(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Yes, i just called my gynae. Will go to see him this morning. Hopefully everything is fine.


Morning Mummies to Be!

Jonjosh, are u feeling beta? Still spotting? I super kanchiong this week, eating all the "pu" staff this week to try ensure my baby continue to develop, and hopefully can see heartbeat next week.

hi zhuzhu mine too! growing bigger everyday...so i guess even though doc says my sac is empty, as it grows bigger, my stomach will also bloat/buldge...oh dear...

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Thank you.

hi serlina, yup it's abt 9wks. very fast. though not my first pregnancy, it is still very exciting.

zhuzhu and fairie, i have not totally shed off my previous preg wt and then foun myself preg again. my tum tum also big, soft and flabby. haha..

do all the mtbs here find that you got to at least put some food into your stomach even tho got ms, if not you'll find youself feeling empty and faintish?

zhuzhu, same here. drank enfamama at home then office for more food. eat less than half cannot swallow anymore. haha.. been wasting so much food these 2 weeks.

zhuzhu and jules, i buy and wear normal dresses to hide the tummy hee .. coz dresses even though after your birth, still can wear as normal outfit, not necessary during pregnancy only hee

steph, i think still spotting but very little. I hope it's ok. how abt u? Tot first tri cannot over "bu" ,too strong for the body. That's what i heard la. my m/s getting stronger, in the morning will wake up feeling very "funny" stomach empty super weak. So now i put a bottle of bird nest(new moon) by the bedside. take it first thing i wake up. then feel slightly better then get out of bed. It helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Serlina, I didn't opt for epi for my #1. dilated very quickly to 10cm. used laughing gas (but I ended up emergency c-section under GA cos my bb rotated wrongly when he descended). I found the laughing gas very effective. I mean, sure have pain but not like want to die. Cos between contractions have rest period of about 30 to 45 seconds. Andt he pain slowly builds up. important is to keep on being relaxed. I think if we are not relaxed, very hard to dilate. From stories by my SILs, and friends, if you go to hospital too early, also hard to dilate.. cos they limit your movement (strapped to CTG.. cannot walk around - gravity helps to dilate). when I went to hospital, I was 5cm dilated. I had bloody show about 9 hours earlier. but didn't go to hospital and waited at home. I was at 10 cm about 4 hours after admission.

gals, where to buy cheap and nice maternity wear ha, tot i factory close so gave all my stuffs away, now gotta buy again. I don work so casual ones will do.

yup fairie, i bot normal clothes suited for preg too in the past so that i can still wear them after i deliver. maternity clothes are sometimes overpriced. feel the pinch.

i find wearing dresses during preg very gd as i dun have to lift my legs up to wear my pants when my tum's bigger. however, i find it a problem to breastfeed as if there is a choice, would rather feed where i am than to look for a nursing room. lazy mommy here lah. hee..

I feel a bit down today. don't know why suddenly don't feel optimistic about my pregnancy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

fairie, Jules

I had to keep buying maternity clothes at every trim even at the 8mth!

My tummy was growing very huge becos of my girl.

I blow up very fast for tummy



preggie sometimes can have mood swing

agree w jonjosh and zhuzhu, tt mood thing. can be 'potent'. also you din get an affirmation fr your last visit to gynae hence makes you jittery and guessing the fate of yr little one.

happened to me for my first preg too. kept worrying tt the preg will not see thru, etopic preg, etc. the more i read the more worried i became and yet feel super helpless cos dun know what i can to do help my baby.

seeing gynae soon?

jonjosh, no.. seeing him next Friday... I told him I just wanted to know for sure at the next visit whether or not it is a viable pregnancy, so I decided to wait 2 weeks...

zhuzhu, just don't know why don't feel too good about things. I am absolutely in love with my #1.. he is the cutest thing in the world to me now... but that's not to say I don't love my unborn child... sometimes, I tell myself if I lose this baby, at least I have my #1 still...

jules, if it's breastfeed time means bb already born out, then stomach will be flatter already right? then no need to wear dress can wear pants le!

wah zhuzhu, you got a big baby girl! hehe erm...to save costs instead of buying maternity (usually very expensive), how about buying those XXL or XXXL clothings?


den later on can't wear after delivery?

