(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


im a little worried for the number of kids in one slot - 18 is alot.

ive called:

JWT - River Valley


PAX - 10 - 12kids max, 2 intructors

1-2pm sat - 7th may - BebeE we have other dates, i have this on hand.

If April it's 24th

1-2pm as well


Carol & Toray, thanks for the fast action! Between 24 and 30 April, i can only make it on the 24 cos the week for 30 April, my husband is on 24/7 standby, difficult...Only 1 adult to 1 kid right?

hi mommies,

JWT got back and mentioned that

1. any sat from 16th April is good, 1 week notice to block the required sat 1-2pm slot

2. further discount can be discussed if we manage 10pax min

discount mentioned, they will revert by this Thursday on how much will be given.

wahhh... tough choices :p!


Think any sat after 16th is good. Just need 2weeks notice for them to block date for the trial class.


JWT is 207 river valley road.


It's not confirm - 23rd ;p!

Hi mommies,

Shall we spilt into 2 groups then?

30th April Saturday with Little Gym@Forum 6pm

1. Serendipity

2. Toray

3. Elise

4. Cc

5. Timy

6. BabeE- count me out pls if it takes place between 07-16May

7. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

8. MT

9. BW (i'm in as long as date doesn't fall between 9-15 May & 29 May-3 Jun)

10. ladyK

11. Wish

12. Jules

13. mirthy

Please update if you are opting out for Little Gym.

23rd April Saturday with JWT Gym@River Valley

1. Serendipity

2. Elise

3. Cc

4. Timy

5. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

6. MT

7. BW (i'm in as long as date doesn't fall between 9-15 May & 29 May-3 Jun)

8. ladyK

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. mirthy

Please update if you are opting out for Little Gym.

BW, I mean we can spilt into 2 group...you go Little Gym...or JWT...or both! :D So I put your name in JWT on 23rd April?

30th April Saturday with Little Gym@Forum 6pm

1. Serendipity

2. Toray

3. Elise

4. Cc

5. Timy

6. BabeE- count me out pls if it takes place between 07-16May

7. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

8. MT

9. ladyK

10. Wish

11. Jules

12. mirthy

Please update if you are opting out for Little Gym.

23rd April Saturday with JWT Gym@River Valley

1. Serendipity

2. Elise

3. Cc

4. Timy

5. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

6. MT

7. BW (i'm in as long as date doesn't fall between 9-15 May & 29 May-3 Jun)

8. ladyK

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. mirthy

Please update if you are opting out for JWT Gym.

Hi skysilver, which date and which gym do you prefer or are you keen to try both?


I can't make 6pm - my ayden will have gone bonkers by 7pm for his dinner ;(


For JWT need min pax of 10kids to get discount ;)

Update ;)

30th April Saturday with Little Gym@Forum 6pm

1. Serendipity

2. Toray

3. Elise


5. Timy

6. BabeE- count me out pls if it takes place between 07-16May

7. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

8. MT

9. ladyK

10. Wish

11. Jules

12. mirthy

Please update if you are opting out for Little Gym.

JWT is tentative date, requires;

1.10pax to start.

2. Any saturday with given 2weeks notice to block their existing patrons.

3. Session is limited to Saturdays - 1-2pm slot

23rd April Saturday, 1-2pm with JWT Gym@River Valley

1. Serendipity

2. Elise

3. Cc

4. Timy

5. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

6. MT

7. BW (i'm in as long as date doesn't fall between 9-15 May & 29 May-3 Jun)

8. ladyK

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. mirthy

Please update if you are opting out for JWT Gym.


They slightly "atas" - up market - but but... They are good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CC - tks for update.

I didnt realise the 6pm slot. I will remove my name later and join d 1-2pm slot instead. Thanks.


30th April Saturday with Little Gym@Forum 6pm

1. Serendipity

2. Toray

3. Elise


5. Timy

6. BabeE- count me out pls if it takes place between 07-16May

7. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

8. MT

9. ladyK


11. Jules

12. mirthy

Please update if you are opting out for Little Gym.

JWT is tentative date, requires;

1.10pax to start.

2. Any saturday with given 2weeks notice to block their existing patrons.

3. Session is limited to Saturdays - 1-2pm slot

23rd April Saturday, 1-2pm with JWT Gym@River Valley

1. Serendipity

2. Elise

3. Cc

4. Timy

5. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

6. MT

7. BW (i'm in as long as date doesn't fall between 9-15 May & 29 May-3 Jun)

8. ladyK

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. mirthy

Please update if you are opting out for JWT Gym.

30th April Saturday with Little Gym@Forum 6pm

1. Serendipity

2. Toray

3. Elise


5. Timy

6. BabeE- count me out pls if it takes place between 07-16May

7. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

8. MT

9. ladyK


11. Jules

12. mirthy

Please update if you are opting out for Little Gym.

JWT is tentative date, requires;

1.10pax to start.

2. Any saturday with given 2weeks notice to block their existing patrons.

3. Session is limited to Saturdays - 1-2pm slot

23rd April Saturday, 1-2pm with JWT Gym@River Valley

1. Serendipity

2. Elise

3. Cc

4. Timy

5. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

6. MT

7. BW (i'm in as long as date doesn't fall between 9-15 May & 29 May-3 Jun)

8. ladyK

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. mirthy

12. Joelle

Please update if you are opting out for JWT Gym.

