(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

opps! Sorry for misunderstanding, tsk. It sounds like your first doctor wasn't too good at stitching! These days when someone talks about stitching and pain, all I can think of is my c-section recovery pain.. cos it was so prolonged! I really hope for a successful VBAC for my #2...


Ya, shld be fun do tabulate out the list!

I need to carry my gal, 15mth+(10kg) to her infant centre everyday abt 10min walk, do you think is okay for me? Actually i'm kind of worry


I think it's okay as long as you have no history of miscarriage, or bleeding for this pregnancy. If you have cramping, if it is mild cramping, it's okay. if it is intense cramping, then stop carrying. If it is mild cramping with bleeding, then stop carrying.

I am carrying my (overweight) boy, 12mth+ (13kg+) everyday for about 20 minutes for a morning walk. So far, I'm not feeling any intense cramping and no bleeding.. so I just continue. I do worry, but I still want to show my #1 that I love him alot (stupid of me?) ? It is not even a necessity to carry him.. it is just a morning walk around our estate before I leave home for work....


Ok,thanks for the info.

Wow...u still have time for morning walk.

Me and my husband alway rushing for work. Once my gal wake up, now she like to wake up at 7am. 1 person have to take turn accompany her. We always late for work nowsaday. hehe

tsk, my boy sleeps from about 730pm to 630am (he still wakes up 2 or 3 times for milk, patting, etc, during this 11 hour period). I go to work about 820am. So I usually feed him breakfast, play with him and walk around the estate with him before I go to work...

wow cactus! you really jing li wang sheng!! my hb takes over all jobs eversince i preg. i now sleep till 7+. he will wake up at 6.30am to prepare everything including change/feed our son. then come and wake me up hehe.. we sending our son to nanny at 8.10am before heading to work..

lovinglife, my husband sleeps like a dead rock! Can't depend on him to wake up to do stuff. And if I need to wake him up to do stuff, I rather wake up myself to do the stuff myself! It's not jing li wang sheng. It is no choice. My husband wakes up at 630am only to play with our son. I wake up at 6am, to shower and cook our son's meals for the day (I don't really trust the maid to cook food for him.. so I do it myself..)then when he wakes up at 630am, we play with him until my husband has to go to work at 715am. Then I will give him breakfast, and walk him around the estate.

Even looking after bb at night, it's always me who wakes up first when our bb makes noises! Only sometimes, I call my husband to wake up to do things.. like get more milk, or play the CD (sleep music) to help our bb go back to sleep.

cactus, i must admit my hb is very helpful. he get involved almost everything except cooking. are you intend to "train" your son to sleep through? mine only able to sleep through when he was about 15 months. quite siong to wake up at least 2x everynight before he can sleep through though..

hmm.. having said that, I do sleep early. usually 830pm. my husband sleeps about 930pm normally. He gives me a massage to lull me to sleep, perhaps a reward for looking after our son more than him??!

lovinglife, I don't think it's possible to "train" my son. Alot of pple say it's possible to "train" babies, but we weren't able to train him in anyway.. even after reading several books or getting advice from our parents and grandparents and helpful aunts. Our boy is quite a character. He is a spirited baby.

Actually, our boy is very much better behaved now. He stopped crying for milk since 7 months old. Instead, he will show us he wantsmilk by sucking his thumb alot. Even at night, he doesn't cry. He just sucks his thumbs - and his eyes are closed! After we give him milk, he falls asleep immiedaltey and sleeps for another 3 hours or so. no need to pat or anything.

when he was born, he had to be carried all the time.. rocked to sleep. now no more. Last time, cannot sit car. once sit car, will cry until vomit milk and then sleep.. and wake up after 5 minutes and cry again! Even when he is sound asleep, must still carry him in our arms. we put him down on mattress, crib, hammock, he will immediately wake up! Even before we put him down, he will know.. but if we walk around with him in our arms, he will continue sleeping!

