(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Hi lovinglife, this is my 2nd cycle after D&C. My hubby and I are trying to stay very positive this time round. It's good to get support here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Von, i'm goin early Aug, so would be end of 8 wks which i'm comfortable with..

Wah, this thread is so happening! Suddenly so many postings after one afternoon!

On EDD, well, it's not supposed to be 100% accurate. If it is, then won't it be called something more definite like "Delivery Date", instead of "Expected Delivery Date"? EDD is calculated based on LMP as a point of reference and not date of conception, which is more accurate but we can't be too sure of the date anyway. Therefore EDD calculation cannot be 100% accurate but only used as a gauge. I delivered my boy 1 day after my EDD.


Yes, if all goes well, our 3rd tri will happen next year and EDD after CNY. I didn't dare to start TTC in May09 cos I know if kena, my CNY go down the drain. Now praying real hard that this one stays.


I just check the Ribena label. Sorry, only babies below 1 cannot drink. All else ok. So I remembered wrongly.

Hi All,

I having quite heavy bleeding and doctor recommend me to be on HL and bed rest the whole week...

Wish me luck that i can keep this bb... Went for checkup today... But still cannot see the sac...Only very thick and bulky uterus...

Nothing much i can do nw but pray...

Hi all,

Seems like i really had missed out alot for the past few days...am going for my gynae check on 20/7 by then shld b 7 weeks plus..hopefully can see something...hee...btw am going to Dr Caroline Khi..any comments abt her?

Hi Lynn,

Sincerely wishing u gd luck n all the best! Jia you!

Hi all,

issit normal to look bloated in the early weeks? Cos I feel bloated but doubt its baby bump..Way too early. Anyone feeling the same way?

Hi all, This is Leah. Pregnant the second time. Going to have my next one in March as well. I just had my first barely 8 months ago.

Its a long long journey again...

fairie2010, i think i'm experiencing constipation too. Sometimes, i feel like i really need to pass motion but when i get to the toilet, i pass wind only. Feels really bloated and uncomfortable...

lovinglife, thanks! Haiz..it's like alot of food cannot eat? I really miss my bubble tea.

Sunshine, i tested 1 day after i was overdue. If your cycle is very regular, can test the day after you've missed your menses [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If not, then wait for a few more days...

Xynn, i measure from the first day of my last menses. But then again, if ask me when is the conception date, i know also because we only did it once for the entire month.

Xynn, i didn't want to go too early too in case can't see anything and worry myself to death. But no choice as my husband won't be in town until my 10th week or so & he also gancheong, so i'm seeing gynae next week. Will be around 6weeks plus....

Optimus, it's ok i've checked the label too but i also never see that it says children under 1 cannot drink. I think i need a new pair of specs :p

Lynn, ***fingers crossed tightly for you*** Do let us know if everything goes well. Rest well & please don't stress yourself, stay relaxed and calm....

Blue_Y, me...i feel bloated too. And i feel damn lazy as well. ZzZzzz....

Leah, congrats! Wow...you not tired? You've planned for this one or was it an accident? ;p

butterwaffles, got to drink really plenty of water..and try banana...my mil bought it for me yesterday and i ate one..i managed to go toilet last night and this morning but not alot...at least it eases the bloatedness... the uncomfortable thing is after coming out of the toilet, i feel it again..but this time no luck...

Leah, congrats! I wonder if i have the energy for a second one soon after my first...

Blue_Y, i feel bloated coz of constipation but my sister in law did tell me that i've grown plumper...could be a sign of bloatedness?