JWT 23rd April 1-2pm

Pls advise if opting out - close to confirm date with JWT and discount structure. Thank you ;)!

1. Serendipity

2. Elise

3. Cc

4. Timy

5. Reenren (count me in if the date works out)

6. MT

7. BW (i'm in as long as date doesn't fall between 9-15 May & 29 May-3 Jun)

8. ladyK

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. mirthy

12. Joelle

Please update if you are opting out for JWT Gym.


thanks in advance for organising.

Can i still join the JWT 23rd Apr 1-2pm trial?

Little Mal will go cranky cos he sleeps at 7plus.

haha i bought a miniature cooking set for Heidi just now. So happy...she's already starting to play cooking by herself with her cousin's kitchen set. So funny how she will feed herself and then others...then stir the pots and pans.


So cute!!!! I used to play masak-masak with my cousin's set too!

Falling asleep at work... Zzzzz.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

The current toysRus set is for her to practise first. Still can't trust her not to put the stuff in her mouth..

Wah, Winnie, Mal sleeps so early. Good good. Not like mine. Only KO after 10.30pm. Then after that dun know wake up how many times at night. ESP btw 3-5am.

Jules, same same! whats up with 3-5pm? That's the timing Heidi will wake up too! Ehhhhhh...then demand to be carried out of her cot...then roll here roll there on our bed...if she falls back asleep still ok. If not, I will make her a bottle of milk. then she can zzzz till 8am.

Yanyen, you can update for The LittleGym as it's still available ;).


JWT 23rd April 1-2pm

Pls advise if opting out - close to confirm date with JWT and discount structure. Thank you ;)!

1. Serendipity

2. Elise

3. Cc

4. Timy

5. Reenren

6. MT

7. BW

8. ladyK

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. mirthy

12. Joelle


1. Cherli

2. Winnie

3. Sky

Mommies who preferred JWT's group timing, or we can book 30th April with them and give up Little Gym altogether.

Whos in for 30th April with JWT Gym at River Valley?

1. Torayme


Lucas will only sleep between 10-11pm and at times need to force him to sleep. He wakes up ard 3am too and will want to be carried out of cot, sleep on the bed with me n sometime even latch on in order to get him back to slp. Is it a norm?

Hahaha....yes la,its the magical timing for them... same for mine too..and i think it also became a habit and routine liao..

Dont think can make it for this round trial...


i have the same problem with Selene recently.

but she would want milk instead... maybe growth spurt in her case... since i believe we have tanked her up enuff in the day with 2 solids, 4 milk feed at least.

I'm with little gym 1-2pm slot, 6pm is too late... i might not be able to wind her down in time..

Jules, mal does sleep early but he will wake up at 2am n stir as well, must pat him back to bed and then he will auto wake up at 5am for his feed....

Though his bed time is 7.30plus, we must put him to bed early as no matter how tired he is, it still take him 30min to crawl, roll and whine at the bed with his eyes closed. Then till he is totally exhausted then will plop down n zzzz...

Always wonder why can't he just sleep properly, he is always like so afraid that the world will slip past and he will lose out if he sleep so he like to hang on till the last sec...


hahaha Selene too!

We pat her to sleep... else she will crawl around, roll in her bed... sometimes, she will gei gei close her eyes, even when in our arms but open again when we put her back into her bed.

then she will stand up and smile at you... that *TADA* look!


Should be growth spurt. Few weeks back, mal wake up at 3 and keep crying for milk. After the spurt is to wake up and play....

Joelle, at times we forced mal to sleep or nap too cos he would rather play than sleep. If we didn't forced him to nap he get very cranky.


hahahaha yah, sometimes after milk, she wanna play. and its like 4am lor! luckily she was kind to us by doing it on a weekend morning but we completely knocked out till 9-10am and she was screaming to wake up us by then. hahahaha

Ladyk, I try not to pat him unless it's at wee hours to get him back to sleep. When putting him to bed, we just lie beside him cos if we are not around he will sneak out, if we are around he will just crawl or stand on the mattress


You still keen on JWT - do update

JWT 23rd April 1-2pm

Pls advise if opting out - close to confirm date with JWT and discount structure. Thank you ;)!

1. Serendipity

2. Elise

3. Cc

4. Timy

5. Reenren

6. MT

7. BW

8. LadyK

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. mirthy

12. Joelle


1. Cherli

2. Winnie

3. Sky

JWT 23rd April 1-2pm

Pls advise if opting out - close to confirm date with JWT and discount structure. Thank you ;)!

1. Serendipity

2. Elise

3. Cc


5. Reenren

6. MT

7. BW

8. LadyK

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. mirthy

12. Joelle


1. Cherli

2. Winnie

3. Sky

thanks organisers!!

JWT 23rd April 1-2pm

Pls advise if opting out - close to confirm date with JWT and discount structure. Thank you ;)!

1. Serendipity

2. Elise

3. Cc

4. cherli

5. Reenren

6. MT

7. BW

8. LadyK

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. mirthy

12. Joelle


2. Winnie

3. Sky

my gawd...heidi wouldn't stop walking! she kept demanding to go down to walk walk! will walk to me for a quick hug then off she goes again...now she's totally exhausted after i coaxed her to sleep! So funny!



yes... tired me. didnt see it was JWT, thought was little gym.

I'm still keen[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

