(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

yl, ya, cannot blame him lar cos he's been sleeping in his cosy little room for almost 1 yr already. last time, Raeanne also like that, once she is sleepy at night, no one can carry her except me, but then also because i latch her to sleep lar. :p yes, xin's idea not bad, if inconvenient for her to stay over, maybe just stay until ayden sleeps?

oh yes, i heard lots of complaints on jetstar. previously i always fly airasia but jetstar is cheaper for jetsaver light by about $30 each except RL's infant ticket so multiply by 5, quite significant. Mai khao resort is at mai khao beach at the northern tip of phuket, airport is 10-15 mins drive away. oh thanks, I got another contact previously but like not very cheap cos it's from Mai khao resort. heard that the resort only allows their own taxis to go in but not sure if it's true. how much is yours? can help me book, i am going from 14-17 march. r u booking him for airport hotel transfer only or going to patong beach too? can help me confirm that he can enter mai khao Marriott beach when u go in feb? valentine's day overseas sound so romantic. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


pauline>oic. means quite far from club med.

think you email them direct better. Mr Mark Tour, email is [email protected]. He quoted me 1200 thai baht for round trip transfer. I only booked airport hotel transfer but he does other tours too. Didn't book to patong beach cos not sure if I'll be going there.

hi mummies, wat type of prune do u buy if bb constipation? I had a pack of pitted prune n not sure hw to give to my LO as he is veri picky wif food...i was tinking mayb buy some commercial prune juice instead..*headache*

febie: so sorry to hear Shayne fell! I think really .. after they turn 1, they are super mobile siah.

Arwen is like Ninja baby, one min she is sleeping nicely on my bed, the next, she is at the foot. Sibei fast! But I love to sleep with her so very reluctant to put her back to cot, maybe after the SG trip. Or I got a queen size mattress so maybe can sleep with her on the floor too.

My master bedroom very messy lor. Cot rails on both side and a mattress at the foot. Ugly lah, but safe for Arwen and we can sleep better.

Now Arwen is the master control of the remote, she can differentiate which is the cable tv and the dvd one. Scream when I try to give her the dvd one cos she knows nothing will appear on TV with that. So scary, kids these days...can know which control what. She can turn the TV on and off like an expert now. Must hide controls again.

Her temper tantrums getting worse, scream until face all red, her nanny was very scare of her screams but I laugh and take video cos it is really hilarious when her face turn from so fair to red in seconds!

febie> if daddy dont want to put mattress on the floor then shdn't be upset with you ma. can put bed rail? or just put a bumper mat? that's what my friend did.

mamaD> pitted prunes are quite sweet so your baby shd like them. mattias loves them but daddy say too sweet though it's the natural sweetness.

jessie> u are really a very cool mum. mattias also had been crying and screaming alot since he got ill. i cant tk it at all. if he continues to do it after he gets well, i'm just gg to lock him in the room. :p. very heartless hor. any other way to let them know that they cant scream?


I saw some pics yr sis posted on FB. You look quite different. You were the one with specs rite?

Yeah, babies these days damn hi-tech. They know what to do with remote controls & iphones, Ipads. They'll flick their tiny fingers up & down. And point the remote to the TV too. sighs.

I suddenly miss them as younger babies...!


would ready made heinz prune juice help?

smalldreams, the bedguard is to prevent her fm rolling over nia...she will climb down on the side wout the guard

xin> i tried giving him few weeks back, he took 1 n refused for more..i'm starting to worry for his hard stool (dry pellets type)..

smalldreams> i will go buy n try on him later..

it breaks my heart to c him sweating n red-faced..hve i failed as a mum? *weep* i saw a new tooth jus nw..his last teething is diarrhoea n not constipation leh..i change the milk powder jus nw n will observe is it becos of the Stage 3 enfapro tat he started earlier..hw much of plain water is enough for a toddler nw?


Cheer up ok? U can try giving papaya. Usually it works for my kids.

U can also dilute the milk to increase water intake.

Should be OK.

smalldreams> i gave him papaya these 2 days..it helps a bit though..oh no he is coughing n sneezing nw..my head gg to explode..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mamaD> can try to give more water. that's most impt. if coughing and sneezing, dont put your fruits in the fridge.

i used to make my own prune juice by boiling the pitted prunes and fresh prunes.

someone mentioned that all foods start with 'p' will help, peas, papaya, pear, peach... can try. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] avacado too i think

Wow so many post today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tyl, maybe u should move ayden's old stuff to new place so he get used to ur new place!