So in a way, giving him milk 2 or 3 times a night is very bearable for me. Also, my husband and I only look after our son about 3 or 4 times a week. My parents help out on alternate nights. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh.. the changes in my boy's behaviour just came about naturally. He grew out of his "bad habits". Most of them about 4 months. At about 11 months, he refused to be rocked to sleep. He could fall asleep being patted and placed on the mattress. So I believe that one day, he will stop waking up at night for milk. Even if he doesn't stop waking up at night for milk, he can jolly well make his own milk when he is 5 years old! And by then, he is old enough to understand that mummy is tired, and cannot continue to wake up 3 times a night for him. Am I crazy?

i see. it's good that your parents rotate with you. i am not so lucky.. we are all on our own except baby sitter (daytime). no family involved. my MIL is too old and her back is weak. my parents are in M'sia. we don't purposely train him to sleep through, we just cut down on his night feeds slowly and nada, he don't seems interested liao LOL. it took us just 2 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

speaking of kiddo waking up at nite...my boy also start to wake up at 3am every nite, not asking for milk, but asking to bunk in with us on our big king-size bed! :S

no no you are not crazy! i totally agree with you that they will auto-adjust when the time is right! just like my son kicked off his habit of sleeping in hammock and pacifier at his 9 months. there was one day, he just refused to hv them. and continue to live without them till now. sound strange right? are you still bf your son? i stopped completely when he turned 1yo.

oh! You mean this type of "training"? Sorry, I didn't understand. Cos some ppple tell me to give water instead of milk (I tried, cannot cos my boy can tell even when he is half asleep and will rejectwater but still ask for milk), or pat instead of give milk (but my boy will be very unsettled in his sleep) - too hungry cannot sleep mah - so we just give him milk. We monitor his dinner feeds, and whether he poo-ed during the day. If he ate badly, and/or poo-ed during the day, we will expect him to drink alot during the night. we just follow his cue loh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When we bought our home, we set aside one bedroom for my parents, cos we needed a grandparent to supervise the maid during the day. In the end, my parents rotate with us loh. My ILs cant help cos they are looking after my SIL's child and now, even harder cos my SIL and I preggie at the same time. If my MIL look after our boy last time, he will have 4 kids to look after!

I hope you don't mind me saying this - I thikn it's good that you are on your own to some extent. Makes you feel more fulfilled, and proud right? I know it must be very hard on you and your husband, but at least, you are doing things your own way.

lovinglife, I stopped bfing when I realised I was preggie. stopped completely over the weekend...

I've been bottle feeding since birth cos I couldn't latch on.. so I don't think my boy's waking up and night is for bonding... :p

the training method was from his PD. initially we gave 2x 180ml for his 2am & 5am feeds. PD suggested cut down to 150ml, then 120ml.. slowly to none. we tried and succeed on 2nd week. maybe it was abt his self auto-adjust to sleeping through.

you are right again. although looking after him without any helper is very taxing, but we are proud that we have made it thus far. i must thank to my hb too because he is really helpful and encouraging. those bf days were the toughest! i woke up every 3 hours to pump. after returning to work, i changed my schedule to 6 hourly. we were always panda.

lovinglife, my boy drinks very little at night per feed already.. he prefers to sleep over drink, but when he is very hungry, he can't return to sleep.. that's his prob. He drink sbaout 90ml and 90ml if is it 2 feeds. If it is 3 feeds, depends on what tim ehe wakes up but the total amount is about 180ml for that 11 hours. The prob is that he sleeps very long during the night. but not without not waking up.

