(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


Just inform the therapist, think there's different methods and points for fever. A young girl with high fever and urine effection - our therapist was pinching her back, out of 9points 2 started to develop blood clot under the skin - the blood was released and ta da.... Temperature immediately came down!!


Calling ICY, i made funds trf today. Pls check your UOB acc. Let me know if you didnt receive k.. thanks!

BabeE, what happen to Eva? Sorry, i'm not following. Hope she is recovering.

Like to ask all mommies, how many times does your LO take day nap now and what is the duration on average??

After the dengue, Nic only takes morning nap and last only 1.5 hour. He can stay awake all the way till 10pm!! Normal?


Okie will check and revert u tmr ok? cos tt hb account, need him check :p

I find my girl taking lesser nap as she get older.. i guess it is normal. She is like trying to just nap only once a day now.. only 2x if I am lucky now.

1727, Isaac naps twice a day- usually 1-1.5h in morn, n 2-2.5h in noon. He goes to bed by 8, and wakes ard 5am. Recently been waking for 3am feed

re: domestic help

just read an article today abt a young helper who abused 1yr old gal. Really dun understand hw some pple can do such violent acts to helpless babes. Those with new helpers or considering getting one, pls do monitor the helper. Too many horror stories [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mine also nap lesser, once or twice a day.

Icy, I transferred to u yesterday afternoon n email u the details. Pls check. Thanks!

Thanks icy & seren for coordinating!! Looking fwd to next sun

Straw, Isaac is having very good sleep timing. Envy.

MT, I dun draw a fixed schedule for my helper but I will tell her what needs to be done daily, weekly and monthly. If I'm working, she needs to be awake by 6am. Weekends she can wake up no later than 7.30am.

Daily chores will be sweeping, mopping, washing of both toilets, cleaning of playmat, etc and plus caring of the baby. She hand washes the kids's clothes tho I din tell her to.

Weekly chores will be window cleaning, washing of our clothes, ironing, changing of bed sheets, cleaning of fans, etc.

No hard and fast rules. Have to give and take according to situations. Now w baby turning toddler, pretty demanding on her to keep keen eye on baby.

Just went to kidz academy at suntec juts now cos of the forest adventure. Wow very swarmed by the enrichment courses so many agencies r offering. Fun tho cos there is a quest card for both parent and child to complete together to qualify for a goodie bag.

MT, u need to show and tell her how u want things to be done. When you tell helper instructions, she said ok. I learnt not to take it lightly that she really understands. I will make her explain or do again to show she really meant it. Haha... Can be very pek chek.


Mal also napping very little nowadays. Morning he will napped between 1.5 to 2 hr. Afternoon nap depends, duration is shorter n at times he may skipped it. But if he skipped the afternoon nap, he will be tired and will sleep earlier. His bedtime is from 7plus to 5am, at times he will fall back to sleep after he wake up for morning feed.

But although no matter how tired mal is, he doesn't just close his eyes and sleep, he will still crawl around and fiddling with his security blanket till his eyes can't open & his hands are tired from fiddling. We normally watch out for his cues such as yawning, rubbing of eyes and the "stoned" look n put him to bed and let him crawl till he is worn out. Take abt 30min for him to wind down.

Reen, based on the schedule given, hep A is at 15th mth & is optional. 12th mth is the last prevenar jab.

Wow, jules, ur helper must be pretty busy. Bedsheets every week? Haha.. I'd be embarrassed to reveal how often I change mine.. Does she cook as well? I would want her to cook porridge for belle daily.. wat time does she sleep then? Mines from myanmmar, duno if she's able to tell me if she understands or not..


Eva somehow got fever n cough. Now still coughing a bit.

She still takes 2 naps a day if we dun go out, approx 1-1.5hrs each time.


What's Next?


Thanks. Yea we told the sinseh n she instructed the therapist to massage differently. Didn't go down too well with our lil missy tho...

MT, she will draw out her own timetable like Monday - cleaning windows, Tuesday - change bedsheets, Wednesday - clean fans, etc. She sleeps latest by 11pm, after she gets the tiger cub to bed (yup he doesn't sleep early). She only cooks for the children.

Mine's from Mynamar too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the beginning part is the toughest where the both of you are trying to communicate. mine up to now still gets it from me cos sometimes they do stuff without thinking. initially when she came, when she went out to throw rubbish, she wld come back and not wash her hands or she'll bring my gal out with her and both did not wash hands. i tell you... i nearly flipped. just yesterday, i found out she has been washing the dishes and sink with the same sponge. to her, use one side for sink and the other for plates is ok cos no contact. I told her water still runs through from top to bottom. yupz after working for me for abt 15mths still like tt. i'm already pretty lax. my fren, being a nurse, is very conscious abt hygiene - her maid kena even more.

if can't express properly, i usu will get her to show me or i show her. Action speaks louder mah. heh..


I understand - ayden will cry fr start till end, sunshine cheer bye bye when done! Beats me what's up!!


Yes, crawls - faster if he's in a hurry. Walks mostly, climb up his drawing table numerous times - scold, comes down, turn my head and he's doing his daredevil stunts. Fell few times from the ikea tall step stool - that one he's not attempting lately. Fav pass time is the bed, Matt made a slight ledge on the bed frame and it's like the best thing ever!! Muuaahaaahaaa

Forum is finally up!

CC, fancy bumping into your family at Bugis! hehe...Ayden is walking so wonderfully!

Reenren, Heidi just took her Prevenar 4 as 1 yr old jab. Next will be her MMR+Chickenpox at 15 month.

I am not sure if credit should be given to her paosheng water...or maybe cos she's older with stronger immunity...seems that this jab affected her the least. Praise God!

