(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

hi shannen, karin & butterwaffles,


actually i do not need to hug the toilet bowl yet but i just can't stand the urge to want to puke... makes me v tired and sianz... i trying ginger tea now and rubbing medicated oil (only have axe oil with me now). Hopes it helps keep my urge down.

I can still eat in lunch time but not finish up my food which i used to be able to. At dinner time, i'll eat lighter meals such as planning to have salad and cheese at 7.30pm, 8.30 to 9.30pm drink a cup of milk... then go snooze... snoozing makes me feel best.


Hi all,

I'm new to this thread too.. Just saw my gynae at KKH yest.. Did blood test, urine test & ultra-sound but could not see anything yet. My LMP is on 26/05/09 so I shld be in week 6 now. From when can we see the sac?

nylek: try watever that works lah.. just seperate out ur 3 meals into 6 meals.. sleeping also make me feel better.. i sleep from 9+to 6+ daily.. still very very tired...

hi grace.. welcome..

i saw my sac when i went into a&E last week..which is in week 5. usually should be able to see liao...

nylek, can understand the terrible feeling....i don't know but i feel ribena helps. For me, it's more of the weird taste in my mouth. Sleep early is good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Actually nowadays, i sleep very early else just very tired. Before i sleep, i apply medicated oil...But every night sure wake up to pee, so very annoying too.

Grace, so confirm you are pregnant but cannot see the sac? How long is your cycle? It is possible that you may have ovulated late so you might not be in week 6 now? I've booked my appointment with my gynae at KKH next week too. I should be 6 weeks 4 days by then. Not sure if can see anything either but i'll update here. When are you going back to KKH for a second scan?

Grace, I agree with butterwaffles that you might O late thus you are probably lesser than 6 weeks now. for my both pregnancy, I was able to detect heartbeat on 6w2d.

My cycle is ard 32 days & sometimes even longer. Might be late ovulation but juz dun feel secure not seeing anything in my scan.:-( Tested 4 times & its positive. Dunno when to go back for my 2nd scan, havent make any appt yet.

Its so tiring to go for appt, spent more than 3 hrs at KKH yest..

Hi grace,

you might want to look for another gynae? cos i understand for KKH, see doc 1 place,, then scan another place..take medication another place.. it may take quite long..

hi tiredkarin,

precisely...yest went up & down a few times & waiting time is quite long at different areas. But i dunno whether i can choose to go to a private gynae now? Only went for 1 appt at KKH.


i think u can actually go for another private gynae, go search ard to find 1 u r comfortable with lor.. since its only 1 appt at KKH and u havent purchase any packages..

Hi Grace, my LMP is the same as yours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i was also contemplating if i should go back to kk to see my gynae but i didn't in the end because i expected the long waiting time and what tiredkarin said, see doc 1 place, scan another place...and worst still, the parking fees are not cheap...so i decided NUH but at the jurong clinic for women under NUH which is nearer to my house...

hi karin, yeah... my 3 meals has turned into 8-9 small meals le... cos i get hungry every hourly. and by this time now.. my nauseaness has reached its peak of terrible feeling... i'm dying to knock off now... haha...

hi butterwaffles, maybe i'll try ribena tmr, thanks for the recommendation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Grace, what's your longest cycle? Don't worry, i really think you might have ovulated late [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You try counting assuming that this time its your longest cycle, you see how weeks you are at...but it also depends on when you conceived [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You went KKH as subsidised patient is it? If so, the waiting time will be super long. You can definitely visit a different gynae for a second opinion but maybe you wish to wait for another week? Where do you live? Maybe we can see if we have any recommendations for gynaes near your place...

Hi All,

Thanks for all your encouragement.

Well is another day of bleeding again... Called my gynae and he just mentioned that is common... Not to worry... However still do not feel reassured at all... Well mayb also being the first time i also do not have experience not knowing what to expect too...

Will continue to take the medicine and see hw it develops from here...

Leaving it in the hands of god and will be praying.. If is meant to be it will be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmmm i am having some cramps today... it was a bit more sharp pain now than i experienced... wondering should i see my gynae tomorrow.. i am supposed to see her next fri as my 1st visit she cant see the embryo.. suspected late ovulation or etopic pregnancy.... what do you all think? cos i am not sure if it is normal... i am not having any bleeding... just that gynae says if got very shapr pain or bleeding must see her asap...

hi butterwaffles,

I lived in Telok Blangah... I'm not a subsidised patient at KKH, waiting time will be different for subsidised & private patient?

hi tiredkarin,

Maybe i'll try looking for a private clinic instead. Hows the consultation fee like? I spent ard $150 at KKH during my 1st appt, quite ex wor..

