(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Yuki, when they r older do v still need to cook porridge for them? I really lost what to feed him when he turns 1.


mamaD>a few of us went for the igenius trial at city sq. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

YL, we tried sitting him down several times but he wriggled away too. Took him a few weeks before he decides to be a gd boy and sat with us. But hoh, his attention span v short, 5min each time then crawls away to kai po and come back again.

Haha, hubby objected to the class too, said so expensive. He can open a class at S'goon Village, print some flash cards, buy some story books, play some children songs and charge $2 per entry for 1 hr. **FAINT**

MamaD, there is a sch called I-Genius at City Sq. The baby will be exposed to flash cards, sing songs and some other materials. Can google search for their webby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yuki, clever Chris...

Shayne will nv let me do that...

try showing him a book, he snatch from me, flip a few pages and throw it away... no chance to even start reading...


My boy just turns one and I am still giving him porridge, but less watery type. Still nt comfortable to give him rice coz he has only 6 bugs bunny teeth. Afraid of him not chewing solid well and cause indigestion.

Hehee, I have not researched wat to give after 1 yr old.

yuki>hee, the hubbies all so funny. all say the same thing. maybe they should start a biz together. xin's hubby can play the guitar while yours and my hubby read the storybooks and entertain the children. the wifes just collect the $. :p

actually, don't have to buy the story books. can just go library and borrow. according to hubby, the storybooks used during the session were from NLB. :p

michelle>I'll prob continue feeding my boy porridge/rice with soup after he turns 1. Can go littlegastronomy for recipe ideas.

sweet>yep, the class is meant for right brain training. OCBC got a promo for free trial so we went for that.

febie>when ayden was young, we could still read to him. now, he just wants to crawl everywhere. :p

YL, I dun mind collecting money too but $2 a bit too cheap lor...

$10 per hr, still ok lah...

So many hubby, once class we will have 4 students... haahhaa

I brought my boy to Shichida school since he was 8 mths old. Now he can concentrate better in class and even home practise he could sit still till I finished the stack of flash card. I think they just need to practise n do it everyday. Once they get used to it, will just sit n listen. Of cos not for hour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yl, I much rather she calls me Mummy then my heart will melt but instead she learnt to say 'I dun want', 'Go away'. Sianz... :p

which reminds me, I brought Raeanne for little neurotree n baby jumper gym trials previously. she had fun but I didn't sign up cos it was expensive. Raelynn keeps grabbing my flashcards n crumpling them when I tried to flash to her at home. I never been to shicida though, do they have trial too? Maybe I should bring Raelynn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yuki, chris also self weaned? so r u still pumping or not at all? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pauline, yup Chris self weaned. I stopped pumping too. Felt a little 'lost' in the beginning and bu she de, but I realise the time I spent with him after work every nite is equally meaningful compared to bf. In fact it is more tiring running after a crawling BB than siting on a chair BF him. Nvr suffer fr insomnia!

Michelle, how did you manage to get your boy to sit still?

I have tried flashing cards to my girl everyday but she will turn away or try to grab the cards whenever i take them out.

It goes the same for reading books. She will crawl elsewhere after reading one page.

Any tips? haha..

But somehow, my girl seems to be attentive during the trial classes (GUG, Kindermusik, igenius, LNT) we have brought her to.

yuki, I know what u mean. she self weaned 1 day after I came back from Taipei so I feel even more guilty cos I never bring her there. :p I am still debating how long to pump for. :p

is there GUG or Shicida in the east? which is cheaper? anyone knows?


GUG is located at United Square and Mountbatten.

Shichida is at Toa Payoh and Springleaf Tower.

There are no trial classes for Shichida.

Happysport, 1st few months I let him sit on his rocker (which can b a chair) n buckle him up. After 1 term, he seem to understand that he need to sit still for flash card. Now I put him on sofa, he sit although his head will turn when I stop. Once I start flashing he will look at the cards.

I also bring him to kindermuzik. He prefers kindermuzik cos has freedom to move about. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh, maybe i should try putting her on a highchair and see if it works ;)

so far she has either been sitting on her playmat or sofa..

Are you on the weekday or weekend Shichida class? The classes are quite expensive right?

Mine is weekday. $780 per term for weekend n weekday is $40 cheaper [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I go to the toa payoh Sch, just 5 mins from my house.

Yeh u can put her in the high chair. Once she understand or get used to it, she will sit still. 1st few times just do 10 mins n split into few sessions.

