(2010/03) March 2010 mtb



I'm maid paranoid type of person

I dun trust them at all

Once my mil's ex maid carry my dd I so pissed off I snatched over

Den dh kanna scold cos he bz playing mj during cny

No way I let a maid touch my dd

Hi Optimus Prime,

Actually my manager already informed me that the annoucement will be tomo. 31 July. and tomo is the first round.

The HR noes becos she saw me puking in the washroom and she ask, so i just smile lor...

I heard the package is one year one month but i hoping to nego for more as who will employ a pregnant woman now, so wonder will i have any bargaining chip at my side.

irma and ting, are you able to see foetal pole or your bb yet? not trying to scare you but my LMP is on 26 may but till now only able to see sac and yolk, and on monday i went for my 3rd scan, doc confidently told me that i have a failed pregnancy and proposed a d&c to me.

I am however going for a 2nd opinion at KK next week. The problem is i do not know if i O late and which week am i in according to the size of sac, i did not ask my gynae and she did not tell me either...thus i too am still hoping that things will turn out fine... good luck to us all...

ting, I'm like you too then! my LMP was 1 June, but last Thursday, scan showed 5 weeks.

zhuzhu, I think that's the problem with us... we need help from maids but don't trust them.. so must over see.. one of my friends leave their maid to look after their bb since 6 months old.. now the child is 19 months old. the maid even slept with the bb since 6 months old at night... night time look after the bb, day time do housework and look after the bb.. sometimes I wonder if they know if the maid can cope or whether the maid is really a good maid (touchwood). I mean, the maid don't have off-day, work day and night, looking after young bb... not sure if she will give her best or not. if you know what I mean...

If you read enough of papers and WanBao, you know you shouldn't be disclosing about your pregnancy to your coy now. Trust no one (unless it's a very close ar-gao-liao colleague who is not "boss" level). Do it only 6 months before EDD.

actually, my maid does housework and look after my #1 with my dad's help during the day. but night time, she rests fully. we look after our boy ourselves. Cos I know, when I'm very tired from work, sometimes, I feel the urge to ignore my son if he is just fussing (not crying but moving around constantly on his mattress).. what more, a non-relative like a maid, who may be overworked during the day and very tired.. all the more she will tend to ignore the baby... so sometimes, I cnanot understand why people will let a maid look after both day and night, unless there is no option (like there is another bb in the home whom the parents must look after, or the parents are ill, or the parents work shift duty).


I tell u

Maid is stranger

Sometimes I am the MOTHER yet I got no patience with my dd

I rather I'm the one hitting or disciplining her rather than the maid

Somemore if they keep hanging out together day and night later end up closer to the maid than the parents how???

i been puking so often, and experience mommies are very sharp in picking up this pattern one.

so any good advice or basically there is no way for me liao...

zhuzhu- light dc shd be fine de

fairie- i only saw waterbag n sac at last visit. gynae says only 5wks+ so cant see much n also cos i hv irregular af so cannot count frm lmp but i cant help feelin everythg wil be ok anot.

is ur cycle regular?

cactus- so means u O late too?

fairie, ting, irma, from what I read online, one important thing to look out for is not so much the LMP, but the size of the sac. Cos the size of the sac will suggest the date of the pregnancy. So if the size of the sac is at 8 weeks, but no heartbeat, no fetal pole, then something is wrong. An article said at 12mm size (sac), fetal pole should be present, if not it is abnormal pregnancy. So it's not only the LMP at play here. This is important to know if you suspect you ovulate late. This information is the only info giving me hope... cos I think I may be a late ovulator too. The last scan, sac was 6mm which means 5 week pregnancy. but 5 week pregnancy is too early to see anything else... can only see sac.. so my doctor considered it normal pregnancy still.


1 month per year of service is very good liao. Try to nego for more if you can. Talk nicely, and try to tug on their sympathy string. Don't go hard on them cos honestly, I don't see how any of us can have any bargaining chip. Threaten to go to press? Don't do that. Piss them off even more and in the end, we're the losers. Good luck!

ting, I suspect I O late. Cos I tested very late for pregnancy. At day 38, faint positive only. before that, day 34 and 36, was negative. That month when I conceived, I was still breastfeeding my #1, and I was planning my #1's 1st birthday party - which was rather stressful. So it may have contributed and cause late O. Keeping fingers crossed for all of us.

for me i had no choice but to tell my boss and colleagues the moment i found out that i was pregnant coz i was given 1 week HL and there was no way i can hide..fortunately, i had v supportive and understanding boss and colleagues...my boss even talked to me about allowing me to go on unpaid leave for 2 or 3 months if i need to, so as to concentrate on the pregnancy...when they all heard the sad news...they were v sad but yet supportive towards me..so i would say it depends on how close are you with your direct boss and colleagues...but the thing is i belong to the hr dept...

dun have to tell the employer, they can also see our tummy lor. they only need to pay for our benefit if they retrench us within the last 3 mths of pregnancy leh. haiz...


I told my boss and my big boss liao.

Here in our coy is ok to tell pple u r preggers esp I in tech engrg line

Scared got manual work to do

I also told my boss and team colleauges once I knew I was preggie.. cos my boss wanted to put my name in project proposal as project manager. I had to tell her I may be on maternity leave at the tail end of the project. my boss and colleauges have been very kind and supportive, esp since this pregnancy is not very smooth.

