(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Bbin: U still have my no? u can msg me if u wanna go peekaboo.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessie>oh no. so heartache to read about arwen. Hope she gets better soon

melissa>you order le? I also want to tag on leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Not getting Huggies but drypers now. :p


Feel so sad when reading abt Arwen but U must stay strong for her ya, after this virus thingy she will self develop her own immunity. U Take care ya.


A BIG hug to both you & Arwen for being so brave!!! Do take care of yourself so that u can take care of Arwen & i sure hope the sweet-natured Arwen recovers soon.

callalily>FYI, confirmed with Club Med. Charges for 5D if you book BB club med is about 280. If you choose to book when you're there, its about 70 for 1 day and 45 for 1/2 day. Charges are in the local currency so these are rough estimates. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dun feel too bad about not being able to BF for long. It was not as if you chose not to. But your SS just went low. And your MIL is right. As much as we wanna shelter our kids, we one day have to realize that they have to be exposed to outside world. Actually this trip back, I have kinda let go a bit.

Coz' we've been meeting family and friends and for people who carry her, sometimes outside, never wash hands etc. A bit hard to control and all wanna kiss her etc. I guess I have to tell myself that it's inevitable. When she goes for classes, she'll be exposed too, even more so when there are other LOs around her age. I can only pray for socially responsible parents who know how to keep their LOs at home if they're sick. Did Arwen lose weight from this ordeal?

If so, I'm sure her dear nanny would have ways and means to fatten her up! :D

anyone interested in pampers comfort m size. i cant stand it anymore so going to sell them. it's quite lousy so i gg to sell cheap cheap. interested pm me. if not i gg to post at WTS.

i'm finally granted assess. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies..

Been MIA again..so busy..my kids taking turns getting sick..cos of the haze..my boy has sore throat..and a dry cough.

Xin..The gathering is on this tues?

Where is Peekaboo?

Lil' lamb..I know how u feel too..so frustrated with those who are just are not socially responsible..can't blame the kids..he parents should either keep their sick LOs at home or at least teach them to cover their mouth when cough/sneeze.

i shd be taking leave on tues... tam, will contact u when i reach... btw if all's well, i shd be reaching b4 2.30pm...

charis, peekaboo's at kallang leisure park...

xin>timing of event too late for ayden so need to give it a miss. Also donno if suitable for him cos afraid older kids will b too rough.

charis>oh dear. hope your kids get better.


Thanks so much for checking up on BB Club Med and for sharing. Saves me the trouble of writing to them But for this upcoming trip in Nov, we will have to bring Aly with us wherever we go cuz no BB Club Med in Bali but since we r going with a gp of friends, hopefully there will b enough ppl to entertain her. But for the Mauritius trip next year, we will leave her at BB Club Med for some days. Now i am trying to see if she will/can eat bread after she turns 9mths old. Then i will have less headache with her meals. I will just have to bring along a loaf of baby safe bread, cereals and maybe some jar food.


Think Xin is talking abt Pampers Comfort while u r using Pampers Active Baby. Maybe the quality is different? I like Pampers Active Baby very much, be it the new/old[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

callalilly>no probs. just sharing since I checked and know you are interested too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Do tell how Club Med Bali is. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we've actually been giving bread to ayden. He kept moving his mouth when he sees hubby and I eat our breakfast in the morning so I pinched small bits for him. We restricted him to about 3-4 small pieces in the beginning but he can finish up about half a slice now. This is whole-grain bread.


Sure, will share more after i come back from trip 3rd week of Nov. When did u start Ayden on bread? I am thinking of trying it out on Aly after she's 9mths old cuz now she's going thru a phase of spitting/digging out pea/corn skin from her mouth...still!!! Feeling more patient & aadventurous today, so i will try rice on her tonight...BUT minus the peas from the cheesy peasy rice shared by Lamb

haven read anything above. just drop a msg again.

xin, tam, tyl> check your pm. i'm fine with internet transfer or cash when u collect. kk. gtg first. will let u know when it arrives. already transferred the money to them just now.