Michelle, thaqnks, no wonder I never attended the trials before, they are quite far away from Tampines. :p How long is a term for Shicida? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello Mummies..

For those that are having barnyard party for your baby.. Do you all want the barnyard loot bag?

I bought it 2packs, total of 16bags.. + a few more that i bought it from Pauline last time.. i think have additional 4-5 bags..

But then realized that the gifts that we bought are too big for the bag.. anyway wanna take over from me?

JieYi.. if you are reading this.. n still needs it .. contact me again k!

PM me k!

Below link for pictures n details..


jus brought LO to doc..cannot tahan the stool pellets again ard 3pm..doc gave some lung tonic for cough n smething to retain the water in the intestines so as to soften the stool..show him the pix of LO's stool..heehee..hope he can take dinner later..

the onli time my LO sit still is when he is wif the doc..he still weigh the same as 1.5mths ago..sian..9.5kg....though doc never comment i smehow feel bad abt myself..i'm a SAHM but still can't feed him or nurse him well..today damage $150..feel bad for DH's pocket..so much burden..

Evening mummies....

Yuki> Wow, Indiana Chris is so clever, now can read story books...For Lucas, he would just touch touch, flip flip and throw away the book...Sigh!

Michelle> Wow, Keagan is so clever and can sit still for you to flash cards! Your efforts have paid off! I wish Lucas can be as attentive too but he is the direct opp from his kor-kor, super duper active! Can't make him sit still at all, not even meal times.

MamaD> PD is really very expensive hor....Try to continue diluting the milk.... Sigh! You're not a bad mummy lah, please don't say that. You are already doing all you can to help your LO liao. Lucas is having fever now and I am still working away here. Felt so bad about leaving him at home with just my helper!

Mummies> Just wanted to check how did some of you mummies encourage your LO to hold their own bottle when drinking milk. Any ideas or suggestions? I recalled roughly by 1 yr old, Luis is able to hold his milk bottle to drink milk liao but till now, Lucas is too lazy to hold his own milk bottle and he would rather not drink at all if we did not hold the milk bottle for him!!!!

MamaD: Yah , total 15 times in two days! I got Smecta and probiotics on standby and I just gave her that and let the diarrhea runs it course . Yes Augmentin very well known for diarrhea as a side effect.

I realise Arwen instead of throwing books on the floor now actually seems to take a lot of interest in flipping the books and looking at the pictures! So strange eh, one day one pattern. Today she just sat quietly by herself for 15 mins, looking intently at some magazine! Hmm.... think it is time to get more books for her liao!

Now I lost.. don't know what toys to buy for her liao. Feel like getting those fun kitchen model kit and all but think too early. Think this month I get her books but also need to keep all her baby toys liao. Abit sad but she outgrew them long ago.

Luvbabe : I have been trying to teach A to hold her bottle since she was 4months old! Until now.. so lazy to do so! Unless she is starving, then she will snatch the bottle from me and drink on her own!

I keep all the flash cards for now cos A likes to eat them, so sian lor. But I am starting Baby Can Read again because she seems to be able to absorb a lot of things these days!

Xin : keke, I am not cool mum. It is not that A's tantrum don't bother me but somehow, I am not fazed by all these things. Maybe it is because I know it is not like she is in serious distress or pain and hence I am more relax about it. Or I choose to make it light so she knows her tantrum will not be tolerated or be taken seriously.

Still, I feel for me, the thing is not to just let her have tantrums but preempt it before it happens. If she is happily playing a toy and it is time for her lunch, don't remove her toy or her but let her play for a while more. If she crawls into the study which she is not suppose too, instead of bringing her out , screaming and crying, I let her hang around abit but not engaging her in anyway, normally she touch here and there then will get bored. Sometimes she actually take all the stocks off the shelve but I just let her because I felt the more she thinks these things are forbidden, the more intrigue she would be. Now she hardly wants to go to the study liao.

But recently I fixed a metal gate to bar her from the kitchen and toilet, could be a bad idea cos now she likes to hang around the gate waiting for us ! I mean, last time she dun even go near that area! LOL! Still I want it there so at least I don't have to baby proof my kitchen for now!!

Happysport, yes am sahm now. That y have time to do home practise with him. Oh I stay just right at the tp central. Where ur mil stay?

To be honest, Shichida method really need to b hardworking to do home practise. Just based on the class I don't think it will b effective.

Pauline, 12 lessons per term. There is no replacement class for public holidays. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Luvbabe, is very individual baby. Maybe at home, keagan has no one to distract him so he can concentrate better.