Hi Jonjosh, dun worry too much about the spotting, I started spotting again yesterday after the scan, so gynae said could be because of the V-scan yesterday. Will subside after a while. I kia su, gg back to my DIY Chicken Essence hehe


tat's nice

over here is 23 men to 3 women

1 me lor

1 is young lady engineer not married

1 is admin got 2 kids liao.. those old type

cactus, my last visit was just on mon, 27 Jul 09 (3rd scan), i have earlier booked an appt on 4 August 09. cactus, the problem is i don't even know the size of my sac, thus i have nothing to give me hope on whether the size of my sac and the weeks tally...

ting, im not sure whether my period is usually regular or not...but i do take note that sometimes is 30 days, sometimes is 34 days and sometimes 29 days...but is usually within the estimated week...

fairie, do you think there is any chance you could have ovulated late? did you test for pregnancy late? did you BD late in your cycle last month?

you can call your doctor's clinic to ask about the size of your sac. that is quite important to find out.

hi steph, i have not...my hubby does not seem supportive of me going to check my pulse...not sure y... i will try to persuade him again...

i told my husband that i have read up on misdiagnosed pregnancy and told him i have not given up hope yet...he told me that even if it's late O or whatever, it's not normal if according to LMP, i'm supposed to be 9 weeks but sac is only 5 weeks or so, which means its growing slow, he doesn't want his child to suffer if that is the case...does it really work like this..that our LMP weeks must tally with the size of sac and growth of baby??? i was quite disheartened when he told me that...it seems he has totally given up hope now...he just said why not just reset and try again?

fairie, I'm sure your hb is feeling down, and maybe that's why he wants to believe that it is bad news, and therefore, reset and try again. I think ti's a guy mentality. they tend to de-associate themselves from negative emotions whenever possible and become task oriented.

It doesn't work like that. If you are a late ovulator, LMP will be disregarded. you get a new EDD based on a dating scan once your fetal pole is seen.

zhuzhu, I'm not sure if fairie may benefit from going to KKH's 24h clinic cos that clinic is operated by the more junior doctors. the most senior I believe is just an associate consultant. She may benefit from going to a more experienced consultant. It is just 5 days time.

i find that our thread is 多灾多难.. so many cannot detect hb yet.. though i hv seen mine during 1st scan at 6w4d but my worries are still there.. everyone pls hang on and we will cross our 1st trim very soon! jiayou!

fairie, this is just a very rough way to calculate it. You may want to ask yourself if you and your husband BD-ed in such timing that about 15 days before the actual pregnancy date given to you by scan, you ovulated. If so, you may have been a late ovulator.

cactus, i tested on 29 and it shows positive...is that too early to test? sorry what is BD? last month referring to Jul 09?

Cactus- I go bk see the scan pic gt show how big anot. I also jus stop bfg abt 2 mths back n af has been haywired since beginnin of the yr. last mth late for close to 3 wks n I tot I strike too. Thn this mth even later so decide to test n gt a surprise!

My gynae said the same thing only 5wks stil early to see anythg so jus ask me to rest well n see her in 3 wks time.

Btw wats fetal pole??

Fairie- lidat shd be consider regular, mine can range frm 35 to 50 days kind. So it’s kind of difficult to noe when I actuali O.

ting, I also dun know how to explain fetal pole. you can get some good pictures online on fetal pole if you google it. It appears as a formation after yolk sac is seen.

fairie, I think if you want your mind to be ease, you may want to call the clinic to ask for the sac measreuenmtn.

zhuzhu, my doctor told me about 30% to 40% have spotting. rate of miscarriage is 15% to 20%. not all who miscarry will spot. So it is just less than in 1-2 chance that those who spot will miscarry.

zhuzhu, coz i just went for u/s on mon, want to give it a few more days before i do another u/s, thus 4 aug is fine with me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cactus, i had brownish discharge for 2 days and doc gave me duphaston and jab, immediately after that, it stops..and now i have no more spotting...not sure if that was implantation then...

implantation happens about 7 to 10 days after fertilization. Fertilization means sperm meets egg. we normally test positive on pregnancy test about 15 days after we ovulate (if we are on a strict 28 day cycle). So if you remember when you and your husband had sex, and the date of the brownish discharge, you may be able to guess if you are a late ovulator.

yes, my hubby's 2 cousins has spotting every month, just regular menses and yet they gave birth to very healthy babies...so don't worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ting, yah so i guess my chance is not that high then...since it's more or less regular...

cactus, i worry if i call and ask, the doc will ask me for my decision...not sure y, i seem to find forcing me to go back to them or make a decision fast...

zhuzhu, my #2 but in fact, my #3. spotting is normal but that could be other signal that your body is telling you. don't take spotting lightly. for my previous m/c, the day when i had my spotting, i found out my baby has no more heartbeat. i was 12 weeks along. i am taking each day at a time now.

cactus, if i'm not wrong, we tried on 9th june coz next day i was on biz trip. Subsequently, did we try i cannot remember, hubby also cannot rem. So if we were to take 9 June, and my spotting came sometime on 1 and 2 July but strange thing, only during the evenings...and did not fill the whole pantyliner...does that mean i O late? i don't know...but the sperm definitely can't live for that long lah...

fairie, sperm can live for max of 7 days. If you take 9 June, 9 + 7 days = 16 June. means you must have ovulated by 16 June to be pregnant. So it is possible that you ovulated around mid June. Is mid June ovulation considered late?


besides m/s anyone of u experience mood swing, like easy to cry type?

Yesterday I cried alot donno why, like kenna possessed (touchwood) Drove home after checkup then missed a turn then got lost end up in toa payoh instead of PIE then called my husband and cry, panick like crazy....hee i new driver la. Then during dinner, no appetite also cry. This morning mommy asked me why don i consider "washing it" I also cry. sigh no wonder spotting came back!! Too stressed I suppose.

Btw is it ok to drive when spotting, my mother say don't move the legs so much. Still need to ferry children for classes tonight, she say skip the classes tonight....I VERY STRESSED!!!

