(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Picnic on good fri sounds great, would love to go, I just bought a new picnic mat from Bb expo fair. Too bad I am already committed to another forum mummies gathering 2 months ago. :p


mamad: Glad to hear from you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Yes, it would be protein wouldn't it , LOL. Cauliflowers and broccoli are notorious for worms as what my mother always tell me , so she ask me to soak in water for 1 hour first before cooking.

Mindy : Yah, hope Isaiahna is fine.. sometimes really can't help it, no matter how well we take care, still fall.. haiz.. now I so use to Arwen slipping and falling, even now she herself is use to it and dun cry liao.

Hi everyone, tdy is just not my day,my iphone is in a coma cos I tried to hide my bubble tea fr A n my hp end up swimming in it! my contacts n fotos all inside. Hope i can get it repaired tmr.

I accepted an offer verbally, nt really a job I like, will see how it goes,i struggled with myself for 1 week ald. Was tinking am getting "yellow faced" ald. But I need to work to buy things without having to ask fr my hb for $ without guilt, save for A's education fund n also go for holidays without giving my hb financial stress.... told myself at the most quit my job if it doesnt work out!

Jessie, we are not stopping over at shanghai anymore cos of my new employment, getting abit stressed with the planning for trip to northeast china. I must remember to go n buy electric flask to boil water in hotel. I dunno wat to feed A over there man! We are so reliant on the hygiene lvl n healthy eating options available here that I gave A table food whenever we r out.

Hi, mummies! I think I can make it this time, would love to meet you all too

Let's meet for a BIG picnic playdate !!

1- Cy & Letty

2- Febie & Shayne

3- Jolin & Nicole

4- Tyl & Ayden

5- Jasmine & Kyra

6- Horsey & Brian

7- Fatbabe & 3T

8- Angela, Luis & Lucas (tba)




And many more bubs... All are welcome :D

mstan>no new invite at my FB. maybe you sent to someone else [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So coincidence, I am planning to bring Chris to Botanic Garden over the long weekend :D

Let's meet for a BIG picnic playdate !!

1- Cy & Letty

2- Febie & Shayne

3- Jolin & Nicole

4- Tyl & Ayden

5- Jasmine & Kyra

6- Horsey & Brian

7- Fatbabe & 3T

8- Angela, Luis & Lucas (tba)

9- Yuki & Chris



remember the shoesocks that fat_babe helped us buy the last time?


the seller has some new stocks, different brand but pricer. if mummies here interested i can help to ask for better price. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i really like the shoe socks. bought one pair too big, then bought a 2nd pair still too big. so i'm going to buy a 3rd pair. :p

hello mummies!

wow our thread sprung back to life!

Some updates on my bunny boo:

- Emma has finally decided to take some independent steps this week. After 14 months, gosh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

- She has been on a screaming spree, screams everytime she doesn't get what she wants, especially food. Been trying to teach her 'inside' and 'outside' voice.

- Likes to say bye bye after the person has walked away; if that person is in front of her, she keeps her mouth shut.

- Likes to pretend nothing has happened when I catch her doing rubbish, like eating tissue. She'll try to stuff the half-eaten tissue back into the tissue box and crawl away.

- Every afternoon she'll bring her shoes to me, signaling that it's time to go out.

Overall, life has been pretty mundane after stopping work. I feel like I'm turning into Martha Stewart (w/o the ka-ching!): cooking, crocheting, sewing, painting the living room, drawing on the walls... And now I'm designing clothes for Emma and went out to buy stacks of fabric and rolls of thread. DH was like, 'huh???' But whether it'll materialise is another thing altogether [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mstan>donno leh. no new invite in my FB.

xin>how much discount can she give?wondering if cheaper to get from amazon. :p

u mind bring 1 pair on Sat for me to see? paiseh if its too much trouble

andie>hihi. Emma is so cute! hope she gets new clothes specially designed by you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We'll need to go to church on Friday morning as well, so we can see everyone after. I think I have a picnic mat stashed somewhere. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let's meet for a BIG picnic playdate !!