Yah... BFing days were tough. I was pumping day and night.. remember those days and nights. Cos had to rely soley on pump for supply... but I'm thankful I managed to exclusively BF for 10.5 months.. and thereafter only supplement 1 feed per 24 hours up to 1 year old.

juliet, so do you let him to sleep with you & hb? hehe.. my son is sleeping with us on our king-sized bed too. will continue to let him sleep with us till one day he finds that he is a big boy and decides to sleep alone?

cactus, your son really big leh! 12 months+ but already 13kg+! your hands will break! i think he is over 150 percentile?! my son is 95 percentile and PD already commented big size.

lovinglife: he used be able to sleep thru' the nite from 9ish to 7am on his own, in his own room...just last mth, he cried at 3am n we, being so tired, just bring him to our bed to sleep...bad move. from then on, every nite he wakes at 3ish wanting to come over...am trying to 'correct' him back to sleeping on his own.

cactus: your son big sia! like my cousin's, also on the big size side...jake now 13.5 mths, only 9.6kg n 74cm..short leh...

sorry to interrupt. I am a June mother and have received quite a few branded baby clothes which I am looking to let go at very cheap prices.

Brand new baby clothes from Ralph Lauren, Zara, Guess, Carters, etc for sale at very cheap prices. Received most of them as gifts (tags still intact) and wanna let go cuz my gal has too many clothes. Price ranges from S$5-$60. Have uploaded some pictures for you to view on my blog http://lovelybabystuffs.blogspot.com.

I have more clothes which are not uploaded as it is time consuming to upload all the pics. PM or email me at [email protected] so that I can send you the link to view all the other clothes which I have for sale.

sorry to interrupt. I am a June mother and have received quite a few branded baby clothes which I am looking to let go at very cheap prices.

Brand new baby clothes from Ralph Lauren, Zara, Guess, Carters, etc for sale at very cheap prices. Received most of them as gifts (tags still intact) and wanna let go cuz my gal has too many clothes. Price ranges from S$5-$60. Have uploaded some pictures for you to view on my blog http://lovelybabystuffs.blogspot.com.

I have more clothes which are not uploaded as it is time consuming to upload all the pics. PM or email me at [email protected] so that I can send you the link to view all the other clothes which I have for sale.

Cactus, looks like our EDDs will be close ;p This is my #1 so abit blur blur also...I'm starting to feel very nauseous already, especially when i'm not munching on something, so i'm hoping this is a good sign that the bb's growth is progressing normally. Which gynae are you seeing?? I'm seeing Dr Benjamin Tham...hope he is as good as what i've gathered online & the staff from KKH TPS...

Shannen, it'll be my first gynae next Thurs, keke. Feel it's abit too early to see gynae this week :p

tsk, can i know how much you pay per month for infantcare? Do you make use of the don't know what CDAccount?

Lovinglife, my boy eats 330ml porridge at 530pm, 160ml fruit puree at 7pm, and 150ml milk at 715pm. Then he sleeps at 730pm. I think the amount of milk must be seen together with the fruit puree amount. normally, the max he can drink at any one time is 260ml. Yah! My boy is very big sized. like my husband. He is 97th percentile for height and weight.

butterwaffles, it's the same with me. feel ill when my stomach is empty! And yes, I believe it's a good sign that our pregnancies are progressing! I'm see Dr Devendra at SGH. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My mom is seeing Dr Tham for her gynaecological needs. He's very good. Another very good doctor at KKH is Dr John something. I was at KKH TPS for my first pregnancy but only up to 1st trimester. transferred to SGH at 2nd trimester. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cactus, his intake sound alright to me. i am sure he wakes up for some comfort, not milk.

butterwaffles, if cactus is c-sec, her edd will be earlier than you lor. c-sec will give birth 2 weeks before edd right?

lovinglife, I suspect it is not milk also, but he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night. He just gets very very restless. He doesn't cry or anything either. He just sucks his thumb alot alot.. and keeps on tossing and turning.. he can go on for hours.. and if I dno't give him milk, he will be very very tired in the morning. Ie. need to sleep within 1 hour of waking up! So I give him milk loh.

lovinglife/butterwaffles, I don't know if I will eventually go for natural. Will discuss with my doctor when am in 3rd trimester, but currently am watching my diet and exercising alot.. to keep myself fit, and bb's weight under control. my boy was born at 3.05kg.. at 40+2 days. Hojpefully this one will be smaller,.

I don't know if c-section will be 2 weeks before edd. but it will be at least 37 weeks.. guess it's a judgment call by the doctor. cos he won't want labour to start naturally, or else, it will also be expensive. cos will be unplanned c-section.


