(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


So nice that u managed to go for a short getaway. We are also planning for a cruise at the moment cuz cant wait till Aug for my real holiday! Yeah, Aly also eats much more when we are outside these days. She can finish her main meal which we bring out for her plus some bread & half a baked potato. But to me, eating more is definitely not a problem as compared to being fussy abt food. Only when she starts eating like this for every meal that I would worry about obesity!!!


mstan>thanks. I know the shop but ayden doesn't need anymore shoes for now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maybe your bb needs more solids?

cocomama>yes, I ordered it directly from the website. domestic shipping was free and international shipping was about 30+. I shipped through borderlinx. If possible, get 3 pairs cos their box can pack 3 pairs. my shoes worked out cheaper than if I had purchased them at the OG 20% sale

TYL : but my bb already on 3 main solids per day.

Oh yes, after her MMRV, she hv been very very sticky, cranky & likes to cry for no reason....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mstan>I donno. prob a doctor can advice better. as a layperson, I would wonder if her solids enough? but then maybe ayden eats a lot. he finished a bowl of rice with pork and radish soup, grapes and strawberries for dinner then had abt 6 oz of milk b4 he slept.

mstan>paiseh, I donno cos we never measure how much we give. also ayden's appetite might b bigger. we just feed him as much as he wants. when he turns away, we stop feeding. most of the time, he'll finish up his serving of rice/porridge though.

Ms Tan

Last time my #1 would also cry a bit more a few days after MMR. My mom said, it was trauma of having the injection, kekeke. Don't worry lah she'll be fine again in a few days' time. maybe that part a bit sore?

Re : babies having enough

What signs do your babies show when they've had enough? Turn away? splutter all the food out? gag? mine likes to stick her tongue out with the food bits. That's when I know she's had enough.

smalldreams>ayden will turn away. if he still wants, he'll just continue to open his mouth. :p He's greedy though. even after having enough of his food and fruit, he'll still nag for more if he sees us eating something else. :p

I havent bring my little boy for MMR yet, guess should try to make it by next month, find a long weekend to bring him for it..

My boy will shake his head now, if he dun want to eat, else will refuse to open his mouth...

sp_callalily> yes.. he seems to be eating his normal portion for breakfast this morning. where are you heading to in August?

lsntyl> oh i c.. i guess i will probably order online in the next round then. thanks for the info.

smalldreams> when Yongxian has had enough, he would turn his head away. if this mummy is being naughty and still keep offering, he would flap his hands to prevent the spoon from going anywhere near his mouth. still keep offering and he will use his hands to push my hand away and yell at me at the same time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cocomama>I know a mommy who sprees online for seekairun. You want her contact? I was going to order through her but didn't in the end as she just gave birth a while ago so I was thought it would be inconvenient to collect from her. should still be cheaper than buying from the shops in SG

mstan> think it's becos she drinks a lot of night so pees a lot at night.

cocomama> these few days her appetite dropped! but think cos she's having runny nose and cough.

bbwoofie> no need shoes yet cos i ordered thru taobao.

smalldreams> yah she will push the food out of her mouth, and do the all done/no more sign. if i continue, she wont open her mouth and will do the sign again. if i still insist which i usually don't, then she'll shake her head. hahah.

i usually say one last spoon then she'll eat one more spoon then we'll stop.

jessie, Argh, the stupid bank double deduct my $ for credit card bills n I got a rude shock when they tell me insufficient funds after I attempt to transfer. It will take 3 days to get the $ back into the acct, I need go n deposit cash at the bank tmr then can transfer to u. So sorry for the delay

Ahhhhh... finally got time for our forum again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Some of you saw on FB right? Water gushed out from the false ceiling in my bathroom 2 days back. No water supply for a day while they were fixing it... it's like back to using water from a bucket during ration days when we were young. Now just waiting for the paint smell to go away. And this happened when the hub was out on biz trip.


been wanting to reply you - please retract your compliments for Renee. She sleeps in her own room but doesn't mean she can fall asleep independently. I still need to let her roll around on the big bed, sing lullaby, carry a bit before putting her down in her cot.

Post new videos of YX. His big boy, towkay antics in thst 'speaking' video are so cute.

On feeding,

Renee will shake her head and pout when she doesn't want anymore. But i usually can persuade her to finish all that i have prepared. Even though she may express her fullness by shaking her head, she will still point to the puff tub and sign 'more' after I show her the empty bowl. Think she's used to having 2 course meals. haha.


Renee didn't get any side-effects for her MMR & V jabs though the doc advised that some mild rashes around 5-7 days may appear. Hep A also no side effects. Seems like the fever-causing ones are the pneumococcal or 5-in-1 jabs.