1- Cy & Letty

2- Febie & Shayne

3- Jolin & Nicole

4- Tyl & Ayden

5- Jasmine & Kyra

6- Horsey & Brian

7- Fatbabe & 3T

8- Angela, Luis & Lucas (tba)

9- Yuki & Chris

10- andie & emma (DH as chauffeur)


tyl: Hi! Heh hopefully i'll be inspired to come out with a design soon. Hope to make an Easter dress for her, complete with a crocheted basket (which I've already done).

Mindy: Gosh, hope Isaiah is okay. *pat pat* Kids are sturdier than we think, monitor for a couple of days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Emma fell and hit the floor on her left cheek a couple of weeks back. I picked her up and she stopped crying shortly, so I thought, no biggie. Until the next morning when sending my ILs to the airport, my MIL noticed 2 small bruises on Em's left cheek. DH and I pretended not to know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andie, long time no hear! So cute the updates of emma, esp the bye bye one. Oh, my LO also started walking last week at 14 mths. She also like to yak in high pitch conversation with the maid.

You seem to fit perfectly into the domesticated role, utilising your time to do so many things. And so talented, can sew, knit, cook, paint and look after bb.

about falling, my LO also got an ulcer on lip after banging into stuff recently. But she was ok lah. The most heartpain was when my no. 1 ran and fell on rough concrete, ended up with huge bloody nosebridge when baby. But then she was still smiling when she saw me coming back from work. They are really resilient.


yeah, maybe give the job a shot and ease the financial part a bit. Anyway, can exit if doesn't work out.


you are back. how s going back to work so far?

furby: hahaha thanks for the compliments! I'm a google and wikipedia freak, constantly going, "I wonder if I can make this?"

But for some reason i can't do household chores for nuts, especially laundry. My clothes come out haywired, or Emma's socks get lost in the bermuda-triangle washer, or they smell, or wrinkle-free shirts become wrinkled after going through my machine-of-terror. When my help went back to her hometown for 1 week I was a complete mess.

And cooking's therapeutic; I just leave all the washing to someone else. Heh.

What happened to your #1 sounds scary! You must be terrified back then.

And after reading yesterday's newspaper about the 6-yr-old boy who fell out the kitchen window I am more careful than ever!

xin.. actually my sister bought a pair of the shoessocks for Isaiah.. but i feel that the shoes like not secure one leh..

Isaiah cannot walk properly with that pair of shoesocks.. I also dunno why?

Andie.. isaiah looks okay now..

yah i guess they are really much stronger than we thought... especially their head.. bumped on the same spot 3times.. n he still can dance after awhile.. wah biang.. m heart like going to stop liao when i dropped him at the carpark..

he also fell a few times n hurt himself n got some bruise on his left cheeks.. n few weeks later he kenna the same spot again.. thats why the bruise on his cheek was like forever there.. for the whole of march..

sometimes i feel that the baby cried is not coz is really painful but coz of our reaction.. nowadays when isaiah fall down.. i will just ignore him n he will stand up on his own n continue to play.. but when my MIL or my mom around.. they will scream : AHHHH oh dear.. poor boy and rush to him n carry him n he will cry.. n the more they continue to sayang the longer he going to cry lor.. but everytime he cry he will want to glue to me.

SAHM and working mothers..

sometimes i really envy those can be SAHM..

every morning going to work is like a chore..

m so stressful at work that i feel like smoking again which i have quited more than 5years ago.

i always tell my hubby: how nice if i can just stay at home with Isaiah everyday.. so i can cook and bake at home.. play with him.. shower with him..so many things to do.. hahah

then hubby will just say.. M sorry.. but not now.

mindy, hope baby I is better. when A got some scratch or mosquito bites, inlaws/hb/dad/bro will ask "what happen"? Sometimes cant help wat, cant control the mosquitoes outside, nails cut ald he can still scratch, wat to do.