Jessie, my little monster also very lazy to hold his bottle. He will let go of his hand n suck the bottle. Rather suck air than hold it!! So no choice I still need to sit up n feed him. Do u know when they can drink from cup?

Jessie, Raelynn like to throw things now and apparently throwing things into containers is supposed to be a milestone now. Maybe a basketball loop toy that counts? Hope Arwen's diarrhoea resolves soon.

Michelle, oh, PH no replacement? recently so many PH on Sat/Mon, very lugi leh. By right, can start training toddler to drink from cup from 1 yr old. But mine 13 months liao, still don't know cos we seldom let her practise. :p

whoa, today also so many posts. :p

michelle> i returning 2 days before you reach. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i check the weather 19-26 deg. like aircon ba.

you staying with mil right? so shd be able to cook? i gg to stay at an apartment, so intend to cook some food for him. will bring some jars too. and try to order food that he can eat. :p

yuki> mattias also started pointing to things leh. but i didn't link it to that class. if it is then i dont mind signing up. haha.

today he pointed to me on a photo. dunno is it fluke but i still very happy. :p

enrichment class $2 really very cheap leh. :p

those staying near bedok, the lib got a prog on print awareness on 25 jan. can go check it out. it's really only $2 for half an hr. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessie> you have a point. i have to be cool to let him know that tantrums wont get him anywhere. usually, i'll pick him up if he cries more than 3 mins? shd i let him cry longer? but i really cant stand it. :p

pauline> actually, i dont worry so much abt no. 1. i worry more about not giving no.2 enough attention. as no.1 has our 100% attention which no.2 will never get to enjoy.

din know that throwing things into a container is a milestone. mattias likes to throw things over his 'cage' and place things into containers. does it count?

do you all brush your baby's teeth? mine dont really like us to brush and we realise that he's got bacteria built up on his teeth. got bad breath too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

any good tips to get them to brush teeth?

Xin, yup, I read it from one of those development emails sent to me. where throwing becomes more deliberate. Anyway, was surfing for a link and found this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_development_stages#Physical_4[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

True, I also felt this way but luckily no. 2 will not demand so much attention in the beginning cos young babies spend a lot of time drinking milk and sleeping. So, they are quite ok with anyone. But no. 1 will have a harder time adjusting cos suddenly he is no longer the centre of everyone's attention. :p

can't sleep 2nite cos i had bubble tea for dinner. I'm so going to pay for it 2moro at work. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pauline>RL is really fast

xin>we brush our teeth in front of ayden and it makes him excited and more willing to brush his teeth. maybe you want to try that?

Wah didn't know so many mothers here still breastfeeding n also share the same sentiment as me. I'm tired of bringing the breast pump to work everyday to pump yet to wean him off I also bu sher de :-( Keep thinking when shld I stop BFing my baby....or to wait till he self wean ?

Tot of stopping before CNY so tat less work for me but then bu sher de lor...

Pauline, if that term has more than 2 days of public holidays then they will give replacement class. So minimum still have 10 lessons [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin, in sydney v will b staying at service apartment. Only Perth then will stay with in law. Super lazy to cook during holidays.

YL, hope you are fast asleep now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Second one usually faster cos monkey see, monkey do. Always copy her sister's actions. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Michelle, then it's not so bad. But the location is very far for me. Think I better beow Little Neuro Tree cos at least it's at Tampines. :p

kokamee, yup, if RL didn't self wean. I will latch her as long as she wants. In a way, it's good that she self weans cos I won't be able to actively wean her off on my own. Yours also no. 2 right? If stop BF, have more time for both kids no? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin : Depends.. maybe I have very low tolerance for tantrums, sometimes Arwen will scream for like 2 to 3 mins, I just let her or I will quickly distract her with some other toys or laugh and tickle her but I would not let her have her way . Normally distractions works for me. Like I would take her to the kitchen and show her some pots and pans , shiny stuff to bluff this little magpie!

morning mummies!

wow really quite a bit of post..!!


think Chris is so good boy leh!! he got a very bright look in the first place..kekekke....


same same..tytus oso take the books..flip through & throw..then start crawling all over..


you bought tooth wipes for matt?? because they dunno how to gargle yet...or if yo intend to start brushin..can use first teeth tooth paste..its "edible" safe for babie..

but i dun usually bother about their teeth..

these few days haf been madness!! I hardly haf time to rest..