I b moving letty's cot n our bed cos worried she can't get use to new environment w a new set of furniture.

Febie, maybe can get the parklon mats to safeguard? I also considering tat if we decided to sleep on e floor than dun need tat !!

mamaD> yah. what smalldreams say is right, u can dilute the milk, that's what i do so that she takes in more water cos she takes in minimal water when it's alone.

mstan> hmm think cos i let her sleep in her own room so she knows when it's sleeping time, it's sleeping time. so even if she wakes up 45min, we won't pick her up to play so she goes back to sleep and we're not visible so she won't try to call for us. in the morning if she wakes up early, she'll play in her own cot til we pick her up unless hungry so maybe she sleeps between 11 hours instead of 12. the number of hours seem rather accurate when i read up so think should be ok bah. she's also happy so i think she definitely sleep enough.

xin> i also thinking of going holiday this june cos i have free miles to claim. still undecided if want to go korea, japan or australia. dunno if korea will have war a not.

tyl> yah think what cy say is helpful. when i go overseas, i actually bring her cot bumper, bedsheet and stuff toy so that she feels comfortable. maybe bring the same bedsheet cover?

anyway, i realise children take about 3-5days to adapt and also learn that things are going to be like that for now on. so just need to tahan 3-5 days of fussiness. once they know no point fussing, they will adapt. anyway, u also have to move out eventually yah. maybe better to move earlier than later when he gets even more attached to ur mil.


Thanks ... Nat is better now but on and off drippy nose. As long as there is no fever, i am quite grateful. I just hope it doesn't develop into cough coz' I can hear phlegm. I think it may be the cold winter that's causing drippy nose. And also, because of the cold weather, nat's eczema kinda came back. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Been applying calendula cream for her but she just hates anything on her face!

It's just very bad lor. How to ever get well right? *sigh* Btw, dun give apple sauce to your LO when he's constipated. Applesauce will only make it worse. Only apple juice aids constipation.

cy/melissa>ayden's toys and cot are at our new place. But he misses my mom so he will get unhappy if he doesn't see her for too long. We brought his favourite toys and pillow when we went HK too.

lamb>Nat not feeling well? hope she recovers soon

mamaD : For conspitation, we give Arwen pear leh. I don't like prunes cos like a lot of sugar . We sliced the pear thinly and boil in water for until it is kind of sweet and we give Arwen, cos it is slightly sweet, she will drink it all.

Bananas leh ?

lamb: haiz... this winter is harsh eh... Arwen also have drippy nose on and off. I use to it now, just whack Zyrtec and it helps.

mamaD: How can constipation make you a failure as a mother leh? No lah! Seriously.. babies are difficult.. like last week with no rhyme or reason, Arwen got diarrhea 15 times over 2 days! We are like F**K! What now? Why ? When? How? I mean we did not introduce any new food or bring her out! PD said viral... wah liao eh, unless I put her in a bubble which constantly have clean 100% o2, there is no way I can protect her leh.

Now she is fine lah but I learn not to take it too hard liao. Shit happens ( pardon the pun) and I know I have a looooooong way to go raising her up, cannot think I am a failure now cos how to sustain my spirit like that , keke.

smalldream : yap, that is me! Arwen's bout of sickness last Oct, one trip back to France and one to Tokyo made me lose weight like crazy. Now I am very nearly back to pre preg weight liao!


Cool ... i was there over the weekend ... went to get tutu for Nat. My etsy purchase never got delivered coz' seller went on vacation! *faint* But got a rather good one from lollipop. Shud've dropped by Ruby's. *sigh* I am holding off zyrtec unless it worsens. And hope no fever.

Arwen kenah diarrhea? Glad to hear she's ok now. These days, Nat goes out and just puts things in her mouth. I fear the day she can walk and start picking things up from floor to eat! Some more it's China's grounds! Biangz.

But what to do? Really hard to be as vigilant as before already.

Wow, so many posts today...

Hope all babies who are unwell, gets well real soon...

Febie> Sayang Shayne for me...Poor thing. Best is to teach him how to come down from bed or sofa safely. I had to constantly remind Lucas as he just learnt how to walk...He crawls super duper fast. When he is on my bed and chiong towards the edge, I will always shout out loud "Leg first" and he immediately turn his body and put his legs down to go down safely....