Gd morning mummies! Been mia for a while on working trip again. No more planned trips at the momment n I am so happy!

Jessie, you are very brave and Arwan needs you the most now. When Chris got admitted at 6mths old for viral fever, I cried hysterically too when he was poked 3x unsuccessfull. My poor boy cried at the top of his lung n all I could do was to say sorry to him n told dr no more blood test. Arwan is recovering well and u did a great job looking after her. 加油!


Lucus is growing well. My Chris is the opposite. He saw PD last week, 9m3wks, weight 9.5kg (75th %tile), height 72cm (50th %tile) and head circumference 46.5cm (90th %tile!). So he has a big head, above average size/weight and average height. The PD exclaimed 'wow' when he measured his botak head. So funny ... heeheee


how is Shayne? Which PD and surgeon are you seeing? Duno if you wana try Chris's PD coz I find him pretty good. Rem he gave us some white powder to sprinkle at his belly button after his UC dropped off. He said is anticeptic n prevent infection.

Xin & TYL,

I tried Pampers Comfort and found it very hot. Doesn't leak in my case but Chris's back (buttock area) perspires easily. Tried Pampers Active, better than Comfort but a bit too 'short' for him. So far like Huggies Ultra/Dry Comfort the most.

callalily>think we started when he was 8 months +. We don't give him peas cos it gave him a rash.

melissa>thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] emailed u back le

yuki>hee, yay. more time with Indiana. Just curious. What do you do? how come need to travel so much?

my mom's new fav diapers is drypers drypantz. absorbs well and easy to wear. Only con is it sometimes sets misaligned and his buttcheck will show. But this is when ayden is too active and crawls around too much.

good morning all...

Xin, you bought wrongly...

cannot buy Pampers COmfort... Only Active...

Yuki, Shayne is currently seeing Dr Lee Le Ye at NUH PD leh... she nv once prescribe any medication despite seeing it's red and a lil swollen... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Just manage to fix the appt tomorrow with Dr Dale Loh at NUH too... will see how it goes tmr..

Where's Indiana Chris's PD located at?

actually drypers not bad but dun like the tape...

febie>I don't like the drypers wee wee with the tape too. but the pull-up pants is really not bad. Of all the pull-up pants we've tried, it fits ayden best. mamypoko n huggies pull up pants too tight for him

Morning Mummies!!

Jessie> Huggezz, be strong for Arwen..Am sure she will be fine after this. Is it ok to start them on colstrum now? heard it help to boost up the immune system... Jiayou babe!! I can understand totally how you feel cause shernise went thru the same IV and drip when she was barely 1 day old due to peunomia..

Tmr i on leave haha.. but not sure if i can make it to pee-a-boo

Febie/TYL> hahaha i also dun like but its the cheapest and can hold quite well.. anyway, using that for day time and pampers active for night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiyo, my mum feed shernise with some snacks that contain peanuts.. *faint* luckily just one small bite...


I look into hospital processes using lean concepts to improve performance n throughput [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Drypants is not bad, but cannot hold urine for more than 5 hrs. I forgot to change Chris's diaper and it dropped down coz too heavy and urine leaks.


Chris's PD is at Paragon, Dr Low Kah Tzay. Both my gynae and nurses recommended him to me.


I gave Chris the Unicurd Silken tofu.

sp_callalily - Hhahaa, clearly I've been in China for too long. Coz' pampers there only 2 types. Either premium or normal ones. Over here, there's comfort and active baby too? Okay ... the one I've been buying is active baby. I haven't seen comfort on the shelves for quite a while already.

Morning Mummies.....

Jessie> When I read about Arwen, my heart sank and felt really heavy, coz this brought back memories of my elder boy Luis, when he was born with Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) and almost lost his life. You can never imagine the no. of needles he had on his tiny little body and all those big machines including ventilator at the side in ICU. I was also crying hysterically then and my mum kept scolding me coz she said women should not be crying during confinement but I really just couldn't help it.

