(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


We tried using the bb bjorn but after 1 hr, hubby had backache. V challenging to carry a 11kg bb!

I agree with YL. Holiday with toddlers is gg to be more exp. We paid more for SQ, ate at restaurants and took taxi on some occasions. My hubby commented I would nvr spent such $ last time. Well, guess things change with a bb.


TYL : cruise cabin bed so small-single bed somemore, like so small to sleep together with bb leh.....;p....haaa....maybe at hm used to sleeping in Queen bed with bb (althou only sometimes sleep with bb)....;p

Yuki : I heard bb bjorn cant be used on heavier bb ie in heavier-like ard 12kg becos not very gd.

Mmmm....dunno which carrier can be used for heavier bb & up to 2-3yrs old (front carry)...;p

Btw, how much is bb passport ? Same rate as adult or cheaper ?

yuki>ya. If it was just hubby n I, we would rough it out. would not pay more for nicer hotel, restaurants, etc. i prob won't even consider club med if not due to the convenience for bb. :p

mstan>i tink got double beds on cruises cos I remember seeing photos of them before. but need to pay more for the better class of rooms. the cheapest class all double-decks and v squeezy.

you can go to the bb carrier shop at novena to try. got several carriers that can be used for bigger babies like ergo, patapum, boba, pikkolo and manduca. depends on what you like. but weight will b distributed to your back and shoulders.

think bb passport is same as adult price but can only use for 5 years.

TYL : yes nowadays adult passport can be be used for 5yrs liao....;p....oh, bb passport passport same price ? Ok, think will only make it later when needed - not so soon since bb not traveling yet....;p

I like Ergo carrier but can only be used for back-facing.....;p

mstan, star cruise had double bed, I stayed at balcony floor but the lowest floor one cos cheaper. royal carribean does not have I think cos they used Pullman beds hinged to the wall. agree with the rest, I remember telling u at dec09 thread that there are no cheap n good holiday for Bb yet baby friendly. depends on which factor is more impt for u bah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yl, looking forward to your Phuket trip with ayden? just next month right? just u n hubby n ayden or? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pauline>yes, really looking forward to the trip. Its just the 3 of us. Hope Ayden will behave lor. He has been v sticky to my mom recently. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] He kept crying last night and only she could calm him down and get him to sleep. Really donno what was wrong. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I saw double beds for royal carribbean on some blog before. think its for balcony class or higher too.

Pauline : ok, will check out star crise & other tours one of these days....;p....well, dun think will bring bb to travel so soon so can slowly look ard & ask ard.....;p

mstan>yes, I saw on the blog. But if you can, pay a bit more for upgrade better bah. Not so squeezy for bb mah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL : well hv to let HB approve to see if he keen or not first ?

Well, think now thinking of traveling - only 2 of us first maybe ? Bring bb next trip.....;p

mstan, star virgo also have double beds but only for balcony cabins. we just went for a cruise trip mid of dec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we have 2 kids, so luckily our sofa bed also comes in queen size, so fit the 4 of us nicely!


Re: bb sleeping pattern

my baby sleeps between 730 to 830pm now, depending on her nap in the day, slightly later then previously at 7pm. she sleeps about 11-12 hours at night.

at home, she'll nap about 11 to 1pm and 3plus to 5plus pm. if she does this, she'll sleep about 8pm at night.

sometimes/at infantcare, she'll come home and nap from 1 to 4plus pm. if she does this, she'll sleep about 7 to 730pm at night.

Re : bb poo

my girl poos at least once a day, mostly twice.


i've been planing my trip to sydney. really more ex with a baby. have to find a proper place. cant stay in hostel. and dont dare to take budget airlines. :p

arwen's party looks fun. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and she's so cute as usual.

leticia looks so sweet with hair tied up.

girls are jsut so adorable.

Melissa : yr bb sleeps alot ?

My bb sleeps very little. At nite she will usually sleep ard 10hrs. Very seldom 11-12hrs wan. During d day she sleeps ard 1+ to 3hrs in total only....;p

Sweet : Thks ! I will check out the various cruises & let my HB know.....;p

YL, thanks, which means the Royal Carribean cruise rep gave me the wrong info at the last Natas fair. I told him 2 adults and 2 kids travelling and he told me 4 beds but 2 are pullman (loft) beds. How can kids sleep separately on loft beds right? So I dropped the idea like a hot potato. Terrible man, no product knowledge. :p The pics of that blog look great though, I need I'll need a additional family room which won't come cheap. :p

Oh dear, why poor Ayden so cranky recently? Is he teething? Maybe uncomfortable? Never mind, he'll be guai guai cos he knows Mummy and Daddy are bringing him on holiday. R u flying on weekday or weekend? Maybe take 1-2 days of leave before the trip to 'wean' him off your mum? ;P

RL also wakes up at 4+am to cry recently but I wonder if it's because she's hungry so I've started giving her soupy rice again to fill her up for dinner. Cos ILs stopped her soupy rice when we were in Taipei cos she had diarrhoea.

