(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Morning mommies!

Interested in peekaboo tmr? We'll be there from 2.30pm onwards, though TamL mentioned she'll probably be there by 2pm. It's located at Kallang Leisurepark, next to Stadium mrt station.

sueann: Emma's exactly the same when changing diapers! Always screaming bloody murder. I like drypantz too, maybe i'll switch to it after we are done with the next pack of huggies.

jessie: oh my, the multiple pricking of needles simply broke my heart. the feeling of not being able to relive their pain is a total bitch. But Arwen has a strong mommy that she can rely on, someone who's her hero to keep her safe at the end of the day, no matter how rough it may be.

luvbabe: thank God that everyone's well now! Emma's also wearing M size for pampers active. She's hovering ard 8kg.

SP_callalily: Aly reminds me of "Everybody loves Raymond"'s Madylin Sweeten, Ray's on-screen daughter. I'm watching re-runs of it now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


andie > is peekaboo crowded on weekdays? I bought Bryan there yesterday afternoon, but I think he freaked out by the sheer screaming of the kids there. Was clinging on very tightly to hubby and me, so still contemplating if i should join tomorrow.

Oh, seems some of the bb here still on M size diapers ?

Btw, anyone wat to try Mamy Poko pull-ups pants (the cheaper version) M size ? I hv an opened pack to sell but must check left how many pcs as think maybe left ard 15pcs or so (need to double-check)?

Ha....my bb also screaming away whenever laid her down to change diapers if not will be moving ard so very hard to change diapers for her unless she poo then she more 'kua' not to move much.....;p....but she dun really like to wear pull-ups leh....or maybe the cutting too small for her as we finds hard to put on for her leh (hee...I tried M size thou)....;p

mstan: Haha, my gal also like to move a lot when changing her... Always scold her, but she laugh, she thought i playing with her. =.=" I give my gal L size Mamy Poko, but quite loose, she is only 7.3kg now.


U r most welcomed. I find that pds dealing with Asian parents tend to advise only 2 meals of solids but whqen they deal with Western parents, they tend to advise 3 meals of solids and 3 milk feeds. For me, i tend to follow angmoh style of parenting cuz i find it easier to troubleshoot when i run into problems since there are always books that i can refer to for help. But whatever works best for LO and as long as they are thriving, there's no real hard & fast rule.

And same with Aly and the happy puffs. She would pincer them very well and cant seem to get them into her mouth all the time. Anyway, i kinda regretted buying the puffs cuz i dun believe in snacking unless she's taking her 3 solid meals well. So now, i 'beautify' her breakfast cereal with the puffs and treat them like part of breakfast. She's into presentation of her food now.


Haha! My Aly's a real rascal!!!

Oh, btw, mommies who are interested in some good quality extra virgin olive oil for your LOs but don't wanna spend a ton buying a big bottle, you can try this store at ION Orchard called Vom Fass.

They sell oil, vinegar and liquor by 100mls. DH and I bought some e.v. olive oil for $8.50/100ml.

They also have aged balsamic vinegars. We bought a 16-year old vinegar for $27.50/100ml.

Oh, I bought my bb to bambini on sat but she seems scared as too many kids ard & she wats to cry & wat to hold on to me.

Oh yes, u all can also try bambini (Demsey Rd, near Holland) as it's free for bb up to 11mths too.....;p

But like nothing much suitable for bb leh as she still cant walk....;p

Regarding LOs rejecting breakfast cereals:

My gal was like this some 2 wks back. Feeding her cereal for breakfast was like a battle of wits. She would at most humour me with like 4-5 pigeon spoonfuls of cereals and that's it. And cant b that the cereal is boring cuz i alternate her cereal between oatmeal, multigrain & wheat & also different fruits every 2 days. Wat i did was to offer yoghurt & fruits and after 3 days of that, she went back to cereals. Not sure if this method will work for yr LOs though

apple_gal : think mamy poko diapers cutting a little bigger but my bb cant really wear M size Mamy Poko diapers liao as the tape will be stick at the edge so seems not very secure if she move too much....I clearing my Mamy Poko pull-up M size as like forcing her to wear once over the wkends....;p

