(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Getting updates from my gf, her lil princess born only 500grms 15weeks early - now a bouncy bundle with chubby cheeks!!! Wanna cry!!



i think will be going for MMR-V, glad to know that you be giving Heidi MMR-V too. most friends i asked are going for separate jabs. i got chicken pox when i was 6 and got some scars...face, leg.


i give egg yolk, after cooking hard boil then separate and i eat the white. hehee


u can cook very well. my girl only take boiled egg yolk so far. i must learn from you, give egg in different cooking method.


jia you jia you. waiting for your gd news

winnie, remember to check if Dr Lee Kian Ming is on shift. He's the hot favourite in JE outlet.

jmmabb,I have received advises to go for whatever jabs there are out there. haha. My friend didn't give his twins Rota and both of them kanna. They regretted big time.

With egg, Heidi is ok. My dad fed her the oily omelette when we were at zi char. But I am not that keen to give Heidi tofu cos once I gave her edemame to play with and she ate one...rashes developed on her thigh that night. She is probably allergic to beans.

Miew81, following the case of 4 infant death in Japan, I checked with the clinic if the jab is safe here or not before proceeding.

1727, dont envy me... isaac juz changed his sleep pattern.. for past 2 days, he completely skipped his afternoon naps! =( hope this is juz a phase... but i do read in What To Expect that it's common for them to drop to 1 nap a day, as long as they dont exhibit signs of crankiness due to lack of sleep.

JJ, hope K gets well soon!

CC, how did u get Ayden to get used to the hard soles? isaac's struggling with soft soles now. prob is he's got big feet, so he's wearing the 12-18 mth size for soft sole shoes. he better learn how to walk steady soon, so i can start him on the hard soles

Thanks Icy is ok I am late to register enjoy the day I am sure all babies will be having fun 

Chloe, CC, Winnie, Jmmabb, thank u Fr the encouragement hope I deliver gd news 


Ayden is wearing same size as well. More you wear more flexible the sole gets for pediped. Actually the overall shoe. Maybe you can try pigeon - wider and mire flexible soles.


quail eggs can!! but i never buy for her before.. cos at most she takes 2-3 and the rest we gotta finish... good for kids but not too good for adults leh... hahaha...


i love to cook, so i will always try to give her different varieties... everyday eat porridge and cereal also sianzz..


yes yes...we wait for your good news! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


see all mommies and babies on sun! looking forward!!!


Hahaha... I also like you... I like variety in food, but unfortunately don't have much opportunity to cook for Eva. The only items she doesn't mind eating everyday are fish and tofu. Starting to show the I-don't-like-green-veges sign. Maybe I shd go get some Popeye cartoons to psycho her to eat more greens...

Xihui, ok, haha... But quail egg smaller leh so I think it shouldn't be that bad to finish one tray of quail rather than chicken egg.

Can share receipes for cooking? Still stuck with feeding him on soft lumpy porridge as he not keen on biting. He prefer to swallow. If he find it take him "too much" effort to bite, he rather not eat. I very bored and running out of idea to cook for him... At most I do mash potato with various veg blend....


ehh, if he is not into chewing, then he will miss alot of good food..

for baby c's mealtime, she also eats mee sua/kway teow/macaroni with fish/vegs/egg, rice with soup.. she loves bread so i will make her bread with melted cheese,and recently she had her kiddy sandwich with omelette & cucumber.

last weekend, i made chawanmushi, but hers' special, no seasoning, so i throw in chopped baby spinach & fish. 2 large eggs mixed with 1 and 1/4 cup of water, sieeve the mixture & pour into bowl or cup,add spinach/fish into the bowl/cup and steam for 13-15mins. check if egg is cooked by poking a satay stick into the centre of the steaming egg. This quantity serve 2-3 pax, so if it's too much, just downsize the quantity in proportion accordingly.

Xihui, thanks for the tip and idea.

Aiya, dun talk abt missing good food, basically he is not too adventurous with new food but at least it's not as bad as before, more acceptable to new stuff provided that his staples are still there. Now only try not to cook his favorite food too soft so to encourage him to chew.

Never thought of mee sua before, will try out soon. Still thinking when will he want to bite cos I wan to make pasta for him...

Hi Mommies.. anyone has had issues with constipation here? My girl has not pooped for 2 days... =( and today till now also no sign of pooping.. She had a large poop on sunday afternoon.. And I fed her prunes on Monday and baby yoghurt on Tuesday.. But no poop.. Usually she poops everyday or at least once in 2 days.. Thinking of bring her to the doc tomorrow if still no poop today =(


take note for mee sua, u need to soak in water to soften it & then pour hot water over it before u cook it in pot. i don't use the water that i cook mee sua in as soup... cos mee sua has sodium content.

maybe you can encourage him to bite/chew by giving him some snack.. find some food that will interest him...


