(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

karin, i forgot to ask gynae (KKH) when i went for my scan on wed. now i dunno what to do because i think i will not continue visiting this gynae as i have already chosen WK Tan to be my gynae. I went to KKH only for scan. But till now i have not met WK Tan b4 because she will only see me when i reach 8th-weeks. how?


usually gynae will recommend not to travel below 12 weeks lah..thats wat my gynae recommend the last time, but if the travelling is not for very long.And u are sure that u can take care of urself and the baby..u know what things can /cannot eat rite?

its only 2D/1N but its going to be tedious cause waking up at 4am on sat n reach home at night on sun... but my hubby is driving la so i won't need to walk or stand alot and i can sleep in car.

yeah i read about what cannot be eat, but i'm afraid of food hygiene in m'sia... in complete dilemma now.

oh well.. this is difficult..

if you really want to go...must really jagar urself lor.. and ask ur hubby to drive carefully.. which part of m'sia are u going?

i'm gg to malacca & KL. this is actually a group food trip organised by hubby's colleagues...

difficult decision man!!! i want to make sure my bb is safe but i want to go...

wah... kl ah? the distance very long leh...

can't help u on this liao..u discuss with ur hubby lah..


I've always preferred girl even before I hv my boy.

But the whole point of me having #2 is not to try for girl/boy but to give my boy a sibling. It still remains my sole objective. As such, so long as that is fulfilled (ie. survive the 1st tri), and the child, regardless of boy/girl, is healthy, I really hv nothing to "hiam". [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Nothing to predict. I don't have a crystal ball. If you have one, let me know so that I can take a sneak peek. :p

Karin, i got a baby sitter to take care my gal during weekdays day time. I just enrolled my gal into half day childcare on 1st Jul..she very excited to go there and never cry, i think she is too lonely ..

Who help you to take care your son then?


thats a good thought.. for me.. i wanted to give my boy a sibling cos i felt he too lonely at home alone..he start talking to himself..

so who is helping you take care of your boy?


oic.. my son goes to full day child care.. he enjoys himself very much in school..then my mum will help me pick him up at abt 5 to feed him dinner then i will bring him home from my mum's place after work..

hi hi just needed some advice.. i went to see a gynae yesterday as i was tested positive on wed night.. doc did a scan for me n what she could see was the lining but no sac yet... she says might be late ovulation or etopic pregnancy... i was quite sad but i also didnt rid off the fact of late ovulation. anyone experienced that before??? my last menses was 23rd May....


My parents (plus helper) look after my boy. He attends a 2hr playgroup. I don't think he's lonely cos he gets plenty of attention from his grandparents. As for giving him a playmate, I think 3-4yr apart is a huge gap. When he's 5, the other sibling will only be 1. He won't be too keen to play with a baby/toddler.

I'm actually more thinking of long term. I'm from a single child family. My mom has 5 siblings and I see the strong family support they give to one another, which is something I do not have myself (Just to qualify: Not every family is like that. There are those where brothers/sisters would just wanna kill each other :p). I think it's a good thing to have. A brother/sister is still not the same as cousin.

I think too much? :D


You tested positive on 1/7/09. Have you tried testing before 1/7/09 but obtain negative results?

Did your gynae ask you to see him/her again next week?


i understand wat u mean by the attention.. i used to stay with my in laws and my son was the only child.. he got so much attention that he got so spoilt.. now at least better.. the attention he will only get once a week.. not daily..

i can understand wat u mean.. i come from a family of 3.. and our family bond is quite strong..and i think its good.. thus i want to have more kids.. so that one day when i am not ard..the kids have one another to lean on and support..

Hi ladies,

Sorry to interrupt. I'm a Sep MTB and have an extra tin of Similac Mum 700g (expiry date: 31 Oct 2011) to let go at $17, with 2 free 50g sachets. Self-collection at Clementi/Dover MRT on weekday early evenings. Please PM me if you're interested.


hi optimus.. yeah i tested on 23/6 which is supposed to be my menses day but obtain negative result... then the next time was 1 July before it was tested positive.... i will be seeing my gynae 2 weeks from now as she is away.... i am wondering if i should go next week earlier to another gynae for check up... what do you think? i just scared too early to go and scan again...

Hi everyone.. mind if i join?? my LMP is 29/05.. don't know whether am i really pregnant anot.. haven't test yet.. when is the best time to test for the result?

hello fiona... you can check liao... it should be quite accurate... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my last menses was around 20 may.

and when i went to see gynae.. only can see waterbag but no sac. so i guess its still early for us

Hi everyone,

This is my first time entering this forum. I guess this portal will give me all the answers to my doubts and I was right...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aniwae I was two days late and I was usually on the dot. So did the test early this morning with clearblue digital kit and within second the word 'pregnant' popped up. This is my first pregnancy and I didnt know what to do. So woke up my sleepy hubby and kept asking him, "So now wat?? I soo dunno what to do!!!" Felt happy and my hand shivered...LOL..

So as I calmed down, I browses through this portal and that makes me feel better...hehe...