Hello morning ... hee

New to this thread... Recently suspecting i am preggy...

heee yesterday tried the kit but only shows faint lines.. But i booking appt w Dr Adrian next tues already.. hee

I think most probably I am , coz I seldom missed my period..

anyone gg to Dr Adrian here? at SK [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning ladies,

feeling very tired today. yesterday night i burped for the whole night and my hubby noticed. he said i already sound very pregnant. heee.. sure hopes this one sticks. i plan to stop breastfeeding my 16mths old DD but this morning, my boobs are dripping milk, so had no heart to stop. i latched her again before I go to work. some people would disagree against BF while pregnant but i have a different approach on pregnancies.

i noticed that some of you are also coming out from a miscarriage. to these group, i say jiayou!! just fyi, my first child is conceived after five recurrent miscarriages in a span of three years. it's no easy task. even my gynae would agree that i'm a "legendary" patient who never gives up (good for her i made her rich haha). i have tried a lot of methods, the do's and don'ts, what works what doesn't and it doesn't seem to work in textbook sense.

this is actually my 8th pregnancy haha..

on food,

i know everytime i entered a thread, there will be a list of pantang food and the standard do's and don'ts. my approach to this, you can eat anything but in moderation. it's important to eat healthily at all times but sometimes, due to morning sickness, you just can't stomach healthy food, so eat anything u could! sometimes i find this pantang thing very funny and very much bound to customs and traditions. why are chinese so pantang on cold food when the malays are having them on daily basis and why are some vegetarian indians doing fine without red meat, which is essential for blood formation? so if you see things in a bigger picture, there's no reason to be paranoid and no need to feel guilty if you had taken the "wrong" food.

Lynn Tan,

I feel for you. Just update us whenever you feel like it. Sometimes life is funny and it could take a twist in the end. You never know. Stay positive.

2nd time mommies-to-be,

Don't worry, your experience in handling the first one will make handling the second one a lot easier as you already know what to expect. Plus, labor is also usually faster and easier too!

Btw, next week, i only 6th week , do u think it's a good time to go gynea or shd I wait longer?

But btw I am a 2nd time mum, but i forgotten all liao.. haa :p

my first boy is 2.5yr+ now.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning everyone.

Lynn, stay positive n dun worry......everything will be well.

cant 'officially' join tis thread as still not confirmed pregnant. don't dare to test again as scared will be disappointed. tested this mon but its negative.

what time of day do you all do the test?

Hi Sunshine, i tested only yesterday and in the morning, my very first pee :p

i got the guardian one's. A bold red line appear almost imm in the C window, but nothing on the T , i was kinda of disappointed but waited for 10 more sec lidat, a faint line start to run across my T window.. v faint only..

But I am quite sure I preggy (>50%) coz i seldom missed my period de, it hv been delayed for 3 days.

i started to take folic acid ytr, though it wasnt 100% confirmed yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if you can tahan, wait till you reach 7 weeks lor..


i tested at lunchtime, actually any time of the day oso can. good luck! jia you!

issit melissa...hmm thansk for the advice.

wah u r good, sill bfg at 16th mth . i only managed to bf until 9th mth, coz my supply were so low. hope i can endure to 1yr for my #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Lynn, good care and take good care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think everytin is gg to be fine .. jiayew

On pregnancy test kits

The BP forum sells those pregnancy test strips which cost abt 80ct each. Some are touted to be of very high sensitivity. And it's much cheaper than even Guardian or Watsons home brand pregnancy test kit. Can consider using that. I used those test strips and tested positive one day before my period is due, though some claim to be able to test several days before period is due.


Have to agree with you. Unless there's some scientific proof on why this/that food shldn't be taken, I basically don't care. Or if the food label happen to advise against it, then of cos I don't see the need to put myself at risk unnecessarily by eating it. But I guess we generally shld not overdo the eating part - whatever the food. This applies when not pregnant too.

And I'm very surprised on what you had gone through. You're one brave and strong mommy! Jia you!

On breastfeeding, well my boy still comfort latch every night. And I pretty much let it be.

i m cd 38 n i check past mths, longest cycle is 36 days and normally is 30-32 days.

feel like testing but scare of result too.

sigh.....in a dilemna

good morning to all...

wow..a few days didnt log in.. so many new frens joining..