So, now she wear L size Pampers Active (nite) & L size NTUC diapers (day)...haa...;p

elynntan: i've been there 4 times, and each time there's enough room for Emma to crawl around and play with the toys/balls. Weekdays at peekaboo is really quite pleasant.

mstan: maybe one of these days ask DH to take a day off and we'll explore bambini. I'm never fond of going on weekends cuz it's really really packed.


thanks alot! really do luk very much like cucumber... scared will buy wrongly... does the tag say zucchini? if so, den i shd b safe...


my gal quite close to u... oso 7+kg n wearing size L oredi... all bcoz of her thunder thighs... :p


oic... i oso will offer her water especially everytime she wakes up from nap... but nwadays even tat she oso don wanto hv even a sip! damn jialat...

Hi mummies,

I am doing some research on tingkat catering as some of you know that my SIL will not be looking after my children from Dec onwards. That would also mean that there will be no home cooked dinner from then on. Worried that my helper cannot cope with looking after Lucas as well as cooking, I was thinking of ordering tingkat for a start. Anyone has any good tingkat caterer to recommend? There are so many in the market and I don't know what is really good....

mstan, i find that the mamypoko pants, M size is ultra small... Think its more suitable for those who just upgraded from S to M size babies..

luvbabe, my boy after being sick for 2 weeks also like suddenly in growth spurt, he can finish 200ml of milk now, plus with 2-3 solids feed per day.. I know how happy you feel, cos that was what i am feeling when he finish his 180ml feed for the first time after being sick..

Tingkat, you want to try neo garden? I also thinking of ordering tingkat, but scared sometimes we wanna eat out, then troublesome to call to cancel.

bbin2010 : so yr bb also 7+kg ? but yrs is 1mth younger than my bb lor....so considered still heavier than mine....;p

luvbabe : I on tingkat now - or actually since I started work so tried a few caterers.....can pass u some contacts if u wat. Or I will post here over the next few days to share too ?

Food wise so so lor, as we didnt go for the high end ones....;p

So, yr SIL not helping u to look after yr bb from Dec ?

Well, we also hv this prob with my MIL as actually she dun really wat to help us look after bb next yr, but we tried to negotiate with her - so next yr/maybe ard Dec will bring bb up to her hse a few times every wk & we'll try to drag until bb almost 18mth then put her in childcare.

So I looking ard for CCC ard my area now or near my working plce.....;p

andie: you can try fidgets at turf city. bambini not very suitable for our LOs.

luvbabe: try kims kitchen. I like their stuff when I ordered from them last year. you can always do a one week trial from each company. after that then you decide on one lor. my friend switch companies every 1-2 months.

ET>agree that mamypoko pants M is really quite small. Ayden has a small butt and it already leaves marks on him. Lucky we opened it up early to use. Otherwise, prob won't fit him now.

bambini>hubby and I went once for a birthday party and don't like it. Older children are v rough and nothing v suitable for younger children.

ET> Yeah, think you understand my "happiness" lor. It has been a while since Lucas is able to finish all 200ml of milk at one go and within 15 mins some more. Great to know that Oli is also drinking well nowadays...Let's hope our babies guai guai and drink and eat well.

Recently, received a Neo Garden brochure in my letter box and that set me thinking of ordering tingkat.

mstan> Yes, please. Would be great if you can share your tingkat contacts and reviews here on what is good and what to avoid.

sueann> Hehe, saw Kim's Kitchen and read some good reviews about them. Good idea to do trials and switch. Besides Kim, have you tried anything else? Are you still busy at work?


I'm back. So sian that time passes so fast. No time to catch up all the posts yet. Can only surf in the hotel and by the time I reach hotel, I'm very tired already.

What happened to arwen and shyane? Are the babies feeling better now? I'm trying to read through past posts now.


Arwen is a strong baby. Don't worry so much yeh. Will pray for her. Hope she's feeling better.


I wanna go peek a poo tomolo but I'm down with a very bad cough and blocked nose. Don't wanna go there and pass the virus to the babies. Let me know if there's another session.


My boy also refuse to eat his semi-solid for the last few weeks. Feeding him is like fighting battle, he'll fuss and cry. No matter what I add in the cereal or porridge, he just refuse to eat and the most only eat a few spoonfuls.


I tried neo garden tingkat but don't like it at all.

