(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

cy, they say some used up to 3 yrs old....

Shayne's legs abit long to squeeze inside but still ok if dun wear shoes.

You can try it at Mothercare at Harbour Front, Forum... Not all Mothercare carries it.

You can try on it the next time I see you too...

Alternatively, check with sherry for the mini monkey. cheaper than baba sling and similar too...

ada, dun worry lah... i'm kidding...

I think maybe one sentence will make those daddies who are over protective think twice maybe?

"Papa, if you dun want others to scold your child next time, you better dun scold others too..."

of course, we have to teach our children well in order not to allow others to have a chance to scold ours lah...

but being kids, they will know how to protect themselves, in their own way.

so relax lah...


Ada, also true , in the way I dislike it when some parents tell me " come on , they are JUST KIDS" . Yah, I know they are just kids but then it is even more important to tell them to be gentle with younger ones ain it.

I mean, my friend, her kids are SUPER ROWDY, to the point, the kids will scream and run everywhere, pulling other people's clothes, kicking other people's leg. I was always horrified but my friend just nonchalantly said, just kids lah, what to do. Now her kids are like 8 and 5, well... they pretend to be nice when my friend is around but once my friend is not in sight, they just do whatever they want, they took the soft drink which they are not suppose to and gulp down half!!! Then they saw me looking and just tell me "shhsss... you dun tell my mother ah! " I really feel... worried but I know they are not my kids and I really cannot tell her what to do.


ya so true some parents dun care...

just yday i told my cousin to guide his gal who is 2plus this yr well otherwise, next time go to sch, sure got problem, he replied me,

"Let her grow naturally..." I full stop...

Cos no point talking to some parents despite he was my cousin...

u know what my niece did?

she scold my another cousin (her Gugu) loudly in a branded departmental store: "

TAMADE GUGU, you hide where?"

and from a 2 yrs old, it's too much...

So I tell myself, I muz teach my son well and will avoid letting him learn all the bad stuff from me...

OMG.. Febie seem like 2 years old already very smart to talk like this nowadays!!

My colleague jus telling me her nephew was so smart too.

Ask him wher he is, he replied u so stupid i at ah ma home lah.... "roll eye"

He told her to go away I VERY BUSY !! haha

sometimes really dono wat else to do since parents not 'teaching', y we as 'outsider' shd interfere? n makes u wonder hw will society be wif more of such kids growing up like tat...

i oso tried to correct my niece-in-law... but there's only this much we can do... if its my own kid, i'll nag all the way...

Cy, exactly...

As her gugu, I also hope that she can be a good girl where everyone praise...

but her dad preferred her to be cheeky and rude, then, so be it lor...

So I have real life example to see, so wont want Shayne to follow.

I'm thankful that when Shayne knows he's in the wrong, he will quickly kiss my mum to prevent himself from getting punished...

if he kissed, he got verbal warning... if not, my mum will beat his hands or thigh with her hand...

Cy, my bro also always say go away to Shayne and he can say that too...

I try to correct Shayne to say Go where...

Spoke to my bro a few times, he refused to listen... haiz... if be SAHM so nice...

there's a limit to what I can do...

yup, hw to correct the adults lei? somemore its my inlaws... i not close till can point out to them... damn helpless tat the kids can pick up wat the adults tend to behave n not able to do much...

febie, goodness! Kids learn things very fast hor esp bad things. My cousin said KNN when she was 1 plus 2 last time whenever my uncle had to brake during red light traffic cos my uncle curse n swear during jam. My cousin travelled with my uncle in car seat to n fro nanny plc, to pick up her mum etc. Overtime she learn n tot its normal to curse at traffic light lo. My uncle got a shock when he 1st heard her say that, took so long to correct her

But hor, my boy very itchy hands n rough, super active, its so hard for me to chase after n repeating myself abt wat n y he can't do. Ask my hb to take over watching him, either he jus let A be or A jus smack on his palms. When I smack A's palm, he will redeem himself by hugging me n kissing me, if my hb smack him, A wail the hse down........

I jus came bk from JL expo sales

Bought most of the stuff for A, fox flip flops, $3, fox socks $3 for 3/2 pairs depends on designs. N his Thomas story books, din get him those rail sets cos he won't know hw to play.There are lots of fox/pumpkin patch/bossini kids apparels esp for girls! I was only there 1.5 hrs not much time to check out the things slowly

wow..swearing is too much.. n they are only 2 plus lo...

many ppl tell me (san sui ding yi sheng )

translate i think should be : how the kids r @ 3 yrs old determine their future .. HAHAHAHAHAH

do u understand? hehehe

one of my teacher frenx oso advised me not to baby talk to him after he turns 2 yr old..

try to talk to them in a polite & gd manners im sure they will pick up the gd manners too =D

Hi jessie,

transfered too.