Andie, long time no "see"! Emma has more hair now? But she still looks pretty with her scanty hair the last time we met at peekaboo abt half a yr ago. I used to sew too but after I was preggy,I stopped n now with a lil monster in tow...I can only do it afterdarks when he sleeps. Its so difficult to even mend clothes, he will come n attempt to take the needle fr me etc! The news of the 6 yr old boy is scary...but how can the grandpa leave the boy at hm alone....I need to fix window grilles by yr end!

furby, ya thats wat i tot too....at the most quit, not as serious as to be in a situation where I mite end up in debt, long term like 1 yr later. I am nt sahm material, sucks at hsewk n like nvr really teach A well enuff. But I definitely will miss being the 1 who witness A's "1st"

baby expressing themselves

I dun understand y A prefers to use action instead of telling me what he wants. A kept kept fussing when I played twinkle twinkle lil star instead. He shouted so loud in public, kept shaking his head, frustrated. I kept asking wat he wants till I myself gets pissed too. Mum calm me down n she asked A what he wants n he kept pulling my hand to press my hp. We were fed up, gave him pacifier to shut him up but still whining away! The whole episode is so frustrating! After abt 20 secs of silence fr me n A, he took out his pacifier, put his finger in his mouth n make the pop sound, repeatedly n I finally knows he wanna watch the lollipop video....My mum can tell me "u so gong, he telling u he wanna watch that show la, so slow" My gosh, now its my fault for not understanding.....

mindy : Seriously.. grass is always greener, ,like much much super ridiculously green on the other side.

Even tho I am a WAHM , that means I am with Arwen 24 hours a day, only when I go errand or the occasionally tea with my friends, I don't see her. Of cos it is great I get to be with her, play with her, watch her grow but like today, after doing everything we should, play, watch some telly, read and suddenly me and her just look at each other for a while , I said "I'll start first, you bore me!Now your turn". She give me a bore look and walk away. LOL.

It can be boring doing the same thing again and again and again and yes of cos we do find new things to explore but after rolling back 3 rolls of toilet paper and clearing up the kitchen for like the 298959 times, there is only so much we can play. But of cos after that, I hug her and we go play the turtle with stars lights and call it a night.

I guess to me, it is also important to confess I am bored sometimes. I don't want to patronize her by pretending it is damn great to have to stick to her everyday. But again, seriously, I won't have it other way. I still get SA when I am away from her for more than 4 hours.

I envy working mums sometimes, dressing up, going to work, doing something different, having lunch, girly gossips, it is something I never have. I wear PJs when I work, I eat alone, I gossip here. LOL.

rer-rer -> yah, Arwen seems to have this schedule which she give herself. Like after her evening bath, she will hunt for the TV control and give it to me for her to watch a drawing program.. She will watch for 20 mins and no more and ok to contiune doing other things. She did this when she was 13th month and it is really bizarre because it felt like she is sticking to some kind of routine rather than really really wanting to watch TV. I felt she is a baby which being on routine makes her feel secure.

At some point, I am abit worried cos she never demand to go out one. Other kids would take their shoes and point to door, or cry if not taken out. Arwen.. very passive about that. In fact, when we dress up and her up too and open the door, she would sit back on the couch and say "bye bye" to us! *PENGZ> I guess she is the granny home loving ah soh!

Andie : you sure can one, you are pretty creative, love those hat you knit for Emma!

Ah Arwen yesterday did sometimes funny. I was trying to put on her pants for her and as usual, this little bugger is like twisting and turning non stop. I got fed up and tell her "stop it! Seriously! I am tired of this, wear your freaking pants!!!"

Arwen then just stop, look and me and go "yak yak yak yak, YAK YAK YAK yak yak YAK Yak (on and on).. me and DH was shocked, she is like mimicking me nagging her and she went on for 3 mins. Also have actions, point her fingers and her pants and me sometimes! Seriously! I am like, I hardly ever nag her her and now she is like thinking I am an old hag who nags! Kids these days!

jessie, i hv to say tis... u nvr fail to put a smile on my face... today's a horrible day for me but after seeing ur post, makes me feel better...

my gal oso sometimes imitate me scolding her... machiam like scolding me back or talking back at me!

bbin: What happen? Seems like this week, a lot of mummies are stress eh. One of my cat died from a car accident two days ago and I brawl my eyes out for 2 days. Not easy sometimes eh being apart from my family and pets.... the society does demand a lot out of us women, I have to say. I envy those tai tai who heck care and go out shopping, drinking tea and ship their kids to boarding school. I am sure they love their kids but they also love themselves which is also a good thing.