Sweet, thanks, I didn't remember about the double sofa bed, then balcony class will be better since they usually give $100 F&B credit. But I'm not very keen on cruise cos I went with hubby when I was preggie with no. 1. It's not cheap and all I remember is eating and eating on the ship. Maybe it'll be better with kids. :p

Mstan, maybe easier to ask your hubby what he prefers. hee. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm looking forward to my Phuket trip in March. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But think I'll have to take my property sales exam the weekend just before I fly off on Mon 7am. :p

TYL, you r naughty and tempting me with all the nice crusie pics! Wonder approximately how much it costs.. hmmm..

Chris is the opp of Adyden. I was on leave for 3 wks and he has since been super sticky to me. I cannot be out of his sight, else he will start crying for Mama. Heeheee, he can now point to his ear, show his tongue when we ask him where are his ear and tongue. Kids are so cute and learning fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So tempted to try for 2nd one now but gota hold on.

pauline, coz my parents are members so they use pts to redeem for the cabins, we only have to pay seaport taxes. it relaxing w/o any rush onboard so i guess good destination for families with young kids. the only minus pt is no mini fridge inside the cabins so we lugged our own! hahaha machiam like running away from home ;p

where are u guys staying in phuket? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin>ya lor! would like to go on a longer trip but need to take into account better accom/airlines, etc. Taking silkair to phuket. Haven't taken a full service airline in quite a while as I've been travelling by budget airlines. :p

have fun planning for your trip. Hope got airline promos soon that you can use.

Pauline>donno leh. That's what the blog wrote. Saw quite a lot of blogs talking about royal carribbean recently. Think they are having some publicity blitz. It looks really good lor.

He might be teething cos one of his lower teeth is more pronounced. He has been putting his hand into his mouth more these days too. Part of the issue could be also due to me not having enough milk so he gets frustrated and bites me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But he won't drink milk from the bottle if anyone other than my mom feeds him. Donno how to completely move out like this. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

We gave him supper yesterday so he was quite full when he latched. This time no biting. Hope stays this way tonight.

We're flying on Friday and coming back on Tue. First time I'm 'celebrating' V Day abroad. :p

yuki>hee, go lah. any chance to take a hol, I'll grab. :p

but I'm not sure how much the cruises cost too. :p

sweet>I'm staying at Club Med and Pauline is staying at one of the Marriott resorts. Can't remember which one. :p

Gd morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin, thanks. My mum said her 2 ponytails represent the broom n dustpan!! Wahaha

Let's plan a short cruise trip together when our lo are bigger :p

Mummies, anyone interested in Happy Bellies Multigrain cereal - $7.50/sweet potato puffs/banana puffs - $6 let me know, i have extras to let go, all expiry is at Nov 2012.

cindy>ohh, the ponytails got symbolism? then the cow pants mean anything? I really like them. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's Ayden's lunar birthday tomorrow so thinking about what to do.

the cruise trip sounds fun! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies!!

finally got time to come in n say a quick hi to u all... bad end to 2010 n start to 2011... all 3 of us (papa, mama n gal) sick... haiz...


previously my gal oredi fussed in the middle of the nite b4 she was sick... nw tat she sick, she'll fuss even more... nw even worst... don wanto finish her milk... 1 feed hv to break up into a few times in order to make her finish up... damn jialat....


happy belated BD to arwen! she muz've enjoyed herself alot on tat day....


so are u gg to take leave on ayden's lunar bd tmr?? i only taking leave on my gal's actual bd... dono if wanto take leave on her lunar bd oso or not... den again, take leave oso dono wat to do on her lunar bd... lol! mayb don waste leave...


so cute to see ur gal munching on the drumstick... i asked MIL if need to do anything for her lunar BD but she say nothing... so i oso dono wat to do liao... maybe buy drumstick let her taste for fun?

re travelling,

haiz, i oso feel like gg somewhere... damn sian... want a change in 'environment'....

Good morning all...

CY, I also like Letty's pants... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shayne fell off the bed in the middle of the night again... poor boy...

Luckily he's ok... but his daddy scolded me...