Still the same right?

I just find some maternity clothes ugly lor.. yucks

fairie, after delivery, our stomachs will still look pregnant... it will only be visibly flatter after about 2 months. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually, I was still wearing my maternity pants for about 3 months after delivery.. cos I couldn't get into my regular pants... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi cactus, i have been a silent reader...

I read thru yr post and think you should not give up hope.. Your dates seems to be right and u did ovulate late..

My LMP was 30th May. I tested positive on OPK on 14th June. Positive on HPT on 2nd July. Counting back and based on the size of the fetus i am 7 weeks 1 day on 20th July and i concieved on the 15th June.

So if you conceive on the 25th June, you shld only be 5 week plus last week which is right.Please stay hopeful.

I also experiencing spotting at 7 week preggy and have been given duphastopn.

My 1st scanning at 5 weeks thru adominal only shows a sac, it was harder to scan as i have retroverted uterus. Gynae did not use vaginal scan for me.

2nd scanning at week 7 day 1 (that day i had light brown discharge), fetus measure 10MM and we heard the heartbeat.

Am going for a 3rd checkup soon and i am very panariod... I hope bb is fine and grows well.

hi siew ling, I almost teared when I read your post. Don't know why I feel just so scared this morning. so small. maybe I must banish all the nagative thoughts from my mind. The intervals between your dates and mine are quite similar. Just that I may have ovulated 1 week later than you, therefore, tested positive 1 week later than you. Other than that, our LMPs are quite similar. 2 days apart only...

so cool.... have heartbeat at week 7 day 1.

cactus, i understand the anxiety. my next appt must see hb and fetal pole, also filled with anticipation. but like you said, ms strong means pregnancy is viable right? you are feeling ms without taking duphaton while i am taking the pills so donno whether the ms is due to my own body producing hormones for pregnancy or due to pills, also worried.

fairie, yes tummy flat flat alr after birth but then you dun want to waste those dresses mah. i still hope i can wear them even after delivery.

my no 1 very sweet. one night, he told me he want to talk to baby. he looked at my tummy and started to tell the baby that he and mei mei are waiting for baby to come out to play with them. he named the toys he would like to share with baby. aiyo so sweet... last night, he asked me for permission to pat pat baby. haha...

Hi Jonjosh, I've gone back to work since yesterday, was on 2 weeks mc initially. Spotting again, prob becos I'm back at work so moving around causes spotting?

Izzit ok to eat birdnest in first trimester? I was eating initially, then stopped when I started bleeding, cos I scared scared birdnest too liang. Will start again when bb stabilises [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I envy u. At least u have m/s, which means bb is stabilise. I dun have much signs.

Heex...may all of us make it to the 14th week successfully!

hi cactus, yes our dates are close that why i posted to encourage you..

I am quite pantang on it so i thot after 3 mths then i start posting... but seeing you so depressed, i think it would be nice if i can relate to your my dates.

Dun worry, all will be fine.. your dates are on track...

can la, the mummies here say 1st tri eat birdnest for mommies 2nd tri for bb mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

as i said earlier, donno whether ms is due to the duphaton i am eating [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sometimes i wonder not knowing how to calculate those dates and days will be better than knowing too much. of course, knowing it will be good so that you can plan for baby.

this ignorant me definitely no blinking idea how to count hence it was quite an anticipation on the age of my foetus, esp during the 1st visit to gynae. my LMP is on 19 may. however, first visit to gynae on 15 july, too small to see and by the size gynae guessed that it could be 6 wks. went for 2nd check-up on 30 july. as foetus is 2.2cm i'm now 9 wks. huh... i thot i was 8 wks if i count from the last visit.

obviously i o late. so hard to judge esp when 19 may was my first period back after the birth of my no 2 last yr.

