(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


i agree with u that they grow up too fast!!

i miss the period he jus popped out and always looking ard quietly instead of turning my cupboard inside out now!!haha


Yes, he's no longer crawling - posted video on fb, he's walking 90% unless climbing stairs or surface that's reclined like Playground bridges - scared of heights I guess :D!

Yes yes..our babies are toddlers now. But howcome my baby still can't call "Mama" yet??

Oh yes, i'm going for preloved yaolan. getting it for my sis. Anyone selling? PM me k. Thanks!

wow, have missed out so much postings.

Looking forward to tomorrow's trial lesson, K's first exposure to group activities. (like so deprived, said her dad :p)


good to see u back here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


chawamushi is really a great idea! I know k doesn't like scramble egg, confirmed!


have to keep my eyes peeled, she puts everything into her mouth, broken toy plane parts, and even marble!! Scare the daylight out of me, this girl really tsk tsk tsk, climbed on TV console and tried to grab everything she can get hold of. All ornaments have to be kept sigh....


K is so greedy, give her whatever I ate outside, la mien, beef brisket, and my all time favourite dessert Gao Li dou sha from imperial treasure!


She NO constipation, at least 2 times a day, I'm not too happy with that. once a day is good enough. Cut down on roughage I guess.

hi jj [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

been busy like crazy lar, and got a lot of domestic problems lately haiz

Hi bebe!

Long time no chat ;) Awwhhh... My lil bundle all grown toddler, it's really a breath taker when I sit back and see him playing and talking. Like you said, then and now such a vast difference. I'm really happy to look after my kids unassisted ... I feel such an accomplishement :D!


Yeah, better keep an extra eye on Kaitlyn. Ayden seems to not bother about the stuff on display - not that I have alot but he's only focus is piggybank to deposit found $$ every chance he can! The rest he's most welcome to explore, drawers are all his, he moves one drawer to another - party! Maybe you can leave some smaller toys for K to explore under supervision. Ayden plays with all of sis miniature toys but marbles I've kept - irresistible!

Heeheee... Mention food,

Ayden ate and sat so nicely for our Japanese dinner, conveyer belt was interesting - food was heaven! He ate almost everything except sashimi. He loved ebiko! I enjoyed finally - an hour plus of a decent dinner.


hihi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my kudos to u for handling the kids by yrself! i cant even handle 1 on without help!

So fast Ayden can walk! Leglas still scooting n crawling ard, no sign of walking soon


;)..You did great job so far, No2 comes and you sure can manage - almost like clock work. Anyways if there's help it's better than no help right?


Ayden sure is developing fast...! kudos for a committed mommy!


you are not alone... my ger not walking yet too... trying to relish this moment as much as i can.... I will miss her when she is not asking me to hold her anymore...

Good morning all. Was really great to see so many kids yest. Paiseh we were late.:p

Not all my pics turned out clear though. Will post on fb once I can.

This week is time for Ching Ming... prayer time again...

yes yes.... so wonderful to see them all 12 attending lessons together... haha... nic & k walking so steadily liao!! though was a short session, but was enjoyable!


once again thanks for the ride home! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] baby c ''fainted'' & only woke up at 6, papa gone with her not long after we reached home too.. lol..

talking abt pics, my hb took mostly videos...

The kindermusik lesson is really strenous. It was fast paced that I was lost half the time. Thankfully Dylan was looking at the teacher most of the time so I just let him absorb what he can.

Next up...Gymboree in May perhaps? :p

And JUNE..hopefully playdate cum housewarming at my humble new nest. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey, those who went for the kindermusik, pls share the reviews?? what did they engage the babies in and was it worth the time and while?

Thanks seren and icy for organising the kindermusik trial yesterday. Was great to meet all babies & mummies.

Seren, count me in for gymboree.

Serendipity, congratulations on your new pad! Good buy! Can see fireworks~ i think...haha...

I also want to sign Heidi up for some music or gym class (I know I've been saying this for sometimes) but she kept developing some cough or running nose whenever I am planning something. There's a few gyms in my list to try out:

Baby Jumper Gym

JWT Kids

The Little Gym

Gymboree (May? I can help to coordinate and organise if everyone's keen :D)

oh boy... keep me informed of next playdate! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Great to see those who went yesterday!

My humble opinion is that those with gym kind are more fun compared to Kindermusik.

this is my 1st visit to such class, so not much to compare and comment.. babies will only benefit from the class if we mommies repeatedly teach them what the teacher has taught, at home. it fosters bonding too... yeah, gymboree count me in too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nice to meet mummies y'day. Thanks icy and seren for organizing

Y'day lesson was fast paced. However, it required a cooperative baby or at least those that can "sit through" and follow. Mal wasn't those sit down type or those that let u hold him down, so half way through the lesson he was busy crawling round the classes, exploring the surrounding plus "harassing" some of our march mummies and daddies.

But then again, count me in for gymboree. Hope to find something that mal enjoy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thinking of signing up mal for swim lesson, any mummies got any recommendation for swimming class?

SAD LEH! We do 4 by 4? Can Torayme please contact JW if they can have a private class?