I totally understand what you meant by rolling off while fast asleep... I got a phobia of that and never lets the kids (even Luis) sleeps on the bed. If any child sleeps on the bed means the mummy will lose sleep that night! Best is put them on the floor if they refuses cot (like Lucas now).

Jessie, smalldreams> You're absolutely right about the kids being very smart and observant nowadays. Lucas is also able to differentiate the various remote controls for different things. Not only that, he loves to play with real phones nowadays.. We are so worried that he will press 999 (it's an offence to dial the emergency no.). Haha, coz Luis did that before at my SIL place and got a warning from the Police.

MamaD> Hope your LO's constipation problems get better soon. Yeah, I also dilute Lucas milk coz he doesn't like to drink plain water. I also ensure that he has veg or fruits for his meals.

Xin, was reading the archives and realised I missed out your post. Thanks for comforting me. Last night, she was latching while asleep then open her eyes a few times but continued to latch, I was so happy. But tonight, she refused to open her mouth liao. Maybe cos we gave cold med to her cos she was sneezing and coughing, flu bug spread by her sister so too sedated to latch. You enjoy your Sydney trip first then, bond more with Mattias, once have no. 2, less time for no. 1 liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pauline>RL not well? hope she recovers soon. really a lot of babies falling sick these days. You really miss latching? I'm quite afraid to latch Ayden these days cos its so painful if he bites

yl, thanks, yup she caught thd cold bug from RA. RL bitten me before n not frequently, but when she do that I'll unlatch n flick her cheek (KKH LC taught me before to shout at her, beat the mouth lightly n say no biting). after a few times, they will learn not to bite. yes I miss latching cos of the bond n because I dun have motivation to pump. :p this morning at 5+am, she was carried by the maid n crying so loudly, chanting 'I dun want' 'I dun want' 'hungry' that I woke up n fed her EBM myself. :p

Pauline>problem is Ayden occassionally latches wrongly so his teeth end up scrapping against my nipples.When I try to break his latch so he can latch properly, he clamps down even harder. Its not a case of him being naughty and biting me as play so the shouting, flicking, etc, doesn't work. in fact, on sun, he had latched till he was 90% asleep then think he lost control of his mouth muscles cos he's too sleepy and ending up biting me again. It was so painful I shouted ouch, which resulted in waking him up and another bout of crying. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyway, last 2 nights we gave him quite a big supper so he's confirmed full before bedtime. then let him latch for short while and he went to sleep. Hope this new system can continue.

RL is so clever. can chant I dun want and hungry le?


last time my no. 1 i pump all the way for 1 year as I did not know how to latch. Then no. 2 i learnt to latch , intention was latch for 1 year. But at about 8 months, his teeth started to cut and be painful for me. I read angmoh website saying to raise your voice and be stern with bb. But whenever i did that, my bb had a shock and stopped latching, looked at me and started to cry in fright. From then onwards, he REFUSED to latch. End up he was worse off then no. 1 who had benefit of BM for 1 year. He also dropped from 90percentile to become very skinny as he was not drinking milk.

On hindsight, like what TYL said, it may not be a case of notti, but not knowing how to not hurt with his newly cut teeth. If you like latching so much, approach the relationship gently, when she is in good spirits, bit by bit. But end of day, need to see bb's response i.e. some enjoy latching till 2 yo, some 13 months etc. All the best to you.

Wow, RL so clever! can chant words.

yah, he is ok now. when we came back singapore, i pumped him up with milk powder and he started to put back on. Difficult to get milk powder overseas, though i tried fresh cow milk

yl, furby, Rl had shocked look too then started crying when I scolded her so I will soothe her n tell her really cannot bite, then she will continue to latch. understand that they may not know how to latch properly with new teeth but scolding my gal's helped to 'remind' them that the method is wrong.

yl, can you try to unlatch once he is sleepy (n tend to bite) but continue holding him till he falls asleep?

furby, tried to get her to relatch for a few weeks Liao but not successful. called tmc LC hotline twice n they said some babies self wean, some self wean soon after starting solids so 12.5 months self wean not bad liao. they advise me to pump if I want to continue to bf lor. :p

yl, I am shocked to hear that too but that's really what she said. yesterday, she said go away too. yet she cannot call mummy. learning all the bad things from cheh cheh. :p

Xin, when u going to Sydney? Let me know the weather there..am going on the 16 Feb. Afraid too warm.