Not sure if you are offering enough cos it depends if the child wants to eat. But Renee eats 220-250ml at lunch and at dinner. Bound to be days when she's not that keen (need some persuasion to finish) and days when she's dua yao "big hungry".


Renee didn't wince at all for her MMR & V jabs. Seems like not very traumatic. But for her hep A one, she cried a few seconds.

On shoes,

Renee also has thick feet (And ugly toes, like her dad! :p) Clarks' shoes are the worst for her. Cannot even stuff her foot in. Some Mothercare ones are not suitable too.

Share with you an encounter which happened on 23 march:

I brought Renee out to Dubai Mall for some shopping and I was feeding her nicely in the food court when an Arab boy of about 3+yo came forward and bullied Renee. First, he pretended to pat Renee's forearm then i noticed how he didn't move his hand after a second. He was pinching her! Instinctively, I felt like slapping that boy but of course I didn't lah. I tried to break his grip but he wasn't letting go and pulled Renee's skin in the process.

Next, he pinched her right cheek and arm. And I had to pull his hand away again and again. Then, he hit Renee on the head with his palm. It wasn't that hard but it wasn't a loving pat for sure! Then, he grabbed and pulled Renee's left arm. Basically, he went from Renee right to left and kept pinching her.

I felt like slapping him, hanging him by his ankles before tossing him out of the way but I couldn't because he's a child too. But this whole scene was quite a while and his parents didn't react until I went from the gentle "hey, don't do this. You cannot do this" to raising my voice a little and saying "stop it!" to the boy. The mum took two steps closer and slapped the boy on his shoulder without apologising and without explaining things to her son. Poor parenting! Or perhaps the boy is a beyond-control-child. But if that's the case, they should watch him closely right?

I snapped pix of her injuries. Renee had like "tiger stripes" on her arms... all the marks left behind by the boy's fingers. Ok lah, by the night, only one light scratch was visible.

What was worse is after the boy left, Renee was pinching herself softly at the arm like exploring "what's that all about? is this pain?" Throughout the whole incident, she wasn't frightened but I could see the ????? all over her face. Caught her doing this a few times but I kept explaining to her that it's not right to pinch. She should just pat pat and sayang gently.

Then I can't believe that today she saw a group of children, she said "cheh cheh' (she can't tell boys and girls apart) to me and then pinched her own arm again, looking at me. Is she thinking that pinching is way of saying 'hello"?! Man, that's how fast they learn and how impressionable they can be.

Oh Pauline,

You brought up a good point about how a non-religious school can have a teacher who is religious and impose his or her beliefs on pupils. I didn't think of that possibility.

Hi, Jessie. You have forgotten to include #14.

Anyway including this item, I've already transferred the amended amount into your account. Please confirm. Thanks.

c.yang>oh no, sayang renee. hugs, hugs. how can the parents of the boy just let him bully her? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


We are thinking of going Switzerland in Aug but the long flight & time zone difference is kinda making me have 2nd thoughts. Will prob re-think abt our destination of choice sometime in June.

C Yang:

I recalled a similar incident that happened to Aly too sometime in Feb. Though it wasnt as dramatic as Renee's incident, but suffice to say it was enough to pissed me off as well. I mean i know kids can be rough and so on but as parents, if u know that yr kid is like that, i feel u shd be watching nearby & be ready to intervene when necessary. This kid abt 4yo that "bullied" Aly was totally non-apologetic & it was only when i told her wat she was doing was wrong & asked to see and speak to her parents that she got scared and all this while, her parents were nowhere in sight! Totally bochap parents & poor parenting!


Oh, my bb hv fever yesterday & yesterday nite we gv her medicine & she was crying & refuse to take the medicine & we like "force' her to take & put colling pad on her head.

This morn her fever subside.

baa : not enough ? Thought read somewhere that solids ard 180ml/6oz each meal ?

Well, if I at hm on wkends I will try to feed her more small meals but on weekdays (my MIL looking after her) althou I ask my MIL to feed her more she still likes to take the easy way out & always tell me that bb already eat a lot liao....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyway after her dinner whenever I eat, she likes to come over & I will pinch a tiny bit of rice for her to eat.....;p

Oh, found that my bb the most can only last abt 7-7.5hrs without milk at nite (once a while up to 8hrs)....;p

Cyang...wow really dramatic ah...you are cool girl! I think some mom will freak out and start scolding the kid liao!!! Wow Renee's pain tolerant is vy high ah...she din cry ah!!! i think if it's HW she will cry n cry liao!!! mine is a drama queen!


