(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Hi jules, been alright I guess. Thanks for asking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] #2 is a ger too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MT, jus came back fr seeing Adrian? Congrats ya.. Always a relief to see e lil one growing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

timy, ya... and i believe there are some cant annouce yet. Pang tang mah. hee...

Cloudys, congrats another lovely princess.

Wish, hw many weeks already, can see gender yet?

wish, edd abt the same.. 17 or 18 oct..

Jules, where got chair in the middle of field or bball court? Hehe

Yup, just seen dr woody.

Who was seeing him previously? He's super chop la, but near and price ok, so no complains. Wish I could see bb longer tho..

MT, used to see Adrian for Val. Didn't like the chopness, so changed a Gynae dis time.

Queque, am due mid jul..

Thanks Chloe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MT and wish, do stay in this thread. haha...we are happy to share your journey~

CC, Caitlyn is such a sweet jiejie...I hope Heidi will grow to be like her too. So sweet and gentle with younger babies.


Nice to hear fr you ;)! Won't be long till your new bundle is here ;).


Omg.. Heehee... You see her at her upmost good behavior - like less than 10% - the rest like screaming madness at home. Fight is on for everything! But think they love the interaction, now I scold one - both cries!


Congrats Heidi took her first steps to walking ;)!

Now you have to be extra careful and keep an extra eye - Heidi will be walking everywhere in the house ;).

Ayden is walking everywhere now - no more crying coz he cant catchup with his sister ;) - and now I totally regret giving away his walker when he started crawling, think I need it now to keep him grounded!

Congrats wish!!!


Mummies, anyone knows how to contact 1727? Not sure if she is following this thread. I will try to submit the form to kindermusik by early next week.

Kindermusik had confirmed our private trial class! We need to make payment to them in advance. Could mummies please transfer $30 to my POSB Saving account 152-31422-1. 

After payment, please pm or email [email protected] your ref. Thanks!!! 

Kindermusik (Sunday 3rd April. Start 2pm @ Tanglin Mall. Run for 45 minutes. Trial $30. Max 12 babies. ) 

Gentle reminder: it is compulsory for adults to wear socks in the class. 

1) Serendipity  - payment received

2) Icy  - payment received

3) Que - payment received

4) Joelle - payment received 

5) Chloe - payment received 

6) Reen 

7) Elise - payment received 

8) Winnie  - payment received

9) Xihui - payment received

10) 1727 

11) jj - payment received

12) BabeE - payment received



13) Prisilla Poon


I SMS her this noon but didn't get a reply. Hope Nic is recovering well fronhis dengue fever. If she reverts I'd ask her to pop in for the Playgroup update.

CC, Heidi's still not that confident about walking plus my mil always kept her in long pants so she's scared of tripping. Still need loads of practice. :D


Congrats! Must rest more when possible!


Wow, mid jul, that's really fast! are u prepared? =)


Another 20 more weeks to go. hehehe..


now you have two kiddos walking around the house. busy busy!

Hi mommies. Thanks for all concern for Nic. He is recovering. Review again this sat.

Cloudys, Wish..congrats!!! I salute all mtb. I dont have the energy now to think about little two. Age perhaps?

Carol, left my mobile at home today.

Icy, so chun..i login in then see you are chasing me for payment. Haha. Paisay, i dont have IB leh. Can PM me your other bank account no or posb account name? i will do a drop chq.

I"m still dinosaur lah..

Nite nite!

Oops. I am last few haven't paid too. Will try to do so by tomorrow.

1727, agree may be is age too. Also not thinking of number 2.

Today my helper is here. So far so good *Crossing fingers*

Hi wish,

Congrats! Take care

Hi MT,

I am with woody I like his chop chop but he is very caring to me cause maybe that time I more serious plus I more funny so I can click with him.

If u have any question, u can write on a piece of paper then u show him then he will answer all the question. I think woody is experience cause he sort of mange to "save" Michelle out by having a good decision.- emergency c-sec.

Hi to all Mtb,

Stay healthy and hope more good news coming.

Hi babyl,

Jia you! Hope to hear from u soon

Carol, yes yes, been still diligently reading mar Mtb forum everyday, jus dat nvr got down to posting. In office difficult to post, at home have to find "me" time to post cos Val will jus find ways to snatch my hp when she sees it.

WF, I also dunno whether I'm prepared. I can't wait for this little one to join the family. But I'm kinda nervous about e whole newborn n bf starting all over again. Not sure if I can still remember wat to do..

Btw mummies, any advice on plumping the lil one in tummy up? Jus seen Gynae last night. She's on e skinny side now tho Gynae says I dun need to do anything abt it as she's still within acceptable range. Jus can't help worrying. After all getting preggy so quickly oredi means my body wasn't in optimum condition to beginning with..

1727, great to hear Nic is recovering well

Wish, congrats!

Cloudys, i rem some of the mommies here shared the last time that durians supposedly helps to plump bb up

help...am really tired... isaac's been waking up at 3 plus, 4am again ever since his bout of flu last week! Now he's more or less fully recovered, but still waking up for that bottle of milk. =(


what hap during ur labour that woody had to decide on a emer c-sec? i'm really hoping for natural this time..! hate the recovery after csec!

been feeling those flutters for a couple of days now.. really think its bunny's movement. dun think its gas..

wah.. one tiger and one rabbit.. hope belle wont bully the small bunny, hehe.


so u want to try VBAC? there a few conditions to it. one of them is baby cannot be too big. also u may wnat to sound dr woody out cos not all gynae r comfy with vbac.

hm.. judging at belle's size at birth, she's not too big, only 2.96kg.. dunno if this one will be the same..

is dr woody pro vbac? anyone knows? if not abit too late, i already paid the package..