Hello to all...

haiiz.. had an "exciting" weekend.. had some staining(fresh blood) on sat..then some brownish stains on sun..so sun morning rush to TMC to see my gynae..baby abit unstable..took a jab..and rest at home for the rest of the week..

keep vomitting or wanting to vomit..haiiz.. anyone have such a badd case??

xynn, all we can do is stay positively and hope for the best.

lynn, don't move around too much. do a complete bedrest. fingers crossed for you.

blue Y, it's normal to feel bloated [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

leah, you are so productive and brave! keep it up! hehe

butterwaffles, can still drink but sip few mouth only lah. don't be too greedy yah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

melissa, you are very encouraging! i am not worried about labour but i hate confinement lah. LOL

sunshine, you can test anytime but first morning urine is always recommended because of it's highest concentration. good luck on your testing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tiredkarin, rest well and stay positive. your morning sickness is a good sign for healthy pregnancy. have faith!


I only BF my DD1 for 10 months when i became pregnant again with DD2. Hence when i conceived DD2, i was more determined than ever to try at least for 1 year. jia you for your BF effort.

optimus prime,

how old is your boy again? my ex-colleague is still BF her son who is now 6yrs old leh! a bit too much? haha.


good luck i hope you get the result you desired. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i agree with lovinglife that the fact that u're still experiencing MS means it's a good sign. rest well. you only have till 12 weeks to endure. maybe you have a weak cervix. don't walk too much or carry heavy things.


welcome. tiring long journey but everything is still fresh on your mind! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fairie2010, thanks! I will try to drink more plain water...abit hard nowadays as the taste is too bland! ;p

Melissa, after reading your posts i conclude you really love children alot! Peifu you...i took a few years to come around to the idea of having a baby so i'm hoping i won't change my mind halfway, haha!

tiredkarin, actually many people say if you have morning sickness, it means your pregnancy is more stable...Take care of yourself ya. Personally, i find that medicated oil helps ;p

my morning sickness starts in the morning after breakfast and last until 4pm.. then i'm fine at dinner. I dont have any appetite for lunch! I think it's worse this time, compared to my 1st time.

hee thanks all ..

new members coming in. .coz EDD mar de.. these few weeks then will know mah.. actually mine oso nt yet confirm.. but i quite anxious abt it liao.. excited..

I gg to postpone my appt until week 7, thanks for u all advice..

yup melissa.. i heard prregy cant bfd else might hv contractions nt v wise for the fetus inside.


Thanks... i must invest in a good pump this time.. i tat time stingy + no extra $ , bought Avent manual only, pumped until super tiring, then return to work, boy refused to latch, my supply dip drastically.

take care all mummies and every smooth pregnancy eh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd afternoon, ladies!

Wow..love it that this forum is getting more active each day...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This is kinda 6th week for me but Ive yet to experience MS..Is this normal...I know its weird but I kinda feel 'jealous' for those feeling it...lol...

Been feeling extra sleepy these days and I can practically sleep anytime of the day and anywhere!! I was folding the laundry yterday and no sooner, I fell asleep on the laundry!!

Leah, wow....within a span of 8 mths? Im not so sure Im as strong as you...hehe

SunShine, well, keep your finger crossed and why not do a test.....good luck to you! Hope its positive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Butterwaffles, if one doesnt have MS, does it mean its a little unstable? Worries me a little...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blue_Y, i have no MS too, haha! But i am really sleepy...i've been sleeping at 9pm plus these days and when i wake up at 5.30am, still very sleepy. The worst time for me gota be right after lunch. I really struggle...Not sure if not having MS means it's not stable. I have friends and colleagues who experienced no MS at all but still gave birth to healthy babies. But i do remember reading somewhere that having MS would be because the mummy has higher levels of don't know what and that is a good thing. I'll ask my gynae when i see him next Thursday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Lets all try to be more positive!