Xin, andie, I am keen on Peekaboo too but r there any checks on babies before they go in to Play cos raelynn has finally gotten well n I dun want to risk her getting sick again. Are they any suitable toys for walking babies? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sp_callalily> oh! i din know that PDs here have 'double standards'. i don't really like the idea of giving Yongxian commercially prepared food/snacks too, but it is much much less messy to use for self-feeding practises.

luvbabe> good to see you here. so happy to hear that Lucas is well. i also heard some good review on kims kitchen.

bbin> keep trying and hope that she will take it one day. maybe she needs some time to get used to it.

lsntyl> i find the drypers drypantz pretty good too. only issue i have with pull-up pants, is that when he poos, i can't roll-up the diaper and secure the poo inside.

pauline: i've seen that they check the temperature and sanitize the hands of toddlers. they are not so strict on babies as long as they look well.

sueann: fidgets is quite far for me as I stay in the east. DH will need some cajoling to go all the way to turf city [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andie, thanks for the info. That's already quite good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] What time are you gals going? I'm running errands tomorrow and going to collect my Taiwan airtickets. Wondering if can squeeze peekaboo in cos hubby is working so we got to take public transport to go. :p

ya, i stupidly bought the pampers comfort. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].

comfort - made in indonesia - cheapest

active - made in japan - middle

cruisers - made in usa - most ex

mstan> i dont like ntuc too. :p. still prefer pet pet. though it's sticky tape.

yuki> i find huggies shorter than pampers leh. :p. anw, i v scared if butt crack show. coz poo will leak. gg to use L soon.

i give mattias the bigger organix snacks and they usu can get into his mouth. slice of pear also can. tried papaya today but too slippery for him. :p

think mashing up food is a prelude to actually putting them in his mouth?

bryest> most prob peek-a-boo will be a weekly thing. so join us when u free. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

elynn> weekday early afternoon peek-a-boo not so many pple. join us ba [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mommies,

Very few posts today ... wonder what have most of the mommies been up to. Haven't seen smalldreams, cyang around. Hope Jessie is doing fine with Arwen. I noticed quite a few of you have started offering table food to your LOs. Today I tried out a recipe by Gina Ford. Personally, I find it rather yummy and it's very simple to prepare and it's 'fried' yet done in a healthy manner which you might like to try for your LOs, especially when you wanna try them out for finger foods.

It's called Bubble & Squeak Potato cakes. You just need 4 small potatoes, 2 cabbage leaves, some olive oil and about 2 tbsp of mild cheddar cheese. Boil the potatoes for about 20 to 30 mins till they're soft, grate them and set aside. Grate the cheese and mix them both together. Chop the cabbage into small pieces and immerse them into boiling water for 3 to 4 mins and then mix it with the potato and cheese. I scooped about 1 tbsp of the mixture and made it into flat patty and pan fry all the patties with olive oil.

And you get yummy snacks for your LO and as adults, we can eat them too. If you like to have a more salty taste, you can add more cheese. The outcome will look a bit like those tapioca cakes except it is made of potatoes and has a slightly crunchy feel because of the cabbage. Nat finished all 6 patties. :D

Hullo mummies, anyone bought play mat from Hua xia? Saw their $38 promo n interested to get for Lucas cos my mum's single size mattress is nt big enuf for him to crawl n turn. Any advise will be much appreciated. : )

There is free shuttle bus from Toa Payoh bus station to turf city in case any mummies want to go to fidgets. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pauline: we'll be there from 2.30pm onwards, probably till 4.30/5pm or so, before the after-work crowd hits on the way home. TamL might be there earlier.

bryest: most likely peekaboo sessions will be on every thursday afternoons at 2.30pm.

lamb: oooo...the recipe is akin to a yummy and healthy rosti! will try to get hold of some white potatoes tomorrow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andie - Yes yes ... similar to rosti! Except instead of onions, it's cabbage. Hehehe. That's why i love it! I am a fan of anything potato and anything cheese. Hehhee.

xin : I hv not tried Pet Pet yet as my HB dun like sticker tape so didnt buy to try....;p

Btw, is Pet Pet more expensive than Pampers Comfort ?