Was interesting to speak to a group of mums recently and more than half told me they felt they had lost themselves already. Not that they are unhappy but somehow not sure who they are other than being a wife, a mother, a sister-in-law, a daughter-in-law, a friend, a career woman etc. I guess in the end of the day, we need to take a breather and just take a step back and know we cannot be everything to everyone. One at a time. Sometimes I feel like screaming cos I wish I can have a day when my mind is not so cluttered, sleep without an alarm clock and just take my passport and go explore the world but I know all these decisions in my life now, I choose them and if I do, I must have a good reason and I will stick to it. If it is too much, honestly, I just look at Arwen whose eyes will go " can I play with your tupperware boxes please please please " and I know actually life is very complicated but if for 10 mins, I can play tupperware with my kid in peace, that is a lot more than half of the population in the world have.

Jessie, hahaha, my gals inherited my love for Tupperware. They can spot me one mile away and will run to the kitchen when they see me opening the kitchen cabinet where i keep my collection. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif] Normally, they can't open the cabinet cos it is secured by child lock. I refuse to let my no. 1 play with them cos she chewed on them before like a dog n spoilt them. I was very sim Tia cos they r authentic Tupperware n not cheap. :p

Today, when I was singing twinkle twinkle little star to Raelynn, she imitated me and sang winker winker lil tar. The words are not very distinct but the tune is right. She is growing up so fast. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey Jessie,

you spoke my mind. I was going to write about losing myself and was going to ask the rest of the SAHMs if they are feeling it more and more.

the last two weeks, i was a little 'disgusted' by myself when I clicked on my FB page. It was like my last 10 posts were all about Renee. I posted many videos because Renee's god mummies are asking for them, especially cos they miss her when our CNY trip ended.

My life revolves around her mainly and I'm enjoying being a SAHM very much. I love playing with her, teaching her and watching her learn and grow. But this FB thing just turned around and struck me. for the first year, i managed to retain my profile pic as a pic of myself. Then a few months back, it became a picture of Renee and me. I'm resisting putting her solo pic as my profile pic. I had to remind myself. I also noticed that I'm captioning photos in her voice sometimes. OMG, Yang Yang's FB is like Renee Tan's FB.

So, naturally, with those updates and those friends who are so concerned about us (mainly Renee) has been asking "how have you been?" periodically. Occasionally I find that I have no fillers for the conversations except to talk about Renee. I hold myself back especially when communicating with single friends who honestly do not want to know too much about parenting.

I felt a strong need to get going with my own life without compromising caring for Renee, of course. Signed myself up for yoga passes and still looking at some courses to take. Don't think I can commit to academic stuff like MBA or what due to the workload and cost. Perhaps I'll go for some hypnotherapist certification?! Or seriously do some direct volunteering which my hub is very keen to explore too.

Although it is already very tiring to take care of Renee alone and away from home, I think i still gotta stretch myself to add even more colours to my life.

Maybe the thoughts are surfacing more frequently than before because Renee is 'big' already. Not that taxing and demanding like babyhood days. Anyone else feeling 'lost in motherhood'?


jessie is right. Broccoli and cauliflower are worms' favourites. I also soak them in water for at least 45 mins. I think kailan/ baby kailan also notorious for worms.


congrats on getting the job offer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sayang Isaiah x 3, since he bumped his head 3 times. heeee. You are right... when our tods fall or get knocks, no reaction is the best reaction. When Renee bumps into something I will pretend not to know. She'll point to the object that she bumped into, pat her face or head and say 'ouch' but I normally don't show too much concern. Just calmly tell her "Be extra careful. But it's alright. Just a small ouch." if it's more major, i'll sayang and blow on the bump, telling her "now it's ok again" Blowing in her face will usually make her smile. heh. My policy is 'no blood = no problem" ahahah.

Lamb is back in SG again uh? Wah... going back quite frequently. Shiok! Hope Nat's recovered now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


read about the separation anxiety when going to work in the mornings on your FB. *hugs* Soon all of you will get more used to it. I'm sure you are still spending a lot of quality time with Matt when you get home eh? How's your hubby coping? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And you started TCM treatment for Matt? Hope there will be good results soon.