Hi All,

Thanks alot... Second day liao still bleeding... Really at a lost now... I dunno if i should go and visit the doctor again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Anyone out there able to advice me?


hi blue_Y,

some ladies juz hv zero MS.. like myself for my first.. zero MS.... even more.. 5th weeks, i oso nothing..like usual but very sleepy..

I saw some research showing having MS might result smarter babies.. MS arise due to diff hormone level.. But my #1, seem ok ... i don feel he is less smarter.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so don worry ladies..

Lynn, shd go see your gynea see what else he/she advise. take good care.. can tell u r so troubled.. relax a bit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] stress will affect your health oso ..

juz relax n pray for the best.. if it's yours, it will be yours.


yes agree with shannen. but if you're afraid about moving so much especially if your gynae advised you to bed rest, then u can call and ask if you could come. did your gynae gave you any jabs or synthetic progesterone to take? those could help to support your pregnancy (theoretically).


no worries. in all of my previous threads, some of us does not suffer any MS and it has nothing to do with intelligence. i believe those reasons are there to comfort worrying mommies. when I had my DD2, my MS was so bad I lost a few kg when I'm supposed to gain weight. didn't like the feeling especially since i'm working and need to "hide" the symptoms to avoid getting fired. now i'm hoping i'll just get mild MS or no MS at all. what is consistent for me is a lot of headaches and very tired.


you're right i really love children. i wasn't crazy about them before that but having your very own changes a LOT of things. my perspective of life itself changed a lot too. i think that having a chld makes me more human, selfless and more graceful generally.

morning all..

its getting more n more active here eh?

lovinglife: yea.. my gynae actually told me that the more MS i get.. means more HCG.. means better for the baby.. its just that like my last one.. it lasted all the way to 16 weeks.. i hope this one doesnt..!

melissa: i agree on bf.. i bf my boy til he was 20 mths..so hopefully this one also can do the same..my boy just cried this morning.. asking me to carry him.. feel so badd abt not carrying him..haiiz..

lynn: i think u should go see ur gynae leh.. how much bleeding? fresh blood or brown stains?

Lynn, did the gynae say what to do if you continue to bleed? Why not you call your gynae and find out more? You are supposed to be resting now, i don't think you should be running to your gynae at this point, try calling her?? I know it's very worrying *fingers crossed* I really hope everything will be okay. Why not you call her and ask her what's the next step? Will keep you in my prayers....

Melissa, alot of mummies tell me the same thing, that they've become better persons after becoming mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope i will too...I also hope i won't end up frumpy and all, abit worried about the weight gain, sagging skin etc thou i know that is so shallow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Have you all start to take maternal milk powder? what brand are you taking?

yeap... i did.. i taking mamil mama..

that was the only one i could find at sheng siong..tat time when i was buying.. i prefer enfa mama.. chocolate flavour..keke

good morning ladies, i started to feel sleepy all day long.

Lynn, how are you feeling today?

xynn, your MS started very early huh? i am still in "honeymoon" so trying to enjoy as much.

hi all

took a test again tis morning but still show negative.....look like i really m not pregnant but just that tis month my menses is late.....

hi lynn,

i agree w what the others say, give a call to your gynae n check w her what's your next course of action. Dun worry too much....Be positive :)

hello all..

sunshine.. sorry i din follow earlier posts.. hw long u been tryg? din u keep track of your ovulation calender?

for me last few mths, i juz try, but in june, i really tried consecutively for 3 days :p during the fertile period.. and then i got it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] (i think)


i oso no MS.. maybe will be like my 1st pregnancy.. actually i hope to hv a bit.. so tat i can lose some wt :p

coz i still hv 5kg excess with me..

i will start on maternal milk aft seeing the gynea.. hee but meanwhile i watch my diet n start folic acid liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i booked my appt w my gynea at the end of tis mth..hee

good morning ladies,

looks like my stay here is a very, very short one. i did not have any spotting or bleeding, but it started yesterday afternoon when i started experiencing this funny sort of cramp, the kind that i'm very sure is not the "right" kind. so i tested at night and to my surprise, i got a very faint line. by right it should remain dark and the Test line should appear first before the Control line. I was using the Watson midstream test. I think this is another chemical pregnancy for me. My period should be due soon, maybe in two days time. I don't believe this has anything to do with me carrying my girls or running around juggling a full-time job and part-time parenting at home with no maid. If so, then the pattern of miscarriage differs. As you can see, I have become very well-learned about miscarriages and it's symptoms.