Xin, thanks for explaining. I was very tempted to buy Pampers cruisers but not sure what's the difference between that and Active and it's more exp. So in the end, didn't buy. :p

Think I'll pass on peekaboo tom. Will wait for school hols then go with hubby on another Thursday when you mummies will be there, easier. By then, RL will be more than 11 months but think the cabfare to and fro will cost more than $10 admission ticket that I'll save by going tom. :p


juz weighed her n she's nw 8.1kg... finally touched the '8' mark... wonder if its coz i slotted 1 more 'teabreak' for her between the 2 semi-solid...


yeah, not alot of catering coys 'service' my area so nvr try alot... had tingkat during my ML... the one i ordered was from first cuisine catering... so so...


ya, i still goto keep trying... bo bianz...

btw, the drypants, if got poo, u hv to tear it open by the side... supposed to remove by that way n not roll down... if not, it'll get real messy!

i'll target to reach peekaboo ard 2pm... got cold storage there hor? will see if got zucchini...

hi all, how is everyone doing? have been really busy without maid for the past week, handling 2 older kids, baby, work, pump, latch, and housechores. So now, I have arrangement with boss to take 1/2day afternoon leave till maid is back end Nov.

Baby is crawling like a snail all over the place, putting everything into her mouth, going down step. Mostly, she just chill with us, so it is pretty easy, but at times, she needs a lot of attention, so very tiring.

She weighs 8.1kg, has 6 perlies. I just wipe with cloth before bedtime.

I serve her table food, and she eats rice very well. At times, I just cut into small pieces, as it gives texture which she needs now.

This morning, when i was waving to her goodbye, she almost wanted to burst out, like trying to understand what is happening.


so qiao, I just started tingkat 1st night today, with Kim's kitchen, so can't judge yet.


Arwen will be fine with mummy's love and care. Can imagine our LO looking to us with fear/pain but we can't do anything. You need to take care so that you can care of her, this is how weida mothers are.


got a question, how to pull the drypantz down when LO poo? Won't it stain the whole leg?

furby>when ayden poos, we will tear/cut the sides and just remove.

pauline>actually, if you are on for public transport, v easy to go peekaboo. Just take mrt to paya lebar and switch to circle line. get down at national stadium, if I'm not wrong. Kallang Leisurepark is just next to it.


Not so much that the pds have double standards but rather they have to cater to the ideas, concerns and expectations of different types of parents. Like for me, when my folks knew that Aly's now on 3 solids & 3 milk feeds and the last milk feed being at 6.30pm, they would nag me to death w/o fail saying that i am starving her by not dreamfeeding her & that she's not getting enuf nutrition. I justify my actions with her growth charts which has consistently been on the 90th to 95th percentile for all parameters. So i guess i must b doing something right, right?


Was thinking if u r going to let ZX try zucchini with tofu, u might wanna consider getting some sweet potatoes on standby just in case she doesnt like the above zucchini + tofu combi. If ZX is trying zucchini for the 1st time, she may not like that "green" taste. Just a suggestion[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for sharing the pleasant experience that Nat had with the potato cakes. Now i feel encouraged to try it on Aly. I mean even if she doesnt like it, i wouldn't mind eating them cuz like you, i love potatoes with cheese! And u shd seriously consider trying out the fish pies...it's my all time favourite[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lamb>just read the recipe and it sounds yummy. :D will try to do it this weekend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Hehe, different from fish lyonnaise. These fish pies r really pretty...literally like pies!

To make 6 pies: 15g unsalted butter, 1 small onion finely chopped, 1 medium leek thinly sliced, 300g white fish fillet (i used salmon instead), 1 tbsp plain flour, 300ml full fat milk, 75g mild cheedar cheese grated, 25g fresh breadcrumbs.

1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees

2. Melt butter in pan & saute onions and leeks

3. Cut the fish into cubes & placed in small, lightly greased ramekins

4. Stir in the flour into the vegetables & cook for 2-3 mins. Gradually add milk, stirring all the time and cook for further 1-2 mins until the sauce begins to thicken. Stir in 50g of cheese, then spoon mixture over the fish

5. Mix the breadcrumbs & remaining cheese together, then sprinkle on top of each filled ramekin. Bake for 20mins until lightly golden and the fish is cooked.

Sounds like a lot of work but it's surprisingly quite simple & the end result is very gratifying[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