Febie- aiyo now mus put mattress ard bed or put into cot ! After the 3 rd fall which is the serious fall !! I dun dare put on bed ! Force him slp cot

he ok ? Knock his head!?

Cy- Ashton lunar is on 8 Jan keekee he is gg to eat my mee sua n drumstick !!!!



Oh no, poor Shayne. He crawled off is it? I agree with AFann. Must put a small mattress around the bed or simply place him in cot. But I know it's difficult to put him in cot lah...easier to leave on the bed. In that case, must cushion the floor. Haiz. Or teach him to come down on his own?


how do you cook your mee sua? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wah, a cruise with babies, that'll be luxurious ! But I won't dare...hahaha dunno why, got phobia of water & also I think I'll be too paranoid about my #1 jumping off or playing to near to the edge. I'll probably get a heart attack.

Happy birthday to all the end Dec 2009 babies.

Now it's time to wait for the real Jan babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams>long time no see! aiyoh, they're all real babies. :p

AFann>ohh, I forgot mee sua. will ask my mom to cook for ayden tomorroe.

febie>poor Shayne. Hope he is ok now. Ayden still sleeps in the bed with us too as he will wake up the minute we pick him up to put him in the cot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

febie, tyl, afann, smalldreams

lucky shayne is ok now. Nowadays my bb also don't want to be put into her cot, wants to sleep beside me like a koala. I worry she will roll off as she is quite active in sleep, so I am half sleeping thru the whole night...sigh

think it's a attachment phase they go thru at this age. Tonight may arrange to sleep on floor, then she can roll however much she wants

sayang shayne n mummy febie...

HW also like to sleep on my bed...she will roll and roll abt...i've to put bed guard on the other side of the bed and me as a bed guard too...haha but most of the nite i can;t really sleep well cos she rolls ard...I'm not so worry of her coming down the bed cos she knows how to come down, it more of rolling off that we are afraid off...my tis girl will climb sofa and beds, but can come down on her own...


everytime a baby falls off the bed, I'll think of yr sound advice. eheh. But really lah sometimes it's easier to leave baby in bed coz sometimes we've just latched them etc. and sometimes when we move them into the cot, they'll be up! Haiz.


won't HW climb over the bedguard? I think A would. Esp if she observes my #1.


ya lor, I've been out of office. Ironically, i think most of us are bz-ier at home than in office :p

Still haven't had lunch. Thinking of going out for a while alone.

furby>we 'kiap' ayden between us when we sleep so its harder for him to roll off. but he gave me a scare when I woke up in the middle of the night to see that he had turned 180 degrees. according to hubby, ayden woke up at night, sat up and looked around. when he saw both of us 'asleep' and the room was dark, he just plopped back down on the bed and slept again but this time with his head where his feet were previously. N hubby just observed and didn't move him. haiz.

megan>ayden knows how to climb off the bed too. but I'm also worried he might roll off, esp when he's asleep

smalldreams>ya lor! I've more free time in the office. At home, no time to use pc. I can't move ayden after he latches to sleep too or he'll wake up immediately.

Smalldreams - yup will cook the chicken drumstick to get the stock then put in meesua after remove the Drumstick.. Then add in egg yolk .. Dun poke the yolk lah just remain like a small sun .. Lol looks nicer too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


that's why tonight I will start to sleep with bb on the floor liao...so can latch still


yah, we also kiap her between two of us, but still she will roll and tumble all over the bed. And there is no way i can still stay asleep as I am super light sleeper, and hb sleep thru like stone mountain like nothing happen leh...

Sayang handsome Shayne. Kor kor Chris has been knocking head while trying to stand up. His big head is an obstacle! Wahaahaa

Oh Mummy Febie, thanks for the winter clothings, they are very useful esp the thermal. It was really cold and some days as low as 10deg. I bought the cream for u alrdy. The perfume OOS. Pass to u this Sat yah :D

Mee Sua

I cooked mee sua for Chris on his lunar birthday too. Cooked the mee sua twice with water to remove the salt. Then make the soup base using chicken bone. Shreddred the chicken meat, added egg yolk n also a small bit of egg white for him to try. Plus chopped veg (spinach) too. It was really yummy!

On his actual 'English' birthday in HK, I started his day with a freshly baked piping hot egg tart. Not surprising, he finished the whole egg tart by himself after 201ml of milk. Then night time bought a strawberry cake and he took a slice as well. Heeheee, he broke the 'no sugar, no salt' rule in HK.