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112-19501-7 Jessie Tan

Amount S$132.95

Transaction Reference 6644097974

Ada, actually, don't wait till 2 to minimize baby talk. Speak to children in clear proper language with the right tone - gentle or firm or playful etc. We have been doing it all along and at first we get a lot of skepticism from people, asking 'Wah, you say until so chim, she understand meh?" after some interaction, the comments usually change to 'wow, she really understands uh!" if they can't understand English or mandarin, what makes us think they understand singlish or babytalk. I think over here, smaller sg social circle, not so much exposure to singlish, broken English and babytalk... Plus my hub doesn't want to use non-proper words like nan-nan for milk, mum-mum for eat. So renee's vocabulary does not have those words. He will object even when I slip into the 'touch this.. Is it cold cold?' he is like cold is cold. Why cold cold? I will reply him 'in act cute mah'

Good to read about you guys' encounters and perspectives with regards to bullying. Seems like the main issues most of us have is with nonchalant parents, playing without sufficient supervision. I do agree that we shouldn't always escape the situation by pulling our child away. We need to assess the threat. Renee loves to sayang other babies and sometimes may pat their faces. I usually watch closely n tell her to sayang baby's arms or legs, don't touch his face because baby is still young. honestly some parents may not even like Renee to have contact with their baby at all. I remember I was quite uptight about cleanliness before she turned 6 months.

I have encountered the common mischief of older tods shooting balls at babies at ball pits. I do point out to Renee and the mischievous ones that it is wrong to do that. But it is not a serious thing so I won't be fierce or too stern.

Even today, I still catch Renee pinching herself lightly at the arm. That incident really left a lasting impression!

My hub is so happy today cos he and a friend witness a 'first' which I did not see. Renee did her first forward/front roll. Do you call it a forward somersault?

c.yang, so cute! Forward roll, kekeke! I dunno when my boy will do that, cos me n hb nt very "gymnastic kind" . *clap clap*

Abt baby talk,in the pre-natal class, the teacher taught us how to "communicate" with our baby by tapping the belly n also talk like normal cos if u n ur frens dun understand wat ang gugu or boo boo means, the baby won't learn to understand so I try to minimise that too. But sometimes I forgot n start to "act cute" hahhaha! This kiasu society is such that we shld teach our kid even b4 they are born. I also dun allow A to touch baby's face or head cos their skull is still very fragile

Aiyoh, tat incident is so scary, Renee still got dark memories

Hi mommies! Haven't been here a looong time!

Seems like i've missed out on a lot of interesting discussions [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyway, need some help from moms here. My boy recently became quite fussy with eating. He doesn't like his usual food and takes a long time to eat. During dinner, if he sees us eating, he will refuse his own food and want ours. So I decided to give him rice with dishes (without the salt) but he doesn't want! So I'm at a lost...

Did any of your LOs go through this before? What did you do to resolve the issue?

Btw, when can our LOs start eating adult food ie. with salt & seasoning.


Hi Jessie,

Sorry for the delay and have transferred the payment to you today. Thank you!

To Account POSB Savings

112-19501-7 Jessie Tan

Amount S$22.50

Transaction Reference 6645911390

ET> to threaten is going overboard. at most just remind them to play nice. after all, they are not our kids.

febie> wah... your niece very power.

c.yang> i do not baby talk to YX. somehow, he still give some things baby names. like he calls the fan or anything that spins like one (e.g. his favourity windmill) wei-wei.

what a co-incidence. YX also did a front roll / somersault (err.. whatever it is) today and hubby was the one who did not get to see it. he has been doing the downward dog position for sometime. today, while in that position, he lifted his heels and then used his toes to push his body over his head. he was quite amused and did it a few times.

cheerieheart> co-incidentally, i just read GF's Top Tips for Fussy Eaters. i will try to summarise some points here.

it is common for young children to go through stages where they are fussy about food and this can start anytime between 1 and 3 years. the worrying part is when fussy eating becomes so severe that their diets become so limited causing nutritional imbalance.

she suggested these basic rules to follow for a fussy eater:

- explain to your child that if he doesn't eat his meals, he will not be offered snacks as an alternative. always stick to this rule.

- make sure he is hungry at mealtimes, and hasn't filled up on drinks and snack beforehand.