Jules, your #1 is so cute!!! so sweet!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jonjosh, alot us have lots of worries...

steph, I think birdsnest is not cooling. you can check with chinese medical hall.

re: MS, I don't know if lots of MS means stable pregnancy.. cos optimus prime shares a couple of links last time.. suggest that not much corelation.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Elise, I just want to say a big words of THANKS for your post. Really... cos it matters to me to know someone with dates as close as mine has made it through so far.. I really envy you having detected hb.. it makes me want to have a scan done soon.. but yet, I'm scared. it's like a test I cannot afford to fail.

zhuzhu, true also hor..too big after maternity cannot wear hee... then buy maternity clothes keep it for your next pregnancy and the next and the next... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hehe cactus, paisei i din know...always have the thinking once baby out, then stomach will immediately become flat :p cheer up! i agree with what Siew Ling said...

Siew Ling, how does the gynae check whether you have a retroverted uterus, is it the same as tilted uterus?

Jules, yah...i agree with you...so buy normal dresses those that look pregnant even for people who are not pregnant...that should be good enough can wear after maternity also ... your son is so sweet...rather heartwarming to know that children so young can feel the bond already...

bird's nest now should be ok. maybe dun take everyday but every other day if afraid too cooling?

i remembered when i had fever, my hubby in dilemma cos want me to take some liang stuff to cool my body system and yet cannot cos still early stage in pregnancy. then my mil told my hubby to get me to eat some liang stuff too. he said ok but din tell her cannot cos preg. we wanted to be more certain abt this pregnancy b4 announcing.

fairie, last time I didn't know also... I used to wonder how come preggie ladies go visit newborn bb in hospital nursery.. then I realised they are the mommies!!! but their stomaches still look about 4 mths' preggie. After I delivered, me also same like them.. look 4 mths preggie for some time...

hee...i lost track of my dates already, esp since I ovulate late. Now waiting for gyane to tell me where am I hehe.

Hiakz...feels like me and hubby put in alot of efforts since our initial scans, so we are very proud of bb's progress that my HCG gone up and can see fetal pole, yet doctor say progress is slow. We talk to bb everyday to say its alright, bb doing very well, slowly, steadily, we will get there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cactus, u r very welcome! Glad it cheer u up.

Infact i am very panariod about this pregnancy.. I have been trying for 9 months. In addition i have endometrosis, adeynomsis and retroverted uterus (tilted some call). It is extremely hard for me to concieve. I had been on TCM for 1.5 years since my surgery 2 yrs back to remove a 5 cm blood cyst at my ovary.

Infact despite seeing the heartbeat on the last visit, i am still scared and worried for the next visit. I do not know what to expect.

But i guess at this moment, we have nothing that we can do and worrying doesnt helps. Just pray that everything goes well for all of us here.

My MS is good on certain days and not so good on certain days.. So i cannot use it to judge if i am still preggy.

Fairie, yes retroverted is also known as titled uterus.

Jonjosh, how often do u take Duphaston? My gynae prescribed it to me since pregnancy detected, twice daily. But no morning sickness.

i think this forum has provided very much needed support for mtbs here. tho some have varying experiences, we still learnt alot from others so that in future whoever encountered similar situations can relate and act upon it. Similar cases like Elise and cactus, has brought comfort and assurance to the worried ones.

i tried to gel with the other mummies when i was preg w no 2 the last time, just couldn't click. the whole dynamics very different over here. more comfortable here. glad to know everyone. hope i din 'offend' anyone here so far.. hee.. paranoia me.

Hee Catus, we feel that bb can hear us, we even bought a soft toy giraffe, those you tag on the strings and music will come out. We play the music for bb daily, encouraging bb to continue growing hehe

Ladies, relac! It's Friday! Yay!


If I were you, I'd just throw in $100 and go for a scan right now. Would it be 6+wk already based on ovulation? If yes, why not? Spare yourself from the torment....

steph, my presciption for duphaston is the same as yours. twice daily but ms bad. sigh, this one's harder for me.

Cactus, i've got 2 kids. one boy 5yrs old and a girl 10mths old. each one has very different symptoms. tt's y i wonder is it due to age that each pregnancy is harder to handle. my gynae said it's diff w each pregnancy but the backaches will worsen with each pregnancy. Ahhhh...

Steph, jia you. with this optimism, i'm sure baby will be great [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