After govt subsi, we only paid $200/-. The centre is a non air con and is a vegetarian centre that why so cheap.

Initial, we try to find a nanny but we can't find any that near our house.

My gal sleep from 9.30pm to 7am. We hope she can wake up at 7.40am but nowsaday she quite punctual [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

At night, she will wake up at 3am and we have to give a btl of milk if not she will keep on crying. My husband give her 240ml but only 2 scoop at night.

Xynn, swim and climb stairs. I walk alot also, but that's not intentional. I walk 15 minutes to MRT station and have a 20 minute morning stroll with my #1 every day.

Hi Cactus

good to "see" you again in this forum. Congrats on your 2nd pregnancy. And thanks for the breastfeeding tips in the 2010 TTC thread (dunno if you remember me cos I hardly log in). In the end I bought the ameda lactaline. Hope I will make good use of it. Breastpumps are expensive! anyway, my first child is due in September.

cactus, why you want a smaller baby this time round? my son born at 4.05kg, 40wks exactly. i hope this one will be as big as him too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ok, i understand why you are giving him milk liao. it's hard to kick off from sucking thumbs..

xynn, you want to exercise too? my gynea prefers me to stay still dont move ard too much. no heavy lifting too. i walk slowly, and completely banned from carrying my son now. better be safe than sorry lor..

hi caspinall! Congrats! Don't be too stressed over breastfeeding yah. Take one day at a time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovinglife, I'm hoping for successful VBAC. Cos my 1st was a c-section, I can only try for VBAC if #2 is under 3kg. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh i din know VBAC for subsequent birth got to be kept under 3kg.. you know, my gynea says #2 usually bigger than the 1st one. but if is a girl, then different story lah. i dun even know my son was so big because my gynea doesn't measures weight. based on last detailed scan, report stated est. 3.6kg the most. i think i will opt for c-sec if i know his weight earlier. LOL

oh! I didn't know #2 is usually bigger than 1st one. I thought bb will be bigger if "older" (nearer to EDD or post EDD), if boy rather than a girl, or if mother is older and doesn't exercise, cos higher risk of gestational diabetes which leads to oversized bb. :p

There are lots of criteria for VBAC.. like cannot take epidural during labour, pregnancy must be spaced apart (18 months or something like that - I would fail this), bb is under 3kg, labour cannot be induced, etc. The only thing I can control now is to be fit and exercise, and to watch what I eat.. so bb is likely to be under 3kg.

Thanks Cactus,

you sound like a very knowledgeable super mum! : ) hope I can be half as good as you when my baby comes. My mum can help me out abit for the first mth but after that I think me and hb have to handle stuff on our own. we have no maid and hb and I live on our own. so alot of learning by doing i would say! I think we can cope cos hb and I have studies overseas and lived on our own overseas but I don't want to be too yaya also and think we can cope without any problems.haha..but we like to be independent. i think its ultimately good but seeing how some of our peers still depend alot on their parents (financially or for babysitting) i wonder if we shd also take this way out cos it seems so much easier ...

caspinall, I'm not sure about depending on parents financially, but I think it may be good to get some help from our parents for baby care. If you plan to return to work after maternity leave, you may want to consider getting a nanny, find a infant care centre, or getting a maid. For your bb. If you choose to get a maid, or a live-in nanny, you may benefit from getting your mom to oversee things. I think she may be happy doing so, esp if she has nothing much to do during the day... after all, it's her grandchild yah? There's a balance to be struck. Alot of us don't like to exploit our parents to look after our bbs, but if we give them help in the form of a live-in nanny or a maid, I believe they will appreciate being close to their grandchild. I mean, this is something to think about if an infant care centre doesn't work out, and if you plan to continue working and can't work from home.

yes, actually my parents are very happy to take care of the baby when i return to work so i consider myself lucky. anyway, i got to go and also i kind of gatecrashed this thread :p all the very best and I will see when I can log in again


Glad to hear that all is well. Some more can hear heartbeat already! Congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Actually, marking down date of Ovulation and keeping track of it will help those who are either planning for a baby, or avoiding baby. It works both ways. Ever heard of Natural Family Planning (NFP)?