T1 gotta wake at 5.45..go take school bus at 6.20..dunno wats wif maid..brot her down at 6am..

T3 wakes up between 5.30-6.30..

T2 will wake at 8..maid gotta send him to CC

all different timing for activity...suppose to do this for another 5 years till t3 goes P1 for them to haf same timing..driving me abit nuts..haha

Morning mummies!

YL, hope u r not a black panda this morning. Hehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fatbabe, Chris is more like a tyrant loh. He is really v stubborn like an Ox and will scream his way at home on bad days. I am just waiting to whip out the cane.

MamaD, hope your LO is feeling much better. Chris had constipation for a day during our trip. His face was all red and his botak head wet with his perspiration, trying to move his bowels. I realised once he drinks less than 150ml of plain water the day before, he sure kana constipation the following day. Perhaps you want to up his plain water intake?

Xin and YL,

I bought the baby toothbrush and toothpaste for Chris. The toothpaste is banana flavoured so he loves brushing. But we need to do it quick coz once he finishes the 'banana' toothpaste, he will not want us to brush anymore.


I also duno wat toys to get for Chris nowadays. He gets bored with new toy after a few days. Hmm. may I shld start bringing him to NLB and expose him more to reading. Also browsing through toy rental webby and will rent toys for him.

pauline/yuki>I'm indeed a panda at work. Didn't help that Ayden woke up before 6 and insisted on staying up. He was smacking our faces to wake us up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

good morning all...

all of you are early...

YL, I can join u and become panda...

Basically I'm only sleep an hour only lor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I need to ask f your LOs make lots of noise in their sleep? mine is driving me nuts...

he's not sound asleep and keep making lots of noise in half a sleep state... -_-'''

struggling to keep my eyes open now...

oh dear, no more bubble tea for u at night. ayden is such an early bird. :p

I was woken up 2 times by no. 1 last night. First time, she wanted to pee, then at 5am, she wanted me to make milk for her, after feeding her milk n making her sleep, I came back to my room n just as I am falling asleep, she came again n ask me to sleep with her. At 8am when she came to me n told me she wanted to poo, I told her to find the maid cos mummy too tired liao. :p

febie>I had 3 cups of green tea already so am more awake. Ayden does make sounds in his sleep. If he can't settle after patting, I let him suckle abit then he goes back to sleep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My no.1 & 2 held the bottle before 1yo. Just guide their hands to hold it and after a few tries, they did themselves. But still depend on bb character, some easy to teach, some more stubborn. This one ahhh, suddenly decide to self wean from bottle and pacifier at 10months, refuse to drink any EBM, or FM from bottle. Only want to latch for milk, when I get home from work. I am trying to get her to drink some milk in the day, so pour into sippy cup the other day, and she can hold and drink herself. She loves water and can also drink from cup, straw, or sippys. very chin chye.


I am lazy mummy, seldom read to her. But if I do, I will sit her on my lap, and do action like riding a horse, sway side to side, fall down, sing song, pretend to bite her, feed/sayang the animal in the book, basically with lots of expression and action to hold her interest. Tiring lah...

Brushing teeth

I sing the song "this is the way I brush my teeth...."while brushing for her. If she bites or snap close, I will stop singing. When she open again, i will start singing.


do you have nursing room at work? If yes, don't have to lug pump to and fro, can leave there right? I only brought along 2-3 empty bottles last time to work to collect the milk home everyday.

furby>we've been trying to teach ayden to hold his bottle but he still refuses. won't selffeed too. think we must try to intro more opportunities for him to do so

nursing>I left my pump at work the whole time I was expressing. only transported the bottles and cool pack

Hi Mummies

I have two singtel web mobile to let go...

pls email to [email protected] for more infor

preloved mobile web cameras only used for 4 months..

excellent condition!

can use it to monitor ur toddler or maid simply make a video call =)

thx you =)


Yuki> 150ml seems ok..maybe Chris is taking lotsa solids..mine still taking 1-2 solids a day..refuse dinner..onli wants milk.. constipated for almost 10 days liao..i'm nw anxiously waiting to c his stool after he took prune n medication...

Pauline> My neighbour's no. 1 went to doc becos he suddenly cannot control his bladder when their no. 2 came..doc said kids will be emotionally disturbed so hve to tell them mama n papa still sayang them no matter wat..my nephew practically wan to 'bash' his infant sis last time..gosh..

luvbabe> hope Lucas' fever will go dwn soon! u take care hor..

