(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

lovinglife, Congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aniwae today my mouth or tongue feels tasteless and drinking plain water taste so yucks...hopefully this dont last long..hehe.



sorry to interupt, I've some items for sales as moving house.

Please go to this website to take a look.


Walker & high chair can meet up at potong pasir, Buangkok crescent or Hougang mrt.

bookshelf & table have to self-collect at Bllk xxx at Potong Pasir.

Lastly, have a nice day.

Melissa, i think it's impossible to tell so early if it'll be a boy or girl thou i'm sure all parents-to-be are very curious! Keke...

Optimus, i don't know if i should watch Ice Age 3 or Harry Potter! Movies quite expensive unless i try to watch on weekdays but i prefer weekends as got more mood ah, haha! I like Ice Age, i've watched the first 2, haha!

Blue_Y, same i cannot stomach plain water. Unless it's ice cold?! But i'm banned from cold drinks already...You know what i do? I drink ribena (but not cold)...at least got abit of taste.

Lynn, no problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Who is your gynae?? I'm meeting mine next Thursday. My EDD approximately 7 March....don't know how accurate is it thou.

Morning ladies, how many of you already started MS? I am currently enjoying food/drinks as much as I can before MS strikes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning to you all ladies...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovinglife, me too..I have yet to experience MS...wonder how it feels... :p

Wondering if all the gynaes in TMC charge da same cost, irregardless of which is more popular and stuff? Cos im now reading up the threads on the few gynaes some forumers are recommending from TMC... Seems Il be making my appointment somewhere about 8 to 9 weeks if from now till then goes smoothly...

butterwaffles, I guess my EDD should be somewhere about the same period as yours..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My LMP was 26 May 09 and i got 3 March 2010, 6 March 2010 when tested on different due date calculators...

tested positive twice after i missed my period for 4 days...and subsequently went to see gynae to re-confirm again. i had brown discharge and stomach cramps and doc gave me a jab and pills and 1 week HL in order to relax. However, upon hearing this, she decided to do a V-scan and fortunately, we were able to see a sac... however according to some websites, i was supposed to be in my 5th week then, but doc told me i'm in my 4th week...so i was quite confused...and also since we could not see any heartbeat yet, i supposed she should b right...

my next appt with doc will be in about one and a half week's time..hopefully i'll be able to see bb's heartbeat...*worried*


already started having mild MS. feeling like wanna vomit. however, unlike my previous pregnancies, i do not yet have any aversion to food. i usually lost a few kg during my first trimester due to food aversion. but each pregnancy is different so it's interesting to see how it goes. i reckon for most of us, MS won't kick in till a week or two. it's usually a lot more common for preggers to start having MS in 6th week. but its' ok for pregger not to experience any MS too. in fact some would pile on weight! haha.


congrats! it'll help a lot if you know what your typical cycle length is. mine is 35-37 days so it's best to find an EDD calculator that allows you to input your cycle length, it's more accurate. i have also experienced brown spotting during my previous pregnancy. if it happens once and in a very small quantity, it's usually ok.

Try these calculators:

http://www.americanpregnancy.org/duringpregnancy/pregcalc.html (my favorite, most thorough)




Suggest you check the label on the Ribena bottle. I vaguely remember that it's not recommended for pregnant women and kids below a certain age.

Hi Melissa, thanks for the sites..mine is 29 days for cycle length, i tried the calculator and it showed my EDD will be 4 Mar 2010!

Yup the discharge lasted for 3 days but only in the evening time around 5 pm...after the jab, the brownish discharge stopped but i still experience stomach cramps...i don't experience MS unless if i feel v full but the thing is i don't eat alot..i cannot finish a whole plate of rice as i did b4...but i feel bloated already...could it be that nausea and vomitting has already been part of my life since young...you see..i have severe motion sickness since young..and as i grow older, i don't vomit but feel nausea..that's all...now that i'm pregnant, i don't feel it as much as others do..hmm...

so do you have cravings for sour food or preserved fruits to ease your MS?

just remembered that is a USA site, so if it shows 4 Mar, does that mean in Singapore it will be 3 Mar 2010 for my EDD? haha

hehe it doesn't matter. no one delivers on EDD.. even the ultrasound machine has an error rate of plus minus 6 days.

oh? i didn't realise that ultrasound machine has a date hmm...

envy you melissa, you already have 2 daughters and this will be your third child...congrats...this will be my first...so i'm still a greenhorn to this process...gonna learn alot from you...

Melissa, I delivered my son on edd! LOL

fairie, don't worry about the edd date. you will have rough estimation during scan.

optimus, I drank ribena throughout my 1st trimester when I preg with DS. it is okay to consume because it was recommended by my gynea hehe


no need to envy lah. i envy those who gets pregnant on the first try, and have a child at a very young age (ok not 17 but early 20s). hehe. but the scenario is not meant for me. i have gone through a bigger ordeal than this, and this is just the easier part of the story.

i'm here to share and care.. hope you guys don't mind.. heeee.... i'm usually not so free like this, i have to log a timesheet everyday. very sian. so while i'm free, u're free to "abuse" me haha.

btw, the ultrasound scan is to visualize your pregnancy progress as well as to calculate how far along you are. i think we're lucky in SG to receive many ultrasounds. my counterparts in US only gets like 2 or 3 ultrasounds throughout the whole pregnancy, so no surprise that they're bigger worry warts than us.

wah melissa, i am same as you leh. i fill up timesheet too to get paid! hhaaaa.. yah gave birth on edd not easy lah because that means your baby is BIG! my son born at 4.05kg! i have super long labour via natural.