- allow him to eat at least half of his food b4 u offer a drink. avoid giving surgary drinks or undiluted fruit juice with his meal.

- stick to regular mealtimes.

- if he refuses to eat something, don't force him, shout or get upset.

- keep mealtimes short (appx 30 mins). don't allow it to turn into a battle. if he refused to eat, simply remove the plate.

- don't let him see that you're anxious as it may exacerbate the problem.

most importantly, try to maintain a relaxed approach so that mealtimes do not turn into a battle.

if you need more details, try to look for the book at the library. although it's a rather small book that can be read in 1 day, the book provides some interesting information complete with case studies.

at the age of 1-2, children should not have more than 2g of salt a day. i find that it rather difficult to keep track of that, so I rather omit salt from his diet.

what kind of seasoning are you referring to? generally, herbs are ok. do beware that some seasoning contains alcohol though.

good luck!

Thanks, Jessie. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vanillaberry, pls PM me your HP number so that I can contact you when the loot is here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheerieheart, I read that should not give salt for babies until they are past 1 yr old. After that, I guess it depends on how comfortable you are.

When Raelynn was 13 months plus and rejecting plain porridge, I started giving her home cooked table food but less salt. I stir fried Bee Thye Mak for lunch today, used 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce and 1 table spoon of dark soy sauce for seasoning. Sounds like a lot but it's not salty cos I cooked a lot, enough for 3 adults and 2 kids.

Today, we ate at Macdonalds for dinner at no. 1's request. I brought along home cooked plain porridge with dishes in a food jar for Raelynn but even after she finished most of it, she was giving me such imploring looks and reaching her hands as we ate, finally I let her try a few fries (wipe off the salt with paper napkins), steamed corn and burger bun. Of course, she ate the junk food much faster cos it was tastier. :p

I beg to differ :

Papa, if you dun want others to scold your child next time, you better dun scold others too..."

I BELIEVED that a normal human will not scold a child unless is being told a few times not to do a certain things that will threaten others safety or irritates others.. If ever my son are scolded because of that i will surely scold my own son too...

Let me quote u a story:

We were at a 1st bday party... playing on a small mat with others gg to be 1yr old or already just turned 1 yr old BABIES (not only a baby)there were 3 babies + 1 older toddler ..

Here comes a boy (i think 4-6yrs old) joining in the fun.. however, he was quite rowdy.. snatching toys or even trying to burst balloons... ok nvm, my hb told him tt there are babies ard can u play somewhere else...

i told him tt as well... while looking out if his parents are ard.. But nowhere to be seen cos all look like bo chup..

2nd warning was given to rowdy boy cos he was jumping ard wildy and of cos we both are scared he will äccidently" stepped on our boy or even other babies who are lying ard or crawling ard... ( we helped to jaga those babies cos their parent went to help themselves with the buffet)...

we can understand that kids cannot control their strength ! he was jumping ard wad if he stepped on the babies hands / wadever parts? if he is walking ard normally n accidently stepped is ok cos is not tt painful compared to jumping ard n accidently stepped on them... RIGHT?

Here comes the mother who organised the party .. trying to control the rowdy boy n apologies.. (we thought she knw wad happened )

she took him away..

3rd "warning" was given AGAIN !!!! the rowdy boy came back jumping ard again... my HB saw that he is tooooooo near our son! SO he hold his arms n calm him dw (so he can stop Jumping ard) n said : stop coming so near my son!

Just then the mother who organised the party came n took him away again..

SO HOW? if he stepped on ur son will u still say "Papa, if you dun want others to scold your child next time, you better dun scold others too..."

AND PLEASE one of the babies is her own son.. We helped to jaga n this is wad we get? (perhaps some1 said something behind us n we are framed being "threatening the Rowdy boy" And are we gd model to our own son ?

OH! then the rowdy boy's parents are such a great model parents man! whole incident we nv even see their single hair loh.. If the rowdy boy parents confront us... we are not afraid.. we will just tell the truth.. be responsible if ur son is like that then watch over him.. if i have a older son same age as him i would hv ask them to play toge instead "playing"with the babies..

And lets come to the defend themselves part!

If the accident really did happened... wad can our 1 yr old babies do? CRY TO DEFEND?

HA HA .. If my boy is 4-6 yrs old same as the rowdy boy ! feel free to jump about I DUN CARE!

But my son is merely 1 yr old n he has to defend himself from a big toddler jumping ard him n yet we tell him "hey defend urself! come on!" how will the son feel ? CRY LO ... the best i can do .. n have dark shadow in my childhood..