I love your idea of not poking the egg yolk. Stupid me went to break it and stir into the soup base. Hmm.. will make for Chris again this weekend.

BB sleeping on bed

Chris is a violent sleeper, Daddy and Mummy always kana box n kicked by him at nite. He loves to push his head against Daddy's tummy to sleep. We plan to buy a mattress and let him sleep on the floor. Thinking of Sea Horse brand 3 fold mattress, selling at $39.90. Any advise on this brand?

yl, aiyo, like that very difficult, can train daddy to feed bottle when your mum is not around. kids very clever, if waipo around, he will cry n whine until he gets waipo to feed him. :p

sweet, i will be staying at Mai khao resort which is very far from patong n Phuket town. :p yl, I am flying budget jetstar, too many tickets to buy, 6 in total, so must stinge. :p anyway I thought no difference since rl probably can't fit into bassinet on board. I really hate the flight timing though, so early in the morning. :p

pauline>which beach is mai khao resort at? I had a bad experience with jetstar previously. They abruptly cancelled my phuket flight a week before we were supposed to fly. Had to scramble to get back my refund + cancel hotel n day trip bookings so I don't want to fly with them to phuket anymore.

anyway, when I was booking, silkair was having promos so per adult ticket was only $220 for everything. About same price as jetstar + we get meals.

ayden will let hubby and I feed him with the bottle during day-time. but at night, he only wants his ah mah.

Afann/yuki>wah, your mee sua/chicken sounds good. I was thinking of buying sinful popeyes and letting ayden taste that tomorrow. :p

yuki>My friend is using seahorse mattress and is quite happy with it. Its the hard kind though.

cruise with babies sounds fun. i've never been on cruise before. :p

febie> hope shayne is alright. we've been sleeping with mattias on his mattress for a long time. he has a mattress and a futon. so he can roll all he wants. :p

yuki> seahorse mattress is good. all my friends using it. mattias loves to kick us too. once he dug my eyes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tyl> mattias will also sit up look ard and go to slp. hee hee.

mee sua> i also want to make mee sua for mattias with clear chicken stock. think he too young to tk ang zao chicken soup. :p will give him whole egg since it's alr 1yo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl> wont popeyes b v oily n salty? :p

i didn't manage to book cheap tics to sydney cause too slow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

think cant go europe this yr liaoz. the aust trip costs a bomb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

xin>popeyes is definitely oily n salty! :p I was inspired by the cute photo of Emma eating a fried chicken drumstick in fb. But prob not a good idea to do the same stunt with Ayden hor? maybe will ask my mom to help me buy a chicken drumstick at the market tomorrow instead.

I'm thinking of dismantling my bed and sleeping on the floor with ayden. but then he resists sleeping at my new place. haiz. that day after u guys left, he was so miserable and kept crawling around in circles till Law decided to go back to my mom's place. Once Ayden saw my mom, he was so happy and kept cackling away. how to move out like this. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw, how's mattias? better I hope?

Pauline>I found a cheap and I heard, reliable, transfer service for Phuket. You interested? Can book with him first I think and confirm after I come back from my trip with the review? Just in case he gets booked up on your dates. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl> oh dear. must be more heng xin then. or get your mum to stay over at your place 1 or 2 nights for him to get used to the place first?

emma eating drumstick? i must go find the pic. haha.

mattias getting better. gave him panadol 4hrly for abt 2 days. so scared he get overdosed. :p fever finally gone yesterday. now is the rashes. looks quite scary but supposed to be harmless. he's super cranky, clingy and sleepy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

after staying home for 2 days. the third day, mil came and he was so happy to see the door open. when she went back, he kept crying. so we had to bring him out walk up and down the stairs then come home agn. :p

xin>we cannot tahan when he cries cos its so seldom that he does it. but he knows how to bully us lor n me especially. he kept crying and throwing his head back when I was looking after him yest. But he was ok and smiley (!) when hubby or my mom took over. think he was angry cos I refused to latch him yest when I reached home. He bit me v hard on both nipples on Sun and I've phobia of him doing it again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


thanks All, he is alright but his daddy not alright lah...

i was really tired last nite after many many endless nite with him as he makes lots of sound when he sleep. after many many days, i managed to knock out for that mere one hour and it happened... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I wanted to prove the floor but the daddy scream at me lor for messing out the bedroom... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks Yuki... Glad that you all enjoyed the trip... no worries on the clothing... cos we did not really use it... glad that money well spent... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for getting the cream for me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let me know how much ok? I pay you that day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

17th is Shayne's Lunar birthday... I will take leave too... :p hee hee...