Jessie, cyang, yes I feel it sometimes too. Maybe it's worse cos time flies with 2 kids so really no time to think of what I want for myself eg. aspirations, life goal etc plus mid life crisis bah. Haha.

Now that Raelynn is turning 18 mths in less than 2 months, think i am ready to work again, either part time or full time, get in touch with the world again. But still I am very thankful for having the opportunity to be a sahm for 2 yrs with a supportive hubby. Financially poorer but experientially richer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks gals, I must say the forum is a comfort area for me.

Jessie, u r damn funny la!

Jessie/cyang, tink 1 of the reason I am dying to get a job is to have self-identity again other than the $ part. Cos last xmas hit me the most....my families dun really practise gift exchange but when I was working, tho its nt a must, colleagues will exchange small lil gifts like bodyshop lotion, cushion n the every popular mugs! Last xmas, I did not get these lil bo liao gifts. Altho, I was doing confinement at hm the xmas b4 I was too busy to be upset cos new baby, lots of visitors at my plc to bother. I suddenly realise, I have no sense of belonging n the only identity I have is A's Mummy. Maybe I am a coward cos sometimes I ask myself "how to discipline my kid? Or tutor him" Its not as simple as training my pet to rollover or do fetch anymore. It will be from ABC to spelling ald. N how to share his toys with frens, be polite etc.....

pauline, u really have a supportive hubby, my hubby is definitely nt ready yet for him to be the only one to contribute financially long term at the moment. He gets freaked out whenever we talk abt #2, he feels that we shld focus on providing the best we could for 1 kid 1st then tink abt #2. Our thinking swopped b4 n after childbirth, I used to tink tat way. But after being with A for half a yr, I tot that it will be gd for A to have a playmate n someone to share the burden of having to care for us when me n hb r both old. If we have 2 kids we could work together towards providing the best for 2, if we only aim at providing for 1, it would be providing the best for just 1. Plus my bio clock is ticking, I got only 2 more yrs to tink abt having #2. R u the one who talks abt Marriott holidays, what r the destinations ah?

I can see a potential Gangster in my boy.....He talks back at most of the time lo,pt his fingers at me somemore cos he associate finger point with scolding/blaming ppl. Sometimes will attempt to do the smacking hands action, n I will get scolding fr my mum. She asks if I m perpetually smacking him, y is A doing that? *roll eyes* My hb calls it retribution cos I always argue with my mum n A is to teach me a lesson on how hurtful it is to treat my mum the way I did.Compared to my hb he nvr talk back to his mum n I m like the brat who kept arguing with her own mum.

Firipy, haha, same same lar, my hubby freaks out at the thought of no. 3 cos he said $ not enough. :p Marriott vacation club offers many destinations but I am not a member. Can only consider if I were working. But I got 2 friends who r n one referred me n hubby for the sales presentation so I got the Marriott Mai khao phuket 4d3n stay at only $120 nett. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i always peifu SAHM, cos i find it more stressful than going out to work...a SAHM job is like never finish...i'm vy bad temper and i'm impatient....every evening teaching my 6 yrs old kids spelling, ting xie and homework really makes me so tired and pik chik already...i cannot imagine myself staying at home whole day doing it...i always joke and say i think my kids will be child abuse case liao...motherhood is not easy and it's a long way to go...let's jiayu together


your boy very funny, love to dance, can imagine they shake their diapered bums

Re: smoking

Don't start lah. Stopping was not easy, will be wasted if start again. Many a times, smokers give deadlines abt wanting to stop, like if I find someone who love me, after i get married, after i pregnant, after i finish this stressful project etc.....but there is never a better reason of doing it for your kid now that you are a mother, is there?

motherhood status

Guess the grass is always greener, it's a fine balance to fulfil all the roles of being a mother, worker, wife, DIL, and finding self. For SAHM, it will be good to do some part time job/committment/course outside home, and for those WFTM, maybe go on the slow lane and become WPTM. Like this got variety and balance in life.


are you still working for the bread shop?

sp_callalily> thanks for the quick update on lamb. glad that Nat's condition has stabilised.