OH YA someone said : i cant be isolating my child if the kids at childcare is rough...

Dont u know that a childcare center is being grouped up between infant care n toddler group?

if infant care kids are playing ard n pushing and pulling each other... There is no need to isolate ur precious My dear... cos the most their age is 18 months !

They are just playing among their same age group .. same as the toddler grp .. if they r playing toge they are playing with their same age grp of ppl ..

dun compare an apple with an orange.. u get it?

BACK to the story..

After several months , then we knw tt they felt we are threatening the kid..





My hb nv ever scolded anyone's kids during any of the playdate .. cos they are playing .. no harm detected ..

same age group , same growing up process.. it was fun ... but then now....

Oh ya to add on ...

IF you felt that the above post is nothing n u wont scold the boy..


Gd morning all...

Ya my niece power huh.

And this is the outcome of poor parenting I guess.

Since I hav live example to see, I gotta ensure that I won't go into that steps. Gd parenting is definitely not easy.

Just happened on Friday when I brought S to the safra pool after work. There's a family with 6 kids in the pool and the youngest one is abt the same age as S. Same like me, the mum was carrying on to her all the time.

But the brothers were behaving like monkeys and doing stuff they shouldn't. Even the father play along with them.

The part I really can't take it was the father take the lead by asking his son to take a packet of drink and drink it in the pool. He's really not showing any gd example to his children.

S kept looking at them lor when he saw they drank in the pool...

Afann, of course we have to give warning to our LO before we scold our kids. Normally give him 3 warning and the final one,

I will normally punish S too. Otherwise he won't learn. but if he's too much I will not warn but punish him to bring him to a corner.

Well, referring to your incident, it's gd to talk it out and clear the misunderstanding if you feel there is. But dun take it too hard lor. Afterall, it's a birthday party.

And it's over Liao. From your point, your responsibility is huge too having to look after so many babies, moreover not all yours.

Chill and hav a gd talk ok? So that friendship last. And can have more playdates and more outings. ;)

I'm there too and hope u both dun misunderstood and take this offline and hav a gd talk.

Relax and cheers to a gd weekend ok?

And afann, seriously, I nv heard her say anything lor.

So let's not put words into anybody mouth ok?

This will spoilt the friendship.

You both have different view on the incident I guess.

Just talk it out nicely if still wants te friendship and also I feel this is just a small misunderstanding, let's not balloon it.

Ada, guess u getting too personal ya.. I had already apologize for my nephew behavior that same day and appropriate lecture was given to him after the party.. With regards to where is his parents that day, for your info, I also have a niece who is nursing a huge swollen eye (caused by a being bitten by a bug) and running a temperature while the other parent which is helping me to take photos and transport cake and other food up and down from our place and the only guardian there is me. Even my hubby had went to pick up his parents. My boy had always played with his cousin jumping near but never hurt him ya..

Seriously if I had bear serious grudges against your hubby, I wouldn't have attended Ashton's birthday party and others.

For your info on infant and childcare, if your child is enrol to a Montessori based program all the kids from various age group will play together..


My S is also a fussy eater too.

I add some salt to boil his fish so that it's not tasteless.

When it comes to feeding also a headache for me cos he only take in plain porridge lor. He do not want me to cook him chicken porridge etc. He ocassionally will take fish porridge.

febie- from my post i nv mention is whose bday party isnt it? if u dunno this incident how u knw which mother im talkin abt..

et- getting too personal? and apologies? Yes u did apologies.. i feel sorry too.. cos is ur son bday n im giving u alot alot ALOT face .... but Those previous posts abt threatening and scolding can make me feel like u r refering to tt incident then CONGRATS! u hv acheive ur motives...

regards to ur nephew behaviour .. seriously, tts ur family biz if he always jump near ur son n nv ever hurt him before.. DONT EVER assume a stranger to ever know how his behaviour is ..

and for ur infor too ... montessori school will not just leave the kids of diff age grp lying ard n play toge W/O SUPERVISION..

regards to spoil frenxship :

when u all type those post u ever think of frenx ship with me? all the post are hinting on something OBVIOUSLY ...

I wont be a coward n not admit tt my HB sometimes can be quite strict abt Ashton's safety.. But at least he CARES..

sometimes i hv to remind him to relax is just playing but tt particular incident even ME oso cannot risk tt..

Im not gg to reply anymore .. because i sincerely think tt we are doing such act to protect the babies , we are not a bo chup parents.. clear conscience !