Think you should take the cue from yr gal as to how much to feed her. As a guide, toddlers this age takes abt 150ml to 180ml per solid meal, milk is abt 350ml to 600ml & maybe 2 snacks (mid-morning & mid afternoon). If you can, try to wean down on milk intake & give more solids. Technically, yr gal shd be able to last thru thr night without any milk feeds. Usually middle of the night milk feeds are due to habit or inadequate food intake in the day. This is not gospel truth but just a rough guide. Some toddlers eat more & some eat less. As long as yr gal's weight is not dropping across 2 centile lines ie. prev 75th percentile & now 25th percentile, then there's cause for concern. Hope this helps.

lsntyl> that would be great. does she spree over SMH? thanks in advance.

melissa> Yongxian's appetite also get somewhat affected when he's not well.

c.yang> no lah.. i still think that Renee is very adaptable. i need to find the time to edit and upload the videos.

aiyoh... you are so patient. i would have raised my voice at that boy long ago. sayang Renee. i think it's a case of very bad parenting.

i also had a similar incident but with a different outcome. we brought Yongxian to the toy shop at Paragon to choose a toy and they had a train track on display. 2 kids were already there and Yongxian went over and started to play with a train on the track at the opposite side of where the 2 kids were. then one of the kids who looked like he's 3yo went over to Yongxian's side and also wanted to play with the same train. he tried to shove Yongxian aside and laid his hand on the same train. i was all prepared to take Yongxian away, when i saw him turned his back towards that boy and used his elbow to block him out. so i decided to just wait and watch. then that boy tried to snatch a toy from the other kid who was there. his mom was there all the while but she didn't intervene. then i heard her 'nagged' at him to go and he started to cry for 5 more mins. apparently, they have been there for 1 hour when it was supposed to be 5 mins affair. we spent another 30 mins there and they only left just before we did.

sp_callalily> wah.. Switzerland does sound like a very long flight.

v_ni> perhaps your little boy has a high metabolism rate? how does he measure against the growth chart?

bluey: Not yet, I am doing CY box tonight and will email you guys tonight. Sorry but was waiting for 1 skirt to come!

Panda: Thanks!

Tam :Your box also will clear tonight

Lsyntyl : Your loot are ready for shipping, will email you tonight.

melissa : Still waiting to hear if you want to tag with Tam or not, let me know yah!

mstan : sorry for the delay but still waiting for 1 dress.

pauline : waiting for one pair of shoes.

mindy : waiting for 3 pairs of shoes

SP : Thks !

My bb do takes abt 150-180ml for lunch & dinner.

Breakfast either bread or cereal.

But she's a milk drinker & still drinks usually in the range of 600+ml per day, of course certain days lesser than 600ml.

Snacks she does eat puffs/biscuits/fruits/cheese (over the wkend).

Usually for wkends I will gv her more snacks but becos my MIL looking after her on wkdays so althou I keep telling her to feed bb more but she keeps saying bb already eats alot....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh, her weight hv always in the 20-30 percentile only....;p

v_ni : yr bb really hv gd appetite. I dun mind if my bb can eats....;p

What's his weight ?


Yeah, it is a long flight. Hence, we are worried esp since it's night flight & if Aly doesnt sleep & ends up being cranky and crying, think the rest of the passengers in the plane will give us dagger stares. Think we need to be considerate too. If it's day light, at least still can walk her up & down the aisle even though it's also irritating to the rest of the passengers. So there, our back up option was Japan. We shall see how things are in June.

Many a times, i think when the parents tell the kids "5mins", it shd really be 5mins & not compromise. Cuz kids are smart, after a while when they realised parents dun mean wat they say, they will just keep pushing their limits.

cocomama>let me check if she still sprees seekairun. will pm you with her contact. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


eh, melissa said she wanted to tag with me previously cos she stays v near to me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

v_ni : yes, maybe can gv him more fruits, fruit juice & plain water ?

Yr bb at gd weight wat, dun worry.

Guys usually can loose weight when they are older.

My bb only abt 20-30 percentile for weight but ard 75 pecentile for height....;p

I already finds her very heavy as I very skinny....;p

jessie>wah, really? I didn't know that! :p

melissa>paiseh, cannot tag you

V_ni>your baby's weight n height seems ok for the percentile they're in to me... doesn't fibre help reduce constipation?


Gosh that's horrible. Poor Renee, so innocent kena bully. I think pinching is a really mean thing to do as opposed to simply patting or pushing. Coz pinching like must be more discreet, then must use fine motor control like that. That boy was probably pinched too, which was why he adopted the same method on other kids. Hope Renee unlearns that fast!