andie> i was just thinking about you and emma the other day. haven't heard from you since the last playdate at smalldreams'. glad that everything is working out.

mindy> sayang Isaiah. hope he's not too traumatized by the accidents.

firipy> you actually brought up something very valid. i used to be very worried about not being able to provide for #2 as well, but i am also worried that when we are gone, YX will be all alone because if we were to stay put in SG, he will grow up being distant from his cousins. that set me thinking about giving him a sibling.

my biological clock is also ticking very very fast, but at the same time i want to have the time to still enjoy his younger years. plus the thought of going thru all the night feeds kind of scare me off. but when i look at some families with special kids, it really put me to shame. what is night feeds compared to the demands of parenting a special kid? and they do it very positively. i have been following the blog of a special child here in SG which i accidentally stumbled upon. her fighting spirit really touched my heart and humbled me.

and co-incidentally, the other day DH suddenly told me that when YX is older, he wants to adopt an under-privileged child and give him/her an opportunity to get out of poverty. he was not keen on the idea of having #2 earlier. i have not discussed the idea of having #2 with him prior to that conversation. it's just weird how we were thinking about the same thing.

and congrats with the new job. you never know it might turn out that you will actually learn to like the job.

megan> same here. i don't think i can ever be a SAHM.

hihi mummies... gatecrashing ur forum...

I'm a July mummy... gg back to work soon and sourcing for a good Infant care. Would really appreciate if any can recommend? PM me can?

Looking for one in the East / Thomson / Raffles Place... Tks vm in advance!

furby> i'm currently working flexi hours, kind of like a WPTM. i am very grateful that my employers allow this kind of arrangement. it truly allow me to have more balance and variety in my life.

c.yang> actually, during the 3 months confinement, i already felt like i was losing myself. i wasn't confident as a new mom and dare not venture out of the house for fear that i might not be able to pacify YX if he were to start fussing when we are out so we were home all the time. i couldn't wait to get back to work. but things have certainly improved and i look forward to spending time with him after i get off work. it helps that i work flexi hour and can arrange some time to go to the gym. i find more balance in my life this way.

Actually we really need to "Me" time...I'm happy that at least once a week i can go for my kickboxing class....vy shiok to workout....

jessie, something really bad happened to my family, tats y i've bcome more a 'silent' reader instead of posting more 'actively' in the past...

hv been very down n yesterday i felt even more worst coz of the way things happen @ inlaw's... felt very helpless n frustrated. sorry i couldn elaborate more in here.. hope mummies here don mind...

mindy, hope cutey isaiah is ok... one ting 'gd' abt LOs are they forget 'unhappy' things quite fast... the next sec, they will be happily playing again...

re: LO crying after a fall or hurt themselves,

i damn hate it when the others will go 'orr sayang sayang, beat beat (the floor or watever near them to signify tat its the 'it' fault n not the LO's)... wat happens if its ur inlaw doing it? will u correct? if its my own family, i'l definitely point out... tats one of the frustrations i hv tat day...

speaking of which, any of ur family members smoke (in front but away from LO; but still no matter wat, smoke can travel rite)? if its inlaw, wat would u do? if ur answer is speak out direct, i couldn coz my gal's being taken care 24/7 by my inlaw side n it wld seem tat i hv so much displeasure wif them.. but it juz irritates me when i see tis happening...

sorry if i'm ranting too much...

Bbin, there things that I m unhappy with my inlaws when it comes to taking care of my boy. They will give him soft drinks, choc on regular basis.....that's y I chose to quit my job n take care of my boy cos my mum refused to take care n it's nt nice to just switch caregiver. Its after she willing to take care then only i job hunt. Perhaps u wld wanna consider sending ur Bb to childcare? It's hard to tell inlaws off, the beat flr part is nt so serious can jus close a eye but cigarettes part is very serious. Can u tell ur hb tell them to minimize? Old folks wld retort n say they always do that n ur hb grow up so big also wat...

cocomama.. Isaiah was not traumatized but i m..

hahah scared the shit out of me when i drop him..

hahah no lar.. definitely will not smoke again..

just the thought of it only nia.. sometimes buay tahan and when my colleagues when for their smoking break n i just tag along n take deep breath from there. hahah worst right... that's only when i feel ultra stress then i do that..

but i definitely in need of booze with my friends..

when you all talking about "ME" time..

i really miss those days that i can hang out at holland village the whole day.. doing all my girly stuffs and have some beer at night with my friends.. is not that i m a alcoholic..

but i really miss those days that i can sit and drink beers with my friends.. ever since m pregnant till now!! Isaiah going to be 15months old.. i have NOT even touch a bottle of beer..

can u imagine last time with my friends.. each of us can a bucket each (5bots) n sit there lalala for whole night..