MT - I taking amnio direct next month end.

Tks to all your well wishes again.. Feel so blessed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


maybe u wanna read up on vbac and also discuss with woody. cos have to be prepared for e-csect if vbac not succeesful. which means trying natural then csect.. must be mentally prepared.

not sure if the experience is the same for scheduled csect. i went thru 9 hours of labour bef gg emerg. i was in shock when i was wheeled to the emerg room. plus i have to pay for natural labour + csect charges! not gynae fees but the room n svcs i used for natural labour to tmc. i read up a bit on vbac but i believe not many gynae in sg is pro it cos it comes with more risk. to talk it out with woody, i really wish u a successful vbac if u r gg for it!!

Vbac is possible. Remember we used to have another lady muddypie in our thread? She shared the same gynae as me and she did a vbac for her #2 then. But you need to discuss with yr gynae. I think u need to ensure the previous wound has heal then u can try. Else the stitches might rupture.

timy, how much u paid in the end?

mirthy, common for them to wake up for milk after they recovered.. think is to replenish the intake they lost.. But how to get rid of the feed i dunno how to help cos i cant help myself too.. Haha.. any mommies can help?

cactus has a successful vbac. her baby is less than 3kg at birth. not sure who e gynae is. someone in nuh i think.

elise i paid 5k+

Think an indian gynae, cc u know?

Tiny that's cash ah? Or after deducting medisave? I paid cash 2.8k for me n Enzo for staying 3 nights. Induced natural w epi w assisted delivery.


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], cactus and i shared same gyne, dr devendran SGH. Cactus was really brave to do VBAC and much support fr gyne too.

As for me, my experience.. I truly truly am appreciative. My labor wasn't as long but between doctors - threaten c-sec , interns, visiting, nurse, matron - what a damn long list of ppl! Doc stood by me, waited, and delivered naturally my 3.4 bundle without stitches or tears. 4 deliveries, pls don't think it's all gone "flex" down south - with a good guide not everyone needs to endure Episiotomy...

Must add... I took every drug they could offer coz the pain was 10times compared to my 1st - and that was totally natural without no drugs at all!

Hi MT,

Woody is pro natural. I discuss my birth plan with him before I delivery n I am super keen to go natural but if you remember notti Michelle want to come out by 28week thus I have to bed rest till 36week. I took some medicine to stop her from coming out cause tmc incubation was expensive plus she is still small so I took his advice.

At 36week, Michelle cannot take it want to rush out. I intend to give birth natural but my cevice cannot open then Michelle heart beat drop up n down very badly till the tmc nurse panick then call midwife then call woody.

Woody super calm n assuraning. Then make the deacon for me as if prolong I will be in danger cause my blood pressure is decreasing


Baby Michelle 1 yr old ;)!

Feels like it was yesterday ... Now all walking and talking!

My stretch marks still itchy ;(... So so itchy!

sky, tks for sharing! must have been a scary labour for u!

mommies with helpers,

can i ask for ur advice? what sort of timetable to u have for your helpers? what time do they wake up, rest time, bed time etc? do u draw it up for them? i had a helper once, but thats mainly for her to take care of my late father then. didnt stay with her also.. any advice would be appreciated, thanks!

how often do u require them to scrub toilets etc? dusting.. geez.. i hv no idea..

Hi CC,

Yup. But those days really haunt me. I still need time. I told my hubby if I get pregant now! I will kill him. bad right me.

Hi MT,

You are welcome. U try to ask woody but u must tell him About your c-sec then he can give good advice. Ask him question on next session. Remember to write Down cause he super chop make u nervous then forgot to ask. Personally I really enjoy being his patient or customers

MT, I learnt fr exp wif e 1st helper that it's better not to specify bedtime. Currently, we only instruct this 2nd one to wake up at 7am every morning. Of cos, this is depending on your own needs. At night, she usually stays awake until we bring Val into our room for bedtime routine. But we definitely try to make sure she gets enough rest (7-8hrs rest). Other than that, she's been instructed of daily tasks, which are up to her to organize, between e more specific schedule we set up for Val (eg milk n solid feeds, bathtime, naptime etc). Daily tasks include wiping all furniture, sweeping n mopping floor twice a day n cooking. Toilet cleaning once a week. Wiping of window grilles on alternate days.

elise, yupyup...i know he's been trying to make up for the loss in appetite last week.. guess i juz gotta hang in there til he sleeps thru again.

timy, i didnt know e-csect hv to pay for natural plus csect! gosh

Super tired today. Been up most of the night doing cold compress for Eva. Somehow fever patches still don't work as well as cold compress.

So happy that it's finally Friday and I don't hv to wake up early tmrw!


Good to know Nic is recovering. I send my hugs & kisses!


Speedy recovery to Eva. Thought you bringing her massage? That wud help relief her fever almost immediately.. at least that's what I know - might be wrong ;p

You have a good weekend! Doesn't matter which day of the week, i wake 5am everyday ;p



Yah we bring her for massage every day but dunno how she kena as well. Oh well...