Afann, cool down. Come on I'm there too.

Nv take sides. And I also witness everything.

Ald say there's nothing wrong w u looking after our bubs.

If I'm not there, I won't say much lor.

If u think my post hinting on something, then there's nothing I want to say. Anyhow I did tell I just kidding lor.

I also feel bad when my s pulled other bb clothing or hair.

And we have also been hanging out for playdates pretty often, u should know what kind of person I am.

Im also not going to post anything concerning this anymore.

My conscience is clear too.


CocoMama has posted a very nice summary of GF's tips for fussy eaters. Much as GF's suggestions sound "hard hearted", they work!!! I say that cuz abt a mth back, Aly went thru a phase of erratic eating habits. It was really frustrating feeding her cuz she would literally spit out everything & maybe at best eat 4 mouthfuls after much coaxing. And to make matters worse, she refuses to let me feed her & only wanted to self-feed with utensils. Needless to say, created a huge mess & patience really ran very thin for me during that period. On days when we decide to feed her outside, she would only eat a couple of mouthfuls of the food which i have prepared for her & wanted to eat whatever we were eating. Wat i did was to pour her food onto our plate & then serve her food with plain rice from our plate & she would oblige us & finish her meal. At home, i just adopt GF's way of removing her plate/bowl quietly after 40mins (i give her 10 more mins as opposed to GF's 30mins). And i did not top up with milk or offer snacks like biscuits etc & made her wait for her next schedule meal/milk/snack time to feed her. Guess wat? Within a couple of days, she was back to her good old feeding habits. One lesson i learnt is to never turn meal times into a battle of wills as this will seriously lead to chronic feeding problems. Keep a food diary & look at food intake over a week. Erratic toddler eating habits are expected in the 2nd year[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hiya! Might've missed your post. Wonder if Megan's, Firipy's & mine have been shipped out yet? Thanks again!

Ada, ET, Febie

Babes, I don't know what happened, but I hope the air has been cleared.




3) WEI


I am not sure if you guys got my emails? Let me know if you did not get my email stating the amount to tt , thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RE: SPREE -> I SHIPPED ALL THE BOXES LIAO because I had some help so I quickly shipped all the loot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cocomama, ur info is so helpful!!!

cheerieheart, I can understand how painful it is that ur boy doesnt seem to eat anything at all, try n follow wat cocomama posted n see how. Cos kids they usually know how to regulate back, my boy wld do "make up eating" after a few days of strike due to illness/teething

Febie, paisei, even u got drag in..

Smalldreams, I dun see the need to clear if it's already in this situation..

Please continue with other topics.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

These days..... I am amused at the train of thoughts and conversation in my household..

The below ARE REAL thoughts and conversations, I am sure many of you will recognize them!LOL!

"Please do play with my Mark and Spencer bras... please please please take this La Perla " (M&S is my best friend now cos very comfortable lah)

"Where are my keys ah???" 2 mins later ..."AHHH!! In my boots, my goodness, silly me, why did not I look there earlier!"

"You can squat! WOW!!!!"*clap hand

"French fries are so bad for you but ohhhh look at your puppy hungry eyes " ..*proceed to lick salt off fries and give to Arwen

"Ohhhh you wah wah, floor bad bad, mummy hug hug, papa love love"

"Let me show you my new Burberry bag ..oi.. what is this.. OH! This is the pacificer cap we have been looking all over for, yeah!"

"Why why why you like to bite dirty socks! Nah, here is a clean one for you to bite lah!"

" Kaw kaw chi, kaw kaw chi, Arwen Arwen good bebe" ( bedtime song..)

" Did she poo? Got? Good?How many time? 2 times!!??!?!WHAT COLOR?!?!? What consistency ??? The smell? Black POLKA DOTS!!! OH.... she ate kiwi lah..duhz.."

Me : "I don't think she is Einstein material ..." DH : "How can you say that!!! We dun know yet, too soon to tell " Me : "Look" *Arwen at this point turn to us with her small potty on her head..

"Hmmm.. diapers this shop 40 cents cheaper but milk 1 dollar more... this other shop leh... 70 cents more for diapers, but milk 80 cents less...how ah .... oHHH but look at this useless-she-will-play-for-5-minutes-toys-then-proceed-to-destroy-it 50 dollars toy! MUST BUY!"

*Hang very pretty dress in closet, hang very pretty pants and also blouse, hang new jeans in cupboard, admire my new clothes for awhile then proceed to wear old jeans and comfy 5 year old tshirts for the next few weeks.