The chawanmushi sounds delicious ;)! Thanks for sharing .. Might try one of these days.


I tried gripe water, it seems to be faster and more effective than prunes or yogurt alone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OK mommies, suggestions please.

What's a good destination, short getaway, suitable for 1yr old huh?

Oh well, just returned from Hatyai, was raining so didnt shop much, food were cheap though but BKK is definitely a better choice for shopping. MIL was damn happy coz many locals could speak Mandarin and Hokkien, so she has no problems getting her way around... roaming freely.

ladyk, we are bringing Heidi to Penang in May. 1hr plane ride...setting her up for further trips...

Reason why we chose Msia Penang:

1) Same weather as SG


3) Famous Butterfly Park

4) The hotel we are staying GHotel sounds very good too.


my colleague went G Hotel, had good reviews.

Enjoy the Penang food! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You flying via budget air?

Short getaways with kids I guess would be Malaysia, but just remember it's not as easy to find baby changing rooms as Singapore.

Jusco is the one dept store that has baby changing rooms in most outlets.


Think getaways anywhere is great - kids are very adaptable to new environments. Try short ones, bintan, mersing, bkk, kl, hk, pg, jb ;) - near n easy! Of coz you'd need to start somewhere traveling with lil princess to start the amazing journeys.

Just sit back and enjoy the holiday ;)

torayme, G hotel's very nice! Next to it is the shopping mall so it's very convenient and the night food market is down the street too..

I want a winter holiday!! Keke..

Talking about getting them to eat more, my trick is to eat from the same bowl i'm feeling him with. My boy tends to think that what mummy is eating is definitely yummier than his own food. But at times when i'm sick and cannot share food with him, i will pretend to eat and when he cames towards me, i will pretend that i don't want to share with him. Then all the more he will want to eat. Really jian4 but that's how my boy is. Maybe some mummies can try this, haha.

Carol, looks like you are quite a seasoned traveller, any tips on travelling to Hong Kong with kids under age 2??


You are on spot on the same bowl feeding ;)

HK, if you're on the island - it's very assessable. Over at Kawloon side might be tougher with strollers but if you pay attention to the signages, you'd find the excess way for strollers/wheelchairs - service staff are really helpful at some quaters. Food is easy too ;) lots of shoppin!!

Think Taiwan is friendly for toddler in arms then HK.

BW, you gg to HK? M gg to HK this June, lugging all 3 with me. haha.. all the best to me manz. First of all, survive the flight with Mikkel!

BabeE, i went to Jusco at Tesco and it's big with many nursing rooms. pumped in there, except with the curtains, i have curious kids gg round opening the curtains!!!

elise, thats what everyone is telling me. Ghotel...i've already contacted the hotel to prepare a cot for me. It's not for Heidi to sleep. Its more for her to walk around in so she can poo. Haha...

Ladyk, yes budget. I booked flight + hotel all on airasia! I love airasia...cos its at Terminal 1 instead of budget terminal. hehe...


Jusco at Tesco? You mean Jusco @ Tebrau izzit?

Yah Jusco nursing rooms are huge! The Bukit Indah one also very big.

Carol, actually the only reason i'm considering HK is because of the disneyland. But i don't know if my boy can appreciate disneyland at his tender age now. I will prefer taiwan, since my younger brother studied and now work and live there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] What do you think?? Taiwan or HK first? ^^ I've never been to both before and i'm not sure if HK disneyland is really that fantastic? Had friends telling me disneyland at Paris is the best but aiyoh, now cannot go Paris lar.

Jules, not so soon! Need to plan ahead because my husband's schedule is real unpredictable. Oh my, going with 3!!! Must update here ok...my husband's colleague went korea with his wife and his 2.5 year old daughter and he said he nearly went nuts during the flight ^^

BabeE, high 5^! Looks like kids nowadays are more or less the same, hah.

Xihui, wow.. you sure can cook. I'll try the chawanmushi this weekend for Nic.

Share more easy to do recipes with us this sunday k. Thanks in advance.

Speaking about Sun, i've yet to meet Icy & Xihui.

So exciting.

Icy, thanks for hte reminder. I had the impression it starts at 3pm. Keke.

BabeE, ya Tebrau. alamak! seldom frequent there.

BW, m gg with my in-law family as well. if only my hb and i with the 3 of them, i confirm come home unstable! heh... have also booked Disneyland tickets alr. i must remember to hold my kids' hands tightly.

Enjoy yourselves this Sunday. Hmmm. me also want to go. maybe i shall go book one trial on my own.


Have a good trip to penang...Laksa yum!


I still rem you went penang last yr isit? I remember the incident about the missing cakes... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


thanks for sending me the sachets!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You go to yuguo for what sort of treatment? Can you update your comments about them here when you are free?


(I think they shd be listed under EAST category...