Hope that your pregnancies will be smooth-sailing and stay healthy throughout the 9 months! I'm still active in my thread @ March 2008 so if you wanna look me up for advices or anything at all, just PM me.

Good luck to each and everyone of you here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi shannen,

i hv been trying for a while but on-off. Actually only did it once in Jun on the day when i see +ve on OPK. I dun think i will be so lucky as to strike but till now, menses still missing in action. For past 5 mths, my menses pretty accurate in that it will come on the same day of the month. Dunno what happen this month :-(

Hi All ladies,

i'm super envying most all of u here that you r not having MS. I just started my horrible MS this monday and from since tuesday i've been searching online and experimenting for ways n methods to reduce MS. My MS starts from morning and get worser by noon and worst by evening n night till I have very little appetite at night. I can't eat much yet i'm very hungry. I can't think of food also. sigh.......


don give up hope.. i have been trying for about half a year before getting preggie, then sometimes my menses was slightly late.. it may be bcos u very stress??

hi salsa,

trying to stay positive. hope that it will b gd news but chances are slim...me not stress so dun understand y menses late this mth..

just wanna it to come n then i can start on new cycle :)

sunshine, when we seriously wanna try for BB, we really do lo for tat consecutively 3 nites.. abit like missionary, coz for the sake of having a bby.. :p i don want my #1 and #2 gap to be too wide.

Perhaps u can try alternate days or so for next mth.. more chances more hit rates mah.

good luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

melissa.. ya read ya replies like u been through a lot.. u are such a gd n positive mama..

so u got 2 kids n FTwM .. v gd.. i know FTWM but oni 1 toddler i already feelg quite tired liao.. cant imagine when i hv #2..

nylek , take good care..yup i saw my colics super bad MS.. almost hug the toilet bowl every nw n then ... poor thing..take good care n hope it goes away soon.. for the sake of a stronger foetus .. hang on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


try medicated oil, it helps..for some.. i m using metholatum cherry chest rub for kids.. hehe..my son's.. it has a soothing cherry smell..then i made somesour plum drink for myself.. to help remove the weird taste in my tongue..

i also very hungry.. but try to much small things along the way.. like raisins or biscuits.. to try to curb the hunger

Misstaurus, i'm now starting to drink normal milk but lowfat. Is maternal milk power better??

Melissa, i really wonder how you differentiate the cramps. Seems like you are very in tuned with your body. I'll be sure to look for you at the March 2008 thread...

Sunshine, it's hard to say...i only BD once with my husband a day before i ovulated (according to my BBT chart) and i also strike. I think sometimes, it's the timing or luck...pretty much luck i feel!

nylek, take care! *hugz* I feel like puking now and there but it's not serious at all because i can still get hungry and can stomach food but i don't classify it as MS! Hang on and take care of yourself...have plenty of rest & fluids!


Gd noon to all!

Melissa, lets hope the very best for your pregnancy... Stay positive aite!

Sunshine, Ive been like following everything accoding to the book..like BD-ing right b4 ovulation periods, checking my best ovulation dates, etc... but for many months, it didnt work out. Was so sian and disappointed at the sight of period starting...But for the last month, just BD for fun, earlier than ovulation period..and voila! I think the key is to have fun and ensure you're relaxed and not have baby on the mind while doing it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]its all luck and fate, me guess...

Misstaurus, Ive just started on Enfamama vanilla. Do not really agree with the taste but for the sake of having a healthier pregnancy, have to do it...hehe