Now i want to find time to fix my ugly nails also hard to compromise.. my massage, medi-pedi packages still alot left.. sigh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

m not a exercise person.. hahah my old entertainment last time is doing all girly stuffs and drink booze or dessert place with my frens.. now they really left me out liao.. never jio me anymore for their weekend activity.. sobsob..

Hi, any moms wanna join me for a potty training workshop tomorrow morning at 10.30am? Sms me at 9696 8363 if you interested, places are limited. It's $20/person and conducted by one mommy who is also doing baby signs workshops.

Damn sian, A syddenly start to sneeze n afternoon when i m out he start wheezing, brought him to the gp opposit my plc. I dun wana history to repeat . Luckily the gp treated my kids in the area n let me rents the neuberliser hm. Its so much cheaper than treatment n pd, somemore consultation n rental at pd so much more exp. Doc said A shld recover by tmr nite. Will jus go review on sat b4 doc go reservists...... Hope A slp well tonight..... Mindy, I also have alot of packages left..... Nw that I m nt working I got time but I feel guilty pampering myself since I no need to " see ppl".

Firipy, agree it's damn x to see pd. Monday letty saw e pd at rivervale plaza doc zainal n it cost 120! Today again at 70! Hopefully tomorrow consultation not x else pocket burn hole. Her fever been on going for 5days n noise still super blocked. Doc rec to go for blood test n go bk to him. Rashes started to show on her whole body. See Liao damn sim tia.

Bin, can understand ur frustration cos if anyone smokes near lo I can quickly carry her n quickly walk away but u are stuck. It's really inconsiderate for them to be smoking near lo.

firipy, i'm waiting for her to reach the 'age' to go childcare... abt taking care myself, i cant coz of the unfortunate ting tat happened.. b4 it happened, i was already on part time scheme for my job so tat i cld bring my gal home every pm... nw i cant take care of her most of the time... in order to spend more time wif her whenever possible, we hv moved to inlaws' as well... tats y all the more i cant voice out my displeasure... n its not the only 2 egs lor, alot alot more... i see alot coz i stay there... if not, 眼不見為淨..

hope tat little A is fine... the weather's getting bad again.. hv to take care... n oso congrats n gd luck to ur new job!

cy, i oso cant conclude its inconsideration... its fil who's smoking n he's already very old... already a habit to him.. i damn sian especially when rite after he finished puff, he wanto carry my gal... i so wanted to scream but cld only do it within me...

cheerie, had sent u an sms.. sorry if my late sms disturbed u...

bbin: I dun give face one. I will move Arwen away immediately from the smoker but then again it is your in laws, difficult leh but still really.. really exposing kid to second hand smoke is really bad ...

firipy: Hope Ayden will be fine ASAP! Now Arwen is on a course of brew bird nest once a week and grinded chuan pei in her food three times a day, I do see abit of improvement as in she seems "stronger" *knock on wood

Maybe must give some BU to Ayden, to restore his "chi".

jessie, precisely! n i'm surprised tt my siblings in law got no issue wif tat... wat can i say then? it'll appear as if i'm demanding...

Cy> the picnic outing still set on 22 april or change to sat 23 april bcos u mention letty goin for the MMR, my Joey juz had it done last wk now running abit of fever + teething..haiz..

luvbabe> congrat! It's great to get a job to balance out yr family life. Missing auntie talk wif u. would like to join yr playdate but on standby duty tat day..sob =(..


after reading thru the posts...I juz feel that it's how strong we are to play these roles well. Have told my hubby once"I'm tired and have tried my best to be Joey's mother but am wrking and finishing up the assignments--he told me in s'pore everyone is doin the same thing...those xtra roles are not yr job but commitment ..etc kinda of irritating. It somehow made me feel lost and depressed for days, luckily, was too occupied with things around me.