"Is she having flu?" DH "No lah! Only some running nose lah "Me: "How bad!!!?? Alot?? DH forever the engineer geek:" 2cm long" Me: ".............. how can measure one!!! got means got lah!!!"

jessie>so cute and funny! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you sing kaw kaw chi to arwen too? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies

jessie, ur hb oso used singlish?? i like ur conv on poo... when i saw orangey red stuff, i tot she got blood in poo! in the end it was the gou qi zi... lol

Good morning, all.

Jessie> You made my Monday morning feels better!!! So funny la!

Afann, ET, Febie> Hey, read thru the postings...No one is at fault la. All of us mummies are just very concerned over our little bubs and have our own way to protect them. Hope everyone just forgive and forget about those stuff and be good friends again!

Re: Playdate

Hey, anyone keen for a weekday playdate at my place. Would suggest 20 Apr (Wed)...just before I go on to a new job!!!

Please indicate interest here:





luvbabe>woo, congrats on your new job. Hope you'll have more time to spend with your 2 boys there. at least no need late nite conference, i hope? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

will confirm later with u if I can go on the playdate. must see my schedule. :p

luvbabe : Haha, glad it made you smile , I dun know why last night was working working working then suddenly felt like my vocab these days all changed! I can't even type proper words sometimes!

Lsntyl : YES! You too? I dun know why I naturally sing Kaw Kaw chi to her.. LOL

bbin : Yah, my DH breaks into Singlish if he is stress .Keke but his Singlish got very strong French accent so super awful to hear!

Panda : Glad your items got to you safely! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning all...

Jessie, I often got scolded by my hubby for speaking in baby terms to S...

But your post is really funny... chase our Monday blues away...

Hey Angela, congrats on your new job...

wanted to talk to you all after the kindermusik trial that day but almost all left...

hope your new job doesnt require u to work in the evening too.

luvbabe, congrats! I am still looking lo *sad* 1 moment got some offers which I turned down n not totally no news....I can't confirm on the playdate yet cos the registration for the playgrp at my hse starts from 20th Apr!

Jessie, I can totally relate to u on most of the things u post! Esp the part where ur n ur DH discuss abt whether bb is genius or nt. A put my undies over his head lo, got stuck n cry for help! heheh!!! U brighten up the thread again

Gd morning mummies!

Have some time to peep into forum finally. Lost my hp recently and feels yucky

Luvbabe, congrats and hope u find greater joy in your new job. Talking abt new job, I spoke to big boss on my job dissatisfaction n to my surprise, he offered a new function to my choice. I was like " Really? Am I dreaming?" Finally I found light at the end of the tunnel and am a happy woman again.

I tried this receipe for Chris over the weekends (yes, my guinea pig again ) and he loves it!

Bellamy’s Organic Vegie Macaroni - 4 tablespoon

(can substitute with any other pasta/ macaroni)

Leek - 6cm, chopped thinly

Butternut Squash - 4 cm wedge, cut into cubes

Zucchini - 8cm wedge, cut into cubes

Egg - 1

a) Bring 3/4 bowl of water to boil and add in all the ingredients (except egg) to cook.

b) Turn fire to low after 5min and simmer to cook for 12min or when the butternut is soft.

c) Add the beaten egg and mix well when the water is abt 70% evaporated.

You now have a yummy nutritious veg rich meal!

Prep Time: 10min

Cooking Time: 20min

Rating by Chris: ***** (coz he finished within 10min and asked for more)




lol, motherhood changes everyone. I'm more empathetic these days too. And rules change too.

Previously :

No toys on bed, no co-sleeping.


Who cares as long as everyone gets proper sleep!


Hey you got a new job? Where? is it near yr place? So goood! No more late night conferencing calls too, I hope?


I don't really babytalk to A too, except maybe "shi shi", or "mum mum". I've always been repulsed by baby talk anyway, hahha. But sometimes can't help it lah, so cute :p


Sometimes I put my #1's shorts over my head just for fun & he'll ROFL. We'll also talk nonsense & tell a funny story & he'll laugh and laugh. These are happy times. Well, always better to have laughter than cires at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope you find a job soon. don't worry, something better is in store for ya.

Re : Climbing

Don't ya think our babies are climbing a lot more these days? A climbs a LOT & very fast. When she's perched up somewhere high, she'll call out to us. Once she even almost lost her balance but managed to get back on her feet. Almost gave us a heart attack.

Little Lamb

where are you, babe? Hope all's good.