Lynn, *hugz* Rest well...i'm sure your gynae doesn't want to worry you unnecessary too. Won't forget you in my prayers...please take the best care of yourself, relax and do what you love...whether it's watching dvd or reading novels, do relaxing stuff *double hugs*

Fangfang, which week are you in? I remember i had cramps too around 4th week plus. It's like menstrual cramps and i was very worried too but at that time, i didn't have any gynae to call so i called my friend. My friend told me as long as it's not sharp pain and no bleeding, it's most likely because your uterus is expanding....

Grace, i do believe waiting time is different for subsidised & private patient. I'll be seeing my gynae at KKH The Private Suite. I had a medical check-up at TPS before and everything was done by the same gynae, payment at the same place too. Waiting time is minimal & the environment is so much better. But mine is a senior consultant, he is more expensive. I think his consultation fee alone is $91 excluding gst, subsequent consultations cost around $66. Includes primary scans but not detailed scans and vitamins i think.

I remember seeing this recommended gynae, his clinic is at Tiong Bahru Plaza i think. If i remember correctly, he is Dr Woo Bit Hwa. I think he delivers at Thomson Medical. You goggle his name, i believe you can find more reviews on him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think he has package price around $600+ or so but not sure his package commences at which week of the pregnancy.

hmmm the sharp pain is like 2-3 secs that kind... it occur 3x today... it's like needle poke kinda pain... so do you think it should be ok? i think i should be between 4- 6 weeks.. i also dunno leh...

the sian part is my gynae is away... maybe i will call the asst to ask her.. i dun really know many weeks as it may be late ovulation thats why cant see the embryo... gynae gave appt next friday so will help to see if it is etopic pregnancy or if everything ok then see how many weeks i am in...

hi butterwaffles,

thks for ur recommendation.. Btw, i consider myself as a private patient at KKH cos i didnt go thru polyclinic for the subsidised rate, juz called in to make appt. Didnt arrange for TPS cos afraid its too ex..

hi all, new here. just got a positive home pregnancy test result today! :D LMP was 4th Jun.

unfortunately, i'm overseas until next week, so probably can't get to a doctor to confirm it. hopefully all stays good until then.

good luck to all March 2010 mtbs!

Fangfang, i know it's very worrying, maybe you can call the assistant when you really cannot tahan liao. Else can wait for next Friday's appointment. I remember reading somewhere that one week makes quite a big difference when scanning, who knows next Friday, everything can see le...Meanwhile rest well for now ya? Try not to stress yourself over this....

Grace, i think unless you book a gynae under TPS, whether you are paying subsidised or private rates, you'll still be having different people attending to you. Because yes, even if you are referred to KKH by your GP, you will still be paying private rates, only polyclinic referrals give you subsidised rates. I think if you have a gynae from TPS look at you again, you'll still be paying as first consultation, i think can come up to $200+ wor. Maybe you can call up Dr Woo's clinic & ask for his charges. But would also be good if your next appointment is around one week from now. I'm sure next visit will be able to view the sac already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

redpd, congrats!

grace, just see what suits u best lor..i think the most important thing is that u r comfortable with the gynae u r with..

nylek, i heard from my gynae..the peak of MS is week 9, just hang on there..n pray that we will be able to survive thro this MS...my gynae told me to reserve mc..

lynn, i am also still having some staining..but it brown blood.. not fresh blood.. as long as its not huge amount of fresh blood..should be ok.. don stress too much k?

redpd, congrats!

redpd, congrats! is this your #1?

grace, don't stress yourself up. take your time to find another gynea that you are comfortable with. you can consider to engage one near your place.

nylek, endure endure.. 2nd trim is coming!

fangfang, it's best if you able to check with gynea. in the meantime, rest well and don't move around too much.

lynn, I hope your bleeding stop soon. please take care!

hi all,

my menses came liao so its a new cycle for me. will try to work harder this month.

wishing all a smooth pregnancy journey n enjoy montherhood....

I realised i will feel like puking when i'm hungry. Anyone experience the same thing? Then the puking feeling will subside once you start to eat....

Hi All,

Im still not reassured when seeing my gynae today. He mentioned to me that it was normal, although i was have fresh red discharge...did a scan for me and still no sac only a bulky uterus...

Anyone with a gynae to recommend in the north area? Wa thinking of changing a gynae to consult...

yup it is #1! we are very excited.

lynn - we're staying in the north too. hope to hunt down a good gynae in the area too, so as to minimise travelling time. will share contacts if you haven't found a suitable gynae by then (once i get them next week when i'm back in spore!).

sunshine - best of luck and *****babydust*****

lynn, my gynea is at TMC. there are a lot of good gyneas there. your fresh red discharge sounds scary to me. i will seek for 2nd opinion just in case. are you on any hormones jabs or duphaston?

hi all ..