But I was anticipating the early symptoms that might come along with pregnancy...but I did not have any...Only I felt relatively warm the past few weeks. Temp never dip below 37.3.

So do help me...what should I do? See a Gp to confirm the pregnancy first, rite? And then? Im at loss.. Help!!


GP will also use pregnancy strip to test urine. No point going to GP I think. Wait till 6-7 week then see gynae for scan. If there's bleeding, then may want to go earlier. You can pick a gynae, call up the clinic and ask the receptionist when is the best time to come in, eg. 6wk, 7wk, etc. Meanwhile, buy and eat folic acid (non-prescription) from guardian/watsons.

I feel that going in too early does not serve much purpose. I have a previous miscarriage before. If it's not meant to be, knowing early also will not prevent anything. If they can't see anything during the first scan, they will make you come again next week, and next week. And each gynae visit is easily $70-100. So I'll just wait and save the $$$. :p


Suggest you wait till 2 wk later. As Gitz said, her LMP was 20/5 but she hasn't seen the sac yet. So your situation and hers could be the same.

Sorry, the above is from me. Am outside using my cousin friend's laptop so forgot to change her default id. Think she's gonna kill me!!! Hahaha! Have a good weekend to all of you. Cheers!

Gitz, the first day of my last menses is 31 May and mine is a regular 28 day cycle. My menses usually last 5 days. I've made an appointment with a gynae from KKH The Private Suite. The nurse told me that the best time for the first gynae visit is between 6th to 8th week especially if it's the first pregnancy (as we do not know what to expect [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) But you will only be able to gauge how many weeks if your menstrual cycle is very regular....When will be your next appointment?? My first appointment will be mid-july....

Congrats to all!

I just tested positive also and EDD is supposedly early March. We were eager to confirm the pregnancy and went to the Gynae to check. Saw the sac but foetus is too small.

Have to see the Gynae again in 2 weeks time.

I guess the best time to see the gynae is about 7 weeks.

Lets hope to have fun in this special journey!

cheers! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi hi fiona... dun be sad ya... jia you for this month!! keke... waiting to hear good news from you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello optimus... yeah i also feel i should just wait 2 weeks and not get so anxious about it... thanks ya... will update after i see my gynae! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm a "robot in disguise". :D

Sad to say, I haven't watched the new movie yet. Need to lose my boy before I can watch it. I feel it's too violent for kids. So sadly, I'd have to replace it with Ice Age 3 which I'll be watching tomorrow. :p


Is it heavy flow? If slight/light bleeding, can still do a pregnancy test. If test positive, then need to go see gynae -immediately-.


Pls don't mention it. We're all here to support one another. Will be hearing your good news in 2 wks time! Meanwhile, keep praying and don't lose hope! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sapphiree, meaning you are 5 weeks now? :p

Optimus, i think Ice Age 3 will be very nice too! I like Ice Age, very funny movie! I haven't watched Transformers too...soon bah.

Fiona, to know when you should test, you have to roughly know how long is your cycle. If your cycles for example, range from 28 to 32 days, best to wait until 33rd day to test if by then no menses. But again...there IS a difference between spotting and menses...

yeah, i am 5 weeks now.

Transformer is a fun show. Just sit there and let all the action do the talking... n Megan Fox is such a babe! Everlasting lipgloss!

hi ladies,

Just to ask if anyone knows whether spotting will also have slight feelings of cramping, just like what happens during menses?


i feel like an old bird here but i just tested positive a couple of days ago. if this one sticks, my 3rd born shall probably have the same birthday as my 2nd and by then my 2nd will be 2 haha. i have 2 girls, one turning 3, the other is 1.5yr. they're 1.5 yrs in gap. i'm a FTWM so i hope i can get my factory going in full force before i close down for good.

Congratulations to first time mommies and second timers.

For first time mommies, it's true, if you go to a GP, they'd use the same test u used at home, so wait till u're like 7 to 8 weeks, u'd be able to do the ultrasound scan and see a fetal pole with a flashing heartbeat.

I'm also coming from a history of multiple miscarriages and i have posted my support to the miscarriage group before. I have actually just suffered a recent m/c in Jan, on my birthday but i'm glad i got pregnant again pretty quickly. NOw i'm just hoping this one sticks before my factory shutdown forever.

saphhiree, i just turned 5 weeks too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

twin stars, i didn't experience any spottings...but i think slight cramping is normal. To be frank, i didn't have any sign at all except fuller boobs but i did have cramps. In fact, they are like pre-AF symptoms....I think spotting is ok as long as it's not excessive bleeding.