Thanks toray. How come yours is 4th? Have you given prevanar or you hold back?

Anyone giving hep a? As I hv since up package. 12 mth is hep A followed by prevanar 3 at 13 mth.

thanks wish


wow "Ayden is walking so wonderfully" so envious heheeee


asked pd about the safety of pneumoccal jab, she say ok, so be going ahead too, great to hear Heidi is doing well after the jab [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u decided to give Heidi MMR-V ?


pd didnt mentioned abt Hep A. will chk with her next visit...

hi mommies,

any good chinese sinseh to recommend?

cc, wat's all the massage thingy? maybe send K there for a massage and get all the phlegm out! Can tell it's not deep in, more at the throat kind. Aiyayaya testing my patience, everynight, air-con or no aircon sure wake to cough cough cough sian to the max!


i fed her with whole egg already... cleared! i made scrambled egg for her at home, didn't let her the a little bit raw egg at macdonalds.. not sure got germs or not...


i heard my mom talked abt good sineh before.. let me go ask see see...

reenren, Heidi cleared her hep jabs already. This is the last prevenar jab. So she's cleared rotavirus, hep, prevenar...

jmmabb, definitely going for mmr+chicken pox. my aunt said even if kanna, the kid will just have a few pox and recover very soon.

CC, i didn't realised Ayden has 2 'circle' until Sat. Legend has it that babies with 2 circles are very intelligent! No wonder he's in such a rush...its pretty cute how he kept tagging at you and then want to rush off by himself.

Heidi still has to learn how to balance herself.

JJ, you might want to call up EYS clinic and ask who are the physician who can treat children. Heidi's PD sinseh is Dr Lee Kian Ming but he is based in Jurong East.


But don't go Camden branch. They charge higher (EYS helpline gal warned me)

On the whole the chinese med really works great for Heidi...teething fever + viral flu...in fact she felt so much better after the medication, she actually will drink them willingly. Appetite increases for her too.


U give paoshen before heidi's jab or do you give it daily? How do you give her and wat's the dosage like?

Wish, must give eggwhite before MMR jab? I haven't given egg yolk yet.

Jmmabb, xihui, if give egg yolk first, how to give? Hard boiled yolk? Do you boil the whole egg then separate it or separate yolk & white before cooking?

Vaccination schedule by KKH

12 mth - prevenar

15 mth - MMR

- chicken pox (optional)

- Hepatitis A (optional)

18 mth - 5 in 1 booster

- chicken pox 2nd jab (optional but also can be given at age 4)

21-24 mth - hepatitis A 2nd jab (if given at 15 mth)

Then after will be till school age

winnie, i gave on a daily basis for about a week before her jab. 2 slices of paoshen in a hot water flask which we used to top up her water tumbler and use to make milk. She's teething and body type like mine, very easily heaty. This morning I just noticed her top canine popping out! Her bottom lateral incisor still ai mai ai mai...


she tasted eggs using different cooking methods.. hard boiled, raw egg yolk to cook & mix in her porridge, scrambled egg, steamed egg...


u may wanna start with a hard-boiled egg yolk, mash it, (depending on mal's preference) to add abit water or milk (if not too dry)... i cooked the whole egg with shell on then separate the yolk after it's cooked.

BabeE, hope Eva is better now.

I gave egg long ago. Thats the easiest thing to give when the family is having zi char. PD also say no need to wait till 1 yo. After 9 month, quite safe.

Dawnb, NEXT as in the fashion brand?? They are quite big in UK. Hubby bought a few baby clothes for Nic when he is at their outlet. Nice..

1727: yup [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I like the Marks and Spencers baby clothes here. And coz it's cold, she got excuse to wear multicolour leggings, coats with hoods, gloves, scarves, cardigans.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Summer is comming, i saw some swim costumes with swim diaper attached! so cool! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Egg is easy to cook, and can add chopped veggies in it. I like to give her omelette for lunch.


Our particulars had been submited, so see you all at on Sunday 3rd April, 2pm at:

163 Tanglin Road

#03-11B Tanglin Mall

Singapore 247933

Gentle reminder: it is compulsory for adults to wear socks in the class.

1) Serendipity

2) Icy

3) Que

4) Joelle

5) Chloe

6) Reen

7) Elise

8) Winnie

9) Xihui

10) 1727

11) jj

12) BabeE

Sorry Prisilla. We reach the max babies, next time we will start another set of trial again. :D

ToraMe, how did you make sure the vaccine is safe before going ahead? For me, whatever my PD say she needs to go for, I will be ok.. My daughter's PD is also my uncle la, so I also never ask anything.. She is due for her 1 yr jab next week...

CC, Mik's also super active. he'll walk and then climb here and then there. he just got a cut on his chin when he slipped and fall as he was pulling the kitchen drawers. Walking like Frankenstein. very cute. made him try walking with shoes, even funnier.

Torayme, ok. Just thinking of trying TCM to built up mal's immunity. Though he get better in food department, the last bout of stomach flu with bad diaherrea kills his appetite again. Heidi 's sunset is at jurong east? Quite convenient for me. Will try to make an appointment and let mal try TCM soon.

Xihui, ok, will hardboil the egg, mashed it and hide it within his food cos If he detect it, out goes all his previous feed. Thinking of trying quails egg instead of chicken cos the yolk is smaller. Is quail egg ok?

Priscilla, u are not old.... Go go, try for it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



hehehhe... super funny with shoes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we bought those pom2 sock shoe - seems easier to walk. but it's sock and gets tug and might tear easy.

back to pediped, slightly hard but ayden seems to get use to it. like most is his pigeon, that one his trying his best to learn how to unstrap!

