(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

luvbabe, gd to hear u've got new job... don tink i'll ever be able to change liao... btw, where do u stay? hope to join but cant confirm now...

jessie, singlish wif french accent..? cant imagine lei... funny hw come he'll only use singlish when stress..? ya, everytime u post abt the little stuff always bring smiles on our faces when reading it...



Chris is still climbing around. He is a silent observer, observe what we adults do and follow quietly. Hubby stepped onto a stool to take some stuff from a cupboard and a few min later, he will want to climb onto the stool and stand like his daddy. He saw us put the clothes into the front load washer and next min, he dragged his pail of clothes and started taking them out.

I rem some mummies mentioned when our LO starts walking, they dun crawl anymore? Seems that my lazy boy is diff le. He still enjoys crawling. So funny to see him crawling halfway and suddenly stand up and do 'brisk walking'.

Luvbabe, cant go to your playdate cos will be on course during that period...

Thanks Indiana Mummy for sharing the receipe...

will go try tmr for lil S... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he's on food strike...

luvbabe, you got a new job.. Great to hear it, hope with this new job, you will be able to spend more time with Luis and Lucas..

Dun think will be able to join on weekdays..

jessie>Its hubby who uses kaw kaw chi on ayden. are you cantonese by anychance?

firipy>hope you find your dream job soon. wah, registration starts so early?

yuki>take this as a chance to buy a new hp?

wah, your big boss so good. He's clever. Knows need to keep capable staff!

the recipe sounds yummy! thanks for sharing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams>yes, ayden loves climbing. drives us crazy cos its so dangerous. just yesterday, he climbed onto our dining table. n today, he climbed out of his high chair and stood on the edge! lucky I was next to him and held him in time.

think lamb is on her trip with her gal frens?

Hello Jessie,

Sorry for the late payment.

I have just wired to you.. Paiseh..

Information as shown below..

To Account POSB Savings

112-19501-7 Jessie-SMH

Amount S$156.30

Transaction Reference 6649885781

Afternoon mummies.

Re: New job

Thanks mummies! Yeah, got another job awaiting! Hoping that there is more work-life balance in new job (I requested for that at the interview). At the very least, my office will still be in town as my current office is relocating to Changi Biz Park. However, I have some biz travel in the Asia Pac region tho' and hopefully no late night conference calls (not sure yet). Head office in Europe so keeping my fingers crossed that it would not be that bad!!!

TYL> Hehe, maybe can arrange lunch with you...coz my new office quite near you. No prob, to confirm playdate again bah!

Febie> Yeah, wanted to catch up that day too but can't stay coz hubby waiting for us. Let's arrange to meet up again soon!

firipy> No worries....Hope your dream job will come your way soon!

Yuki> Congrats to you too! Happy for you that you found an internal job which you are happy with. Your boss is really good at retaining good employee! Thanks for sharing the recipe too!

ET> No worries about not being able to join. Let's arrange another one again!

Megan> Hehe...initially I also thot you have a new job! But, you are very happy where you are, right? So, no reason for moving coz have good work-life balance, right?

luvbabe>woo, ok! always good to have kakis nearby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] enjoy your break wor. quality time with your boys.

Smalldream, I dun do it all the time...

But when I know S is in bad mood then I will talk like him...

But this period daddy no need to work shift and caught me in action.. haha.. so got it from him lor... He also baby talk with him too...

actually all our babies can understand adult talks... just that we finding excuse to act cute lah... hahaha...

Yuki, When my mum updates me abt Shayne's behaviour for the day, he will quickly come distract me, dun let me hear what my mum wanna say... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And I like Indiana Chris intelligent behaviour.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No wonder Cy mama hook onto this sil... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CocoMama/Callalily/Pauline/Febie: Thanks moms for your invaluable inputs!! Anyway, realised it’s all my fault that my boy wasn’t eating properly! In all my enthusiasm to get my boy to drink more milk (he drinks only about 400ml of FM a day), I ended up causing him to have no stomach left for his solids! So now, I just delayed giving him his meals abit later so that he is not so full from drinking the milk, and he’s back to eating again! Silly me right? Hahaha!