I'm feeling excited about Sunday. Not met a fair number of you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I went to Kindermusik website last night. Many different types of classes. I wonder if we're doing the family one.


We started going to Yu Guo to see if we can use massage to improve Eva's appetite. The first time we had to go for massage for 3 consecutive days and the physician also prescribed some powdered herbs to put on Eva's stomach at night.

It worked for Eva and since then we've been going once a week just to massage for good health. She eats and sleeps much better.

It's no guarantee of course that she won't fall sick but we think that it's good for overall well-being.

The pressure points they push are on the palms. Apparently our palms also have similar pressure points to that of our feet in foot reflexology.


Think Disneyland in HK is very manageable for families with young ones. 2yrs above is a good age ;) - lil more rides for lil daredevils.

I remember Disneyland Paris issint as kids friendly either way back when elder boys when, even 4 and 6yrs old were bit less on rides.

Disneyland Florida caters more - this what I heard as my ex-boss takes her kids there every yr since ages 2 and 4yrs old

Disneyland toyko is my moms fav!! She was very happy with her trip there! Too bad I didn't go and neither did the kiddies back then.

Of all, AU has really good theme parks - movieworld, seaworld, wet n wild world plus Dreamworld!! Omg!! So much fun ;D! Went to all except wet n wild - kids loved it. If you go during Natas fair, you'd be able to get family packages at a really good rate!

Hi mummies!! long time no see!! Heard fm a mummy some of u BFP again, congratulations to all mum-to-be who can enjoy the whole miraculous process and journey once again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Noscon, no problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xihui, thanks for all the cooking tips. Yeah, share more easy to cook receipes this Sunday ok? Or post them here? Thanks

Just went to exchange the huggies stamp for Vtech touch n learn storybook. I think I will enjoy it more than mal. Very interesting toy

See you mummies and little ones this Sun.

Carol, thanks for the tips! Wow, AU! Now that's another option...i'm tempted now, from the way you've described it! Looks like i should scout around first, so that i can be prepared for the next natas!

Jules, i agree with you. I actually considered getting my parents along because my boy is really very guai lan and he sticks to me like glue so 1 against 1, i'm not sure i can handle. But my husband doesn't like it, prefers to go with just his boy & me. So countdown to June now!

Bebechan, wow really long time no chat hor! Me too, just stopped the pill and will wait for a few more months before deciding if i should go ahead with TTC. I don't know how you girls do it man, i'm too tired to even open my eyes, not to mention my legs. Really salute all the mums-to-be-again here!


I also went to exchange huggies stamp. Only got 12 pink so manage to change to diapers and wipes... very good but place hard to find leh.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope they have more of this stamp collection stuff...

Disneyworld Florida is definitely kid friendly.

If Eva's now used to poo-ing in potty, does that I have to bring the potty along for my trip? The question just came into my mind just in.

Hello Bebe-Chan! It's been a looooooooooooooong while! How have you been?

Noscon, Winnie,

I got Huggies stamps too but different colour. I don't understand how the exchange thing works. Can one of you explain to me? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


If I'm not wrong, the stamp collection thingy ended yest. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So if you collect a no of stamps, you can exchange for their goodies bag which contain different type of stuff. Winnie has more stamps so she is able to exchange for a storybook toy. For me, I collected diapers, wipes, hat, swimming pants etc.


no problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. hope you find a suitable destination.


They only have 2 colour stamps, pink n green one. Green one comes from the newborn and small size diaper. Pink stamps from dry comfort, ultra and pull up pants.

Need 12 pink stamps for station 3 and 30 pink stamps for station 4. The stamp is the additional sticker that they paste on the packing. It's not the round one that is printed on the packing that state the points.

I can bring the brochure to show u trow.

Noscon, I want station 4 so I went to buy lots of diaper and jus cut out the stamps. Now my room filled with diapers at least to last till sep... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya, didn't know the building had no lift or escalator accessible to their office. Went with baby on pram, lucky hubby was around, if not would have died carrying the pram up that winding stairs....

Oh yes, jus to add, for those intending to change and find that yr diaper doesn't come with stamps, just that the whole ploybag with the receipt which they also count as stamps as some supermart bring in new stocks where there is no stamps paste on it anymore.

Also, if you want to change station 1 & 2, was told it's out of stock so do call and check

Hihi Poohgirl n BW [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

super duper busy with the little one lor he is so active!!! i cannot imagine one more to join him, my kudos to those mummies having e 2nd one at this stage....i don even dare to think of it at all!!!

Call me ks - i already thinking abt 2nd one's name...

Boy = Ethan

Girl = Saige

Have a great weekend mums [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Heeheee... Yeah, feed my bundle of joy, diaper change, smell smell, hold tiny fingers... Zzzzzz - he's growing too fast sometimes. No more crawling around, just hit me, toddler already!! Tried swadling ayden earlier - too funny to express!