Oh no, YX is a victim too?

Re : Bullying

the babies will learn how to stand up for themselves soon. But I think it's easier if they've got older siblings. Coz they've already been "trained" at home, kekeke. My little girl was the subject of patting, pushing, all the works! But she very steady one. She doesn't cry much and recently she'd also plonk on the brother back! But I'm quite relieved i've not seen her hitting any other kiddos... whew...!

So now you're back using taps ? :p

My #1 can be quite a terror but I think snatching toys etc are quite normal things that kids do - but as parents we need to educate them that snatching is wrong. Must take turns. They'll learn & things will get better when they learn in school. So hopefully our kiddos will be stronger once they get into school too!

But that said, older kids will always bully smaller ones. My boy is 4 years old, yet he also always kena bully by the older kids at playground. Sometimes not just in terms of physical - but in terms of receiving broken toys etc. Gotta teach them to stand up for themselves. But Adam also kena bully by a neighbour who's younger than him by a few months. I thought my boy was a terror, but there are more terrors out there...hahaha... well that's something I'm quite glad to know too :p

Jessie, i think it was Mel who said she may tag with me.. Need her to confirm. Melissa's tagging with TYL i think.. Melissa n TYL r both in Bedok area..

tam>wait for melissa's confirmation bah. I'm also not sure what her decision is. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

C. Yang, *sayang Renee* I guess to her, the boy was just playing with her and she didn't know that he was pinching her. Some older toddlers can be quite naughty. When I bring R to peekaboo, we frequently meet these older toddlers who has a tendency to bully younger children. I observed that some toddlers would purposedly go snatch away the babies' toys, push them and hit them. And after they bully, can see the smirk look on their faces. Just last week, R met with this boy who was about 3-4 yr old. R was in the ball pit and the boy wanted to jump on R. There was so much room in the ball pit but the boy purposedly went close to R and wanted to 'attack'. I pulled R away, else R would have been squashed. And a while later, the boy was playing in this toy house when R went to the window and peeped in. The boy stuck his hand out and pushed R's face away. I was so angry and I scolded the boy right there and then. His parents were no where in sight.

Ms Tan, I think by this age, most children would drop the night feed. From what you mentioned about the amount of solid intake, seems quite ok. R also takes about that amount, sometimes more, sometimes lesser. But his milk intake is decreasing. So maybe your gal wakes up as a matter of habit? You can try to 'wean' her off the night feed and increase a bit of her solids in the day if you think she would be hungry at night. But you gotta be hard hearted and not give in to more milk. What you can do is to decrease the amount of milk by 30-50ml every 3 days or replace the milk with plain water.

Callalily, Switzerland's a nice place to go! But the flight distance is really quite long.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I would wish to bring R to Europe but thinking about the flight n the time difference is already detering me from planning. Hahaha..


You saw smirks on their faces? gee, that sounds quite serious, hehe. I don't think young children are really capable of being malicious, lah. I think it's more of mischief lah, and sometimes they very "geram" when they see the small cute tottering toddlers, u noe what I mean? I think once they hit about 6-7 yrs old, they may hurt with intent, else, they're mostly in their own egocentric world - and their main reason for pushing babies around is for them to get their own way. But I think it's right to point out to older kids if they were being mean to the younger ones. That'll help make them more aware.

Jessie> Just emailed you and confirmed that I have transferred the money to you liao.


lsntyl> thanks. received your PM.

v_ni> your boy seems to be of good height and weight. if you're worried about him snacking too much, try to give him nutritious snacks like fruits, cheese, vegetables. fibre is supposed to help with constipation but young children should not be fed a high-fibre diet.

smalldreams> YX was almost a victim. I recalled once a little boy wanted to hit him, but his parents were around to restrain him. YX then looked at us cluelessly, almost like wondering how he should react.

v_ni> i feel that sometimes we need to intervene (even if there's no immediate danger) to show our kid that they can and should stand up for themselves. i do not want YX to grow up thinking that it's ok to be bullied or that it's acceptable to bully others. if the other kids' parents are nonchalant about it, i will not hesitate to tell their kids that their behavior is unacceptable. basically, i want YX to know that it is not acceptable for anyone to bully.



I was just at Peekaboo this afternoon & witnessed similar incidents that u have described. This boy was at least 6yo so i did not even hesitate to tell him off!!!I feel 6yo is old enough to know wat is right & wat is wrong.Needless to say, his parents were nowhere in sight!

Yes, Switzerland is really beautiful & so I thought it would be nice to bring Aly there.