Hi Eileen

Thanks for your interest in Gymboree. We regret to inform you that we do not conduct a private class. However, if the children are about 1 year old, they may do a trial class by joining our existing Play & Learn 3 classes on a Sunday. We have 3 different timings for the class on Sunday ie; 10am, 3pm or 5pm.

Our trial class fee is $40/child. We only accept 4 new children for trial session per class. You are advised to call our centre at 62711545 if you wish to book for a trial class.

Thank you

Gymboree @ HarbourFront Centre


Haha... My active mal just love social interaction, will crawl to pple and hug them or even plant kisses on their face.

Bet your hubby must be smiling at him as Mal is attracted to human smile [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope yr hubby is not traumatized by Mal's harassment...

Same here, prefer gymboree. Hubby says Enzo has no music talent hahaha, he simply crawl everywhere during the class except to sit still and listen.

serendipity, haha...I just saw your post. Let me ask JWT and Little Gym both tomorrow morning.

I like Little Gym more at the moment cos they have classes on Sunday! No ERP!

Little Gym offers their birthday party time slots if available. Tt was what was offered to me wen I called the last time. It's abt the same price as Gymboree.

Ummmzzz... Sorry I'm pretty bad at remembering all the kids' names. K and (was it) Mal super fascinated with my camera.


Maybe Enzo just hasn't developed that music sense just yet. I was very entertained by him though - his ability to keep himself occupied [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little gym count me in..

Hahah pooh, Enzo's birth date plays a big part, women international day so he very kpo and this is really true.. Haha..

Dear mummies, i would love to join in too if something works out, either Little Gym or JWT, both are fine with me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We can start the list - so it will be easier to nego. with the potential gym centre.

May gym session - little gym, or JWT

1. Serendipity

2. Toray

3. Elise

4. Cc

5. WF






Hope I've not missed anyone out or added anyone not keen in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]!

Hi CC,

Thanks for starting the list.

May gym session - little gym, or JWT

1. Serendipity

2. Toray

3. Elise

4. Cc

5. WF

6. BabeE - count me out pls if it takes place between 07-16May





Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 - 10:41 am:       

Hi CC,

Thanks for starting the list.

May gym session - little gym, or JWT

1. Serendipity

2. Toray

3. Elise

4. Cc

5. WF

6. BabeE - count me out pls if it takes place between 07-16May

7. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)




Posted on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 - 10:41 am:

Hi CC,

Thanks for starting the list.

May gym session - little gym, or JWT

1. Serendipity

2. Toray

3. Elise

4. Cc

5. WF

6. BabeE - count me out pls if it takes place between 07-16May

7. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

8. MT



May gym session - little gym, or JWT

1. Serendipity

2. Toray

3. Elise

4. Cc

5. WF

6. BabeE - count me out pls if it takes place between 07-16May

7. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

8. MT

9. BW (i'm in as long as date doesn't fall between 9-15 May & 29 May-3 Jun)


Hi Mommies! Good news.

$42.80(incl gst) for introductory class at Little Gym at Forum. They can take up to 18 kids for a new class at 6pm on Saturday.

Shall we target 30th April - Saturday?

1. Serendipity

2. Toray

3. Elise

4. Cc

5. WF

6. BabeE- count me out pls if it takes place between 07-16May

7. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

8. MT

9. BW (i'm in as long as date doesn't fall between 9-15 May & 29 May-3 Jun)


We can start as long as we have 4 kids. No need to collect money before class start.

Sunday not possible as their 11.15am slot is taken.

5:10pm slot on Saturdays they already have 8 kids. They can take in 10 more though...

Good response and we can go ahead to enquire ;)!

BW - so sorry!! My typo went WF ;p!

May gym session - little gym, or JWT

1. Serendipity

2. Toray

3. Elise

4. Cc


6. BabeE - count me out pls if it takes place between 07-16May

7. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

8. MT

9. BW (i'm in as long as date doesn't fall between 9-15 May & 29 May-3 Jun)


May gym session - little gym, or JWT

1. Serendipity

2. Toray

3. Elise

4. Cc

5. WF

6. BabeE - count me out pls if it takes place between 07-16May

7. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

8. MT

9. BW (i'm in as long as date doesn't fall between 9-15 May & 29 May-3 Jun)

10. ladyK


Thanks for organizing - I doubt we can get 18pax to start class.

Btw, you mean start class as in on going or one off? 18kids is a lot of children, what the instructors ratio?

Hi Mommies! Good news.

$42.80(incl gst) for introductory class at Little Gym at Forum. They can take up to 18 kids for a new class at 6pm on Saturday.

Shall we target 30th April - Saturday?

1. Serendipity

2. Toray

3. Elise

4. Cc

5. Timy

6. BabeE- count me out pls if it takes place between 07-16May

7. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

8. MT

9. BW (i'm in as long as date doesn't fall between 9-15 May & 29 May-3 Jun)

10. ladyK

We can start as long as we have 4 kids. No need to collect money before class start.

Sunday not possible as their 11.15am slot is taken.

5:10pm slot on Saturdays they already have 8 kids. They can take in 10 more though...

Hi CC, we can start already. No need to wait. haha...if 30th April is cool with all mommies, I will call Little Gym back to chop 30th April 6pm already. :D