Mummies that going oversea, what did you feed toddler for solid? By Feb, my little one will be 13 mths old, not sure he can eat outside food with us or not.

talking abt refusing to latch, this happened to me during our HK/Shanghai trip last nov...

He was biting on my nipple so hard that i scolded him... from then, he refused to latch for 3 days... I was stuck with no pumps etc...

nearly fainted...

on 4th days, i begged him to drink and he bit me real hard but i gotta bear with that cos, he's not drinking much FM too...

end of our trip, the deep cut on my nipple was so horrible...

now i learnt another method, when he bit me, i will "gu chi" him... he will laugh and play with me but will latch properly lor. he will attempt to bite me thru'out his latch but if my fingers is ard his body, he will control himself from biting me incase i itch him... :p

febie>that's a good trick! Thanks, will try it. although Ayden normally only wants to latch when he sleeps. :p

Pauline>RL really develope v fast. Ayden still only makes sounds. I tried unlatching him b4 he's fully asleep but he'll either scream for more or bite harder. on days when I'm lucky, he'll just turn around n sleep though. :p

Febie & Tyl, i did this to letty too!! Wahaha.. she hav a sly look & check if i'm staring at her, if not she will bite & pluck out... Ouch to me but happy for this notty gal.

Am very glad alto she is on partial bm now!! Wan to wean her also bu she de hor...

cy>Letty so playful. They grow so fast. At least we still manage to bf them till 1year old. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cy, the buddies behave exactly the same lor...

super cheeky lor...

hee hee.... i also bu she de to wean off...

decided that maybe i will stop pumping after 1.5yrs... then latch him at nite only... until he dun want?? :p

Pauline, YL, Febie and CY,

Chris self wean fr bf last mth, each latch got shorter and shorter, till he doesn't want bf anymore. Honestly I also very bu she de but hubby told me we shld let the baby lead us the way. Well, I still gave myself a gd pat for bf him till he's 1 yr old. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now I spend the night with him playing his masak, read story books, chat with him about my day at work, hugs and kiss him. Also a form of bonding. He crawled to me last nite with a book, like telling mummy it's time for a story. So sweet!


I brought my tiger jar with me to HK last week. Made porridge for him. Bought a small packet of rice from the supermarket and rotated various ingredients for his meals:

- potatoes

- zucchini

- carrots

- pumpkins

- spinach

- tofu

- chicken

Yuki, so sweet of Indiana Chris... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For Shayne, he will follow me ard the house.

We are like playing hide and seek at times...

Looks like he wont be weaning off so soon...

I can still enjoy bonding with him...

YL and Febie,

He is tyrant in the day and mummy's angel at nite. You know, he starts to read books using his finger to point the pic and words after attending the class at City Sq Mall. I am amazed he picked up this 'skill' so quickly after the lesson.

xin> oh no, i put fruits in the fridge..but i will bring out for 2 hrs before feeding him

furby> oat cereal + papaya puree..okie, try it out tomorrow morning..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

melissa> yr LO sleep on her own? wow..envious u..

afann> tink the NTUC cashier was tinking y tis mummy buy so many different brands of prune/apple stuff yesterday nite..as long as it saves my boy's a**..

smalldreams,luvbabe> i hve tried diluting since last evening, will continue till i c a soft stool out..geee..

Lamb> i gave him applesauce last week n stopped as i research on webby tat applesauce cos constipation..BTW, apple puree = applesauce??

YL> i oso kena the biting these few days..scolded him he cried so pathetic..he alreadi constipate i still scold him..tis mummy heart pain, nipple oso pain..head oso pain..

Jessie> wat?!! 15 times in 2 days? when my LO had diarrhoea when he took Augmentin(anti-biotics) he oso 'lau' like nobody business..i was so upset then tat i called my mummies friend wat to do cos i cannot stop antibiotics..then they asked me to buy Smecta n WA LA..it works..jus half a pack..can u get tat in SH? can standby..

yuki>wah, he's so clever! ayden likes to flip his board books but when we try to sit him down and point the photos to him, he will wriggle away.

so are you going to sign up for the class? I'm tempted but hubby not keen cos he said Ayden won't concentrate in class


Yuki> learn to read liao..smart boy..my LO still bite at the books n flash cards..wats tis City Sq Mall lessons, can share?