Hi ladies,

would like to share my story here and hope to gain some strength from all of you here.

i've had 2 miscarriages over the last 2 years and after about 15 cycles of TTC, it struck when i was least expecting it.

my LMP is 29 May, that makes me 6 weeks 4 weeks according to textbooks. i went for my first scan today and saw an empty sac measuring 5 weeks 3 days. i know i need not be overly concerned since there is a chance that it was a late ovulation. but because of my history, i really cant help but worry.

i am scheduled to see gynae again 11 days later. he said i should definitely see more stuff and with a heartbeat.

it is going to be a long long 11 days agonizing wait..

really envious of ladies who never have to worry a thing and go on to make as many kids as they wish..

cactus, but it's a terrible feeling isn't it? The nauseous feeling..mornings are the worst for me so far. Nowadays, i really dread waking up in the morning. Need to drag myself to work then proceed to force myself to eat! Ahhh...Dr John Tee/Kee i believe. A couple of my colleagues were under him. SGH is nearest to your home is it? I was considering NUH as it's the nearest to my home but it's so hard to find a recommended gynae from NUH! Only heard of one Prof Biswa or something. Frankly, i see most of my colleagues, their babies are big! All around 3.7kg or so. What is considered a healthy weight for a baby? I've always thought c-sections are for mummies whose babies are bigger or simply because the babies are not in the right position for natural ;p

tsk, wow...$200+ per month is very reasonable. I was expecting to fork out like, $600-$800 in cash after the $600 govt subsidy. Non-aircon is better right? Feels weird to let a baby use aircon, haha! How you all survive waking up in the middle of the nights?? I'm the kind who needs 8hrs of sleep every night, even on weekends. I only sleep later when i have classes (currently taking a part-time degree). Shucks, i don't know if i can survive without sleep. Very peifu you gals....

miracle_tiga, *hugz* It's my #1 & i do worry about whether this one has a heartbeat or not thou i do not have any history of m/c. So i can understand the magnitude of your worries & fears. Please stay positive! We are all crossing fingers together....

thanks butterwaffles, enjoy the joy and innocence of your #1. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

unfortunately, the joy and innocence has been brutally robbed off from me after 2 failures.

wish i could have some morning sickness. never felt nausea for any of my pregnancies before. i'm willing to go through anything as long as the baby is safe..

wow this thread is going real fast now.. took me a while to see all the posts...

Optimus: Hello long time nvr see you liao.. must be busy ya?

butterwaffles: hee hee ya i was so astonished cos i was quite prepared that this one is empty sac.. my hubby was so thrilled!

karin: hey how's the checkup going?

lovinglife: ya man i am super duper happy!wa yr hubby quite nice wo... so caring to you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shannen: thanks... ouch the way you describe really seems bad... hee yr 1st is boy or ger? i kept having craving for coffee also but dun dare to drink... oh ya we should do that hor.. can see who is gonna be the 1st one...

i'm seeing my gynae in 2 weeks time... hopefully can see more... keke.. but i love my gynae.. she is very good.. recommended by many! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Miracle, I've had 3 m/c n a major op n is now pregnant wif #1. I'm oso nervous, in fact very nervous, as I hv yet to see my gynae yet.

optimusprime: yup...tell me about it...am catholic, all pro-NFP! hahaha...but aiya, roughly know the dates so just adopt 'withdrawal' method to avoid! :p

anyway, my AF just came this morning..after being late for 3 days. sigh. 1st time AF comes late. sad.


Hi ladies!

sorry to interrupt. anyone interested to get clarins stretchmark cream? i used it during my pregnancy and bought a new box just before delivery, cos heard that should still apply after birth.

but i din have any stretchmarks after that (guess the cream really helps!), so am selling my brand new box at $70.

interested, pl PM me. tks!