melissa, thats why they usually buy home fetal doppler to check on baby's heartbeats. i am thinking to get one too leh..

a real fetal doppler is going to cost a bomb i think? in US, u can rent that one. i have a fetal "microphone" that i bought from Kiddy Palace. it's much like a microphone u stick to your tummy and u put on a headphone to hear the baby's heartbeat. it's like a toy device. didn't use it when i got pregnant with 2nd child again. u can only start listening to the heartbeat when they're big like 20 weeks. but by 18 weeks, u can start feeling movements in your tummy, so what's the point? think a bit wasted buying it but at that time i was the biggest paranoid android in the world.

lovinglife, i haven't had any MS. But i don't think every preggie lady will have them, it depends right?? haha. Heaved a sigh of relief when you said your gynae says Ribena is fine. I cannot stomach plain water lehz. These days, very paranoid about what i eat because everyone is telling me different things, very confused! How about papayas huh? I just bought 2 and now my colleague says it's best to avoid especially in the first trimester. Sianz.

fairie2010, i don't have any brown discharge but i did have cramps last week. I'm seeing my gynae next week, also hope everything will be ok *fingers crossed for you too!* I'm a first-time mum too, can hold hands liao, haha!

Optimus, thanks i will go home and check the label, heh. Didn't know they will indicate something about not being suitable for pregnant ladies! Any other foods that you know we preggie ladies should avoid to be on the safe side?

ladies, can i check if there is any way to cure inverted nipple? my right nipple is inverted and my left is normal. I'm afraid when it comes to breast feeding i might face a problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my hubby is saying perhaps we can buy those sucking device which he read up on some pregnant woman using...not sure what is it called...

oh yah ladies i also have constipation at times..wonder if this is normal as well...

butterwaffles - yup my brown discharge stop also but i also have cramps on and off...i'm sure everything will be okie for you too *hold hands*

melissa - i'm 30, so also not in the 20s range...i have been married for 4 years liao lor...but only started planning this year...


it is pretty common to have mild cramps because our uterus is expanding to accommodate the little bean. don't worry too much if it is not intense kind.

fairie, yes there is a device to correct your nipples. can't remember what's the name. perhaps you want to google about it? think most brands like avent, medela have this. check it out!


yeeeee so expensive!! that's not including shipping charges to SG leh.


yep constipation is normal. your body is producing hormones that sometimes may work your body harder, there might be glitches now and then, but it'll be ok soon. sounds like a machine right? kekeke. but the body is smarter, it self-adjusts and self-calibrates.

don't worry about inverted nipples ever. your baby sucks from aerola, not nipples. i guess that's why most mothers just give up breastfeeding, because they think they have abnormal nipples. if your baby is "nipping" that means he's doing it the wrong way, lesser milk will come out, and he'll be hungry. the correct technique is everything into his mouth. hope i could explain it correctly. but we'll cover this again when everyone is in their 3rd trimester NEXT YEAR haha.. (hopefully i'm still here lah)

yahor! our 3rd trimester is NEXT year leh! and we only give birth after CNY!! hahahaa.. enjoy the moment now and don't worry too much at later stage.

melissa and lovinglife, i will heehee too gan jiong and kiasu already to think so far hee...oh not nipples ah? hee okok think i really got alot to learn from you all... lovinglife, thanks i will check out on the device [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sunshine, my menses is usually accurate...it was supposed to come on 26 june but by 30 june not here yet and i could feel my breasts expanding and my stomach having strange feeling, i decided to do the test and got a positive result. eh..what is AF?

if yours is delayed and you have experience certain symptoms (everyone has different symptoms), you could be pregnant! good luck!


i kiasu type, did the test 1 day before overdue. many many years ago even more kiasu, 3 days before.. hahaa.. i use Watson/Guardian type. the cheapest i could find. they're surprisingly quite sensitive.

may i know how do you all measure how many weeks pregnant you are? From the date of last period or from ovulation date?

sunshine, when is your AF dues date?

xynn, melissa had posted few links for edd calculator. you may want to try it out. you can base on LMP if you have regular cycles.


AF is menses. My last menses is on 1 Jun so by now should have come but till now still no news. Have tested but its negative. Dunno what’s wrong….

thanks lovinglife. i have booked appt end of my 8wks. looking forward to it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am so sleepy now. last night did not sleep well. woke up twice at 2am & 6am.. one moment felt cold, one moment felt hot. anyone experience same too?

it's mid march. if it's early, dont mind. coz it wld be a perfect bday present for my hubby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dunno leh lovinglife...

i m thinking by rite, now shd b able to do test rite? since result negative, guess juz hv to wait for menses to come.


xynn, same same. i also mid march. i only going for 1st scan in month end leh.

sunshine, yah by right AF already due but maybe you O really late this round. as long as AF not reported, you still have chance for +ve!

no, din take BBT. Is your normal temp higher than usual since u preggie?

really hope it will be positive :)

thanks for the info.

sunshine, yes, my temp continue to stay high throughout the pregnancy. as long as your BBT is not going back to what it was before ovulation and staying there, it's possible that you are preggie.

my pre-O BBT was below 36.5. since i have found out preg, my temp is hovering at 36.8-37+

hi lovinglife, this is my 2nd attempt. my 1st one miscarriaged. So hopefully, this one is successfull [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xynn, we will make it this round. this was my 1st normal cycle after d&c. i am in total shocked and paranoid. let's "hold hands" to cross over [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