Btw, how many little ones are already eating rice for a meal?

Jessie: Thanks for your post! Really funny!

Luvbabe: Congrats on your new job! Btw, what do you do? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good to hear of the new job. Hope you have better work life balance.


when we have kids, they add another dimension to our lifes. I am speaking as a mother of 10 years, indeed it does!


my LO already eating rice as main meal since some months ago. My idea was to get her eat what we eat (minus/reduce salt) to be part of the family, and no longer need to cook separately. I think baby food is rather boring, unless one spends lots of effort and time to give variety.

Generally in all aspects, I don't practise specific rules/theories as long as baby healthy, everybody happy and incur least work.

I have been reading about successful career woman, one common thread is, recognise what you can and cannot do, learn to let go, and seek help where neccessary. That's the first step in happy parenting without guilt. Of course, some still prefer hands on so have to be SAHM.


Lamb's Nat is sick so she was busy bringing her to the docs, looking after her & they just flew back to S'pore tdy. She had to cancel her trip with her galfrens.


Glad to hear Kenan is back to his gd old eating habits. 400ml of FM sounds ok to me. Just give him more dairy pdts if u r concerned abt his milk intake. I have been giving rice to Aly for a while already. She very much prefers rice to porridge.


Congrats on getting a new job. I shd be able to join u for playdate that day if it's happening.


Thanks for sharing the recipe. I have been wondering how to intro egg into pasta other than carbonara style[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh, my bb dun like egg (whether steam, fried or hard-boiled) & toufu.....;(....tried a couple of times liao....dunno how to make her eat ?

luvbabe> congrats!!

febie> i have heard of children who do not like meat. perhaps add veg like sweet potato or sweet corn into his porridge?

smalldreams> i was wondering where lamb is too. like lsntyl, i thought she went for the trip with her friends.

i also wondered how andie and little emma is doing. it has been sometime since andie last logon.

cheerieheart> glad to know that it's not a case of fussy eating after all.

yuki> thanks for sharing the recipe. will surely try it.

sp_callalily> oh! i hope it's not serious. speedy recovery to Nat.

ms_tan> perhaps can try Yuki's recipe since the egg would be mixed up with the sauce.

Oh no.. I hope Nat is ok... I was wondering where was Val! Had thought she was busy with her new help..

luvbabe and megan, so sorry mixed you two up!

Lsntyl : I am Hokkein, dun know this kaw kaw chi thing is stuck in my head, maybe heard from some other canto grandmother when I was young [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Firipy : Undies stuck! HAHAHAHAHA can imagine.. HAHAHAHAH Most of the time I am worried Arwen will get strangle by the bra straps, now everything have to hide or put high high!

febie: I am the one who is very against baby talk but sometimes I give in and well.... felt silly after I do it ;p

Yes, I hope Xin and MamaD are ok too..

Mindy/ Vanillaberry/ Melody -> got your payment. Your loot shipped liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wei -> noted your email, dun worry, I know you are on holiday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams> Sorry, just realised that i did not reply your post. Yeah, new job is nearer home for me. Not too sure about late night conf calls as yet but up front, i did express the fact that I am looking for work-life balance and hopefully (keeping my fingers crossed), it will be ok.

cheerieheart> Lucas started eating rice since he was like about 8/9 months old. He refused to eat porridge then, so was happy with rice (soft) with soup. Like furby, nowadays, Lucas also basically eats what we eat for dinner and we don't prepare his separately anymore, except for lunch where my helper will still cook separately for him.

furby> Yeah, really hope that I will have work-life balance!

sp_callalily> Yes, please come. Even if there is no one, please bring Aly too coz you are staying so near. Will pm you my address!

bbin> my place is at Redhill, actually very conveniently located opp Redhill MRT.