I can feel for you. My relationship with my MIL has been bad n most mummies would rem my post delivery saga with my MIL. Like Jessie, I learnt to be firm with them and if I see certain actions which I find it not tolarable, I will bring Chris away. I must admit this doesn't help to rebuild my relationship with MIL but seriously, I dun care anymore. My son is my top priority and as his mother, I know what is best for him. I am now officially a bad and defiant DIL!

Botanic Garden Outing

I will try to bake some muffins for the todds yah. Hehee, only worried I can't wake up early enough that morning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh, wanted to share this with the mummies here but keeps forgetting. I lost my iphone a month ago and it was pickpocketed from my bag which I hung at the stroller. So mummies, pls not leave your phone , wallet and any valubales in the bag if you want to hang it at the stroller. I closed the bag and still got pickpockted.

bbin : Ok, I know you know it but if they dun seems to care for the health of your girl, why should you care about their feelings? I know.... but sometimes better to be in childcare and risk getting some flu than being exposed to smoke , it will affect not just her health later but bad influence too.

I might be pot calling the kettle black here but ..

I am a smoker and honestly, Mindy, you and I can be real pal if we know each other before pregnancy! I party, smoke, drink like siao like that. But eversince Arwen, not a drop! Smoke, yes, on and off when I am stress. I wish I can quit totally and most of the time I can do without but sometimes it does relieve my stress. Still, if I had quit, I will never go back! It is so easy to get hook again. I guess smoking to me has always been like my last hold on my old life. That is the only thing that links me to what I knew. My friends all drew apart, each have their own life, I am always in a new country these years, hard to make friends and even if I do, hard to really get close to anyone. I think why I work so hard is so I do not have time to think , to feel homesick.

Still, I know the day I finally quit smoking is the day I will be so proud of myself and I know I don't need to hold on to the past anymore. That being said, I am not going to say I will quit totally because I enjoy it too much in some ways but I envy like hell those who quitted. Mindy, stay strong, eat gums, shop, even drink but dun pick it up again. Need you as a role model! LOL!

koonie : yah... my DH also like that.. say not only me but millions of women also like that, I just smile sweetly at him and then spend 500 bucks on his credit card the next day. Not that I use money as a weapon but since I work my ass off to save money for Arwen, I deserve a treat and God knows when was the last time he got me a gift ( other than obligatory BDs or Xmas presents). No flowers, no surprises EVER. So 500 bucks very easy on him liao. Keke

Actually to be fair, I also told him a woman has a right not to work , to stay home and be with her babies. It is a RIGHT. It is not fair to ask the woman to work, take care of baby, the family, the husband . As it is, she "left" her own family when she married, her surname also changed. If she chooses to do work, it must be out of her own freewill and she can change her mind anytime. I know it is like so old fashion but yet I feel even though most women are very "zi dong", they work hard to help the family, they should be given the option not to if they really really don't want. In Singapore, I know it is hard.. the standard of living is really getting higher and higher . But point is, to remember the rights of women too.

DH of cause was really quite upset when I declare I would not work some mediorce job in France , just to get some second class work, pitiful pay to pay off the nanny. I told him it is ok, anyway I can survive on very little but I must not be pressured to work . I am a little sick and tired of taking on so many roles sometimes. I am also now a student, taking French class and sometime kana scold by teacher, I just like "WTF! I am a mother! You cannot scold me leh!"LOL!

wah, so many posts. haven't been able to catch up.

smoking>bbin, can you ask your hubby to talk to your FIL? My FIL stopped smoking when I was preggers cos he knew I would b unhappy if he smoked and touched Ayden. He has been smoking since he was 12 and he quit cold-turkey in a week so it can be done.

If not, maybe u should seriously explore childcare.

Jessie>I didn't change my name after marriage :p

hope all babies are well n healthy


lsntyl : Few years back, the French law requires the woman to change her surname after marriage but I think later, they say dun need, I was relieved, LOL!