I oso staying in the north, 2 good gynea i heard of in the north ..Dr Lawrence Ang at Sun Plaza and Dr Adrian woodworth at SK ..heard v good reviews.. i am taking Dr Adrian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lynn, take good care, yup ya case sound scary.. but why he say nromal? i seldom/never heard of such bleed..only spotting nia..

fangfang i oso got sharp pain in the tummy area sometimes.. duno why... i gg gynea for my 1st appt in 2 weeks time...

sunshine, jiayew!! hope good news soon, rembr to "work hard" :p

butterwaffles, i feel like puking most when i m hungry...just wake up.. and when i smell food in an aircon room.. but if i eat abit..then feel better..if i feel full..then will feel like puking..

sunshine, all the best...jia you!

lynn, my gynae did mention if its abit..its ok..but if u feel uncomfy..its good to look for another gynae for 2nd opinion.. eh..i donno any gynae in the north..can't help u on tat...

Lynn, same i also heard of Dr Lawrence Ang from Sembawang and Dr Adrian Woodworth. Dr Adrian has clinics at both Sengkang and CCK. I think they are not bad but i've always heard mummies saying their style is those super fast type meaning consultations with them are always very short. Some like their style, some don't like...but if you are seeking a second opinion, i think either is fine. Ever thought of testing with a HPT again to see if can still see a BFP?

Xynn, i think you are more jialat than me...I only feel like puking when i'm hungry. You must be feeling very bad....

tiredkarin, my close colleague told me to always keep some biscuits, raisins or whatever food with me when i'm out just in case i suddenly hungry and feel like puking when i'm in the mrt...

Hi All,

Thanks for your prompt feedback... Will most prob go to one of them to see what they say... Well dun have a good feeling about this as all this discharge is not normal dunno why this gynae tell me that it is?

Well will keep u all posted...

butterwaffles, yea..its good to keep a pack of biscuits in ur bag..comes in handy..haiiz..i hate it when ppl carry cooked food with heavy smell into mrt..makes me wan to puke..

lynn, go with ur own instincts..sometimes motherly instincts very zhun wan..!

lovinglife, i don like tat too... my colleagues ordered pizza hut in just now.. i dashed out of the office...ekeke..

tiredkarin, the most awful smell i find are duck rice, roti prata and food topping with shallot! by the way, when you ladies intend to tell your boss? i hv decided to tell only after i have pass my 1st trimester. if anyone find i putting on weight or look differently, i will just smile away and deny! LOL

i also intend to announce after 1st trimester when more stable. now i pantang after the 1st one failed... but i think hard to hide from colleagues, i keep wanting to throw up and keep eating sour plum in office.

i also trying to do the same.. but hor..abit difficult..bcos my boss already suspecting.. then like xynn i also eating sour plum.. wanting to throw up..then also keep putting medicated oil..

i think if i need to take mc due to MS..then i may need to announce??the last time my boss knew becos i took too many days mc.. then my mc is from Women's Clinic


i think different ppl will have different food that they wont like, like i used to love fishballs..now don really like.. change of taste..

anyone started to have cravings??

tiredkarin, yah, mc issued from women's clinic is difficult to hide. i don't care so much, just submit if necessary. i don't experience food craving in such early stage.

xynn, just smile away and let them guess lor hehe

hi karin & lovinglife, thanks... i tried enduring & i gave up, went to gynae today to get anti-nausea medicine. Works abit for me. my nauseaness did reduce slightly... but dunno is the medicine making me super drowsy or what... i'm so sleepy now. endure endure!!!

hi xynn, jiayou... my ms is just as bad... i only feel best when sleeping...

my colleagues are making guesses that i pregnant le... really hard to conceal when i suddenly likes to eat so frequently n looks like wan to puke most of the time.

hi karin,

i have certain weird habits now... i just like to be vegetarian at night nowadays... can't stand eating meat at night... n i refuse to eat rice at home... so my hubby will ask me wat i wan everynight (i think this is consider craving ba)

hi all thanks for the advise.. thank God my gynae is coming back on Monday.. will see her the first thing in the morning... strangely today i dun have any cramps at all... just that the past few days my stomach is super bloated and appetite is not very good too...

just wanna check, if not feeling well cannot go GP? safer to go woman's clinic is it?

just wanna check does anyone of you have difficulty trying to sleep at night? i am super tired but just cant sleep...

butterwaffles: i do not have that but my friend experiences that though...


Thanks for all the encouragement u all given... but did a HCG and result was really low... Chances are would have already miscarried...

Well although my stay here was a short one...Wishing all the mtb all the best... Hope to join the club soon...

Hi everybody [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm new to this thread...found out I am pregnant 2 wks ago...shld be in week 6 now...when shld i go see gynae?


Lynn *hugs* take good care, still gotta nurse back your health ... don overwork this step [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

take good care n try again a few mths ltr.. gd luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

redpd, i oso tempted to go SUnplaza coz juz 2 MRT away nia.. but gg to Dr Adrian, coz too many frens went there, join the "fun" hahaa..

josephyn, i oso suspect i am preggy i booked 1st appt aledy ... which be ard 7 weeks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nylek.. i think ya case diff to hide.. like my colic oso.. v easily to guess :p esp us kaypo kaypo .. haa

all ladies.. happy weekend