Re: Play date

I just realised that I didn't indicate any timing. Let's tentatively set it at 1pm.

vanillaberry, thanks, got your hp no and emailed you mine too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie, can't wait to get the loot. I think I probably ordered the most, kekeke. But it's cheaper than sg, plus I gave away 1 big bag of the gals' old clothes to the maid, so now wardrobe got a bit more space, can replenish some. Excuses, haha.

Cheerieheart, that's good. Ironically, I got problems getting my no. 1 to eat rice not no. 2. She's been having a cough/cold for 1 week so appetite is slighly affected. But what I am angry about is that she wants to eat bread, biscuits, snacks/sweets but not rice or porridge. :/

Maybe heaven is fair and at least never give me two fussy eaters. Tonight, no. 2 finished 2 small bowls of soupy rice, and sat beside me while I feed her some scraps of meat, rice from my dinner. Then she ate a quarter croissant, followed by 1 small piece of steamed sweet potato. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah wonder hw's xin doing since she started working...

luvbabe, wow u're relatively close to me.. but my timing quite eractic nwadays so can 'gatecrash' if i can make it last min?

re: eating rice wif soup,

wat happens if the child grows up only wanting to eat rice wif soup n nothing else? tats wat happened to my niece in law... doesn want any 'liao' in the rice, juz soup...

Pauline : HAHHA Er.. Panda ordered most!


Number Of Spreers : 32

Total Number of Items Ordered : 570

Total Amount Spent ( Not include shipping): SGD 2988

This spree I label it THE SANE SPREE. I mean compare to over 50 mothers at the last spree, this is really quite easy except for some reasons, I have more extras!

Also, I actually run this spree thinking since normally my store is less busy in March, it should be easier but on the contrary, I had one of the most busiest time with many more orders in my store. So I might have been more careless with some sizes and colors! So sorry about it, do check your loot and let me know if anything is missing or wrong .

bbin, my gal is like that too. But she's a bit better, she likes certain 'liao' and a lot of soup but doesn't like the rice. Last time, I used to serve her soup last so that she will not become full from drinking soup alone. But if the rice is too dry, she won't eat either. Nowadays, everyday, she just wants macaroni soup, or bee tai mak soup. I mean, it's so easy for me to cook that but is it healthy to eat that on long term? Plus if I cook that, macaroni soup won't be filling enough for Raelynn then I'll end up having to cook dinner separately for Raelynn. Hiaz...

Jessie, oh really? I'm not the biggest shopper. ;) I think some spreeists are missing eg. Wendy. In fact, I haven't seen her posting on forum for quite some time too. :p

Cocomama, this boy is a fussy eater...

He refused to eat the porridge if we cook it with veg, meet etc...

He will eat steam sweet potato separately with the porridge...

Think he's sick of having porridge everyday for one of his meal and showing us his strike.

He do eat soup with rice and fish plus meat and potato too...

Cheerieheart, glad that u manage to find out kenan's fussing problem.

Lil S is showing sign that he would like to self feed.

I scooped for him nicely and hold his hand to put it into his mouth slowly. Wanna go get suction plates and bowl soon.

Jessie, I dun mind a lil baby talk.. I do speak to him like he's an adult now too. Sometimes, feels that they are growing too fast if I keep speaking to him like an adult, on the other hand, also worries too much baby talk on him... Haiz. Tough being a mum.

morning mummies

jessie, am i the smallest shopper? :p

pauline, ya, urs little better.. sometimes i'll make remark abt hw much nutrients she has juz by hving rice n soup.. mil replied tat the soup is herbal soup so nutritious enuf.. end of my comment then.. -~-"

jessie>I'm hokkein too!

bbin>actually, according to some cantonese friends, all the nutrients would have been brewed into the soup. I've got a friend who will only drink the soup and not touch the meat and other liao cos he believes there are no longer any nutrition in them. He says his whole family drinks soups like that.

tyl, so does my hb side... all don eat the ingredient.. but my side hv the habit of eating as well... we're cantonese lei... abt the nutrients already in the soup, i believe also but then still hv to eat the ingredient also if not seems like instilling wastefulness? tats wat i tot la... any views on tat?

