(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Lim, i gave Heidi some bananas too but she's quite phelgmy so I didn't give her a lot. Papaya, yet to try as my MIL isn't a fan. haha...

noscon, i went to my gym trial at marine parade and it is really no fun for us or Heidi. thanks for recommending the playground at harbourfront. Do we have to pay for the indoor playground?


not sure if i'm imagining things.. but been feeling tiny flutters near my bladder.. i'm only 10 weeks 1 day! ha...

my first movements with belle was at 16 weeks i think...

mommies, do u think i'm mad? hehe

MT, I think it could be some gas? don't think you can feel their movements so early on? hehe.. last time when I was about 4 months pregs, I told my gynae, I feel some fluttering, she says could be gas.. lol.. cos the feotus is still too small to cause any notable movements.. But that said, I read that for second pregnancies, we can feel their movements earlier cos the tummy muscles are more lax..... =)

TorayMe, hehe.. will try some pao sheng from tomorrow onwards :D hopefully it'll help ease her discomfort, her birthday party is just round the corner and I don't want a little grumpy baby.. hehe..

For fruits, I give my girl some apple, pear, bananas (don't give too much cos it causes constipation), and mangoes with yoghurt.. =) so far, she loves them.. I also give her puree prune from the jar.. It helps with her constipation problems.. =)

Just to share my experience with the baby gyms, I tried the classes at JWT gym before.. it's so-so, and I think the instructor is very impt, some are very energetic and fun, but some are plain boring.. I prefer the open gym sessions where we can bring our baby there to roam and play freely for that 45mins or so.. =)

Tat's good to hear MT.. I apply the oil so deligently yet they r still red n itchy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tell Yr students- your time will come [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha.. yup, i did tell them that.

they said i would be even older then.. i said its ok.. we will all get there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you are not mad la, I think I also felt flutters very early. I don think it's the movement, more like muscle twitching haha...

btw gal, just sent out all your loot today, do look out for them ya :p

oh btw gals, me back with another 1 wk preorder spree, if wanna order still can :p


I complained to the supplier, why top small and pants and sleeves long? They say that's what they sent out to Europe! Strange, ang mo bb limbs so long and body so small?? I hope caitlyn still wanna wear them.

The fruits I give - apple, bananas, papaya, kiwi, pear, strawberry

Icy, will try to transfer to you soon.

Winnie, when u become sahm? I am one now for these two weeks ....

MT, 2nd time mum more sensitive?

Wish, u expecting also? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Icy, just transfer the money for the trial. Sorry for the delay


Date: 23/03/2011


Reen, tot u have a helper? Or u clearing leave?

Just recently being a sahm. It's much more stressful than working...


yip yip hooray la!!! hahaha... no more rushing for work with bb in the car early in the morning or rushing back home after work liao..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i received my tee liao. thanks! i've finally got home.. haa...


u are fast... i didn't pick up that sentence till i saw u asking then i scroll back and read... hahaha...


Still can wear ;) not too worry!


No 2??? Heeheee congrats ;)

Reen, xihui,

Wah... You gals are fast :p guessing!


No2 you'd be more aware ;) soon you'd really feel movements and try to convince hubby " can feel anything, can ??"

congrats wish and MT! pls drink more water, balanced diet and stay out of the rain where possible. Weird weather...

thanks for the fruit idea mommies! I think tomorrow i will go grab some baby yogurt. time for my little glutton to try. She don't like the heinz baby jello though...very hard to guess what she like and don't like.


Healthy healthy pregnancy ;)! Like toray said - balance diet n lots of water!

Wowoow...cloudys,mirthy,mt,wish - safe pregnancy mommies.

CC, i m so excited for all the new mommies and MTB again~ took effort not to go kaypoh in the 2011 MTB thread. haha...so i turn to sms-ing loads of information from my motherhood journey to my sis instead.

Xihui - tks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] .. These days quite obvious already.. Office people already whispering n guessing.

Torayme- likely Perth. Northern hemisphere banned cos of the radiation.

Dates still thinking, prob june.

BabyL, you figured out which month for boys yet? hahaha...if wanna po for dragon then gotta wait after June, babe.

Torayme, there are diff calendars leh... See till blur n not accurate for some friends also. For my age, think if po boy, its Jul. I will try from May onwards if there is no change in my current "prob"...


Don't think too much k, eat healthy ;) & have a great holiday before poppin ;)!


Excited for mommies, I watch ayden walk makes me very happy - at last my dash of some freedom. Having kids is very addictive, watch 2 siblings laughing is really heart warming... Everything else makes me wanna pull my hair out!! So so soon, 1 yr has pass.

wow wow wow, wish!! least expected leh, so funny la, both u and MT, the most least expected ones, expecting!! Anyway still must congratulate you!! boy or girl?? Going back to KT tan?

Wish, congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Winnie, my helper not here yet ... selected two but both got problem coming to Sing.

Congrats wish !!

One more buddy to rant with me !! When due? ;)

Been reading the oct mtb thread but dun really feel like joining in, haha..

Been feelin soooooo tired .. Dun even feel like moving.. Really struggling, esp days where I hv to stand and walk abt for almost 4 hours straight.. Sucks. Wish I was back at an office job where I could at least vegetate in front of pc... Sep come quick.. Taking my ml then.. Still so long away. Tmr check up, so nervous, 3 weeks never see my little bean... Hope everything s ok...

Reen, mt

Share abt ur helpers next time... I also planning to get one soon... ;) can't change unless we pay is it?


Everything will be ok... Enjoy yr journey to motherhood again.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for the pjs!

MT- so exciting to see beanie right? The feeling like this happened only one year back. I was so resolute abt not having #2 that I gave away my maternity clothes, excuse to buy new ones this time round [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Could u ask for a more desk bound job to minimize standing? If u need a break juz take time off or mc, hopefully your boss n colleagues r understanding n supportive.

Edd is early oct, given past record could be earlier.

JJ- yes, going back to KT Tan although dun have good experience with the hospital.

Wish, congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care and rest well...same to all mummies too, esp those with No2 coming along like MT, cloudys, mirthy

Reen, oh ok, so you clearing leave? Not easy to get helper these days due to the regulations imposed.

Xihui, though no need to rush to drive baby in the morning but still have to wakeup early to cook n feed him...


Woo hoo! Congratulations! You looked pretty okay the last time I saw you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wish, congrats to ya too... Enjoy your journey again. I used to tell my hb that the preg journey actually pretty nice as i witnessed the bump grow and felt the kicks and turns. then again, i say so cos mine's been very smooth so far. Take care and rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MT, load turning lighter yet?


ok ok... sounds good, i hope tho not so sure of Sec sch load. How's PE load for sec side? Pri side is 60%. same for you? i remember i used to take a chair and sit and talk to the kids. hee..

