't see anything also..from the printed scan, also can't see anything...think only she knows her machine well enough haha

thanks miracle for the encouragement, i've been giving myself hope ever since i got the bad news...but then if give myself too high hopes and later turn out to be really what the doc diagnosed, i might lose my mind...so i'm trying to keep my mind as clear as possible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but of coz at the same time worried too lah...

Hi ladies,

Just out of curiousity..how many of u will opt to hv epi during ur birth?? or for those who are already a mummy..wat's ur opinion on taking epi?

coz was readin through some forum...alot say u will be sufferin like in hell if without epi...so am really scare...hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I din opt for epi during birth. But perhaps because I was too tense up, I can't dilate even after 7 hrs. SO gynae had to advise me to go for it. She keep telling me it is safe, she says "best gift for woman". lol.. It was a instant relieve for me, and dilation started much faster.. was fully dilate ard 5 hrs later.. cos I am more relax now.

I think i will go for epi for #2, since it will shorten my delivery time. :p


I am lucky, the application for the epi is quick and consider not so painful for me. In fact, I find the needle on my hand for the drip is more painful.. lol.

There is instant side effect. For me, it is just shivering, think I have 3 dose of epi. I shiver until I can't push and dunno where to push. I know some mummies went giddy and vomit.

For long term, So far, after 18 mths.. I am fine.

For 1 thing, I crack my tailbone twice before getting pregnant. I always had a bit of aching now and then, seemed like after delivery, the aching din occur as much.. not sure if it is related tho.

Now I will ache more, because have baby already. Same as #1.


oh okie....mayb i shld consider taking epi ba...hee...coz am those type who r really scare of pain...haha... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

other then icy...anymore feedback fr the others...hee...lookin for more opinions...

I din opt for epi initially too. however mine was an induced birth. with the drug to hasten the labour, the pain was too intense to bear. hence i asked for it as the nurse said it would help me dilate faster when i'm relaxed. true enuf, after 2 hrs of epi i was ready to push. I calculated the same for my no.2. no.2 also was an induced birth. same case as my first, after 2 hrs, i was ready to push. epi is indeed a great relief. however, i would like to arrive in hospital in pain. twice, i went to the hospital relaxed. haha.. funny mommy here.

I finally returned to work after 9 days of medical leave. once i started work, i was very dizzy and nearly blacked out a few times. Quickly called my gynae and he told me to go and see him.

Did a scan. saw my 2.2cm baby. so cute and bean-shaped! doc said dizziness common as blood pressure dips. there's no medicine to take except to give me more mc to rest.

Yeeks... the nausea and the dizziness. aiyo...

hi cactus, pls add me in the list:

Nick: Jules

Age: 32

EDD: 3 March 2010

Baby #: 3

Gynae: Dr Woo Bit Hwa

Hospital: TMC

Location: Dover

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow wow...guess i might be able to meet up some of the march mummies...esp those with the edd near to mine...hee.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jules..urs is 2.2cm le worz? so guess ur is around 9-10weeks?

hi ting, my scan also only shows water bag so gynea said it's about 5 weeks lor.

i had epi for both my 2 kids. first kid was pre-mi 5 weeks early. waterbag broke in the middle of the nite, never prepare yet so google search on the net and slowly (ok - one hour) made our way to TMC. reached there around 3am and although showed contractions, i didn't feel pain so didn't ask for epi. took epi only about 2 or 3plus in the afternoon and gave birth in the evening. epi actually helps to dilate faster. if i know earlier, will hv asked for it earlier.

second one, i asked for epi too. assisted birth. quite easy for both first and second. they are both 16 months apart. and in a blink of an eye, both are now 3 and 4 already.

we have been planning for a third kid since last sep. can't wait for the next appt so that i can at least see something besides a water bag!

hi all, last night was my first time to have spotting. On and off. Now no more. Should i go to see gynae now? Actually i already have an appointment with my gynae on tomorrow. Should i wait until tomorrow?


Why don't you call your gynea and check with her if she has a slot to see you today? Seek her advice so that you have peace of mind?