Morning all.

tyl, bbin

about bone soup, my side also just drink soup, but hubby side drink and eat up the meat. He say it's wasteful not to eat. So now we eat everything.


you power...know how do spree and to become a business from home to supplement some income. The mummies must be excited waiting for the loot


Thanks for asking after Lamb & Nat. Think for the time being, situation seems under control for Nat. Think Lamb will give an update when things are more settled[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missed the posts on lamb. Nat is not well? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hope its not too serious and she'll recover soon.

Gd morning mummies!

Hope bubs recover soon.. my letty also super high fever last night, I am trying to open my goldfish eyes :p

Anyone keen for picnic on 22 April @ Botanical garden in the morning ?

Let's meet for a BIG picnic playdate !!

1- Cy & Letty

2-Febie & Shayne



hi all,

been missing coz 'holidaying' with my hb (in singapore). haha.

started work on 1 apr and boss gave me work immediately. now finally got time to come into forum. so many posts. :p

luvbabe> congrats on your new job. ur place actually v near my workplace. but tt day i bringing mattias to a check up. sighz.

is nat not well? hope she gets well soon.

cy> thanks for organising a picnic. will check with my hb and let you know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cy>we should be able to make it! meet where and what time? are we bringing snacks? maybe can split the food/drink items [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cy.. 22april is a Friday!!

I would very much wanna join.. But to take leave I might not have enough already .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] can we do it in sat morning?? Hehe

Isaiah bumped his head 3 times at the same spot yesterday.,

morning.. He was siting on the bed n as usual he loves to throw himself backward n hit the wall..

Evening.. My niece snatch toys from him n he got angry n

throw temper n throw himself backward again n hit right on the hard marble floor..

Night.. When we r on our way home.. I stepped on some oil stain n slipped n fell on my knees n butt n I Dropped Him!!

He bump his head again n was lying flat on the floor n shivered m crying out loud.. M so heartache n feeling so sorry..

He looks alright now but m still worried lar..

Downstairs got Chinese funeral n they are playing the music loudly n this boy still can dance n move along with those music.. Wah biang.. Haha

Anyone keen for picnic on 22 April @ Botanical garden in the morning at 9am (Either near the big open field or jacob Ballas children garden) We shall confirm closer to date. I will update in FB too.

Let's meet for a BIG picnic playdate !!

1- Cy & Letty

2- Febie & Shayne

3- Jolin & Nicole

4- Tyl & Ayden





And many more bubs...

cy>thanks for arranging. looking forward to it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mindy>hope Isaiah is ok.

Oh Good Friday!! I need to go church in morning n normally my hubby n family will fast for half a day n have late brunch.. Will check with hubby abt the plans on Good Friday n will let u all know again.. I really want to go!! I wanna see Letty Dance!!! We shall play music n let the babies run n dance !!

Hope Nat recover asap! Cy, letty better? That day we gonna celebrate my hb bday, too bad can go. Else we bring food n picnic sure very fun!

Hope Letty, Nat recovers asap.

Lil S having running nose too.

Yeah thanks cy for arranging. ;).

Mindy, hope ISaiah dude is ok. Monitor him ok?

Hope ur butt is ok too. Dun play play hor. If still in pain, pls go see doc.

Hi, mummies! I think I can make it this time, would love to meet you all too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let's meet for a BIG picnic playdate !!

1- Cy & Letty

2- Febie & Shayne

3- Jolin & Nicole

4- Tyl & Ayden

5- Jasmine & Kyra




And many more bubs...

Jessie> *wave wave* me here! dealing wif K's cough n flu last 3 weeks..

mummies, i cooked a worm in LO's porridge..i tried cauliflower yesterday n while feeding him, i saw the perfectly shaped carcass mixed in the porridge! can't imagine if i steam n blend it..protein hor..