In any case, glad to know that Arwen is now on her road to recovery. Somehow, god will give us the strength to look after our LO. Take great care of yourself and do take some rest while Arwen sleeps too.

Recently, both Luis and Lucas had high fever of above 40 deg too and I didn't really sleep a wink for more than 10 nights! Thank god, everyone recovers now and hope all the viruses and bacteria stays far, far away....

Bride> Hope Jace is ok too. Nowadays, we really have to go after our LO like a hawk coz they are very active now and still don't know what is danger. Lots more work now for the caregiver looking after our LO.

lil_lamb> I also love Pampers Active and have stocked up really lots...Think I don't have to buy diapers for at least the next 3-4 months.

FYI, I saw that Pampers have a new range called "Cruisers" on their shelves. Not sure if this is to replace Pampers Active range.

I never liked Comfort as I have heard my sis told me that it will leak bad time and will cause rash on the bums.

SP_callalily> Lucas had started on table food when he turns about 8.5 months or so. In fact, I gave him a little of everything we are eating and he seems to enjoy it very much! Bread and cake are his favs too! Nowadays, he seems to reject cereals but love either bread or cake for breakfast.

Tyl: I like the drypers drypantz too. value for money. but the mamypoko value pants also not bad.

YUki: so funny! so heavy that it dropped!

Bbin: I dunno what brand, my I bought silken tofu. I made it with cheese, broccoli and carrot. tried it for the first time yesterday. my boy LOVES it!

pampers active: I bought 1 pack, thot it was not bad. but when I lie him down to change diaper, he screams like i'm abt to murder him. so we switched to pants. much easier on the ears...

peekaboo: how many mummies going tomorrow? I'm quite gian. xin, can msg me your number?

luvbabe11 - Sorry to hear about your boys being sick. You also must take care, eh? I think cruisers is like pull-ups? So that's why I didn't get that to try. Coz' I still prefer the pampers active.

Bbin, yup the normal white tofu without eggs. As shared previously, zucchini with tofu is really yummy!

Luvbabe, I saw Pampers Crusier too. Is it the diaper or pants type? Rem it costs more than $0.40 a piece n I was panting away...

Hmm.. seems that a number of mummies are giving table food to the LOs. Did anyone try letting the LO hold the food (eg. a piece of small bread) in their fingers and let them put in the mouth and eat themselves? I tried letting Chris hold small pieces of pancake and instead of eating, he squashed it n smeared all over his table! messy messy messy...


i not sure if wanto give cheese coz its salty... what cheese did u give?


sorry, wats zucchini?

i gave happy belly puff to my gal to 'train' her into putting it into her mouth... guess its less messy?


Luis must b a really strong & brave boy...having gone thru meconium aspiration syndrome!!! The condition is very scary! U know, i am a really kiasee mummy...think i wont actually feed Aly off the table until she's at least 2 years old cuz i am trying to hold off added seasoning etc till then. But thannks for sharing on feeding off the table, now i feel more confident trying bread Aly 1.5 to 2 weeks later[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No wonder i couldn't quite get it when u mention Pampers Premium...i just assume u r talking abt the more premium range of Pampers which is the Active Baby. Haha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd morning mummies !!!

Oh, u all gv let yr bb try yr normal table food ?

My girl seems to reject cereal for abt 1/2 wk liao...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]....sometimes even porridge also dun really eat much....I did secretly gv her a bit bread (without my hus knowing...;p).....my girl still super lazy with her hands & wat pple to feed her....;p....tried putting her biscuits on her high chair tray but she dun really put them into her mouth.....she also dun really like to sit on high chair also & must carry her or let her sit/play herself while feeding her.....finds feeding her a chore as she like to move ard....;p

xin : yr bb still wearing M size ?