Melissa, congrats! So this will be your #3! keke...I'm only 5 weeks now. I've made an appointment to see my gynae near 7th week. Will that be too early? I think by then, i will be about 6 weeks & 4 days....First time here, so abit lost....


if your dating is right, 6w4d should be ok, can see the fetal pole already. but if the dating is wrong, u'd be able to see a waterbag and a yolk sac or just a waterbag (that would be about 5 weeks). what doctors would like to avoid are unnecessary worries by first time mothers. hence govt hospitals like KKH usually give late appointments to eliminate worries. if u engage a private gynae, u could choose to even have ultrasound weekly. but better not, too much ultrasound may not be good for the fetus.

i know it's going to be a torturous wait for first time mommies to see their first fetal heartbeat but no choice, have to be patient [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

I had read somewhere that if you go to the gynae around six to seven weeks, some of them will do vaginal scan. Is this true? Cos I guess it will be a very uncomfortable experience for me going through it for the very first time. What kinda test do you go through on your first visit to the gynae?


Yes usually gynae would do transvaginal on the first scan. It depends on the machine they used. Some used old machines, hence the abdominal scanner may not be sensitive enough to detect early pregnancies. To provide the most accurate measurements, most would rather go straight to vaginal scan. Fetus are measured by crown-rump length and growth rate is around 1mm each day. Hence, I'd rather u bear the pain and let the gynae do the job. It won't be long before u "graduate" to abdominal scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa, thanks! I'm not sure if my dating is right too. I counted using the babycentre website. My cycle has always been very regular so i'm counting on that! I'm going to KKH Private Suite and the nurse told me for first visits, 6th to 8th week is the best. But i guess it really differs, not everyone is the same right. Can i know which gynae you go to for your 2 girls? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So i guess you should be going back to the same gynae?

Blue_Y, i think unless you can wait until maybe 11 weeks, else should be vaginal scan, haha! I don't know how uncomfy is that but i did colposcopies before so i think should be ok *fingers crossed*


I see Dr Brenda Low in Gleneagles and both my girls are born there. For this one however, I may or may not stick with her. She's very good but she has increased her consultancy rates and other charges way up high and since I'm seasoned and know what to expect, I'm considering the budget alternative, as a subsidized patient in KKH heeheeee...

Congrads to all mums...

I have some doubts at the moment wondering if anyone out there can help me...

My last period was in mid may and my cycle is every 6 weeks, when i used clearblue to test it was a postive result... However when i went to my GP to do the test the result was only a very faint positive anyone have this happening before...

The test 1 week later at my GP also showing a very faint positive... will there be any issue? should i book an appt with a gynae to do a scan or blood test?

Based on current calculation i should onli be at about 3-4 weeks which also unable to see in scan as well right?

This will be my first bb and have like hundreds of questions running thru my mind now...

Melissa, oh i see...that's true. I think for me, because first time, really very blur also, keke. Are you stopping at 3? How do you cope???

Lynn, personally i never go GP because my friend told me no point as they use test kits that are much cheaper than the Clearblue brands we always use. Try using this website: http://www.hpathy.com/healthtools/delivery-date.asp

I'm seeing my gynae at around 6 weeks plus...

Well, aniwae I am very happy for all da mtbs... And I cant wait to go through this stage phase by phase... hehe..

Hello, how's everyone? Logging in from the office.. boss resigning so i have a bit of free time than usual haha..

Congrats lovinglife and welcome. The board seems pretty slow today, i guess we'll get to see more soon-to-be March mommies coming in as we move along. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Are you in IT? Everything that you said about pregnancy and boy/girl theory is true to the textbook sense hehe. I prefer to believe that boy or girl is very much a divine decision. How was your experience when you were having a boy? Is it true that if you're going to have a boy, u prefer saltish food over sweet?


hehehe that's the fun part, though my calculated EDD is 11 March, based on my 35-days cycle. My LMP is 28 May. I'm a mid-March mommy. Hopefully.

Melissa, my EDD also in mid-March. Will have exact date when I see gynea then. I am only intend to go for my 1st visit around 7 weeks. Long wait.


You're half correct. I -was- in IT, but left the line 5 years ago and am now doing admin work. Why, you guessed from the micro-SD card? I just can't think of a better example. :D Actually, there's an error in what I said earlier, so I should perhaps correct it here:

"A foetus is just slightly bigger way smaller than a micro SD card at 3+cm mm, but its heart can already be beating when it's 4wk old (6wk from LMP)."

Amazing, isn't it? :D But I have to agree with you that it's basically divine intervention and it's not something we can control unless it's through artificial means... :p

As for food preference, hmm, I remember when I was having my boy then, for the first time in my life, I asked for milo kosong cos normal milo with condensed milk suddenly seems a tad sweet for me. But I'm generally still ok with sweet stuff like ice cream and chocs. When I'm just me (and no baby), I'm ok with sweet and salty stuff. I don't think I have quite experience any change in my taste for food then when I was having my boy. Not now either (or not yet?).


Watched Ice Age 3 yesterday. It was so fun/ny! I think the adults in the theatre are laughing more than the kids cos some of the jokes are very adult. :D


Hi all,

Thanks alot for your help... so i suppose the best time to visit a gynae would be around 6 weeks... I booked my first appt for next week...

Wish me luck... Would be a first grandchild for both my hubby and my family...Very nervous waiting...

If the calculations are correct i would be due early March ^_^