U wat to try NTUC brand diapers ?

Better & thicker than Pampers comfort & cheap too....;p

Heee....I now start using NTUC diapers during the day as MIL like to change diapers every 2hrs...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]....but use Pampers Active at nite....;p

Oh, saw recently that Pampers Active keep having offers like in Giant & Cold Storage....;p

Bbin, this is zucchini, can get from Cold Storage or NTUC Finest. Similar to cucumber..


lil_lamb> Yeah, the 2 boys were sick one after another and I have been on duty round the clock, especially during the nights...but all's well now. In fact, after they had recovered, it was my turn to fall ill but thank god, I rested and got well.

SP> Yeah, Luis had MAS and it was super scary. The neonatal ICU head is still monitoring his growth and told my hubby and I recently during his annual check-up that he was quite pleased with his developments both physically and mentally! Thank god! I was also quite skeptical about feeding table food but I can't control when I'm at work and apparently, my SIL had already started feeding Lucas when he was about 5/6 months old some cakes, bread related stuff. I was quite angry initially but after I told my mum, my mum told me it is actually alright as the qty is not alot and she said that Lucas seems to enjoy food.

When he was unwell, he hardly drinks and eats. Now that he recovers, he started to increase his appetite for food and milk already and I am really very happy about it! Just yesterday, he finished 1.5 bowls of porridge each for lunch and dinner which really makes me a very happy mummy!

luvbabe : Oh, my bb started wearing L size diapers for abt 1mth liao....;p....oh, my bb very small size (only abt 7.9kg) but think she hv fat thighs & tummy....;p

Wat's yr bb weight now ?

sp_callalily> thanks for the detailed breakdown. during his 6 months review with the PD, i was advised to work towards 600ml of milk, 300ml of water and 2 bowls of solids per day based on his weight. although i use this as a guideline, i would prefer to let Yongxian 'decide' when he's ready for more solid. he is able to reject or ask for more milk/food now and i can see a slow but steady increase in his appetite for solid. he is actually quite enthusiastic about food. i try to be relax and feed him as much milk/food as he wants. i hope that by the time he turns 1, he would be taking a complete meal at lunch and added a light breakfast sometime after his morning feed.

the same with water. i offer it to him throughout the day and he can either take it or reject it. drinking more water also help to regulate his bowel movement.

bbin> i guess i am lucky that Yongxian likes water. like i mentioned above, i offer water to him throughout the day, except when nearing his milk/food time. he can either take it or reject it. sometimes he would just take a sip or two. usually after playing and perspiring, he would gulped down the water readily.

megan> thanks for the tip. will be up in KL this weekend so will check whether there's any offer there too.

jessie> Arwen is a strong gal and she will definitely emerge stronger after this episode. Take care.

yuki> i tried to let Yongxian feed the puff himself. initially, he grabbed the puff and then stuff it into his mouth but he did not release his hold and the puff did not get lodge into his mouth. then he got fedup that he couldn't eat it and now refused to try but will 'ask' for the puff and readily opens his mouth when he sees the puff.

mstan> Lucas is also not very big. The last time when he was at the PD, his weight is only 8.2kg. He used to weigh about 8.8kg earlier and lost half a kg during that period when he was unwell.

cocoMama> It is good that YX loves water. Lucas on the other hand, hates it and will use his hands to smash his bottle away and say "MAI" (means don't want). We are also trying to offer him water throughout the day and only when he eats, then he will take sips.

I also tried to let Lucas picks his own puff up. Although he can do pincer grasp using his 2 little fingers, he still does not know yet how to release the puffs into his mouth.

Seems that he kept mumbling "mum mum" (means wants to eat) throughout the whole day.


Jessie: Poor Awen, i can feel how much pain she suffer and you feel for her. It is simply helpless and heartpain feeling. Jessie, please do take care of yourself, you need to get a bit of rest and eat, in order to take care of your Awen. I believe Awen will be her active form soon. HUG!

